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Everything posted by Myth

  1. Base variance, meaning 0% on slider... If slider is used, and depending on player stats, a hit can vary between 1 and a lot :p
  2. This is a guess. With the risk of war just around the corner, any and all communication channels between affected parties are likely to be requested stopped; a mechanic invoked by national security issues. Failure to comply to this might lead to the taking down of MD. So, my guess is that this measure is one taken as precaution. Guess I guessed wrong.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014%E2%80%9315_Russian_military_intervention_in_Ukraine Don't take it as is, but that's the gist of it.
  4. Alrighty then... Asthir ID: 249730 Active Days: 422 Land Citizenship: none Briskness: 21 (20.86+0.21)
  5. Rare creatures, indeed. There's no unfairness, Sasha, as it doesn't matter where the spent credits come from. The only thing one might complain about is the amount of time it would take to get to the 400 required credits, which would be a rather pointless complaint, if you ask me... eventually, everyone would have the creature. "When" isn't all thet important. As for another idea, the only thing I can think of at this time (something I haven't seen anywhere, yet) is a major overall stat boost.
  6. Posting to clarify the Berserker issue: Spent WP - got access - option remains in the Wish Shop Problem: option should have disappeared, making room for something deeper in the shop. (should this be in a separate topic?)
  7. Update Aside from my previous post, I also need a creature with about 530k heat and no tokens.
  8. Update I bought 2 creatures with 5 mil heat each, for 6 silver coins total. I only need one more creature to match the specifics above. As a note: "- no tokens, around 10.60 mil heat" can be broken into multiple creatures as long as the accumulated heat is 10.6 mil.
  9. I'd say it's more above than between. :P (overlapping scenes... different altitudes... quite difficult to put on my map >_<)
  10. Still happens, here. (collected, refreshed after some 20 minutes) Resources in the area: (updated) I repeated the process. - collect resource - don't wait for basket timer to reset - refresh - collect resource - wait for basket timer to reset - refresh Can't tell if it was fixed or if I did something different...
  11. I'm looking for the 2 creatures, which meet either of the following specifics: - no tokens, around 10.60 mil heat - 1 token, around 7.57 mil heat - 2 tokens, around 5.88 mil heat - 3 tokens, around 4.81 mil heat - 4 tokens, around 4.07 mil heat - 5 tokens, around 3.53 mil heat - 6 tokens, around 3.11 mil heat - 7 tokens, around 2.78 mil heat - 8 tokens, around 2.52 mil heat - 9 tokens, around 2.30 mil heat I don't care what tokens they have, as long as the number of them is as specified. I don't care what creature it is, though the cheapest is preferred. Also, I have no idea how much any of these would be worth, or if I could afford them. Please make offers, and I'll see if I can live up to them.
  12. The text framing could definitely use some tweaks, but I like this shady "face" :p
  13. Indeed. As far as I've seen, the latter cast spell cancels the first.
  14. Myth

    Creature Reset

    Actually, what I'm asking is to give the more excentric populace of MD the chance to reintroduce their wealth into circulation for "charity". :p At the same time, perhaps collecters (of creatures with old IDs?) would find this at least a little useful. :p Also, creature transfers won't be necessary. The key to the feature would be handed out to them, again, as it is with the Sunny Bedroom key.
  15. If Sunny Weather counters NM, would the rain or cloud spells counter it back? (edit: posted almost at the same time :P)
  16. Myth

    New ideas

    Creature Reset http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16271-creature-reset/
  17. Myth

    Creature Reset

    What would you say to the opportunity of resetting your creatures to what they were when first acquired, through means of a fee in coins? The fee would vary, based on the rarity of the creature. The fee would be for a basic reset, meaning the creature's name, age, heat and battles. For tokens, an additional fee of 1sc/token would be applied. (or less?) For instance: - 1sc / 1 NML or MB creature - 3sc / 1 LR or early Shop creature - 5sc / 1 NC or medium Shop creature - 7sc / 1 rare or late shop creature To add a bit more usefulness to this, the place this would be possible at would only be accessible by whoever holds a specific key and the gains of this would go to TKs. (just like the gains from renting the Sunny Bedroom do)
  18. I received them as a reward (for providing role items) in the form of one code. And I'd like to transform them into 4 codes of 5 credits each.
  19. Bumps again! I'll give this thread until the end of February, then nicely ask Chew / Mur to split my code up into 4. :p
  20. Sorry for the off-topic but, can't you people take a joke? :D
  21. @Chew - the file is missing from the message you sent to me
  22. - Player wants item X on account A - Player doesn't have item X in the shop list of account A - Player makes account B - Player doesn't have item X in the shop list of account B ... - Player makes account N - Player now item X in the shop list of account N - Player uses middle man to get item X from account N to account A - Player has successfully dodged a hell of a lot (or maybe less) of shuffles to get the item in the shop the way it was meant to be = less $ for MD I believe this is what Ary and Rhaegar are referring to. :P It is a loophole any way you look at it... aren't loopholes to be reported? (which is the intention of this thread, as far as I can tell)
  23. Are you talking about the capitalized terms you used in your post, or terms scattered throughout the texts you'll be sharing? grammer* :P [hr] Anyway, seeing as how there's no rush with this, you can MAY (edit: my apologies) add me as well :P
  24. To my knowledge, all rewards have been given out. I'll give this thread 1 week, starting today, for everyone to make sure they got what they should have and post here any misgivings which might have occurred, after which I'll request it to be closed.
  25. Not saying that it's right, but I believe Rophs' post announcing the WP award came after Blackrider had announced dst to have won 1st place in the mood panel. Edit: by all that I mean that, for all intense and purposes, dst probably didn't know about the WP sponsorship by the time she had won.
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