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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. I wanted to rewrite my Comments on self page, but it appears I used a lot of css that isn't recognized anymore (yea, I claim it's css). I don't know where to put this, can anyone help? Deprecated: Non-static method SpawAgent::getAgent() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 590Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function eregi() in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/util.class.php:185 Stack trace: #0 /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php(590): SpawAgent::getAgent() #1 /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php(830): SpawEditor->getHtml() #2 /home/magicdue/public_html/dlg/dlg.docwrite.php(216): SpawEditor->show() #3 {main} thrown in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/util.class.php on line 185
  2. It's a bit of conflict of interests here Let's call them...A week's constellation chart & The telescope
  3. Can I register? I mean, I'm also going to sponsor, but I thought of two (hopefully) fun, simple ideas.
  4. item 3: 33 ????
  5. One more push (doing the ????'s work) Item 1: 41 plushies Item 3: 31 plushies Item 7: 27 plushies
  6. Happy b-day, Aelis

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aelis


      Thank you, guys :)

    3. lashtal


      Aww, I'm late... Happy birthday man!! ????

    4. Aia del Mana

      Aia del Mana

      I should like to add my well-wishes also, Aelis; happy birthday!

  7. to the king and two others picked by them and ally leader, maybe oh, so it's mainly for sabotage...like how policemen get into mobster gangs (or the other way around - the departed >.>) i just can't see it working without consent from ally members, though...i'd assume the new guy to be booted off by vote pretty soon without some sort of trust gained (and you can't take that option off from them, or you're basically forcing them to accept someone they don't want in their ranks)
  8. Does that mean someone with the right skill will automatically join? I doesn't make much sense, since an alliance is about people willingly coming together. Also, if I'm a Golemian with 100 woodcutting skill, could I join the Woodcutters?
  9. I'm writing this post because I assume some of you don't know this stuff, and it's educational and all, so why not. I was reading a book today and I stumbled across ''chard'', and I didn't know what that is, so I looked it up. It's basically beet leaves, which is something I do know about. But since in the book chard was so lauded, I was baffled. From my previous research, the leaves of Amaranthea family contain oxalates, so why would you eat them (unless you had no other choice)? Whether it's spinach, beet or amaranth, the leaves will frickin' kill your kidneys if you eat a lot of those. Boiling them might take some oxalates out, but you still get the Ca binding ones, so don't. Spinach is lauded as a great source of Ca - yeah, but none of that enters your body. In fact, due to oxalates, your body loses Ca. Have fun with arthritis, joint pains and weak bones in general. And kidney stones, too. So I googled something like 'oxalates in chard' and stumbled across a blog called carnivorous aurelius (lol), which is advertising...eating meat. Yeah, maybe eating spinach won't make you Popeye, but meat comes with its own set of problems. I mean, nothing is disadvantage-free. But, well, the guy's gotta sell dried beef liver, so... Anyway, pay attention to what vegetables you eat, what vegetables you feed your kid and remember: nobody wants to be eaten.
  10. I somehow missed Tissy's post ???? While an auction house sounds good in theory, the few trades that go on aren't worth it. Besides, the AH in WoW takes some of your money each time you leave something there; would you agree to lose silver for each 24 hrs your stuff isn't sold? Also, if you put an auction house into the game, you need someone to own it (a person or a group). Sounds like some people could do it, but then again, the profits won't be high...if any. Risk, as I detailed it, can't be only about losing some coins. It's as if talking about banks' risk. What, they're not gonna charge 15% interest, only 2%? What kind of risk is that, they get a margin anyway. What, they're gonna 'lose' 2% of the loans? They have 98% of them still. It's like the cons at the street corner, ''losing'' some games to attract the gullible. Yes, but you're gambling with your life, which it what I'd like to see. Even irl, the competition between merchants, bankers etc is often life-threatening. That's making the whole thing balanced, because there's usually no risk involved for the merchant coming from the customers. Same can be said about combat system, and I pretty much agree. I've been growing more herbs lately and I get to see how almost anything is food for something else. Life is this cycle where everything is eaten in turn. You might be looking around and say ''there's nothing here'', but there are plenty of microorganisms just floating. Many thousands (or millions, whatever) in the air around your computer desk. So I don't see why resources in MD cannot ''decay'' or maybe ''disperse'', because it certainly happens in our world, albeit in a perhaps slower motion. (A timer on your resources.) The end goal in a game economy is probably the developer's share. In life, we're just trying to live as much as we can. I wonder about what kind of goal can be made for MD.
  11. Tissy, you'll want to start with 26 plushies
  12. Item 1 - 30 plushies Item 4 - 20 plushies Item 7 - 20 plushies Go go go !
