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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. That was really funny! Thanks for brightening my morning!
  2. The way I understand it (which may be incorrect) is that you can unlock Clues by submitting acceptable Research, and thus get those clue records unlocked for "free" ....or we can spend 1/10 of a WP to manually unlock clues over the course of our days here by spending Research Points to activate the records. Either way works, but obviously there's a certain bit of fun factor to try getting them all 'free'. Plus, this is Mur's realm, so who knows the actual answer or final 'rewards' if any.
  3. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1316594244' post='92347'] I learned a few things about fighting, I had to cooperate in a way that I usually don't have to. All in all lots of fun. [/quote] [quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1317027825' post='92576'] Ur quest made me to beg 'plz plz' and to bow in front of other players and for that u shall face my wrath. [/quote] Mission accomplished then, Tipu! Mwahahahaaaa Thanks all. ...and... Bump! (if folks get stuck, I am always willing to help out. As those who have completed it found, Cooperation is a good thing!)
  4. 3silver each for the remaining three Tormented Souls. 5 - Tormented Soul age 297 6 - Tormented Soul age 297 7 - Tormented Soul age 264
  5. [quote]This is your profile change for today, This profile resets once a day at 00:00 server time. Current server time is: 15:16 [b]regeneration[/b] --0.694 [b]energeticimmun[/b] --0.686 [b]tradesense[/b] --0.806 [b]briskness[/b] --0.806 [b]initiative[/b] --0.806 [b]defence[/b] --0.686 [b]attack[/b] --0.211 [b]luck[/b] --0.134 [b]power[/b] --0.403 [/quote] WHEEE! Forgot to add... My worst day in MD was when I somehow found myself at the Demeneted Path during the Necrovion archeology Dig. I swear I never clicked an arrow.
  6. [size=1][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]Viva la Revolucion[/font][/font][/size] A few more names added to the mix, and plenty of time to start this if you have not yet. Looks like there is exactly enough completions as of this writing to have all but one prize claimed. So I'm hoping ot see more and have a proper Lottery/Tombola for a Wish. Good job and good luck to the folks on varied stages of this!! [size=2]For those stuck anywhere, I'm happy to hint or check around those stairs for you. [/size]
  7. I like Pip and Kyphis's comments. While I understand that for training folks, Skilldamage hurts, I'm reminded of a discussion months ago here about enforcing rules about the Sparring grounds (I think). What I got out of that discussion was to simply ask politely, rather than Flame-rant against the people "breaking the rule" there. For myself, Eon's been kind enough to smack my defenses around for skill damage, yes, but then silently fed me some wins to balance it out while I idled. I say this not to gloat, but to offer an alternative, and acceptance of the skill. He earned it, and should be able to use it as he feels fit. But Staying online and public doesn't necessarily extrapolate to "OMG I'll have no stats left". It would be interested to see a specific ritual or creature ability to counter this, if balanced properly, but such a simple solution would probably result in everyone defending with such things, and make the possible "training defenses" much more shallow in strategy. Those with more combat-brains could probably flesh out the idea better, but my gut reaction is that outright cancelling it with some ability would be a bad thing. (no offense to the suggestion itself, merely explaining my thoughts).
  8. Happy happy birthday, boss wookie! Have some treacle tart for me, kk?
  9. Awwrrooooo! Happy birthday.
  10. 2 SC each for the normal Angien Eggs.
  11. Möebius Scroll A paper scroll with a half twist that seemingly always have enough space to record additional information. On both edges are a piece of wood, one etched with the symbol of the sun and the other with the symbol of a moon.</td>
  12. I think the issue above is that if you read the list of locations as-listed, the scene coordinates are not adjacent scenes. It reads as if they jumped all over the map. If you re-order it to show scenes that are actually possible to move between via the arrows, it's a different order, Thus, the Locate timestamp is not displaying a "record of movement" correctly either.
