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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. have you forgot that currently you need birds?
  2. Nice find, I knew that clicking anything clickable in scene lowers vicsosity but never checked if it gives volition. Now that I did check, it gives volition for almost everything. Clicking those new undone clickables doesn't give volition, same goes for clicking gates and arrows for which you don't have ap. I can just keep clicking on signpost all day long and keep gaining volition. Same goes for berserker puzzle, creature recruitment clicky, altar clicky, PC clickies and many more. Thing however is the following, if viscosity is higher than -80 you will get volition only once. System recognizes that you lowered viscosity in that place in less than 1 hour and prevents you from lowering more, if no viscosity is lowered no volition is gained. Exception is -80 viscosity which is made so that it always gives you 0.01 volition per step and since it can't be lowered further it doesn't have that check if you lowered viscosity in that location in last hour or not. As far as I understand moving between locations that both have -80 visc costs 1 ap and gives 0.01 volition which is supposed to be that way, but problem is that if you stand in location with some clicky and that location has -80 visc you can just keep clicking that clicky mindlessly since it won't cost any ap and for each click you gain 0.01 voltion. Of course you have to close the dialogue of clicky each time in between :P edit: yes viscosity is rising again :P and xmas tree is awesome, since when you click it nothing pops up :D volition gaining at it's finest
  3. NO! NO! NO! He's going to mp4! So give him creds only if he goes to mp4 in 3 months max :D
  4. so... this thing is off I guess :( there is no 4th team and deadline is over
  5. Online Characters refresh *Chewett* Ary Endleg BFH the Green Lania HA! I am special :D
  6. yes I agree with Nim, cultural difference is huge for some, and as dst pointed out even in countries where xmas is celebrated you will get it celebrated in different way, in here you would find more religious things about it while in america more commercialized stuff, which mainly makes up that list. For example American could find all of those items if he really goes to visit people as you said. European could visit the shop and take picts and get good bunch of those. Indian has to make up almost everything, so yes a lot more effort to put in as well as time and maybe money. Your alternative is okay work around but it trouble's me because even if we overlook that extra effort put in making things or improvising them, how do they get graded? I take it that since this is scavanger hunt point is to find real item rather than improvise it, so real item would carry more points in my mind, no? this makes disadvantage even bigger. I wonder what would player from islamic country say to all this (do we have one). I wonder what he would thing about the idea of finding xmas tree or improvising it. While people in western world even if not christian could just go to town square and poof tree is there. Also I don't like it that we are jumping on fairness of quest, but the main reason why it is such a big fuss suddenly is because people want that special reward want that first place and those 10 points for that nice title, since this is first quest mentioned that gives it out. To even out the fairness I would suggest that some additional points are given for those people who are in bad situation for such a quest but still do effort for it.
  7. even if it's xmas good bunch of those items are tied to american xmas, so um yeah... creativity will be needed to improvise good bunch of this edit: number 10 and number 42 are same. is that a mistake or do we need to do it twice? :D
  8. mini profile (player details) the look is ... a bit oldish but I don't mind how UI looks. I personally would like for creature page to get fixed and display whole numbers not like it is now 1% for 100% creature ve. Then text zoom fixed.... you know what I am talking about right? (if not I wrote about it in my first topic here). That left side flash menu... I find it slow and kind of annoying with that magnifier scrolling up and down, I generally think that if flash elements aren't really needed they shouldn't be used because they annoy me.
  9. Adventuring Award Nimrodel Best Beautification Neno Veliki Champion Fighter Burns Fossil of the year No one Helper of the Year Syrian Most Addicted Syrian Most Popular Syrian Outstanding Service to MD Chewett Pre-eminent Role Player Intrigue Prime Quest Darkraptor Rookie of the year Syrian Top Techie Burns
  10. why nobody put list of ex winners of fossil award I found so far 2008 - none 2009 - chewett (vet of year which I guess is equivalent) 2010 - can't find results Grido 2011 - yrthilian 2012 - burns so who is that one person from 2010 I can't nominate? edit: it's grido I would also like to point out something. Awards are for WHOLE THIS YEAR and not just for last few months, so please keep this in mind, especially for rookie award. I don't think it's fair that people who signed up only this late in the year get to be nominated, while people from beginning of year are forgotten. Same goes for actions and deeds in other categories, be it quest or artwork or something else. Remember, whole year, not last 3-4 months.
