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  1. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to dst in Alms for the Poorrr..   
    I am sad to see Z's last year's idea trashed like this. It's not even funny.
  2. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Neno Veliki in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Zen Tao.

    I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details.

    In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa.

    Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out.

    The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players.

    P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  3. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in Alms for the Poorrr..   
  4. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Change in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Zen Tao.

    I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details.

    In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa.

    Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out.

    The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players.

    P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  5. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Kaijin W. in Double the Trouble   
    and Double the Fun?!

    Twins!! Not one but two! Twins!! Gods help me! I'll have 3 under 3 when they're born.
  6. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Miq in Discuss the voting arguments HERE!   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1354134908' post='126765']
    Fang, just shut up, and stop pressing people's buttons. If anything, you are ruining Zen's chance of leading the TKs by opening your mouth.

    Lol, Seig you are still a diplomat i see.
  7. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Dragual in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Zen Tao.

    I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details.

    In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa.

    Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out.

    The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players.

    P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  8. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from John Constantine in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Zen Tao.

    I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details.

    In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa.

    Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out.

    The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players.

    P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  9. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Discuss the voting arguments HERE!   
    [quote name='ignnus' timestamp='1354117921' post='126739']
    Zen seems great and all BUT I noticed Seig's previous candidate Fang did not work very well.So,no reason to think Fang's candidate will perform better compared to a more experienced player.Person I vote would be [b]lightsage.[/b]

    Sorry to correct you Iggy, but ZenTao was Seighearts wanted candidate. He took what he could when he picked me, because ZenTao was not around due to real life issues i will not bring up, and i was around. Please think before you speak.
  10. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Zen Tao.

    I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details.

    In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa.

    Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out.

    The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players.

    P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  11. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Seigheart in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Zen Tao.

    I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details.

    In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa.

    Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out.

    The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players.

    P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  12. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Plix Plox in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Zen Tao.

    I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details.

    In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa.

    Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out.

    The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players.

    P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  13. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from dst in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Zen Tao.

    I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details.

    In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa.

    Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out.

    The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players.

    P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  14. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from lashtal in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Zen Tao.

    I have no doubt both Lightsage and Zen Tao would be able to do a good job as head of the TKs. Zen Tao because her experience as a TK and because she has shown to be responsible and several more reasons, Lightsage because he has been in MD for a long time, is eager to help as an LHO, etc. They both have their advantages, read the previous posts if you want to know the details.

    In the end I think both would probably do an equally good job. What Zen lacks in experience of MD she makes up with experience as a TK and vice versa.

    Still there are several reasons I think Zen Tao as head for the TKs would be better for MD than Lightsage, slightly unrelated to their ability to do the job. The first and most important one being that Zen Tao already is a member of the TKs, has been involved for a long time without any complains I know of and deserves recognition for that. If she doesn't get the recognition she deserves that can be seen as demotivating not just for Zen, but also for others thinking of helping out.

    The second reason might seem a bit less obvious, but I'll try to explain it as good as possible. Lightsage is a veteran. Being a veteran gives several advantages up to the point that to someone new it might seem like there is no way for someone who didn't start at least four years ago it's impossible to work himself up to a rank of importance. That's one of the reasons TK applicants should have less than 365 days to be able to apply. Having the TK leader as a non-veteran (As Zen is far from new) will be a motivation for other players.

    P.s. If Lightsage runs for president he would get myy vote, everything better than what we have now
  15. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to dst in Vote for the new head of Treasure Keepers   
    I vote for Lightsage.
    I know him for 4 years. I trust him. He is one of the few that knows the rules very good and will never ever use excuses like "I didn't know".

    Zen might be a good girl but she's clueless. Maybe in time she'll learn but until then we need someone who doesn't need a babysitter or constant monitoring.
  16. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Nimrodel in Alms for the Poorrr..   
    Could you elaborate a bit on the "welfare of this community" part?
    Also I you don't happen to consider yourself poor, do you?

    Just asking
  17. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Dragual in Alms for the Poorrr..   
    Could you elaborate a bit on the "welfare of this community" part?
    Also I you don't happen to consider yourself poor, do you?

    Just asking
  18. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Miq in Treasure Keepers Leader Position Applications   

    I'll but up my candidacy.

    With that also bare in mind that i'm just an human and have no illusions of being omnipresent so most of this will be a shared work.

  19. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to ChildOfTheSoul in Treasure Keepers Leader Position Applications   
    Name: ChildOfTheSoul
    ID: 203739
    Active Days: 676

    I have been a member of the treasure keepers for a little while, and a member of the community for almost two years. I believe I am capable of running a clean and organized alliance. I feel like the Treasure Keepers under Fang Archbane's leadership lacked communication and organization, which led to alliance inactivity and a downward trend in quest sponsorships. If I were to become leader of the Treasure Keepers, it would be my first priority to keep all of the members networked and informed of any changes and messages from the Council or Mur. Additionally, I would ensure responsibility and accountability in the alliance by documenting everything.

  20. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to lightsage in Treasure Keepers Leader Position Applications   
    After much deliberation I'll offer my candidature.

