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Curiose last won the day on January 3 2021

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About Curiose

  • Birthday 07/21/1992

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    if you add my msn, just let me know you are from md with player name else I wont accept
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  1. Well. What about the idea of some forced leveling? It fixes the problem of both mp3/4 being stuck *and* prevents the little cowardice shits from staying there to pick on those that don't know better.
  2. Ooooooooooh that would make a lot of sense. I wonder if I didn't notice until after I made the purchase... but. Hm. I had the 442 even after I died, unless the shop purchased caused a refresh trigger or something.
  3. I went from having over 400 AP to... I'm not sure if this is maybe a visual bug or if it inadvertently reduced it somehow. I only purchased 1 Kinetic Memory. Sorry, also if this was not in the right spot.
  4. Hi I'm dead. Granos murdered me with a spoon. He said I was too beeligerent and deserved some time in the comb. Azull said my ap will wax with being in shade, but I don't see what all the buzz was about with being dead. He said that the rewards will be as sweet as honey, though! : ))) Maybe other deadlings should wake up and smell the flowers for once.
  5. I think It's more pink than it is purple; or at least it is not the same shade of purple that would otherwise connotate deadly consumption.
  6. I am going to make an edit to clarify the point a tad.
  7. Hope you don't mind me bringing up an old thing from the past: But Nightshade used to be a common mention. I don't know if people mention it any more ( I don't remember it's context, but I assume it was a necrovian drug) or if even the freshest Necrovians even know of it's existence in MD. Nightshade the flower is a dark purple'd hue in real life. There is deadly nightshade the flower, and then there is also the family "nightshade" which carries vegetables and berries such as eggplants. huckleberries, tomatoes.
  8. Adding on: Maybe I am blind but I am having a difficult time finding where my all of my relevant movement points are. The UI right now feels like it has a lot of empty space that could be utilized to make this information a bit more accessible. I like that it is clean and condensed but it feels a bit.. too condensed. For instance, while this information is neat: It also overlaps with other ui interface functions.
  9. After all, it is up to the caretaker to not carelessly give away his gifts.
  10. I only have this one so far but is it possible to make it so that the notification that you've received something a bit more apparent? As you can see, I have the glow that I would assume denotes that I have a notification of sorts. But when I go to look... Nothing is highlighted. There is no indication that I have received anything. It wasn't until I checked "Alliance" earlier today that I noticed that I even had an invitation to MDA. If everything has been checked or opened, the glow goes away.
  11. Granos asked for it.
  12. I work a lot now. Like, almost 60 hours a lot, now. Mostly due to covid but once everything at work is sorted I'll be ok. I have a tendency to ramble and a lot that remember me will remember that, specifically. Just wanted to pop in here and say that I miss you. This place was of great inspiration for me and the bug has kind of hit me again. I miss it. I do have a couple of questions: Who runs the MDA? Is there a vault of avvies I can look into? I seem to be missing one, in either I gave it away a long time ago or it has been pulled. Amoran gave it to me. And, I guess, lastly, is there anything I can do to help in my minimal time?
  13. I see a BFH, I see a Pompy, I see a Pippy, and a Chew Chew...

  14. Hey mister, long time no talk. Figured I'd see how you were doing. <3 

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