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Eon last won the day on January 23 2018

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About Eon

  • Birthday 03/03/2006

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  1. We discussed things and given GG's current "situation" we decided it'd be best that Miq stays for the time being. Syrian, and I'm sure others, are itching to become East citizens and finally feel that warm feeling you get when you are around family, something they've sorely lacked from every other organization they've ever been apart of. It's a real shame they've had to go this long just because you guys forgot to pass that item over to Sunfire. In time I'm sure they will find it in their hearts to forgive you guys.
  2. As second in command of the East I've been actively trying to recruit people to join the land. After some discussion, Miq and Syrian have decided to leave their ill-managed lands/factions to join the East and finally bask in the rays of victory that can commonly be seen around Easterners during times of quests and events. It probably goes without saying that if I can recruit Miq and Syrian over, many more will follow. The one issue with this is that the East currently doesn't have one of those items that grants citizenship. Now after years of kindly requesting things be made more official in the East, I'm going to have to insist that Sunfire be given the kingship items immediately. With much hate, Eon
  3. I've got them, this can be closed.
  4. Will pay 4 gold (2 gc, 30 silver) for either one.
  5. I wasn't that active when this got released, I don't know what the intention was for this power/influence/skill thing. If it was to keep strong people like me from using it in their rits it did the job perfectly.
  6. Loading Eon creatures Loading Lintara creatures COMBO: Adding 439187 combo vitality bonus for this ritual Applying 100% of Eon's energetic influence Applying 100% of Lintara's energetic influence Influences for Eon ###### Madhorn (470532): antifreeze Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) gets unfrozen Eon Reindrach (600286): creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Incarnated Sarasith (852732) gets unfrozen Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets unfrozen Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) gets unfrozen Madhorn (470532) gets frozen Tamed Reindrach (602152): creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Eon Reindrach (600286) gets unfrozen AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) gets unfrozen Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets unfrozen Madhorn (470532) gets frozen Incarnated Sarasith (852732): poweraura, skillvampire skillvampire boosts allied creatures by -9424537.2 attack;-1011116.4 defence;-9942 initiative;-8962.8 regeneration;-11191.2 energeticimmun;-8493.6 tradesense;-9889.2 briskness;517.2 power;-2277.6 luck;2.4 finesse;5828.4 volition;-45.6 filtering;2.4 cartography;122.4 woodcutting;-282 herbalism;50.4 fusioning;-3.6 gardening;7.2 mining;-97.2 experimentalism;-171.6 waterhandling; Influences for Lintara ###### Eon Reindrach (600286): creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) gets unfrozen Madhorn (470532) gets unfrozen Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) gets unfrozen AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) gets frozen Tamed Reindrach (602152): creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare Incarnated Sarasith (852732) gets unfrozen AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) gets unfrozen Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) gets unfrozen AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) gets frozen Incarnated Sarasith (852732): poweraura, skillvampire skillvampire boosts allied creatures by -1909759.2 attack;-300550.8 defence;-5445.6 initiative;-8990.4 regeneration;-9304.8 energeticimmun;-5623.2 tradesense;-5905.2 briskness;-2964 power;-1314 luck;246 skilldamage;-15.6 experimentalism;-85.2 herbalism;-28.8 waterhandling;-19.2 filtering;22.8 excavation;-26.4 finesse;-4.8 gardening;-64.8 woodcutting;-3406.8 volition;-26.4 cartography;-27.6 fusioning;-3.6 mining; Applying Eon's Creature Tokens at 0% Madhorn (470532)'s creature tokens [claw2, claw1, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, emeraldglare, purpurmoon, firedrop, onyxfangs, darkshield, goldbelt, claw3, stardust, kellethafire, enlightning, jewelshards, osirisbelt, sunshine, blacktear, darksky, blooddrop3, blackdiamonds, antifreeze, purpurfog] [blooddrop2] Madhorn (470532) gets 95 initiative (10 percent) [emeraldglare] Madhorn (470532) gets 219 regeneration and 258 defence based on enemy creature skills [onyxfangs] Madhorn (470532) gets 9325 attack (2 percent) [darkshield] Madhorn (470532) gets 2641 defence [goldbelt] Madhorn (470532) gets 300 defence based on won battles [kellethafire] Madhorn (470532) gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle [jewelshards] Madhorn (470532) gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [osirisbelt] Madhorn (470532) gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 3000 [sunshine] Madhorn (470532) gets +10% vitality and +80% attack due to Light and/or Syntropy Principle [darksky] Madhorn (470532) gets 0 attack and loses 0 defence due to missing Darkness Principle [blooddrop3] Madhorn (470532) gets 171213 attack (20 percent) and 209 initiative (20 percent) Eon Reindrach (600286)'s creature tokens [] Tamed Reindrach (602152)'s creature tokens [claw1, emeraldglare, kellethafire, enlightning, osirisbelt, firedrop, darksky, onyxfangs, blacktear, darkshield, blooddrop1, jewelshards, stardust, blooddrop2, blooddrop3, blackdiamonds] [emeraldglare] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 