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Fyrd Argentus

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Everything posted by Fyrd Argentus

  1. I have never heard of Ace low in poker (gin-rummy yes, but not poker). But in this game, a 0 digit is a 10 and only a ten. Besides, we don't want the straight to be too easy, or it shouldn't beat 4 of a kind. I still worry if that's the case.
  2. Word of advice - you do NOT want to join an alliance at MP3, there are serious issues. Talk to me if you need more detail.
  3. In cards, a straight-flush is a run of numbers with the same suit (e.g., 3 thru 7 of hearts). I have not calculated the odds for CID Poker, so if this catches on, and we learn more, we might have to redefine the hands and call it just a regular straight (with value less than 4-of-a-kind). Examples: ID 680921 would not be a straight-flush. Rearranged it would be 1-2-6-8-9-10 which is NOT a run of 5 numbers. This would just be "10 high". Zero is strictly a 10, and does not come before 1. With 650234 you could make a straight-flush, that being 2-3-4-5-6 and discard the 10.
  4. I have found that - surprise, surprise - people are very possessive, personal, and fussy, about their papers. My one project to help somebody with their papers was a most unsatisfying (for both of us) waste of time. This needs to remain a secondary service offered, as it would be doomed as a primary function. We can (and should) encourage, promote, copy-edit -- but the creation probably has to come from the heart of the owner to be successful. That is the essence of role-play. Capturing events (Lay of the GGG, Kyphis's work with Mya's murder) has been much more DO-ABLE.
  5. Creature-ID Poker This is a gambling game where you challenge other players to come up with winning poker hands from their creature ID's. To play: 1. Identify yourself in your public log as a CID Poker player. 2. Find another player you think you might beat. 3. Challenge them, and get agreement on terms -- What stakes? ("For honor", 1 SC, a bird, whatever) -- Exclusions (Known champions, for instance) 4. The Play: -- Challenger reveals a "hand" of 5 digits from one creature ID first. -- Defender concedes or reveals a better "hand". -- Challenger may reveal an even better "hand" and so forth until one party concedes. 5. Loser pays off the winner with agreed wage -- Be prepared to prove you have the ID you claim if challenged -- Fraud is punishable per game rules -- Cheaters also risk public humiliation and a bad rep that will haunt them forever. 6. The hands, from best to worst are: -- 5 of a kind -- 4 of a kind -- Full House (three of one kind, two of another) [b]-- Straight (run of 5)[/b] <--- CHANGE! -- 3 of a kind -- Two Pair -- Pair -- Highest Card (note 0 represents a "10" and is high). 7. Reputation – I fully expect it to get around who has winning combinations. These should be posted in this thread, so that they may be excluded either explicitly, or by saying "nothing already posted".
  6. http://www.ellisisland.org/shipping/FormatTripPass.asp?sship=Weser&BN=P00357-9&lineshipid=969&shipid=966 Passenger list, arriving at Ellis Island (NY) 1893. Three Marduccis travelling together. Edit when I realized Aelis beat me to it: Filameno is mentioned in the list found by Aelis, but this link gives two small children traveling with her.
  7. I hate nuclear science, I think they got it all wrong, and I have my own theories on that. No comment on the bestiality.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. apophys


      Dang, there is a limit to how long a comment can be. O_O

      As I was saying:

      i.e. regular fusion, geothermal energy, and solar power. Wind, tide, dams, etc are great but limited in how much power they can provide; fission needs fissionable material which will run out; biofuels need land which is limited.

      I envision solar panels in space being humanity's major future power source (specifically at the Lagrange points in the Earth-Sun system), because I imagine solar panels...

    3. apophys


      are cheaper and easier to deal with than fusion plants, and volcanoes are not particularly fun to have nearby.

      Geez, that was long...

    4. Curiose


      Well.. actually, Geothermal uses of energy are cheaper, depending on where you live, and also, they're less available in areas say the eastern US. BUt despite that, if you live in an area that does have geothermal vents and such, you can use that [and actually make your own "plant," and harvest it for your own uses quite easily. Solar panels are also quite expensive, especially if you want to use them in expansive quanitities, as with anything else.