  13. (It's true someone like me would like that option, but that doesn't mean MD has to please my type. I don't think it would be good for the game, even if I do like to have that option). I'm happy to announce I've reconsidered the ''death for traders'' thing. The unanimous pushback against it must mean it's too extreme/stupid, and since I have another idea... There is a tree at Plains of Deceit, and it looks like an apple or cherry tree, but with the flowers and berries of the nightshade. It's popularly called Merchant's Bane, and under it sits an old man (or woman, you can't tell). That old woman (or man, or Dennis) will buy your merchandise, and there is a list with each resource and its respective worth (10 water - 2 sc, 1 gold bar - 1 gold coin etc). You declare what you want to say, you take out your stuff, you ask loudly for your reward, you leave your stuff on the table and take the coins off the table. All very straight forward, no tricks involved...NOT! The fact is that tree affects your fundamental trait as a merchant, making you confused and unable to process the variables correctly. You often find yourself asking for a reward that is corresponding to another resource. You sell your gems and get the equivalent for tea leaves. As you trade more, you get more immune to the effect of the plant, but it's a loong journey (yes, you could do many small trades to increase the skill, but it can be 'fixed' by adding a minimum of a resource for selling and a bonus in skill obtained for certain valuable ones). (bye bye my guillotine????...but welcome to the realm of psychoactive plants)
  14. You're talking about a gym that is fueled by resources (that are used for implements) where you can train your muscles, but should we make this an option? So far, we only had combat as the source for those muscles, and even then, people could peacefully gather to grind with non-dmg rituals (and were shunned, right?). A gym would take that aggressive vibe out, as if saying ''hey, you don't need to compete anymore''. Which is fine if we talk real life, where training would deter aggression (he looks tough, let's not), and where we even came up with Olympics to make sure only some kick the bucket. But in MD, fighting is a way to train your brain muscles, and taking that out would mean you only have to grind for resources. Boring, if you ask me. I wasn't talking about a combiner, more of a marketplace, with emphasis on selling. The economy is enforced by weapons, true (you put me into the awkward situation of having to agree with myself and somehow deny it; well played), but I wanted to 'develop' MD's economy by introducing a risk concept, not reproduce the myriad facets of an economy (such as weapon enforcement - and by the way, I was referring more to vassalage systems there). Hence my simple idea. Sure, if you can turn into something bigger, go for it, as long as risk is involved. On another note, I never thought MD players are so into economy and economic talks.
  15. As I said, you could lose the intended resource and your purse instead of dieing...not quite as charming, but if there's no other way...
  16. I see y'all are not very fond of the death punishment, you wanna-be merchants! All talk and no risk, eh? Pity, the only place where a guillotine could be looked upon favorably would have been MD... I see y'all want to be just mugged and not killed when trading - it can be arranged. Like, instead of dieing, you lose the intended resource AND some of your coins (or some valuable resource). Oh, but you still have to die when trading extremely valuable resources. Trading is NOT easy. You build an investment portfolio and just wait for stocks to rise? That sounds so harmless... You know, behind all that paperwork and your trembling hopes of getting money without working, there's blood. People die (and that's fine, life isn't easy) for you to declare a 1% increase in sales this month. Trading is just another form of hunting, there's nothing particularly nice about it, except that after paying protection money and securing your monthly supply, if you're having a steady client base, you can take it easier. I know death is kinda extreme, but I want something with an impact that makes the idea of risk crystal clear. If you just have a loss of 10% in revenues, can you really call it a risk? Well, when you fucking kick the bucket (or see someone else dieing), you say ''hey, that IS dangerous''. It's like those dumb kids who wanna go to the lake unsupervised and one of them drowns because of a cramp. That's when they learn the lesson, not a second before. And the guillotine I envisioned is not a merchant or a market in the 'safe' sense of the word. It's not a supermarket where the danger is a misplaced price tag that makes you pay 2,50 for something that had a nearby tag say 0,87. It's a place where you sell your stuff and then all kinds of (bad) things happen because you now have money. I know I'm being really nasty with this idea and I wouldn't agree to it irl, but I feel like you really don't want a guillotine, but a supermarket. Give me some leeway, this kind of economy is already in place where I live, so I dream of something different.
  17. The guillotine is not about common resources which can be (and are) traded commonly. Yes, what a merchant will sell to 'the market' will be deposited there and you will be able to buy them, with a low(er) chance of dieing. But that's only to have them not disappear in the air. The guillotine is about selling goods, particularly items such as gems, gold bars etc and resources in high quantities. I doubt anyone will buy 20 gold bars for 20 gc, or 200 gems, or 4000 iron ore, especially since you use the whole stack for making an ingot. The guillotine, however, will accept it all, and give a handsome price for those...with a condition muhahaha. If you sell 100 ore, you get, say, 2sc, with a 20% risk of dieing. You sell 4000 iron ore? 4gc, with a 70% chance of dieing. Is it worth it? Idk, but you're not called a guillotine merchant for nothing. (successful trades would increase a skill, let's call it 'honest trading' or something)
  18. Nowadays, it may sound unbelievable, but in older times (or in some poor countries), having lots of coins on you and no bodyguard meant some booze-reeking cutthroats could 'borrow' from you in a matter of seconds if they sniffed you out (leaving you cold). It's still the case: imagine having some diamonds/rubies for sale (we have gems in MD). It's not unreasonable to make death the risk, especially since it gets you to see a GUILLOTINE (did I mention I like them?). What's particularly nice about guillotines is that you often (if not always) put your head there by choice, making it a metaphor of sorts.
  19. I've seen this in other games, it could be good, but it's usually done in such a way you feel like standing at a gambler's desk.
  20. Item 3 - 20 plushies
  21. Ungod


