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Posts posted by Lazarus

  1. I wanted to join the quest, but my current character situation prevents me to, and also knowing that Seigheart will be hosting the quest was enough for me to not participate.

    We will all have our chances winning the same prize from a better and proper quests in the future, or with prizes worth more than the spell. The quest itself had absolutely nothing to do with fear, it was irresponsible, disorganized and chaotic. I also fail to see the point of asking the players about their strengths and weaknesses, to me it just added that "omg it sounds so cool" effect, and the last turn-off would be the nonsense voting of who should live / die that relies on how popular / likeable the person is, there are no character tests or whatsoever. This is by far the worst quest I have ever seen, no offense.

  2. Grinding or not, it's still grinding, because it is and will always be a big, fat, [b][u]GRINDING[/u][/b].

    [quote]We will not, however, be selling Angiens, and that's sheerly out of respect to my land, its people, and their wishes.[/quote]

    So you're telling us you have no respect for Loreroot? Or are you being a f***ing hypocrite again? Ah whatever, I can't control you two idiots anyways.

  3. Well we can never be sure about that Shem, there are people like Falsh Nubrigar, February, Padishar Creel, Tom Pouce (?) etc for MP3's, me and Innocence and the others for MP4's who started their "MP vows" long before Eon's rise. I'm not certain why they would remain at their current MP level, for dominance or research maybe? Or they will decide to advance soon, but like I said, we can never be sure about their advancing. Not a big deal anyways, I was just pointing out the equality for all MP levels to actually have them involved, not just giving them the illusion or "feeling" of involvement to these kinds of competitions or any other events in MD.

  4. I agree with the idea of re-modifying the HC, although I still don't know why MP3's got excluded from participating, now MP4's will face the same fate.

    Heads Contest went from "toughest fighter contest" to "idling contest" in my opinion and needs some modifications, modifications in terms of who will participate and who are willing to go for it. Forget the automated thing, it's not working anymore because there aren't enough participants. It should be met with enough players in order to start, or make it a 2 times a year event to give the new players enough time figure out the fighting system, learn some good strategies etc. before having them join the contest.

    No offense to anyone who are supporting to make the HC exclusively for MP5's, but the idea will bring MD a small amount of disinterest to some to continue playing. I think these kinds of small exclusions and unnecessary changes are the reasons why people leave MD in the first place. A certain percentage of the population are only interested in fighting, now it will be taken away from them. Take away the HC from MP4's and let the MP5's have all the fun and let them swim in an ocean full of glowing jelly fishes and colorful sea-unicorns. What's the next thing to be taken away from lower MP levels? Citizenships? Alliance invites? There are a lot of MP4 participants in this HC, I fail to see the reason as to why they (we) should be excluded.

    Lastly, this obnoxious mass mind control of what you should do at your current MP level, is a complete and utter BS. A player do anything he wants, he can be a fighter in any MP he chooses to be, and I really think we should let them realize the concepts of the game and let them choose what level they think they can be a fighter. Different battle outcomes? Sure, atleast they discovered some enlightenment on their way up, enabling them to see a larger picture of the fighting system. I'm saying this because I believe this is the root of the reasoning about the MP exclusions, some kind of a misplaced sense of classification of the MP levels, thus having them excluded in some particular events such as this.

  5. I love how this thread about a TEST contest went off topic, a very usual MD forum thread.

    Anyways, to answer your question DD:
    [quote][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]It was more than enough. I had my score up to 4k, but then a bug came which decreased score+heads wherever I went, lasted more than 10 hours.[/color][/font][/quote]
    HC's are UNFAIR, whether there are bugs or not. I once had almost 30k score and it went down to 20k in less than 6 hours, did I whine about it? No. There are certain places which decreases the heads (other than sanctuaries), and I found out where those places are, I don't lose heads now because I don't go to those places anymore, it's just a matter of discovery DD. Complaining won't solve any problems.

    Oh, and I think there's a reason why this is called "Test contest," anybody figured that out yet?

  6. [quote]
    mp3, mp4, mp5, mp6 will be able to fight togheter, fight each other

    My mistake, I don't like this idea at all, I thought same MP levels will only be able to fight their own, MP5's will just eat the poor MP3's and MP4's alive. I see no point for the lower MP's to participate as they will only fail to the ruling veterans (except ofcourse if you are popular and they give you some pity to win, or if you have the same stats as February). I don't know if this is implemented yet or not, but if it's not yet implemented and you are open to suggestions, I'd like to give some: BHC restricted only for MP5's and MP6's, or each MP levels have their own divisions.

    And also Fang, this is not a charity event, it's either you're in or you're out.

  7. Welcome forums Benjamin, I hope you're have a great time in the realm, just keep on discovering and unveiling the mysteries as it will be vital to your roleplay and character in the later stages. We have spoken a few times in game, so again, if ever you need some help or have some questions, just send me a message and I will gladly help you. Happy duelling!

