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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. lol I forgot about Fenrir... I wonder how hes doing...
  2. Well, I wasn't expecting a happy birthday at all here... Thank you guys. It means more than you realize.
  3. I don't think people in MD like seeing things change...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Azrafar


      I like change, if the change is for the better.
      Adapt or perish! XD

    3. Chewett


      The loudest people are not always the smartest nor represent the most people.

    4. Muratus del Mur
  4. Okay. Thank you for the expedient reply.
  5. Should all previous tags be listed in the tag thing? Because apparently I've never had a tag, when I have had many...
  6. Disturbing on so many levels. I support this.
  7. Wow. It's been so long since I was in a topic. :D I need to clarify about that MP post btw. I should have said I was envious. Jealousy is fear of having something taken away from you. I am envious of his active role in MD. Not his gift/etc. I actually miss being the TK Leader. Probably the only constructive role I ever had. And that is what I likened his role to. Alas, I can't type too much in the MP from a phone, so that is why it was posted as it were.
  8. Which is the case for myself.
  9. lol this is quite intriguing. I might take you up on the offer..
  10. MD has not changed.

    1. Muratus del Mur

      Muratus del Mur

      i would take it as a compliment, depending on the period you refer to

    2. Seigheart


      lol We both know it's not a compliment Mur as much as I wish it were so.

  11. Is there a way to transfer credits between players? I have 35 on my account, and I wont need them. I would like to give them out as a quest reward in the near future.
  12. I will add to the 5sc with another 5sc, on the condition it isn't me :P
  13. I am no where near as involved in the community as I once was, but I do log in, and keep myself updated with what is going on.
  14. What was that creature from the FB Page that Awiiya(?) won? It's like AMHU or something? That.
  15. Didn't realize you were Mur, Chewett.
  16. How long will it take for you to return, Mur? It's been like two years now...
  17. I swear, Mur has three Bdays a year. >.>
  18. I post every once in awhile.
  19. If I was suggested dst, then simply can be too.
  20. I still have access since I am the one that started it. If I am given a clear directive, Id be happy to continue on the work. I just stopped since BFH basically took control lol
  21. Innocence does not have a forum account(because she is an alt of someone who does I believe) so she wont apply.
  22. Kyphis has my vote. That is settled.
  23. See you next week Fang!
  24. I will buy the GG Wizard avy for a gold.
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