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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Chewett, the list was sent to you already, please fix their rewards. Mine as well. I don't need to explain why there are more winners than originally announced. Take that up with Mur if you so wish, he knows why. As far as the results, my laptop is currently under repair, and willl be posted as soon as I get it back.
  2. The thing is, no one knew they were getting a leash from the previous auction. They weren't buying leashes. They were donating gold for just the hell of "owning" a slave. If you remember, the leashes were given out by mur as an after thought to my auction. Not by original design. Now, the people who join the future auctions, they will be joining knowing full well they will get an opportunity to buy their own leash. I'd say leave the original leashes alone, and just change the future ones, because this leash actually means something to me. Like, How often does mur just randomly do something like that to a non sponsored event? Like I said, leave the original leashes alone, and change the future ones. The people who have these leashes have the right to use them.
  3. Anyone else think it's slightly unfair for the people who got a leash as a gift for participating in the first Slave Auction, are now having them taken away? Yes, you can get another in the new auction, but I paid a handsome sum for my leash from my "Master" not knowing that Council would just take it away like this. Anyone else frustrated with this?
  4. Uhh, no, I never said for you to not interfere. I was told Mur would do it. So Mur did it. It has NOTHING to do with being "too proud" as your IG PM states. If you were to do it, Mur would have told you to do it.
  5. She's SO against slavery, but murder, torture, forcing animals to fight each other, etc etc etc, none of that bothers you? Ridiculous.
  6. Does dst have any proof that she was indeed idle?
  7. You failed her riddle? Face the consequences.
  8. There will never be two of the same Days of Fear. All the mistakes I made during this event, will not happen in the second event. The waiting... I can't help but allow some downtime. I can't be on 24/h a day. Its impossible. Sorry. I can't entertain you like Mur can. I can only help you entertain yourselves. I will not be waiting 2 days in between stages again. And some other things will definitely be different.
  9. A few things; 1. Nimrodel was an HONOURABLE mention. She was mentioned because of her Stage 2 submission which pointed out something no one else did. She didn't get a higher score because her lack of involvement for the other parts. 2. The participants were graded based on the performance, attendance, and ability to actually understand what was going on. 3. Fire Starter. You were nothing but a troll from the beginning. You joined purely to cause problems. Immediately, from the get go, you purposely ignored instructions. You left the GoC. Did not help with ANY of the tasks. There is NO fear in an online text based game. If you actually get scared, you should probably see a psychiatrist. This quest was designed to have more than 10 active participants. Of the 33 that signed up, I only saw a small handful actually try to work things out, discuss things, and ask questions. I admit the waiting game is not fun. Period. The next day of fear will be a faster paced event. The waiting was to ensure there wasnt any complaining about not having time to catch up. Sorry for thinking of those of you not in my time zone. Submissions will be posted when I have a chance.
  10. Love the COMPLETELY biased poll.
  11. Should be happening now, but I need someone to teleport me to GoE
  12. The Blood Bath will be held at 14:00 Server Time of this day. I apologize for the short notice, but my scheduling was thrown off due to the extension of the contest.
  13. I didnt go inactive one bit! Just because you're afk most the time, does not mean I am. Perhaps you should interact with people
  14. Heat spell requires heat to use... Apparently this doesnt make sense, and it should be posted as a bug. Chewett will get to it also in 3 months.
  15. Lol Nope
  16. I did this once for a month last year. I now rarely post. I used to post on every thread, and CONSTANTLY looked at the forums. Now I check them once a day, and skip many threads. Bold threads in the Newest list no longer have a power over me.
  17. Sold. Please close.
  18. All participants have until the end of the day (March 13th server time) to make their way to the Gazebo of Chaos.
  19. Sign ups are closed. You will receive further instructions in a few moments time. I want all registrants to make their way to the Gazebo of Chaos.
  20. The sign up will be closed in 24 hours. After the sign up is closed, please pay attention to this thread for updates on where to go, and what to do.
  21. Not very much. Equal to Hedge's bid. Which is still too low.
  22. My contest does last for a week. And will not require 100% of the time during the week. So it is completely possible for someone to participate in both, however, it is unwise due to the nature of the BHC, and the fact that you WILL loose something if you sign up for the Day of Fear, and fail. Good day.
  23. Chewett, you would be wrong. I did, indeed, propose to the Council. But was shot down. Like usual. Thanks for trying.
  24. Blocked by chewett, professional.

  25. I know its on the sixth, like I said I wont be available to say it on the sixth.
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