  8. You people have no new ideas or opinions about the matter anymore, you're just looking for loopholes from each others posts and attack it to fulfill your insecurities about yourselves and to attract attention. Points have been made already, we know their purpose, and Piss Piss is secretly laughing in the dark corners of Romania as we speak, only one thing left to do before you close this thread; and that is to recognize Dark Demon for all his efforts because let's face it, if it wasn't for him, Amoran and the others who are actually part of the alliance will remain handicapped, right? Someone please recognize the recognition-hungry people.

    Until then, everybody will be satisfied, so it would make so much sense for this to be closed afterwards.

  9. I hate to say this, but I have to agree with dst here too. I also received this letter ingame and I didn't respond cos I didn't wanna hurt their feelings, but since this has been brought up I'll take the opportunity to express my opinions about this.

    CoE and the people who were in it always had my full support, so as the members of Necrovion, until now, but I won't consider the methods used for bringing it back. As Yrth has said, this is not how you regain an alliance. It's not that they're lazy to work, or they are cheating, frankly I don't see anything wrong with it, but it is unethical in my own personal view. If they really want it back, the members should prove that they deserve it, not for the sake of just having an alliance, I said this because most of the people in MD specially the newcomers wants to be in an alliance just to have the damn badge to display and to brag about, I know this because I did it before and it is still happening now, and that is not how alliances work.

    The Children of the Eclipse is still existing, it exists inside those people who are passionate about it, the only difference is that you have no badge. Act as if nothing is wrong and the alliance is still alive and you will have a very high chance of getting the alliance back instead of using the methods that was presented, because for all we know, those kind of stuff only attracts the negative people and they will just bring you down, but as long as you stay humble they will back off like a pair of testicles during the winter season. I will do my best to help Amoran regain the CoE back in force with the Lorerootian people.

    One last point, the public is there for their own votes, I really think we shouldn't be controlling their decisions, because first it is none of our business (except for the people like Tipu who sell their votes), and second we can't really control people, but whatever the results of the votes are, we should wholeheartedly accept it, even though it's just a mere popularity contest, if they like you, you'll have everything, if they don't then goodluck, you also can't blame the public, as 60%-80% of them are lacking the capacity to think critically and fairly. We'll see when the voting ends.

  10. 1. Tipu - Jail Key [Score - 10]

    2. Leixer - Eleixer of Death [Score - 9]

    3. No one - Traveler's shoes item [Score - 8]

    4. Dragonrider - Token Melting spell [Score - 7]

    5. Burns - Drach Melodic Charm [Score - 6]

    6. Liberty - Seduction lvl 9 Spell Doc [Score - 5]

    7. Grido - 1000 Land loyalty pts [Score - 4]

    8. Tal - Ability to change the viscosity in LR to high amounts [Score - 3]

    9. Seigheart - Ancient key to Mur's Dominion [Score -2]

    10. Phantasm - Access to Dominion [Score - 1]

  11. Selfish for me is just pure selfishness to profit oneself and no one else.

    I will vote for the most selfish requests, because that's what the council asked. No bias or whatsoever either. These are the most selfish requests that I've seen so far and should be granted in my opinion.

    My top 10:

    1. Tipu - Jail Key [color=#b22222][Score - 10][/color]

    2. Leixer - Eleixer of Death [color=#b22222][Score - 9][/color]

    3. No one - Traveler's shoes item [color=#b22222][Score - 8][/color]

    4. Dragonrider - Token Melting spell [color=#b22222][Score - 7][/color]

    5. Burns - Drach Melodic Charm [color=#b22222][Score - 6][/color]

    6. Liberty - Seduction lvl 9 Spell Doc [color=#b22222][Score - 5][/color]

    7. Grido - 1000 Land loyalty pts [color=#b22222][Score - 4][/color]

    8. Tal - Ability to change the viscosity in LR to high amounts [color=#b22222][Score - 3][/color]

    9. Seigheart - Ancient key to Mur's Dominion [color=#b22222][Score - 2][/color]

    10. Phantasm - Access to Dominion [color=#b22222][Score - 1][/color]

    [color=#000000]This could be changed if there will be some changes.[/color]

    EDIT: Changed the voting system and removed unnecessary words.

  12. I want to share this piece of music from the movie "Passion of the Christ." It is just so beautifully done that I have to share it to everyone. The beat of the drums, the angelic yet diabolic voice of the choir, the sequencing, pitch, tonality, everything comes from the heart, this is how it affects me.


  13. This is merely a hybrid of update and a little rant.

    Due to the events that has happened to my old, and now, a recent transaction such as non-payment and non redeeming of my service from three players, I will be raising the price starting[color=#b22222] February 1st[/color] of this year to keep it from the wrong hands such as the ones that I have mentioned. It has happened on multiple occasions now.

    I am conducting a business here to raise funds on my upcoming quest this year, it will be my first one and I am looking for it to be a massive hit, but to accomplish this, [color=#ff0000]I expect to be paid for my service[/color].

