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Everything posted by Shemhazaj

  1. bumpity bump bump bump my coins are getting restless ;)
  2. Not to mention that such approach is usually more effective than demanding sanctions and speaking of "acts of war"
  3. Indeed I have a mop, but it's not a usable item.
  4. really? I lost my research long time ago so I might be wrong... anyway I meant that scary-as-hell from Z's bestiary, whatever it is :P
  5. Aqua! (or as mr Z named it "Monsieur de la Croix")
  6. true. doubled account. one's inactive for over 2 years as well. Happy b-day anyway I guess.
  7. Don't think anyone got banned today and the post is from today...
  8. Chewett's admin. And his votes show.
  9. stumbled upon that: topic/post: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15262-re-application-to-loreroot/?p=149192 I have refreshed and cleared cache and still it doesn't add up. can someone check if that's a bug or my lappy can't count? :P (it has no fingers to count on them after all...) Edit: By someone I mean anyone who'd be so kind and checked if he/she also sees it added incorrectly.
  10. First things first. You got neg reps because people don't agree with your opinion, not because you supporting anyone. Don't get paranoid. Also not quite sure who you meant by "power elite" just now. Anyway, to get to any land you have to pass a vote. To pass a vote you have to make citizens want to vote for you. It's not like it was before application and "click" granted. Lands have their own governments and laws and responsibilities and events and more. The negative tone with which Granite started this topic might be why he got the negative response. Not just quite from Lorerootians you might notice. You say "only the right sort of people get in" yes, it's the kind that doesn't demand to be voted for, the kind that goes to people and talks to them. That's how one can get people to want him in. ("want him in" not just "let him in" ) And that's what I believe he was asked to do.
  11. You are kinda missing the point of this topic. You are to convince Lorerootians to vote for you. Ignoring questions might not quite work for your advantage.
  12. why not just cast it the usual way, one after another? with "preparing" few spells in a notebook you can control the spells, targets and order quickly easily and more precise than hardcoded multicast.
  13. Sorry for late wishes as well. Nevertheless all the best!
  14. To be completely honest, I don't think ability to attack my drachs would make newbies feel accepted. Even more so, attacking random rit like trees with a single aramor (on random pray power) that still kills them without taking any damage. I'm not criticizing the idea, only making a point that for it to work all MP5s would need to try to show new MP3s that they can be fought against. Personally I don't see that happening. I always thought mind power lvls were to prepare people for next lvl and that every step up is harder. Wouldn't letting MP3 attack MP5 be discouraging?
  15. Uhm. My trouble with balance is that I AM balanced. Which makes it hard for me to gain honor from fights. When I was a noob I also were told I could never defeat players like SS or Lifeline. Somehow I managed tho, numerous times. You can still get to the very top if you're dedicated enough. Especially since "gods" (as you call them) aren't eternal. They also get weary and leave the arena for other fighters to train and rule.
  16. and it seems the title I gave "people-outside-main-lands" is wrong. Sorry about that. I'll fix it. edit: Done. It's not limited to outside only anymore. Hope this will help.
  17. Awiiya was granted more than a tag tho (lot more). And it wasn't only for "staying in the same place for years". His role in the realm was bit more complicated than that :P
  18. Separated from the main posts to avoid going totally off topic.
  19. I started the topic since the conversation log was made public and I felt I needed to comment it. Mya also explained her point of view (which is understandable, emotions make people act rash) I believe no further public comments are necessary. I'd like to request mods to close the topic. thank you.
  20. So I've stumbled upon a conversation that took place and was made public. Since the person who had that conversation doesn't want to talk to me in person, (and it already was made public) I believe some words are due here on the forum. anyway, here's what I'm referring to: [spoiler] [12/01/14 12:59] Kyphis: (zzzzzz..... I sleep from 13:00:00 ST until 22:00:00 ST.... zzzzzzz) [12/01/14 23:45] :*Mya Celestia* stomps over to the bar [12/01/14 23:46] :*Mya Celestia* snatches a mug from the bar and throws it at the wall [12/01/14 23:54] :Valoryn ducks as soon as he enters the quarters [12/01/14 23:54] *Mya Celestia*:Shattered Illusions!!! He went to Shattered Illusions!!! [12/01/14 23:54] :*Mya Celestia* throws another mug [12/01/14 23:55] Valoryn: *ducks again* That he did... [12/01/14 23:55] *Mya Celestia*:I didn't want to believe it *she chokes* [12/01/14 23:56] *Mya Celestia*:I knew in my gut he would that jerk [12/01/14 23:56] Valoryn: *stands again* Me neither. *hugs Mya* But it happened... [12/01/14 23:56] *Mya Celestia*: *hugs Val tightly* I feel so betrayed [12/01/14 23:58] Valoryn:You tell me... *sighs a little* He guided me in my first steps in this realm. I had him as high as a mentor. Now, I don't know what to think anymore... [12/01/14 23:58] *Mya Celestia*:He [12/01/14 23:58] *Mya Celestia*:He's essentially gone to the enemy. [12/01/14 23:59] *Mya Celestia*:He couldn't have hurt us any more than he did joining them [12/01/14 23:59] Valoryn: *nods* I know. [13/01/14 00:01] Valoryn:But breaking all the mugs won't change that. [13/01/14 00:01] *Mya Celestia*:He's lucky I don't have a killing item or he'd be dead [13/01/14 00:01] *Mya Celestia*:Not that it would matter because his precious dst would just revive him [13/01/14 00:03] Valoryn: *nods* That wouldn't change anything either. [13/01/14 00:03] *Mya Celestia*: *sighs* I know. I'm just so angry. [13/01/14 00:03] *Mya Celestia*:And he'd know just how angry I am [13/01/14 00:04] Valoryn:I