219 regeneration and 258 defence based on enemy creature skills [kellethafire] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle [osirisbelt] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 3000 [darksky] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 0 attack and loses 0 defence due to missing Darkness Principle [onyxfangs] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 9325 attack (2 percent) [jewelshards] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [blooddrop2] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 95 initiative (10 percent) [blooddrop3] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 95118 attack (20 percent) and 209 initiative (20 percent) Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585)'s creature tokens [] Incarnated Sarasith (852732)'s creature tokens [] AllSeeing Shmsh (853031)'s creature tokens [] Applying Lintara's Creature Tokens at 0% Madhorn (470532)'s creature tokens [claw2, claw1, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, emeraldglare, purpurmoon, firedrop, onyxfangs, darkshield, goldbelt, claw3, stardust, kellethafire, enlightning, jewelshards, osirisbelt, sunshine, blacktear, darksky, blooddrop3, blackdiamonds, antifreeze, purpurfog] [blooddrop2] Madhorn (470532) gets 51 initiative (10 percent) [emeraldglare] Madhorn (470532) gets 302 regeneration and 17509 defence based on enemy creature skills [onyxfangs] Madhorn (470532) gets 44 attack (2 percent) [goldbelt] Madhorn (470532) gets 300 defence based on won battles [kellethafire] Madhorn (470532) gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle [jewelshards] Madhorn (470532) gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [osirisbelt] Madhorn (470532) gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 3000 [sunshine] Madhorn (470532) gets +10% vitality and +80% attack due to Light and/or Syntropy Principle [darksky] Madhorn (470532) gets 0 attack and loses 0 defence due to missing Darkness Principle [blooddrop3] Madhorn (470532) gets 805 attack (20 percent) and 112 initiative (20 percent) Eon Reindrach (600286)'s creature tokens [] Tamed Reindrach (602152)'s creature tokens [claw1, emeraldglare, kellethafire, enlightning, osirisbelt, firedrop, darksky, onyxfangs, blacktear, darkshield, blooddrop1, jewelshards, stardust, blooddrop2, blooddrop3, blackdiamonds] [emeraldglare] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 302 regeneration and 16920 defence based on enemy creature skills [kellethafire] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle [osirisbelt] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 3000 [darksky] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 0 attack and loses 0 defence due to missing Darkness Principle [onyxfangs] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 44 attack (2 percent) [jewelshards] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [blooddrop2] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 51 initiative (10 percent) [blooddrop3] Tamed Reindrach (602152) gets 447 attack (20 percent) and 112 initiative (20 percent) Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585)'s creature tokens [] Incarnated Sarasith (852732)'s creature tokens [] AllSeeing Shmsh (853031)'s creature tokens [] Eon's Tamed Reindrach (602152) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Lintara and: - hits haoticaly and does 35378 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 40935 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 43249 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 88874 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 35249 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 35449 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 38249 vitality Lintara's Tamed Reindrach (602152) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Eon and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 1050693 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 633783 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 974675 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 625783 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 625983 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 628783 vitality Eon's Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) does heal to random creature(s) of Eon and: - Heal power: 950 - Madhorn (470532) doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1050693 vitality Eon's AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) remains frozen, skipping turnEon's AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) has forgotten its ability, skipping turn Eon's Incarnated Sarasith (852732) does steallife to weak creature(s) of Lintara and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 8187 vitality from Madhorn (470532) and gives it to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 32748 vitality Eon's Eon Reindrach (600286) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Lintara and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 32747 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 43248 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 88873 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 35248 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 35448 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 38248 vitality Lintara's Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) does heal to random creature(s) of Lintara and: - Heal power: 961 - Eon Reindrach (600286) doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 43248 vitality