    I'm Lightsage, I've been in MD for about four and a half years. I've been an LHO for most of those. If you think you run into me very little these days, you're not in the newbie area very much. Depending on the outcome of this procedure that might have to change.

    As for my qualifications:

    - I have/make the time to run the TKs properly
    - I've been around in MD for a while, I have a pretty good idea what sort of result certain actions will have
    - I know my way around the game mechanics
    - I'm well aware of the value of rewards
    - I have the connections to keep up to date with the values

    Quite frankly, there have been a few problems with TKs:

    - Twice the BMMORPG rewards have gone wrong, having to cancel the promotions associated with those is quite damaging for MD.
    - Rewards were given for quests that were out of proportion. This influences the value of these rewards as well as disappointing players who consider having these an achievement.
    - Offering to break a game rule in order to compensate for something entirely unrelated to TKs.

    These sort of issues should be avoided. They must not happen as often as they have. MD relies on the institute TKs too much for it to falter.

    In my opinion there needs to be a change in the way the TKs are run. TKs need to get organized.

    How I think TKs should move on can be found [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13285-tk-an-opinion/"]here[/url].
  21. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to ZenTao in Treasure Keepers Leader Position Applications   
    [font="courier new, courier, monospace"]Thanks Seigheart, I appreciate that you and [/font][i]others hav[/i][font="courier new, courier, monospace"]e faith in me regarding my ability to lead the Treasure Keepers. To be honest with you, I was not going to post here, I felt as if I was being disregarded by counsel because Fang had said [/font][i]he wanted me to be next leader[/i][font="courier new, courier, monospace"] and being as he hasn't been on the best terms with the Counsel and getting some negative feedback here on the forums- I figure they would make sure he would not get anything he asked for.(Stay in the Hat Fang!) I had been to Mur's throne hall just a few days ago and was asked by Fang to take over the Treasure Keepers because life was making it difficult for Fang in leading the TK . I felt that this was a service I enjoyed doing as way of giving back and something I felt confident I could handle in a diplomatic sort of way and I accepted...But, the Counsel was being waited on to approve and with the announcement today for "Job opening for Treasure keeper Leader", I could not help but be offended. Long story short I did not want to compete for this position and seeing as others also want it I will do as counsel suggested let the public decide. Whatever your choice is, I will support what the population wants I needed to remember why I had volunteered to be a TK in the first place[/font][font="courier new, courier, monospace"] and it was selfless.[/font][font="courier new, courier, monospace"] [/font]
  22. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to DARK DEMON in Plains of Liberty turned into Plains of Everlasting Stench   
    No One has already posted that he'll spend his wishpoint to change it back.

    Yet, nobody is talking about that and whether he'll actually do it.
    Yet, Fang posts that, "No, the TK's will do it!"
    Yet, you all argue about it so much?

  23. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in Plains of Liberty turned into Plains of Everlasting Stench   
    [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1353767643' post='126181']
    Well, i wouldnt call it WASTING a WishPoint, but thats a personal opinion i guess.

    And this is for the world to hear. Since the area was named after Liberty4Life by Mur, for whatever reason, [b]the Treasure Keepers would be more than happy to gift him one WishPoint to change it back. [/b]And this will keep happening every time someone insults a fellow player by committing such an act and mindlessly losing WishPoints.

    Just tell me if the Council dont change it back for free Lib.[b] No matter what, the Treasure Keepers have your back on this one.[/b]

    Side-Note: And before anyone says it, yes, i know, giving him one WishPoint for "free" to change this would get him deeper in the WishShop. Well that just sucks for everyone but Liberty doesnt it? Maybe you should bring it up with whomever changed the name to Stench, and complain to HIM/HER.

    And unless i get some kind of fat no from the Council as to my doing this, its going to happen whether others complain or not (save for one or two people whos opinions actually matter to me).

    This is wrong on so many levels but fang has been allowed to abuse what he wants and no one gives a
  24. Downvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Plains of Liberty turned into Plains of Everlasting Stench   
    [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1353756844' post='126167']
    As IAB pointed out though, most likely the only way it will be changed is through other people "wasting" their WP to change it back.

    Well, i wouldnt call it WASTING a WishPoint, but thats a personal opinion i guess.

    And this is for the world to hear. Since the area was named after Liberty4Life by Mur, for whatever reason, the Treasure Keepers would be more than happy to gift him one WishPoint to change it back. And this will keep happening every time someone insults a fellow player by committing such an act and mindlessly losing WishPoints.

    Just tell me if the Council dont change it back for free Lib. No matter what, the Treasure Keepers have your back on this one.

    Side-Note: And before anyone says it, yes, i know, giving him one WishPoint for "free" to change this would get him deeper in the WishShop. Well that just sucks for everyone but Liberty doesnt it? Maybe you should bring it up with whomever changed the name to Stench, and complain to HIM/HER.

    And unless i get some kind of fat no from the Council as to my doing this, its going to happen whether others complain or not (save for one or two people whos opinions actually matter to me).
  25. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to I am Bored in Plains of Liberty turned into Plains of Everlasting Stench   
    As a note to all, if nobody can give a good reason for it having it's current name within a week, I'll spend a wishpoint and change it back.
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