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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. Well, with Guillak, myself, and Princess Katt joining Seigheart on the scene, I am curious. Would you like to keep the clickei active, and soak more Heat, or have it fade to try an alternative action in the evolving situation? Do let me know, and I will whisper to the hidden orb, your wishes.
  2. Just posting last-minute that I will offer myself as a slave, as the auction was going on in-game now.
  3. 1 Million mark has been reached and recorded. Server time: Feb 10 17:00:00 ~ Day: 40 Year: 7 ~ (Lets shoot for 5 Mil? ) Also, I want to state that in no way will the plant clickie display a "[i]winning condition[/i]". The mechanics of raising Seigheart are not mine to control. [b]This exists only as a visible display of community effort. [/b] If the little plant grows to 10 million active Heat, or drops to under 1k, it matters little to the "code". It is [b]you all[/b] who make things Happen.
  4. The plant is learning to remember things [i](hopefully)[/i]. Every hour it will now recall how much Heat is active. (well, every "observed" hour so only if folks click it). This should make a nice trend to show our sustained efforts. Too bad I didn't think of this yesterday when first starting the Vigil. Would have been neat to see how fast the first few hours jumped! Enjoy! (I noticed that on the hour-mark, if there is multiple activity within the same second, it is doubling up that "timestamp". Sorry, but I'll factor that into account when graphing the results over the next week or so, if this still is active. )
  5. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1328824354' post='103920'] How do you suggest limiting it... You are going to grab all the tools before people can get them? Wasnt this was Pip was doing in Tribunal and it worked well? [/quote] But make sure you leave some to share, or otherwise, the Lessons of MightyPirate and the hoarded Jars will need repeated. *sighs* On the whole tipic, I agree this screenshot listing is useful from an informational standpoint, the bickering about what and why mgiht not get far. The opposing opinions are deep-set, I'm sure.
  6. [quote name='Princess Katt' timestamp='1328818476' post='103911'] Maebius has done something to help the cause-- a place we can store heat permanently. Please, as you are wandering by, click the plant in front of the left stair and say "For Seigheart", it will store your heat for Seigheart's behalf. [/quote] Permanent is a rather strong word. As with much else and Heat, it [b]will[/b] drain over time, in a similar manner to Jars and erolins.
  7. Until the Grail quest is complete, his body does tend to stink up the Gazebo of Equalibrium. I will offer my support of Katt's vigil, off-hours, though I will be unable to attend at that timeframe. (hmm, what if we surround his body with Angiens, Heat Stones, or heck, even Toxichondrite seeds, to regrow his Life a bit?)
  8. If it gets too big, I can offer an external server and give you access to mySQL for backups. (If such is possible via mdscripts... I'm testing that myself this week for my own nefarious plotting)
  9. This was a lot of fun. I'll go re-add some links to all teh new folks who will most likely pop up in "The List" now. Kudos for an awesome idea!
  10. I will second the comments above. While the actual "pretty little image by your name" is effectively imp[ossible due to system restrictions, helping the Dowsers and Marinds Bell with their Water is available to anyone. Jump in, and make a splash! (ps: Yes, I know we keep missing each other for 'official chat'. I'll keep trying to adjust my schedule. )
  11. Enjoy your 'vacation' from MD, you will be missed.
  12. Why drink water, just pout it in a circle around you, and be protected from Shades. I kinda don't like this idea. Water is already horridly depleted in Marind Bell, and this would just give people even more reason to continue doing so.
  13. Agreed, that made my morning.
  14. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1328294771' post='103301'] I do find it mildly wrong that one of the candidates started this thread though. [/quote] The overall idea of a Regent/Semi-monarch to take the place of Queen Kets was put forth by Rhaegar, I believe, at a meeting we had. As far as I understand, the opportunity was opened to all Citizens to apply, and two others did so. While I understand the faint bias you may feel in having one of the candidates put forth the Vote, I felt it natural, since the overall idea itself was spearheaded by Rhaegar, from my understanding. Thus, this post. If the other folks find such things to slant the potential votes, I'll keep that in mind for any future MarindBell 'events' and try to make sure myself, or a more 'neutral' party does the initial posting. In this case, I do not believe that any attempt to "rig" things was intended.
  15. Just to confirm and clarify, (since I was asked twice now) we should contact each of these three individuals with our vote? (*sending three messages with one vote each?) Or simply send a vote to one of them?
  16. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1328106339' post='103087'] in the old day the main land alliance leader decided if war was to happen. between the land or not. Being as i was one of the people doing that back then. I had the right as alliance leader back before i was even king. Back then i also was the one to decided what could and could not be done with the land. As at that time i was alliance leader and the right was mine to do so as i was leader of the main alliance land. [/quote] Thank you yrth, but my question was one of more "mechanics". You say you waged war because you decided to. [b]How?[/b] That was my question. Were there rules and numbers to track who won then? If not... who won, and why? Can the same be done in today's culture of MD? Why, or why not?
  17. How were "wars" started back in the days of the Adventure Log (RPC times?). Did they have mechanics of rebellion and numerical analogs to count victory? I'm too young to have know those details.
  18. 1 SC for the Wilderwind. 2SC for the WaterBeing.
  19. make it 5sc for the poor Soul.
  20. 2 silver, for the Tormented Soul?
  21. Sounds quite fun, hopefully not too frustrating. Count me in, please.
  22. I rather disagree with the idea of Whispers. I can't really articulate why, but it feels "wrong" somehow. Maybe related to how we can't find people unless we have friend-listed or saved a PM from them.
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