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  1. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to No one in Month of Free Lands   
    First victories against the resources' menace :

    Lands freed from the burden of resource:
    - Land of the East - no more menacing Herbs
    - No Man's Land - no more dirty Herbs

    We will update shortly the new victories.
  2. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to No one in Feeding the Starving Elu   
    Indeed Phantasm, history is history.
    And all this is internal LotE business. Lets not spam this topic anymore. Already your post and mine are have been tainted.
  3. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Tarquinus in Reading a book or two ...   
    [i]"Tistou, the boy with green thumbs"[/i] seems to be the English title for those interested. I had some trouble finding it myself so I thought I would share.
  4. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to phantasm in Feeding the Starving Elu   
    As many of of you with Elu's already know, we Caretakers have retaken up the role of trying to keep starving Elus fed. The poor creatures do not deserve to go hungry in this world with so much candy about. As such we have started a PRIVATE list in which only CT people will be allowed to see it. This will help not only me, but all our CTs in order to hand out candy more effectively. If you have an Elu and wish to receive candy please send me an in game or forum PM stating as such. I understand privacy and the information will not be given out for any reason.

    It takes 3 candy to make each Elu happy until farmed for their paper. If you should choose that option it is of no worry to us, however since we may/may not get candy boxes each week (since they are resources free for all to gather), we may not always be able to keep your Elu happy. There are a lot of Elu's out there so please be patient if we have not gotten to you.

    Those who wish to help, I still buy candy 3 per 1sc. Donations are always welcome as well for the program. I did this once before the candy was horded and it worked quite well. I am excited to see this happening again.
  5. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    Looks like this is a topic without any winners, but only losers. I apologise in advance for the over all negativity of my post.

    First of all, I generally tend not to vote for those that feel the need to campaign for their cause more than others. Asking for votes to me is like admitting you think the original idea isn't enough to be able to win on its own and therefore you need to use other methods to get your votes.

    Dark Demon, what is your reason to want the CoE to return? I'm with Nimrodel on this one.

    Tarquinus, I'm starting to wonder if you actually want the CoE to be revived. Every time someone tries to put in some effort you seem to step back and say you should prove to deserve getting back the CoE. Wouldn't it make more sense to pick up every opportunity that arises to let it be known you are still alive? Support your cause. You shouldn't deserve back your alliance because of some popularity contest, but you should be able to win some popularity contest because you deserve back your alliance. (At least in this case, the CoE is rather popular.)

    Although I don't really like the way DST handled this, I do think it's a good thing she brought it to attention.[size=2] If only she were able to do it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the mood of all those somewhat involved...[/size]

    Regardles I would really love to see the CoE return, so please do continue trying to bring it back.
  6. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    Looks like this is a topic without any winners, but only losers. I apologise in advance for the over all negativity of my post.

    First of all, I generally tend not to vote for those that feel the need to campaign for their cause more than others. Asking for votes to me is like admitting you think the original idea isn't enough to be able to win on its own and therefore you need to use other methods to get your votes.

    Dark Demon, what is your reason to want the CoE to return? I'm with Nimrodel on this one.

    Tarquinus, I'm starting to wonder if you actually want the CoE to be revived. Every time someone tries to put in some effort you seem to step back and say you should prove to deserve getting back the CoE. Wouldn't it make more sense to pick up every opportunity that arises to let it be known you are still alive? Support your cause. You shouldn't deserve back your alliance because of some popularity contest, but you should be able to win some popularity contest because you deserve back your alliance. (At least in this case, the CoE is rather popular.)

    Although I don't really like the way DST handled this, I do think it's a good thing she brought it to attention.[size=2] If only she were able to do it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the mood of all those somewhat involved...[/size]

    Regardles I would really love to see the CoE return, so please do continue trying to bring it back.
  7. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Shemhazaj in Why I want to revive CoE   
    [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1359091018' post='131389']
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I had nothing to do with CoE --> I never thought of joining any other than the Guardians of the Root. Nor will I join CoE if and when it returns.[/color][/font]

    [color=#808080][i]The mission you want to take upon yourself ain't easy nor something one can do on the side.[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]Either you're dedicated to it 100% or leave it to those that do consider themselves CoE.[/i][/color]
  8. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Yrthilian in Why I want to revive CoE   
    it is noble that you wish to do this but...

    if you have no intent on joining the alliance then why would it be returned to efforts you bring to it.
    i am not shooting down what you wish to do. I just curious as to why it would be returned to one whom
    states they have no wish to be part of it.