    I like pets, but I don't see them in MD. Maybe if they have to be taken care of...I'll grow some bushies at Plains of Tranquility.
  22. Well, I understand what you're saying, but I disagree. As for stats, resources that change directly into stats doesn't sound very good to me, not only because there's already a well-established system in place for getting stats, but also because...why have more stats? I'd rather have stats have some other role and not just increase to infinity. Creatures are a big part of what is called 'MD economy', but think about it. Up until recently, their age was reset (partially) on transfer, not to mention the level, which tells you they are not simple trade commodities. They are things (for lack of a better word) to nurture, and the effort put by another player cannot be traded, can it? The time spent, the battles won - something like that has no value (it's invaluable). Same thing with resources stacking up in an absurd manner; once again, the idea behind it is about enforcing the reality of a resource, which is more important than 'the economy'. Sure, this really makes MD economy a bad one, but I'd rather have these ideas survive and find alternative means than simply go emulate...what you see around us. This is why I said 'no change' when Mur asked whether we should change the resource stack policy or not, and this is why I'd like to see introduced some principles/new ideas about trade rather than stimulate consumption. As if that's going to make use happy - let's consume more, deplete more resources and run after those coins like there's nothing else to live for! I don't think an increased trade for the sake of an increased trade and the glory of a 3% raise in economic growth is something worth chasing for. So just to make this post longer, I'm going to say players will trade the way they have regardless, creatures, resources or items; that WILL be the economy, and it will be self-regulating (if no weapons are involved) just as it is irl (when no weapons are involved). That's not something to improve or change; my idea was about introducing risk into the whole business, and that can be done differently, I only suggested something that sounded cool to me (I rarely get to see a guillotine in a game). Trade is risky business, and it's important to teach that to people, maybe they'll open their eyes and think more carefully about how much money they want and how far they want to go for it. This would, of course, impact the MD economy surely, but my main aim is introducing risk.
  23. Expanding a land's influence is an idea I had since many years ago (and not only me, obviously), but I think there are some conceptual issues with this one.
  24. There are plans for death being more than it is now, perhaps flower power will become something else.
  25. No, you can barter (or use coins) with players if you want to trade without risks. There is no way of avoiding the risk of death, although avoiding death is possible (depends on what you're trading). It's like you're going to the market, selling your stuff and then you're tailed by some guys and offed at a street corner. Paying a merchant to undertake the risk for you...sounds interesting, but... Say you have 100 gems, they would get you 7 gc. You're paying someone to trade for you...if they die, you lost the levy, the gems, and they lost their life (you get no coins if you die). The risks would be pretty much the same no matter the person - maybe some factors such as time of day can be included, but most important is what you sell.
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