  11. the error it gave before was that domain browsermmorpg.net has expired. That problem is obviously solved now by site owner
  12. from the small talk at MDP (like a week ago?) I remember Sunny was in dilemma. Since Eagle Eye went MIA Sunny was wondering if he should step up and try becoming mp6 instead so that forest would have a protector. My guess is that is his reason/motive
  13. ah well okay then, my alt can adept you :P but I don't understand all the old players are saying how MD used to be so much more populated. What happened? Why playerbase dropped? If we know that or if we are able to figure that out would we then be able to solve that problem? I just don't believe that other games with fancy graphics and "complicated systems" are the reason for this, they were present before too
  14. why keep lowering it? why not increase playerbase? in adepts page it says following: "You do not have any adepts yet. Send your referer link to your friends to join the game so that you can have them as adepts." I think one should take that as first step then look ingame for more adepts
  15. but dst, point of this is to change your stats, if you have positive it will change them into negative, hence people with stats won't be using it. on the other hand if you already have negative stats if you use it, it would turn your stats into positive :P hence weak people would be motivated to become "drug" addicts :P
  16. Custom fonts 101 This is tutorial on how to use custom fonts for your profile or papers. Everyone can use a set of web safe fonts without any problems. You can check list of them here. But what if you want to use something nicer than those? Well in reality you can put name of any other font instead of above listed safe web fonts. However it will only work if person who is reading your papers has that font installed on their computer. So how do you solve that problem to allow everybody to see your fancy letters without making them install our font? There are few solutions. Font can be streamed from any webserver that is configured to allow this. Most notable, easy and free way to do this is to check if there is font you need on google fonts. Other way to do this is if font is already available on same domain on which you are using it. Since we play MD and we need it for our papers and profile that means font needs to be on MD server too. So let's see how does this stuff work. Google fonts If you go up there you can browse many fonts and if you find something you want to use you just click "add to collection". When you're done you click "use" in lower right and there you have it with everything explained in there. In short you just check if you really want to use all those fonts in step one, step two don't touch anything. Step three gives you code to add so you copy code from "Standard" (example) <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Share+Tech|Underdog|Joti+One' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>into html view of your paper, paste it at beginning. Step four tells you how to use those fonts. (example) <style> span { font-family: 'Joti One', cursive; } </style>This code will make all text inside all span tags use that font. If something happens to google server it uses cursive as fallback font. You place it also somewhere at the top, after the code from step three. Or you can directly add it to specific html element inside style attribute. For example like this. <p style="font-family: 'Joti One', cursive;">Available fonts on Magicduel You can also use fonts that are uploaded on MD and you can ask Chewett personally to upload the ones you want. I will use this one font that is currently alone up there for examples and also you can see that font used on my papers. In order to use this font you need to add following code to the beginning of your papers in html view. <style> @font-face { font-family: 'Nelson Script'; src: url('../fonts/Nelson Script.eot'); src: url('../fonts/Nelson Script.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/Nelson Script.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/Nelson Script.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/Nelson Script.svg#nelson_script_largeregular') format('svg'); } </style>After you did this, you can use font normally just like any other, I explained it a bit above at end of google font chapter. In short you can for example make css rule like this to make all span elements use this font for example: <style> span { font-family: 'Nelson Script', cursive; } </style>or something like this to apply it for specific element inside your papers for example one of paragraphs: <p style="font-family: 'Nelson Script', cursive;">NOTE: Nelson font doesn't have glyph for ' if you are using this font use ´ instead. What do you need to provide if you want your font uploaded to MD so you can use it? You need to send your font in .ttf .eot .woff and .svg file formats to Chewett. Since you will probably have only ttf format of your font you need to convert it to other formats so that you can provide all of them which are needed. To do that you can use FontSquirrel where you just add your font from your computer select Expert, check ttf, woff, svg and eot lite font format options and leave "font name suffix" empty. You pretty much shouldn't touch any other options but if your font is handwritten it's very important that you leave "remove kerning" unchecked. After he has agreed to this and uploaded it, you can use them just like in example above. Only thing you change in the code is file name of your font and font-family name. Once that is done it's ready for use. That's it, if you got any questions post bellow.
  17. it can be checked now in ctc checker at MDP signpost, made by Burns ^^
  18. That's a lovely idea, but I think I bug him too much anyway :p
  19. Another day? Tick happens in relation to time of buy it's not about patience it's about timing. :) proper timing enables more things to be done faster. I guess I will write down things like this in future >_> thanks for answer ^_^
  20. Is there any way to see ingame when creature age tick will happen or is the only way to know to write down the exact time of the day I bought it?
  21. that's awesome valoryn your version is best, but you miss my tweeks :p it would be awesome if honor is shown on ally members, as well as adept/protector/friends to be visible across all mp levels
  22. yes I agree with max honor, I don't think it's needed at all. this is cleanier version of page 2, this page would work just like page 1, you click anywhere except paper buttons and you are instantly on page 3, so 2 fast clicks = page 3. but still i am getting some negative feedbacks about attack button being on page 3.... edit: syrian has much better version, just a button to swap between page 2 and 3, and removing friends label from page 2 and that's all done in my opinion
  23. what are voting balloons? I haven't seen anything that matches that description. anyway here is what I came up with. nimmy will be model :P no change on first one. second one adds honor display to alliance members, land loyalty is now beside playername, protector is added below adept, and more info button that takes you to page number 3. third one inherits everything from page 2 except more info button is removed and description is replaced by normal stats. problem with this design: page 2 is too long to fit. possible solution is to swap position of page 2 and page 3, but then we have role inconsistency because it's nicer to have description to be shown on next page directly after avatar another solution: to not show info on page 2 that is displayed on page 3 like attack button, honor, loyalty, since those are more of combat related as for cross mp level profiles (meaning when mp5 looks at mp4 or mp3) those should include bottom lines which say adept of, protected by and friends # edit: we could also add on first image the land loyalty like it is on next two another solution for all this is instead of page 3 those stats could maybe be done in same way land loyalty is displayed?
  24. this is a quest? :huh:
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