    For me and what i see. and yes i am still about to see things and please take no offence
    but forms is not the place to work on regaining an alliance it need to be an in game thing.
    moaning or complaining about unfairness on the forums is not the way to about regaining
    the alliance. has anyone tried to get an audience with the Demon god? to see if he will help

    Or even make a proper dedicated ritual (over a long time i mean more then 48 hours)
    have those that where/are of the alliance carry the badge in another way?
    what of the stories of the alliance? have they been told in game?
    There is so much more that can be done with the tools of what is in MD
    and yet they are unused.

    Come on guy if it is really that important to you
    then do something about it and i mean something good and proper
    hell you might even try wining (IN GAME) people of influence to your
    side and gain support. It is within the power of the community
    to aid you but only if you do it right.
  9. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Liberty4life in An Explanation Of Sorts   
    dont you know that dst is actually a shade? the more you fight/oppose/(try to)hurt her the stronger she gets
  10. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Lazarus in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    You people have no new ideas or opinions about the matter anymore, you're just looking for loopholes from each others posts and attack it to fulfill your insecurities about yourselves and to attract attention. Points have been made already, we know their purpose, and Piss Piss is secretly laughing in the dark corners of Romania as we speak, only one thing left to do before you close this thread; and that is to recognize Dark Demon for all his efforts because let's face it, if it wasn't for him, Amoran and the others who are actually part of the alliance will remain handicapped, right? Someone please recognize the recognition-hungry people.

    Until then, everybody will be satisfied, so it would make so much sense for this to be closed afterwards.
  11. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to DARK DEMON in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    [quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1359095168' post='131391']
    Dark Demon does not consider himself a member of the Eclipse. Those who do are working together, planning together.

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Not bragging at all, but if I had not done anything, Amoran would have remained dormant at the Inn, you would have probably not returned, and the Eclipse broken up and not united. [/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]As many people told me, strange that the spark had to come from me, and not a current member of the Eclipse.[/color][/font]
  12. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Shemhazaj in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    [color=#808080][i]again. With all due respect Tarquinus.[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]No one is questioning your dedication or reasons why you can give MD less attention. RL is RL and it requires no explanation, even less an apology.[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]But alliance is a group of people. Group where [u]everyone[/u] should work [u]together[/u].[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]It's [u]NOT[/u] "Tarquinus and some irrelevant list of names below".[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]You want to deserve to have the alliance back, and you will in time. But other people that consider themselves Children of the Eclipse [u]should[/u] do whatever they can to deserve it back as well.[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]And discouraging them because you can't give it 100% isn't working for the alliance.[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]Seems it took a fresh blood to gather them together and start acting as a team, for me it's a good start, don't push it away because it's not your initiative.[/i][/color]

    [color=#a9a9a9][size=2]Edit: spelling errors[/size][/color]
  13. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Peace in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    Looks like this is a topic without any winners, but only losers. I apologise in advance for the over all negativity of my post.

    First of all, I generally tend not to vote for those that feel the need to campaign for their cause more than others. Asking for votes to me is like admitting you think the original idea isn't enough to be able to win on its own and therefore you need to use other methods to get your votes.

    Dark Demon, what is your reason to want the CoE to return? I'm with Nimrodel on this one.

    Tarquinus, I'm starting to wonder if you actually want the CoE to be revived. Every time someone tries to put in some effort you seem to step back and say you should prove to deserve getting back the CoE. Wouldn't it make more sense to pick up every opportunity that arises to let it be known you are still alive? Support your cause. You shouldn't deserve back your alliance because of some popularity contest, but you should be able to win some popularity contest because you deserve back your alliance. (At least in this case, the CoE is rather popular.)

