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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Congrats to everyone who helped the Knight! Quest has now closed. [log='The Winners were:'][list=1] [*]Ackshan Bemunah. [*]Aelis. [*]AmberRune. [*]Dante Lionheart. [*]DARK DEMON. [*]darkraptor. [*]Deleo. [*]dst. [*]Eagle Eye. [*]Eara Meraia. [*]Esmaralda. [*]Ivorak. [*]Jaime. [*]Jolla. [*]laylah. [*]Lintara. [*]Magistra. [*]Menhir. [*]Merowinger. [*]Myron. [*]Neige. [*]Nimrodel. [*]Pipstickz. [*]Plix Plox. [*]samon. [*]Tal. [*]The Witch Doctor. [*]Time Patrol. [*]Valldore Nal. [*]VonUngernSternberg. [*]Zyrxae. [/list] [/log]
  2. There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nadrolski


      and it is a matter of how good or bad they/we change our/their lives too

    3. Maebius


      The interesting thing about this quote is it leave a LOT of room for interpretation. It does not mention "change for the better" does it?! :P

    4. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      When it's change for the worse, you might consider throwing dirt in their eyes.

  3. Is person A one of the 'special' people? (Molquert, Confused Santa, etc?) I've noticed there are just certain people that cant' be located, like Mur.
  4. Seconded, tor fifthed, and sundry. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  5. TK had something similar at the "Hidden Orb" plant at GoE (no password needed there)... to ask for quest sponsorship. It works very nicely. and I wonder if that's sort of what BFH was thinking of? (forgot to mention that in my prior post).
  6. Storing data like rewards in an array via clickie seems slightly problematic, unless all the rewards are from the same people, (and there's a slight risk of double-dipping depending on how it's handled, due to PHP multi-threading limitations it seems as clickies can get spammed in a short amount of time) That being said, I'm always willing to help out if anyone needs an ear or eye. I'll second Burns' excellent comments too, regarding feasibility and prior efforts.
  7. Well, the automatic reward isn't working as nicely as I had hoped. So I'll go back to manaually rewarding stuff next month. (if you give me a CTC to share, please try not to trade it away or upgrade the crit ) If your CTC/ITC does not work for any reason, please let me know and I'll grab as comparable a creature as possible from my own stash and get back tto you ASAP.) ... Nim, your issue is sorted I think now. Thanks for the heads-up as to that bug. I did claim "first" might not be best.
  8. Nope, In order to save [memory] space, I limited the list of winners. I still know you won, it just will not display everyone at once anymore. I'll post the full list after it's over.
  9. A few minor snags with memory allocation, and some critters getting confused in who their owners were... but thank you for your patience and feedback on this quest. Trying new things may not always be as smooth, as we all know. Hopefully the memory issues will clear up soon. If not, I'll try to find a workaround for those effected. (for those with blank screens or errors, go to some other clickable not used in this quest, you should be able to reset the 'Vital Lights' password. Won't help this quest, but will let you do other clickies in the meantime)
  10. Just to clarify the most common questions I've seen:[list] [*]Unfriendly spirits will steal all your current charges of Light. [*]There is a sort of pattern to which flames have unfriendlies, and it's related to the clock. [*]If you cant' pick up any more fires, you may have to wait a bit. Above the flickering image, you should see something like: [color=#0000ff]Crystal Charges: 2 / 9 Flame regeneration in 916 seconds.[/color] If that case, come back after 917 seconds and you should have all 5 flames to choose from again. [/list]
  11. You can do ANYTHING you want… you just can’t do EVERYTHING you want!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maebius


      doing everythnig you want is what Alts are for, though, aren't they?

    3. nadrolski


      and yes, they can say and do everything they want, most especially if closely-related to Mur :)

    4. biermann


      But the one thing i want to do is to do everything :( Akin to my one wish is to have 99 more wishes.

