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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. Villian of the Year: BFH Cow
  2. I actually have a lot of input for this, and will be inputting it later today/tomorrow when I have time. Excited this is getting done.
  3. For the record, I didn't take Fang's side? I told her to do exactly what Chewett did. Stuff like this shouldn't be on the forum.
  4. So... take it directly to the council and get something done about it, or not, if that's what they decide to do. No one here on the forum has any power. All you are doing is promoting ill feelings towards people by these silly witch hunts. Report it to the Council. That is all you need to do dst. "Letting people know" and "Wanting to get something done about it" are not valid reasons to ostracize someone in the forum. Witch Hunts/Upheavals are not to be done for every little thing someone does. It's like have a revolution because your mayor smokes crack. Yes, its not right, but it's not like he's off on a killing spree either.
  5. Look, another witch hunt. Take it to the council dst.
  6. Mushroom biome!
  7. Can you just white list the players that havent caused problems? -_- I liked playing with MDers
  8. What about those who didn't do anything? O.o
  9. Who knew that all these MD players had MC servers... lol
  10. I don't deserve to be on the list. Thanks though Chewett.
  11. I thought this said MD, not MB.... Crisis averted.
  12. Did you add the mods Chew? I can't seem to connect...
  13. Chew, can you add me to the whitelisted server list?
  14. Bukkit Server! :P I'd play for sure. :)
  15. Be careful of all the Nopes!
  16. Want my address? :)
  17. I'll buy that avatar...
  18. Minecraft World of Warcraft Starcraft etc
  19. Yep, that was sent AFTER you made that comment about being "rude". Saying that I "refuse" to check my Pms is another lie. Lets post the original statement to what you said to ANOTHER pm, harassing me about some stupid warning. A warning I don't actually care about. "Sent Yesterday, 07:53 AM In case you refuse to read your warning post, i shall send another. I need the list of to clean up your quest, until you provide it everyone will not be able to use their rewards. This is a shambles." So, he felt the need to spam my inbox about some stupid warning calling dst a different name. She can get away with calling me "fenrir" but I can't call her "std"? Chewett can get away with PURPOSELY misspelling my name when ever he can get a chance. It's a sign of disrespect. Simple. Either call my by my IG name, properly, or don't talk to me period. So, I shall continue referring to the clown by a jumbled up version of her name, because its SO hard to remember what it actually is.
  20. Another lie from chewitt. Not once was I rude. Nor did I say I didn't want to talk about the rewards being bugged. Something he claims is my fault. Not quite sure how he came to the conclusion, but it is something out of my control. Chewitt, if he really wanted to, could have gone through the logs and found the winners while I was without a means to do it, but instead has chosen to take the simple way out and attack me. Yay for the seigheart hate bandwagon. Everyone get on, its time for its final departure! [spoiler] Chewett: Sent 14 May 2013 - 10:47 PM You have been told multiple times that calling dst that name will mean you will get in trouble, You have 4 warning points and doing something similar will get you post moderation or banned for a month at least. Also please remove the event from the calendar if you arent doing it, I use it to plan maintenance and other things. ALSO i still haven't got the email to clear up your mess. Seigheart: Sent Today, 01:04 PM Then tell her to stop calling me "fenrir". Simple. Why aren't you warning her for that? I find it just as offensive. My HD was replaced, so I have to recompile the stuff. It will take some time. And the mess is Mur's mess. It was his decision to do it, not mine. Chewett: Sent Today, 01:05 PM As you wish, you can go talk to Mur about the mess he created if you want. Seigheart: Sent Today, 01:06 PM What did I wish? I don't have any desire to talk to anyone about any "mess." Chewett: Sent Today, 01:07 PM Fine then, i wont poke my nose into your business and try and help people. You can not deal with it Seigheart: Sent Today, 01:10 PM What are you talking about? You are literally saying things in response to things that have not been said. You will get the list of the winners, when I have time to recompile everything. Just relax. [/spoiler]
  21. Yes, my laptops HD was wiped in the process of the repair. And I do work, so the time to recompile all the entries is a bit time consuming. Something I do not have a lot of. It will be done.
  22. It is kind of hard to do that since I am currently without a laptop. I'm accessing MD/forums from my phone.
  23. Nimrod, how about you check out the other thread that pertains to your post, instead of spamming this with your useless drivel.
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