    Although I don't really like the way DST handled this, I do think it's a good thing she brought it to attention.[size=2] If only she were able to do it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the mood of all those somewhat involved...[/size]

    Regardles I would really love to see the CoE return, so please do continue trying to bring it back.
  14. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Plix Plox in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    Looks like this is a topic without any winners, but only losers. I apologise in advance for the over all negativity of my post.

    First of all, I generally tend not to vote for those that feel the need to campaign for their cause more than others. Asking for votes to me is like admitting you think the original idea isn't enough to be able to win on its own and therefore you need to use other methods to get your votes.

    Dark Demon, what is your reason to want the CoE to return? I'm with Nimrodel on this one.

    Tarquinus, I'm starting to wonder if you actually want the CoE to be revived. Every time someone tries to put in some effort you seem to step back and say you should prove to deserve getting back the CoE. Wouldn't it make more sense to pick up every opportunity that arises to let it be known you are still alive? Support your cause. You shouldn't deserve back your alliance because of some popularity contest, but you should be able to win some popularity contest because you deserve back your alliance. (At least in this case, the CoE is rather popular.)

    Although I don't really like the way DST handled this, I do think it's a good thing she brought it to attention.[size=2] If only she were able to do it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the mood of all those somewhat involved...[/size]

    Regardles I would really love to see the CoE return, so please do continue trying to bring it back.
  15. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from No one in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    Looks like this is a topic without any winners, but only losers. I apologise in advance for the over all negativity of my post.

    First of all, I generally tend not to vote for those that feel the need to campaign for their cause more than others. Asking for votes to me is like admitting you think the original idea isn't enough to be able to win on its own and therefore you need to use other methods to get your votes.

    Dark Demon, what is your reason to want the CoE to return? I'm with Nimrodel on this one.

    Tarquinus, I'm starting to wonder if you actually want the CoE to be revived. Every time someone tries to put in some effort you seem to step back and say you should prove to deserve getting back the CoE. Wouldn't it make more sense to pick up every opportunity that arises to let it be known you are still alive? Support your cause. You shouldn't deserve back your alliance because of some popularity contest, but you should be able to win some popularity contest because you deserve back your alliance. (At least in this case, the CoE is rather popular.)

    Although I don't really like the way DST handled this, I do think it's a good thing she brought it to attention.[size=2] If only she were able to do it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the mood of all those somewhat involved...[/size]

    Regardles I would really love to see the CoE return, so please do continue trying to bring it back.
  16. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Lazarus in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    Looks like this is a topic without any winners, but only losers. I apologise in advance for the over all negativity of my post.

    First of all, I generally tend not to vote for those that feel the need to campaign for their cause more than others. Asking for votes to me is like admitting you think the original idea isn't enough to be able to win on its own and therefore you need to use other methods to get your votes.

    Dark Demon, what is your reason to want the CoE to return? I'm with Nimrodel on this one.

    Tarquinus, I'm starting to wonder if you actually want the CoE to be revived. Every time someone tries to put in some effort you seem to step back and say you should prove to deserve getting back the CoE. Wouldn't it make more sense to pick up every opportunity that arises to let it be known you are still alive? Support your cause. You shouldn't deserve back your alliance because of some popularity contest, but you should be able to win some popularity contest because you deserve back your alliance. (At least in this case, the CoE is rather popular.)

    Although I don't really like the way DST handled this, I do think it's a good thing she brought it to attention.[size=2] If only she were able to do it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the mood of all those somewhat involved...[/size]

    Regardles I would really love to see the CoE return, so please do continue trying to bring it back.
  17. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Jubaris in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    Looks like this is a topic without any winners, but only losers. I apologise in advance for the over all negativity of my post.

    First of all, I generally tend not to vote for those that feel the need to campaign for their cause more than others. Asking for votes to me is like admitting you think the original idea isn't enough to be able to win on its own and therefore you need to use other methods to get your votes.