  12. The Moon outside is Dark again, but will grow full of Light soon enough.... That means QUEST TIME! My friend (alt) the Barren Soul has heard noises coming from the [b]Heresy Lane[/b], just next to Wind's Sanctuary, and discovered some [b]'Vital Lights'[/b] inside. Go check it out for yourself! (click on the door to the hut there, and enter "Vital Lights" in the field where it says "speak words") Take your time, there's no need to finish "first". Everyone who finishes should get something small, but there are some colorful creatures in the mix this time too, for a lucky few. (all rewards are, as always, randomly chosen. ) (Note: I am trying something a little different in "automating" things for the rewards. However the script still logs everyone, so if you notice anything unusual, please let me know and I'll followup asap.) (and for the two who Already were asking me, no, there are no[i] fresh[/i] Angiens in the mix )
  13. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1350307927' post='124022'] Why not attempt to create some items of imortaility where, when held, you cannot be killed someone with a death item. These would probably be extremely rare... [/quote] Balance would dictate a "super killer' then, wouln't it? I also for some reason think that there are less than 8 Revival items (only 4-5), but the cooldown is shorter than the Killing tools... I could be wrong though,. It's all rumor. (EDIT: darn you and your speedy fingers, DST! )
  14. I didn't see this on forum, but found it when searching Announcements for something unrelated. https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/1506 It still works, I just tried it. :)
  15. What dst mentions above is my concern with the listed "effects". MDscript, which is what some of us can put in "usable" items, is severely limited when it comes to actual in-game effects. It can't change "database" variables, or even post to chat without getting into trouble-territory. (trust me I've walked that line between what code can't/shouldn't do and gotten told not to take steps in certain directions) That said, announcements have mentioned that making an item "usable" is pretty easily done. I also could have sworn I saw a forum post or announcement specifically saying "if an item uses existing code, or copies the functionality of something else, that can be done easily" but can not find the exact quote for that at the moment. Since there are Revival items in-game, as well as the Slave Leashes (which work on corpses), there is a decent chance some of your ideas could be implimented without too much coding required (beyond Rendil or mur or Council copying that sort of Core-script to your items) [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2146 - [2011-12-27 16:49:42 - Stage 11][/color] [b]Making items functional[/b] I am always making items functional if the functionality already exists on other items. All you need to do is to tell me (Mur) about it. It is slow and I might reply after ages, but eventually it will get done. There is no cost or requirement to make an item functional, IF its description and name fit with an existing item functionality in the realm.[/quote]
  16. The only issue I see is that IE tends (at least in my experience) to really dislike the <Canvas> tag, which could cause problems for those who play on shared school or public systems periodically.
  17. Welcome back Chewy! N ow you are MD-ing with LIGHT! How apropos.
  18. Sambuca (the drink) [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1349974410' post='123792'] vomit [/quote]
  19. You mean something a bit more feature filled than the one we have, yes? http://magicduel.com/mobile/
  20. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1349782739' post='123597'] coronavirus [/quote] Limes.
  21. "the root of our differences is that we insist we have differences" -Ebadi

  22. I've rented and crashed on couched quite a bit in the past and can second the comments above. Talk to the boyfriend, honestly and openly, about your future. Get that straight before committing to something like a big lease. Look into craigslist, et al, for cheap rooms. http://www.couchsurfing.org/ is good for "weekend crashing" sorts of short-term thing, if you need to explore a new town or area. Otherwise, I wish you the best. Moving out is awesome, and stressful, and such, combined. Don't be afraid to ask for help, you'll be surprised how nice people can be in general. (yes, not 100% but more than you'd expect)
  23. http://everthorn.net/musings/2009/10/whats-in-a-game/?p=663 Moon suits and desert dwelling water-carriers? We jsut had a similar moment this week, talknig about MagicDuel, actually, when he asked why "please dont' deplete below 5/10" was on my screen when he walked by. Spiraled into a whole discussion of ecological conservation and the evaporation-rain-water cycle. I <3 MD!
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