  13. That's what I got when I tried to add a word of wisdom to the can. Interesting....
  14. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1316003852' post='91972'] I did part of it (thanks to the lack of time) and I can say that it [u][b]was[/b][/u] entertaining. I haven't enjoyed a quest in quite a while but this one was fun [/quote] Was?!? You still have thirty days, and an eon afterwards (no, not THAT eon) if you choose to finish it. The clickies will remain, until they aren't, so you can continue to enjoy it as long as you like.
  15. And the clock has started! [b]Maebius[/b] has Completed the Quest on Mon, 6 Sep 2011 [b]Mighty Pirate[/b] has Completed the Quest on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 [b]Nimrodel[/b] has Completed the Quest on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 [b]Living Puppet[/b] has Completed the Quest on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 Friday, October 14th, (give or take a few hors, when I actually wake up, not server time), the lottery list will be Closed. The quest itself will remain valid and running for all who wish to try it, but the WP and few fancy rewards will be handed out to those names drawn from the final list of who completes this quest by the final Date of October 13th. Congrats to the first few Questors!! Hope you enjoyed it. -Maebius
  16. Welcome to Magic Duel!
  17. I support these entries and the idea of a Voice for us. (I will not be applying, but really like this concept overall, and offer my thumbs-up support to those who did apply!) Days:239
  18. Tokens and such give percentages of a value, not a full integer, from what I've seen. So, sacrificing a Tokened crit may result in something like 3.25/0 Fenths (recently seen at the Fenth's Press in NML) Just a guess though.
  19. Update: The winning condition is not to be "First", but to be in the list of names completing this quest within 30 days of the first person completes it fully. (other than Mighty Pirate who had a bit of a head start by offering to help me test it) Once the first thirty days passes, I will update this with a list of names, and the Lottery will begin. Full details edited to the first post above... Keep on Questing, folks! So far it looks like about 49 of you were clever enough to figure out the first riddle. Various percentages of those are at the later stages. Good work! Also, I've gotten some feedback about one step involving Necrovion citizens helping. With so few of them around, I am considering 'skipping' their necessity, but still not convinced that this step is "impossible". It's meant to help folks interact a bit, after all, and may require patience. However, if the majority decides that requiring Necrovion Citizenry to help at the Gazebo is just too darn difficult, this step can be changed. Please let me know your thoughts. [i](I made up the overall "help from citizens" before the recent shifts in Necrovion politics, but kept it in the quest since there were still a few citizens wandering the realm, and I still felt it important to the underlying theme to have people interact slightly with someone from the different Lands if possible. .)[/i]
  20. Look like the first few groups are at the final stages of the quest. Good work everyone! As of this writing, Mighty Pirate has completely finished it, and has been awarded a cup of Aromatic Tea for his help in confirming the testing phase and being "first". [b]Plenty of time for other folks to try it, before the initial "grand Opening" reward lottery is finalized. [/b] I'm really enjoying hearing your feedback so far! (bump! )
  21. My part of the Trade completed. Thank you. No hurry on the change. days, weeks, whatever. I'll pester you if it's too long, but understand you are waiting for your other trades to come in first, in order to break my gold note.
  22. still watching for you. I may send ITC via forum PM if I can't find you today. Work/job might keep me offline this week a bit more than I prefer.
  23. Even the smallest sailboat can travel against the wind. It merely avoids doing so head-on. :)

  24. I have not tried this quest yet, but off the top of my head, depending on what changes, would you be able to use a template in Contents, and String-replace whatever segments may change? (I';m still trying to work out how Templates work, but appear to have the ability to hold values like {{REPLACE_THINS}} tags for semi-dynamic output? Alternately, break your 3D array of coordinates into 2D arrays? So instead of one large Storage value, have a different Storage for each "row" (or column, or Z, or whatever). Might be a bit too much re-defining of what holds the @Storage, but might allow larger memory storage, if you do something like this horrid pseudo-script: if (Player_X_coord == 1) { @va = @storage[X1][Y][Z]; } if (Player_X_coord == 2) { @va = @storage[X2][Y][Z]; } if (Player_X_coord == 3) { @va = @storage[X3][Y][Z]; } echo "You are at location ". @plcoordinates. " and see: ". @va " here.";
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