    Dark Demon, what is your reason to want the CoE to return? I'm with Nimrodel on this one.

    Tarquinus, I'm starting to wonder if you actually want the CoE to be revived. Every time someone tries to put in some effort you seem to step back and say you should prove to deserve getting back the CoE. Wouldn't it make more sense to pick up every opportunity that arises to let it be known you are still alive? Support your cause. You shouldn't deserve back your alliance because of some popularity contest, but you should be able to win some popularity contest because you deserve back your alliance. (At least in this case, the CoE is rather popular.)

    Although I don't really like the way DST handled this, I do think it's a good thing she brought it to attention.[size=2] If only she were able to do it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the mood of all those somewhat involved...[/size]

    Regardles I would really love to see the CoE return, so please do continue trying to bring it back.
  18. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to VertuHonagan in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    You know something? Flame topics, like these, are why I hardly ever take the time to read anything on the forums. In my opinion, if someone has a problem with something someone else is doing, they should first speak to that person in private before bringing it up in a forum topic. Then, if that conversation does not do anything, speak to other players in private and get their opinions on the issue. If enough players agree with you and feel it is a problem, then you should proceed to open up a topic like this. Otherwise, please keep it off the forums. The only thing you people are doing, are making the forums worse for those of us that want to actually enjoy our time, not only in game, but also while on the forums.
  19. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Tarquinus in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    I am very grateful to Dark Demon for his kind thought, but I still believe the Eclipse's badge should only be returned once we have proven that we deserve it.
  20. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Lazarus in Poor taste? Cheating? Or simply crude laziness ?   
    I hate to say this, but I have to agree with dst here too. I also received this letter ingame and I didn't respond cos I didn't wanna hurt their feelings, but since this has been brought up I'll take the opportunity to express my opinions about this.

    CoE and the people who were in it always had my full support, so as the members of Necrovion, until now, but I won't consider the methods used for bringing it back. As Yrth has said, this is not how you regain an alliance. It's not that they're lazy to work, or they are cheating, frankly I don't see anything wrong with it, but it is unethical in my own personal view. If they really want it back, the members should prove that they deserve it, not for the sake of just having an alliance, I said this because most of the people in MD specially the newcomers wants to be in an alliance just to have the damn badge to display and to brag about, I know this because I did it before and it is still happening now, and that is not how alliances work.

    The Children of the Eclipse is still existing, it exists inside those people who are passionate about it, the only difference is that you have no badge. Act as if nothing is wrong and the alliance is still alive and you will have a very high chance of getting the alliance back instead of using the methods that was presented, because for all we know, those kind of stuff only attracts the negative people and they will just bring you down, but as long as you stay humble they will back off like a pair of testicles during the winter season. I will do my best to help Amoran regain the CoE back in force with the Lorerootian people.

    One last point, the public is there for their own votes, I really think we shouldn't be controlling their decisions, because first it is none of our business (except for the people like Tipu who sell their votes), and second we can't really control people, but whatever the results of the votes are, we should wholeheartedly accept it, even though it's just a mere popularity contest, if they like you, you'll have everything, if they don't then goodluck, you also can't blame the public, as 60%-80% of them are lacking the capacity to think critically and fairly. We'll see when the voting ends.
  21. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to dst in Mining/Fishing Tools   
    How about a complex system that will combine basic resources to create advances resources that will create "rare" resources that will create things like: a spell, a wishpoint, a creature?

    I don't think that mindlessly adding resources is helpful but with a plan, something interesting can be created.
  22. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to purplebunny in Handfasting (not mine)   
    I just had to share the news

    I'm performing my first handfasting of 2013 next month Am honoured to have been asked to do the cermony.

    For those that don't know a Handfasting is a Pagan wedding.
  23. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in OLD Personal Request Month Voting   
    *high fives Zenny*

    2 points towered mah Gameboy?

    I'm winning this for sure >3>;
  24. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from dst in Happy Birthday Phantom Orchid!   
    Happy birthday!
  25. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Happy Birthday Phantom Orchid!   
    Happy birthday!
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