understand. [13/01/14 00:04] *Mya Celestia*: (now I get how Obiwan felt when Anakin turned) [13/01/14 00:05] Valoryn:If it makes you feel any better, you can keep throwing mugs at me. (Yes, same here too.) [13/01/14 00:05] *Mya Celestia*: *shakes her head* It's not your fault. [13/01/14 00:06] Valoryn: *smiles a little* I know, but sometimes it helps set the feelings that overwhelm us free. [13/01/14 00:08] *Mya Celestia*:I'm still thinking killing him but I can't do it myself so it wouldn't have the same feeling. [13/01/14 00:09] Valoryn: *nods in understanding* I don't think it would change anything. Not for the better, at least. [13/01/14 00:10] *Mya Celestia*:No, it likely wouldn't. *sighs* [13/01/14 00:11] *Mya Celestia*:Once the emotion burns off, I'll be ok [13/01/14 00:12] Valoryn: *smiles* I know. [13/01/14 00:12] *Mya Celestia*:At the moment, I want to beat him with a club until he's a pile of mush. [13/01/14 00:14] Valoryn:I admit I was feeling the same way when I first saw him with that badge, a few days after our Yule ceremony. [13/01/14 00:14] Valoryn:Now I pity him. And sometimes, pity is a stronger feeling than anger or hate. [13/01/14 00:14] *Mya Celestia*:Pity him? Why? [13/01/14 00:15] Valoryn:Because his roots proved to be weak and frail and that's a very bad thing for someone who calls himself a druid. [13/01/14 00:19] *Mya Celestia*:He spits on the druids with this [13/01/14 00:20] Valoryn: *nods* He does. [13/01/14 00:21] *Mya Celestia*:The coward told me he was stressed out and couldn't handle the pressure in Loreroot any more. [13/01/14 00:21] *Mya Celestia*:What pressure? I did everything! [13/01/14 00:22] *Mya Celestia*:Couldn't be leader of the Guardians. Like he did anything there either. [13/01/14 00:22] Valoryn:That's how I interpreted his words as well (in both the alliance chat and the forum) . [13/01/14 00:23] *Mya Celestia*: *shakes her head* I should have known....I should have seen this coming long ago. [13/01/14 00:23] *Mya Celestia*:I knew he was friends with her. He has been for a long time. [13/01/14 00:24] *Mya Celestia*:Now he's in an alliance that won't care what he does [13/01/14 00:25] Valoryn:I had a feeling he would leave, since last summer. Pure gut instinct and nothing more. I couldn't have imagined he would have joined them though. [13/01/14 00:31] *Mya Celestia*: (I have to go make something for supper. thanks for listening) [13/01/14 00:32] Valoryn: (No problem. I'm going to bed now, since I need to wake up early for work tomorrow, but if you need anything, I'm here.) [/spoiler] First things first. I resigned from my positions and left Loreroot because of REAL LIFE pressure and tiredness. I don't see how that makes me a coward or a jerk. I simply had no time or will to keep up to date with land issues, votings, events and such. It's also untrue, that I did nothing as land leader. Loreroot gov tags, Silvan Watch item and tags, negotiations with Council about reviving CoE are just few things I was working on. But that's not important really. As I said that was not the reason I quit. My personal life made it impossible to work further on that and other assignments. You might wonder why not just resign from leadership and remain part of the land? Voting system is one of such reasons. Inactive (and I already missed some votes) players, especially those with huge land loyalty (over 1100) greatly lower chances of successful vote. Didn't want to drag the land down. With my time limited I still didn't wish to leave MD. Have quite a few friends here, even if some proved to be rather fragile. With my balance issues and relatively little fighting now I felt it necessary to be in an alliance. There are very few alliances that are neutral to any of the main lands. Without internal structure. I fail to see how joining such alliance is joining an enemy. I do know that Mya dislikes dst, but personal dislikes are, well, personal. SI never was hostile towards Loreroot, and even dst personal issues have ended after a deal I made (as a part of Consul work) with her stopped both her and No One's resource depletion. There are also less important reasons why I chose SI.: "My mind got absent, troubles from different realm weary me. My illusions have shattered. I shall step down into the shadows and quietly wander the realm" I never was and never will be Loreroot's enemy. Even if you call me names and "pity me". Leaving Loreroot was not easy to me. All my active time in MD was dedicated to the land. In good and worse times. But what's really depressing is that people who had issues with my actions didn't even try to talk to me. And whatever you say, I still am a druid that walks a shaded path.
  21. to clarify things. I don't expect to be very active anytime soon, but I don't plan to leave completely. I'm not able to fulfill my duties as a leader, that's why I felt the need to resign of being a part of GotR and Loreroot. I still hope to wander the realm aimlessly every now and then.
  22. hello you might have noticed I haven't been around much for quite some time. and I don't believe it's going to change anytime soon. still, I don't want to part with this realm. It has grown on me and I have grown within it. My time here is limited and I feel tired. I cannot be a Land representative and I am not fit to lead the alliance. I leave GotR in the good hands of Mya and Sunfire. I trust them both, always have. I will be always part of the Forest, lost in the woods, even if my path leads elsewhere. Forest will prevail. Hope you'll understand. See you around. Shemhazaj.
  23. I'm just a silly man who needs a shave and wears a fur coat...

    1. Maebius


      Nothing silly about that, unless it's too warm out for fur. :)

  24. Here are the pics. Not as fancy, but I was in a hurry... I did test it tho, I got wet, but it is working! :P [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  25. Was my improvised rain collector worthy an item as well or not? It's the one that was created right after the FB announcement, before this topic was created, that's why I never posted the pics here. Just a question, not a complaint or anything. :P
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