Lintara's AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) has forgotten its ability, skipping turn Lintara's Incarnated Sarasith (852732) does steallife to weak creature(s) of Eon and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 210139 vitality from Madhorn (470532) and gives it to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 840554 vitality Lintara's Eon Reindrach (600286) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Eon and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 840553 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 633782 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 974674 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 625782 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 634169 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 628782 vitality Eon's Madhorn (470532) does damage to all creature(s) of Lintara and: - Madhorn (470532) receives 1 damage (luck: double effect) and remains with 32746 vitality - Eon Reindrach (600286) receives 1 damage and remains with 43247 vitality - Tamed Reindrach (602152) receives 1 damage and remains with 299011 vitality - Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) receives 1 damage and remains with 35247 vitality - Incarnated Sarasith (852732) receives 1 damage and remains with 35447 vitality - AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) receives 18614 damage (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 19634 vitality Lintara's Madhorn (470532) does damage to all creature(s) of Eon and: - Madhorn (470532) receives 1 damage and remains with 840552 vitality - Eon Reindrach (600286) receives 1 damage and remains with 633781 vitality - Tamed Reindrach (602152) receives 1 damage and remains with 974673 vitality - Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) receives 1 damage and remains with 625781 vitality - Incarnated Sarasith (852732) receives 1 damage and remains with 634168 vitality - AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) receives 1 damage and remains with 628781 vitality ###### START ROUND "1" ###### Eon's Tamed Reindrach (602152) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Lintara and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 32745 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 43246 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 299010 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 35246 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 35446 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 19633 vitality Lintara's Tamed Reindrach (602152) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Eon and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 840551 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 633780 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 974672 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 625780 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 634167 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 628780 vitality Eon's Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) does heal to random creature(s) of Eon and: - Heal power: 950 - Tamed Reindrach (602152) doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 974672 vitality Eon's AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) remains frozen, skipping turnEon's AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) has forgotten its ability, skipping turn Eon's Incarnated Sarasith (852732) does steallife to weak creature(s) of Lintara and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 6549 vitality from Madhorn (470532) and gives it to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 26196 vitality Eon's Eon Reindrach (600286) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Lintara and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 26195 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 43245 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 299009 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 35245 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 35445 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 19632 vitality Lintara's Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) does heal to random creature(s) of Lintara and: - Heal power: 961 - Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 35245 vitality Lintara's AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) has forgotten its ability, skipping turn Lintara's Incarnated Sarasith (852732) does steallife to weak creature(s) of Eon and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 168110 vitality from Madhorn (470532) and gives it to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 672441 vitality Lintara's Eon Reindrach (600286) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Eon and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 672440 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 633779 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 974671 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 632328 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 634166 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 628779 vitality Eon's Madhorn (470532) does damage to all creature(s) of Lintara and: - Madhorn (470532) receives 1 damage and remains with 26194 vitality - Eon Reindrach (600286) receives 1 damage and remains with 43244 vitality - Tamed Reindrach (602152) receives 1 damage and remains with 467118 vitality - Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) receives 1 damage and remains with 35244 vitality - Incarnated Sarasith (852732) receives 1 damage and remains with 35444 vitality - AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) receives 1 damage and remains with 19631 vitality Lintara's Madhorn (470532) does damage to all creature(s) of Eon and: - Madhorn (470532) receives 1 damage and remains with 672439 vitality - Eon Reindrach (600286) receives 1 damage and remains with 633778 vitality - Tamed Reindrach (602152) receives 1 damage and remains with 974670 vitality - Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) receives 1 damage and remains with 632327 vitality - Incarnated Sarasith (852732) receives 1 damage and remains with 634165 vitality - AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) receives 1 damage and remains with 628778 vitality ###### START ROUND "2" ###### Eon's Tamed Reindrach (602152) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Lintara and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 26193 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 43243 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 467117 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 35243 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 35443 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 19630 vitality Lintara's Tamed Reindrach (602152) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Eon and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 672438 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 633777 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 974669 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 632326 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 634164 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 628777 vitality Eon's Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) does heal to random creature(s) of Eon and: - Heal power: 950 - Eon Reindrach (600286) doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 633777 vitality Eon's AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) remains frozen, skipping turnEon's AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) has forgotten its ability, skipping turn Eon's Incarnated Sarasith (852732) does steallife to weak creature(s) of Lintara and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 5239 vitality from Madhorn (470532) and gives it to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 20954 vitality Eon's Eon Reindrach (600286) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Lintara and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 20953 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 43242 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 467116 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 35242 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 35442 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 19629 vitality Lintara's Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) does heal to random creature(s) of Lintara and: - Heal power: 961 - Madhorn (470532) doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 20953 vitality Lintara's AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) has forgotten its ability, skipping turn Lintara's Incarnated Sarasith (852732) does steallife to weak creature(s) of Eon and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 134488 vitality from Madhorn (470532) and gives it to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 537950 vitality Lintara's Eon Reindrach (600286) does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Eon and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Madhorn (470532) and remains with 537949 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 15318 damage to Eon Reindrach (600286) and remains with 623698 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Tamed Reindrach (602152) and remains with 974668 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) and remains with 632325 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Incarnated Sarasith (852732) and remains with 634163 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) and remains with 628776 vitality ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses ... Lintara WINS! -6.06895096535% vs -193.407838572% Creature Experience reward for Eon - Losing player Madhorn (470532) recovers 10530 Vitality Madhorn (470532) gains -73122 Xp Eon Reindrach (600286) recovers 105700 Vitality Eon Reindrach (600286) gains -73122 Xp Tamed Reindrach (602152) recovers 357500 Vitality Tamed Reindrach (602152) gains -73122 Xp Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) recovers 21140 Vitality Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) gains -73122 Xp Incarnated Sarasith (852732) recovers 23254 Vitality Incarnated Sarasith (852732) gains -73122 Xp AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) recovers 52850 Vitality AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) gains -73122 Xp Creature Experience reward for Lintara - Winning player Madhorn (470532) gains 169376 Xp and a won battle Eon Reindrach (600286) recovers 104900 Vitality Eon Reindrach (600286) gains 169376 Xp and a won battle Tamed Reindrach (602152) recovers 356200 Vitality Tamed Reindrach (602152) gains 169376 Xp and a won battle Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) recovers 20980 Vitality Barren Soul - 11th Anniversary Edition (851585) gains 169376 Xp and a won battle Incarnated Sarasith (852732) recovers 23078 Vitality Incarnated Sarasith (852732) gains 169376 Xp and a won battle AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) recovers 52450 Vitality AllSeeing Shmsh (853031) gains 169376 Xp and a won battle Winner does not get a won fight point Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented!