  8. Lost Path Treasure Quest - Genesis story - from Ailith's Festival. All of my instruments are made from the remains of people that were important in my life, for better or worse. Anyway, I have been using my music to explore the spirit realm here in MD, and I have contacted many spirits, which you may have been hearing about in the Lost Path quest. This is the story of the only one I have fully connected with. I had a vision of some sort of plant beneath a wheel. I searched under the windmill,the wheel on the fenths press, And finally found it beneath the wheel of the wishing well. I touched this pathetic little plant and it spoke to me. Apparently, this poor soul was once a guard but got in trouble for smuggling smoking materials to the other guards I wonder if it was nightshade, but he claimed it was just to help them relax He was bannished from the main guard and set to guard the princess's treasures And ended up incarnated as a plant for his trouble He has since repented his ways, and wished to abandon his duties He asked me to take the treasure off his hands He said that the stone by my foot was magically transformed And that all I needed was the password. And that he would give it to mee if I showed I could calm down without the weed. So, I relaxed, and gradually got all my AP back But he said that wasn't enough I had to go deeper So I thought a while, and went into deeper meditation on all the magical lands I knew of (i.e. accessed free credits) And gained extra ap At which point he told me I would always be my own person, never over-mastered by the addictive weed. And told me the incantation was encrypted on teh bottom of the bucket in the well. So I went to the well, thought "bottom of the bucket" and low and behold I saw the words "Cigar Network Calm" Now, I struggled with that riddle for a long time I contacted other spirits, and was overwhelmed So I started the Lost Path Treasure quest to get help But weeks have gone by Finally, I solved this one on my own. I knew I was looking for a gem or something and noticed If you break it down in syllables You get a GAR-NET in the middle. So I had "Ci garnet work calm" "Ci" phonetically becomes "See" So the incantation was "See Garnet work-calm" All my archive research led me to understand the translation issue calm - trnaquil - peace That was it! "work-peace" becomes "Workpiece" So I used the incantation on the rock "See garnet workpiece" and it worked! The rock transformed itself into a garnet, and I had found one of the treasures. So that is the story of the first (or thirteenth) task of the quest. This one is done, but I still need everybody's help on the rest. So, please, help on the quest. Thank you.
  9. Congrats I am Bored - first task in LPT Quest solved!

  10. Congrats, I am Bored. Just to clarify - each player can also find that same treasure. Consider it your own personal psychic copy of the true item which is floating somewhere in the spirit world..... These are not "items" in the MD game sense.... This inventory you can only see in the Magic Mirror....
  11. Um, I'm on day 164 and beat No One's random defense more often than not. I like to think I'm doing okay. But why were you asking?
  12. Fyrd Argentus wanders by, puffing on his bagpipes. Fyrd Argentus: I'm getting better at this. Fyrd Argentus: You should have TWO minutes at the top of each hour now. Fyrd Argentus: And of course it's odd, but blame the spirits, not me! Fyrd Argentus: Visions are fragile things... Fyrd Argentus: I'm putting all the hints I can find in the notes in MDA.... Fyrd Argentus: Do look those over carefully.
  13. Two weeks, and nobody has completed even a single task yet. Some added incentives: Rewards for pickle points have been posted on my [Q] doc and include shop critters and gold coins. You can get pickle points for many things, including each task in this quest. Also, the FIRST person to actually complete a task within this quest will win silver. This bonus prize starts now at 1 sc, and will be increased gradually until somebody claims it.
  14. Okay Cutler, you're better at getting inside Mur's head and second guessing him than I am. + rep for the humor. I still maintain there is no image at a point, it is a singularity. Get the picture?
  15. Mur did not see fit to reply to me so I will post.... as a PhD Physical Chemist who has taught classes in quantum mechanics at Stanford University, I don't need the internet, and can tell you the answer to this well-known, textbook problem -- no "image" at a mathematical point, but rather an electromagnetic wave function at that point in space that follows the blackbody spectrum, which is dependant only on temperature. The only assumption here is that since he described a "hollow sphere" this must be of macroscopic scale - and that is not much of an assumption since a smaller sphere would have had atomic fine structure and not be well modeled as a continuous sphere. Yes, radio waves can be of macroscopic scale, but you don't "see" them.
  16. How can anybody accidentally paste an ITC into chat? You were set up.

    1. apophys


      More surprising is that he didn't clear chat afterward.

      It is certainly possible I was set up. I wish he'd comment.

  17. Shock. Coins are used to buy creatures. How can this distinction be made?
  18. Wolfs is the ONLY person I have EVER put on my ignore list. Enough said.
  19. Please close this. I have no plans to proceed.
  20. Please close this. Thanks.
  21. This is one experiment history HAS done for us. Reincarnation is an eastern philosophy that leads to balance and stability in large communities, as opposed to the western philosophy of constant striving and growth in a pioneering spirit towards a goal. Cyclic vs. linear. More interesting question to me is, what does it mean to "slow down"? After watching a wife take 5 years to die of liver disease and losing a son to psychiatric issues in the following years, I have "slowed down" a lot -- but it is a curious mixture of SELECTIVITY and fatigue that I am still trying to understand. I have more patience for some things, less for others. There is a big difference between "not caring any more" and "doing things thoroughly and carefully".
  22. My experience is that the multi-window screen is happening more and more often. It is happening in places it didn't used to, like ritual selection window, hitting the "charge!" button, etc. Watching the task bar it looks like there are about three phases that the loading goes through, saying "done", then one more thing, then "done" etc. As the complexity of the windows increases, they will take longer to load, and this problem will occur more. The ultimate solution is to rearrange the code sequence so that the LAST thing to load is what enables us to click on the window. Clicks that happen prior to the "all clear" signal should be ignored, not trigger safeties.
  23. Half full, half empty, or as the engineers would say -- the glass is the wrong size. This is about expectations. If your expectations don't fit what is in the game, change them! MD is a unique game in that the players create the game as they go along. If you're not happy with what is going on, remember that you have the power to shape it -- just like in real life. I don't know any other computer game where players can create games within games (quests) for other players.
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