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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Alts cannot be used to benefit mains. A well known rule. One that should be followed to allow for a fair and equal game(in the most general of senses). But it has come to light that this rule is too vague and needs to be clarified. Alts are any account that is not considered your main. Your main(correct me if I am wrong) is the account to which you favour, and play the most. It may not be the one with the most AD, or the strongest, but the one to which is most "popular". Now, to use any other account, besides the "Main" is to be considered an alternate account, AKA an alt. When you use these Alts, you gather information. It can't be helped. You see conversations, or learn new things about combat, or other players. It's inevitable. How can the rule restrict someone from not using information they learn on one account, and applying it to their main? It's benefiting them, is it not? So it isn't allowed, right?
  2. Something that needs to be addressed is what does the term "benefit" include? Does it refer to just monetary values? Or does it include information? Because, the way I see it, Eon is perfectly in his right to use alts to gather information. How many of you speak on YIM? MSN? Or any other IM service? Do you roleplay in such ways? Or do you act freely? Because, to be honest, any OOC means to communicate is essentially the same thing as what Eon is doing. You are using an OOC means to gather information, that then in turn benefits your main. Why? Information. Eon just does it through the game. It doesn't give him any tangible benefit, or a super advantage over others. Its not like you can't do it yourself. So whats the big fuss?
  3. Nope, the councils.
  4. Iggnus, screenshot her threats, and sue her if its so bad.
  5. So, the problem here is that... Eon is attacking people again? Eon. Stop that. Stop attacking people. It's mean and naughty! Why can't you just walk away after he teleports you? It's costing him a crap load just to do this to you, so, keep running away, and he will keep finding you. In reality, you are effectively slowing down his training when he is hunting for you. And whenever he buys these stones, he's wasting more and more money. Keep up the good work Eon! Why must everyone find SOMETHING to bitch about? It's either me, dst, or Eon. People, stop ****** ******** *****ing.
  6. I will be located in the GoE for the next couple days. Feel free to slip the silver/gold into my pocket.
  7. Updated list.
  8. Found. Please close.
  9. LOL Still doesn't work for me either.
  10. I would wait until Mur makes his decision on the fate of the coins. Whether it will go to the TKs or not, doesn't matter.
  11. Updated topic to make it clearer.
  12. Have you contacted Mur beforehand? Asked him about it? Or anyone else in a position of authority?
  13. If you are suggesting that Mur does not care about MD, you're off your rocker.
  14. To increase from 0, which is an initial bid, a minimum bid is at LEAST 1gc
  15. You will do no such thing.
  16. I was suggesting that is what you could do, because the TKs are currently in dire need of coinage to pay out previous rewards and notes.
  17. You do realize that I am the Leader of the Treasure Keepers, right? O.o
  18. Well, the TKs could take it as the money is going to Mur(aka the Postman) and the TKs handle all of Mur's funds.
  19. Hedge, please read the entire thread topic post.
  20. Brulant is correct. Go nuts. Have fun with them. This is a competition. Show your creativity.
  21. I am commissioning artwork for my items: Elemental Amulet Forged in secret in the underground caverns by unknown entities, it holds within it a part of each energy from all five elements Rogue's Cloak A dusty cloak modified to have many pockets on the inside Crystal Santa A very accurate scultpure created from a deep red crystal of some sort. Unexplored properties. Item was awarded during a competition to those that tried to create a new level artwork for the Santa creature. Flamberge A blade forged without a straight edge. Archaeologist's Tools Specialized tools that any Archaeologist Apprentice would not be caught without. Used to excavate ancient materials and objects. Winners get two gold each.
  22. Just so you know, these creatures are all over a year old
  23. Once again, I am buying the use of a WP for personal reasons. Anyone that wishes to sell the use, please contact me IG, or via PM.
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