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Posts posted by Lazarus

  1. On 1/14/2020 at 6:41 PM, Muratus del Mur said:

    notification box appearing when moving to another scene smaller (width-wise)


    note: not sure if i want to change this , i plan to use these notifications for many more things now that they are so visible

    This needs to be repositioned for now if you're not planning on adding anything important to it, it completely covers the playernames and arrows in some scenes for 7-8 seconds and it's pretty annoying.

    Scene Notifications

  2. It's possible that you've already purchased all the items under that category and couldn't remember, Kinetic Memory is a fairly new feature in the MD shop so that's what stayed, or it could be a bug.

    The creature you're referring to is the colored Animated Tree btw.

  3. An absolute favorite of mine; 'There Will Be Blood' with Daniel Day-Lewis playing Daniel Plainview. Telling you why would be distasteful and disrespectful to the movie.

    Edit: I thought you were asking about a favorite character.

  4. If the regen counter is to be changed, I think it should be localized to MP4's and up as MP3's mostly rely on the regen counter to heal/upgrade their creatures, it's not as much about the AP these days. There are ways for the VP to be regained if you know how to, relying on the counter itself to recover it would take a long time.

  5. "The true horror of religion is that it allows perfectly sane, intelligent people to believe by the billions what only lunatics or imbeciles could believe in their own. 

    If you wake up tomorrow morning thinking that saying a few Latin words over your pancakes is going to turn them into the body of Elvis Presley, you have lost your mind. But if you think more or less the same thing about a cracker and the body of Jesus, you're just a Catholic."

    - Sam Harris

  6. Though joining an alliance is the optimal choice when it comes to universal combat, fighting an MP7 at your stage is your best option for now, as alliances are not formed for that purpose alone. The realm is mostly composed of MP3's and MP5's, perhaps it's time to also make some changes/revisions in the MP concept.

  7. Waiting for enlightenment in global village I think is a lost cause, we can barely even take care of ourselves yet. Us-themming has its roots in the evolution of our species, which makes sense looking back millenias in the past, but I think it is nothing more than a neighbourly extension of kin-selection. I think we needed to craft certain kinds of iron-age myths and beliefs that forms cultures and traditions to control thousands even millions of the members of our society and we feel the need to preserve them, so to succeed, we create borders as to not let wandering Janes and Joes who we deem as aliens enter our turf. Imperial expansion and resource allocation is also a major contributor to this global monopoly and in some cases, it's driven by our own collective narcissism.

    Borders I think is founded in trust, without the concept of borders, we'd still be trying to expand our realm by waging war with each other for whatever reason, even with this we're still trying to broaden our backyards bit by bit by creating "china towns" or any form of seclusion within a foreign land.

    So to answer your question, borders can be necessary if it's main purpose is to filter out people who we suspect will cause disorganization, but not necessary enough to welcome change, if these migrants are adaptable then there will be no need I think, but then again this entirely depends on what kind of upbringing they have and what practices or culture they grew up in.


    1 hour ago, Muratus del Mur said:

    You people complain that the elements are not centered but then complain why the edge panels are so far away when they are.

    Word by word what you are asking is the old interface, (that is still available under old-layout.php btw)

    Screens of that size are wide for a reason, otherwise they would have made them vertical not horizontal. Why would i try to fit everything central and on vertical when there is so much space horizontally?


    Are you sure its about not liking the new layout and not actually about not liking change in md in general?

    I am sorry, maybe later i will do other layouts  md fully suports variable layout..but now ita just crazy to do what you ask when entire design moves in the opposite direction, i am actually sad i can't make something you all like.

    Ps. Fang, mallos was showing me the wings in the scene, i asked him for that scene screen..so your comment made no sense

    You make changes as big as this, be prepared for complaints, I don't even think anyone here is complaining, I think they're just pointing out some issues as you instructed them to do. Nobody even asked that you change the interface, you did it on your own volition because of your one of your newfound motivation bursts. This will stagnate again soon, guaranteed.

    Personally, I don't like the interface change and I don't think this is the kind of change that is MD needs right now.

  9. I'm big on creature names, I don't know if anyone feels the same way about it like I do, so I suggest an MD Shop feature that lets you do a creature name change with limited availability (e.g. 10 or 15, like creature slots). If this had been suggested before or it already exists then there's no need to. 

  10. I, Madamme Marcus Lazarus III; Chieftess of Loreroot, Empress of Necrovion, Daughter of the Eclipse, and the Alpha female of the Powerpuff Triad, hereby give Princess Fang Archgay my blessing to lead us into the full conquest of the realm.

    With dedication, perseverance and enough sass, I believe we can achieve the promise land, that is the divine MagicDuel realms in all its glory.

    One Ring to rule them all! Hail feminism!

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