  7. My Molimar creature worked fine until I leveled it up to an "Incarnated Sarasith" during Tranquility day. Now every time I fight with it in my rituals all of my creatures attack for 1 damage. Is this intended with this level of the creature? Edit: I just maxed my molimar and my creatures attack normally with him at max rank. Edit 2: Maybe my max molimar making my rit attack normal was a fluke, I tested it on more people and It wipes out my stats in combat. My stats are just too strong to be using a Molimar type creature it seems. I assume it's working as intended
  8. I'll join
  9. Oh no, definitely wasn't that as far as I'm aware, if you are actually talking about my skill damage stat. Basically my point is that lower MP levels shouldn't be saved from having to deal with fighting higher MP's at full power if this cross MP thing happens. It's not even like the old days when people were given phenomenal amounts of personal heat off Angien rits, pushing them above and well beyond the heat cap. Technically it'll still be easy to cap people if you have high VE and mirror rit handy, but I don't think we even have anyone in this community that would do that to low MP's. Even I wouldn't do that to them unless one of them asked me to cap them and I wanted to help. The only thing that might be too strong when it comes to Cross MP fighting is my skill damage against them. They are already going to have low stats to begin with, If I can start beating on MP3's and 4's for decent periods of time, that stat loss could be a bit too discouraging for them and rightly so in my opinion. I also feel it discourages a lot of normal MP5's as well, so may as well kill two birds with one stone and remove the stat from the game entirely. It's very easy for most MP5's to out train my skill damage by a large margin, but for those that don't train much it does add up over time.
  10. That would absolutely defeat the purpose of skilldamage in the first place. It was put in to slow the growth of monsters like me, this was Mur's specific reason for it which he told me multiple times. It did slow the growth tremendously, but whats it matter when I already had such high stats to begin with anyways. The numbers were already broken. Temporary skilldamage would be worse than no skilldamage at all, since temporary skilldamage would just be a pathetic illusion.
  11. How so? By getting capped too quickly? I see no problem with that, there are plenty of MP5's with garbage stats who get by just fine. They still manage to train alright. If you are referring to their VP numbers getting screwed up, then that should be looked into specifically. How is that any different from now? New Mp5's/MP5's not in an alliance are majority of the time worth negative honor for most of us MP5's. They actually get decent honor gains for attacking us who are stuck at balance, right?
  12. I don't like the idea of these having to be "fair" fights. I get the desire to want to be able to have more people to train on/train with, but it makes no sense to handicap strong players so you and your buddies get to train without any downside. If you are bothered by higher MP's attacking, form a group and go somewhere. Try to get something created that makes it difficult for people like me to beat on your training groups. "Fair" fights for cross MP training look like a lazy and unimaginative way to deal with a possible "issue" in game. My opinion on what should happen: Remove skill damage from the game entirely, then you shouldn't have to worry about anything. Getting smashed without skill damage really isn't a big deal these days (training groups, spells to give ve, certain creatures. People should be able to train just fine). Skilldamage is the only thing anyone should be complaining about since I've got my skill damage stat so high. Skilldamage has become so ingrained in my character that I do feel like I'd be losing out greatly if it was removed, but in my opinion it shouldn't have been put into the game to begin with and has been the single most devastating thing to happen to this game. Deal with the real problem and be done with it.
  13. Bored and curious. The first person that spoke to and offered me advice was some person named Yoshi back in 2008. I was around 15 or 16, first online game and had no clue what I was doing. I was looking at the Berserker Way puzzle and he told me to go to the PC. I don't think I was ever contacted by an LHO on my main account back then, only on alts years later when I returned. LHO's are probably a given so LHO and the first normal person would be interesting to know.
  14. It won't make much of a difference. When people do manage to find MD they have no reason to stick around with such a low player base, being able to train slightly more (if you can actually find anyone else at your mp level to begin with) if you use credits won't get people staying. The only band-aid fix I see would be NPC training dummies set up (at all mp levels to incentivize as many people to be online as possible so there might be occasional conversations) so people at least have a shred of a reason to actually be online in the game and not just idle. It's one thing for people to come into the game and find nothing to train their creatures on, but to also have no one to talk to at the same time makes it look like a total waste of time to sink any hours into.
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