    Now, I understand if the timing isn't right sometimes, but atleast send me a lousy message via forum or in-game as I am active 24 hours even if I am at work to let me know the next step. Do not tell me your excuses as I gave all of you three (you know very well who you are) a deadline of sending me a notification about the payment. I made an affordable price for the majority of the players to get a hold of, but since it is being taken advantage of, I had a change of heart. I will increase the price from:

    [color=#daa520][b]2 Gold Coins[/b][/color] - to - [b][color=#daa520]4 Gold Coins[/color][/b]
    [b][color=#b22222]$15 Credits[/color][/b] - to - [b][color=#b22222]$40 Credits[/color][/b]

    And this time, [color=#b22222]payment first before I surrender to your demands[/color]. I do hope you all understand. It is my time that I am sacrificing here, I spend 2-3 hours of work for one_single_artwork, add to that the time I spend for changes / remodifications / waiting / re-doing of the artworks.

    I will let go of those incidents and will bury it as a part of my past, as I understand I have a very bad reputation from my time before and I will count it as my own personal karma, but know this, the next time this happens, not only will the MD court be involved, I will also have you be a subject of my own "personal involvement."

    And by the way, don't bother to ask for my services if you won't use your avatar in game, it just breaks my heart knowing that I spent my time on it, just to find out that you won't use it anyways. It's just saddening.

    That is all I have to share, my rantings and update ends now. Thank you for reading and for understanding.
    And ofcourse, happy duelling to all.

    [EDIT: This has absolutely nothing to do with the bidders, this is about a specific person not responding to my messages after I've done the artworks and not redeem it, the same happened to the other but in this case he got it, just didn't hear from him since. [color=#ff0000][b]This can now be locked[/b][/color].]

  14. [color=#000000]Update:[/color][b][color=#ff0000] This avatar will no longer be available due to technical issues.[/color][/b]

    [s]However, the bidding will still continue until 00:00 server time today. To compensate for the loss, I will do a very fine quality of an avy of the winner's choosing. It will be available for preview 4 hours after the bidding has ended, should the bidders notify me to continue or cancel this offer.

    I will be waiting until 23:00 server time for the response by posting here or via forum PM. If I don't hear anything then I will just cancel it.

    I apologize for the disappointment.[/s]

    [color=#ff0000][b]EDIT : [/b][/color][color=#b22222]I've decided to do each of the bidders an avatar of their choosing for the price they have offered, if they are interested that is. Just PM me the complete details of the avatar you want me to make and I will work on it asap. And again, I apologize for the disappointment.[/color]

    [color=#000000]This thread can be closed now.[/color]

  15. I will also offer to whoever wins this avatar a re-modification based on whatever their preferences are. This is roughly a standard sketching. If they want it to make a one-eyed Fiju-looking avatar, I can do that. It is editable.

  16. I agree with Rhaegar, the procedure is rather inconvenient specially for me, because my reputation has been horrifically stained to the lowest level, but it would be great if we just shut up and do what the council says, they are the one who gave us this opportunity and it gave us a chance to wish / request that we want, we should be grateful they came up with this.

    As for me I have multiple requests/wishes. I will be most selfish about them as I really want to acquire these to be able to play my role well:

    1. I wish for my item's name "[color=#b22222]Heart in a Jar[/color]" to be replaced with "[color=#b22222]Heart of Lazarus[/color]," its functionality will be to resurrect the deceased, as this will be the[color=#b22222] [u]most essential[/u] [/color]piece to my character's story and roleplay.

    2. I wish for a killing item call it "[color=#808080]Black Liquid[/color]." It is a very poisonous substance that comes out of Lazarus' body with a very foul and unbearable smell. I don't know how to say this without spoiling my plot, but let's just say I need this for the latter time.

    [s]3. I wish for a reviving spell called "Kiss of Resurrection" to resurrect the deceased. My character's essence is resurrection, so it would be sensible for Lazarus to have this spell.[/s]

    4. I wish for my own flag, just like Shadowseeker's, and it will be called "[color=#a52a2a]The Infernal Order[/color]," I will choose and hand out the invites to those characters who deserves them, ofcourse I have to see whether they have the qualities I am looking for or not.

    [s]5. I wish for my own place within the realm, I will provide the artworks if needed.[/s]

    6. The sixth and final one: the return of my Bull creature that I've received from Christmas 2009 -or- the Necrovion creature on Zleiphneir's Bestiary page (the one he won from Kafuuka's quest about torturing devices). My reason is I want to collect all Necrovion creatures and it is ofcourse a part of my character's loyalty to Necrovion.

    I do realize that these are ridiculously insane, but these kinds of chances only goes once in our MD lifetime, so there they are. Also, it will strictly be for my character's story and roleplay, nothing else.

    EDIT: Forget the 5th one, that was too much.
    EDIT 2: Merged the 3rd with the Heart's functionality. Also, changed names.

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