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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. Hey, you told me so like year ago :)) according to all vets that I talked with I "shouldn't" have access there because of my choices in story mode, yet I can normally walk in.
  2. Man HoMM4 is best story. You are impatient and skipped through all the big scrolls that have such a good read that's why you don't remember anything. Heroes online obviously sucks. It's just a moneymaking machine, zero value what so ever. Cutscenes, meh! Read the story! -_- As for Warcraft, ingame story is bad compared to Blizzard high standard, in war3 it was okay, but when it comes to warcraft, books are the best. With custom games, you refer to just pure gameplay on random maps, or specifically tailored scenarios with a nice short story and plot? If it's first... meh...
  3. Easy to get, because that access pack is removed long ago. Hence everybody has access, if you don't then.... blame wookie ? :))
  4. If you are talking about the original universe... TAKE THAT BACK. If however, you are talking about the new universe, then I couldn't care less :D
  5. Don't worry Mur, players will keep splitting themselves into elite vet groups just like they did before.
  6. Reinstalling will of course keep your old settings because settings are stored separately, most likely in AppData. You need to delete that stuff manually, or just create second browser profile or use private browsing option.
  7. Shades aren't unbalanced, they are the answer that restored the balance.
  8. Unbalanced nature of shades...?
  9. Topic has derailed, but I must say that Sasha has a point in WP shop being somewhat "devalued". For example colorless joker. It's the biggest joke of WP shop. Pay WP for a creature that's worth 1sc. It's weaker than MDshop version, and random_damage ability is broken in current combat environment. There are some other stuff that are in there which aren't worth spending WP.
  10. New shop branch is needed but not with stuff you suggested. I would however say yes to new shop branch aimed at RPers and inventory, but still I think game needs to improve in that field first.
  11. I still don't get it. What's the point of center, or more specifically, what's the point of finding the center? How does it affect anything? What does it enable? Center has been found, GREAT, now what?
  12. I don't get it.
  13. I'm pretty sure it happened last year too. edit: nvm, I can't read lol
  14. Weird cat lol.
  15. Okay, fair enough explanation. I just think it would be better if you said at the beginning of quest what isn't allowed. I'm not familiar with the case, but I guess your current reasoning stands.
  16. I was asking generally, not specified to that case. Meaning you are able to answer it since it would normally include multiple possible scenarios which wouldn't reveal the nature of the specified case above. Unless of course there is just one way for submission to be invalid (which I doubt).
  17. Main tag gets 2 points/day while auxiliary/secondary tag gets 1 point/day. If you wear/"focus" only one tag then it gets 3 points/day.
  18. Now this is interesting. How can submission be not valid? :huh:
  19. Amen!
  20. Yes, it's my alt.
  21. So did anybody tried to solve the obelisk puzzle? (each obelisk has a different symbol on it)
  22. I guess I do the same for Johnny
  23. My Death Guard is type2 :p
  24. It looks like "\r\n" to me, but due to whole complexity with backslashes, no wonder they ain't displayed / working properly. I think 4 of them need to be used in md to properly escape it? Edit: yep, it's wild "\r\n", some people suddenly got it added to their description. Fire Starter has it for example.
  25. Kitty is confused :wacko:
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