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Seigheart last won the day on May 7 2022

Seigheart had the most liked content!

About Seigheart

  • Birthday 01/05/1990

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Seigheart's Achievements

  1. Item 1: Anni creature 2022. Price: 75 plushies
  2. Item 12 – Tainted Angien - 85 plushies
  3. Wow, I wasn't expecting the Aramor to win! Let alone with over 50% of the vote. Ill have some progress pictures later this week, and hopefully the file ready by the end of the month if I get some time over the next couple weeks.
  4. Hey guys! I thought it would being nice to give the community some input on the next 3d model I make! Unfortunately the Angien is already chosen for my winter break! If you don't see your critter, feel free to post it and Ill add it.
  5. I would make a basic dehumidifier out of a bowl and something with moisture absorbing properties like rock salt. I'd get a bunch of Grassan/Trees(ents are good at breaking castles so why not rock salt lol) to mine for rock salt. Best place in MD seems to be Necrovion where there is the most arid environment ( the most likely place to find rock salt) A basic container, and rock salt is all that is needed.
  6. Also if I might add, Windy. Hope she is doing well.
  7. I'd love to bring up Ravenstrider. He was the artist that drew my avatar, and a few others.
  8. Are there any Dead only accessible scenes?
  9. I know it would be a huge undertaking, but I would love to see dead people become Ghosts. Interact with the world at an increased AP. You can attack other players, but it weakens their mental state(lose stats temporarily?), instead of vitality. Eventually go as far as making certain things only appear to you as a ghost. You could double the size of MD instantly with a Land of the Dead.
  10. Hey guys! I'm looking to offer my 3d printing skills, with Mur's blessing, to the rest of MD. Using a combination of skills, I have managed to bring one of the most popular critters to the third dimension; the Drachorn. https://eisenfaust3dprints.ca/products/3d-printed-drachorn I will be offering larger models in the coming days with a detailed base. On the base will be MagicDuel's dragon logo / and your player name and ID.
  11. Wasn't really much learning, just a matter of finding the time! Will probably end up doing all the critters at some point. MD's first 3D Printed Drachorn For the reward, I'd like a GG Drach
  12. Fair enough. I figured it was a medium that wasn't done before. Will submit another in a few days then.
  13. My hand writing is atrocious. I hope that helps. And yes, Miguel is famous in the 3d printing world. He's actually one of the reasons I got into it in the first place! I wanted to 3d print my own campaign, which I did.
  14. Just to point out this bug is still around. Heat stones still require Heat to use.
  15. I would like to submit my 3D printed Drachorn for your consideration I'd like a GG Drach, please!
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