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Everything posted by Aethon

  1. Don't reply to this. Don't even think about it. Just leave it clean. Go right past it and don't think about it. Just DON'T write anything as a reply. Not a single word, letter or number. Nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunfire
    3. Dragual


      I feel like the instructions here were rather unclear. Perhaps someone could rephrase them?

    4. Change


      Nothing nothing.

  2. I will be constantly refilling heat jars of various sizes. Even though the crafts will be RP'd I will still be filling jars when I begin crafting of an item. In my opinion, I need to make it include some real effort as to solidify the role (in my mind). :)
  3. [log= Building the new Furnace] :Aethon whistles as he drags the large bag of sand and mud to the clearing behind the anvil :Aethon unties the opening and widens it with his hands :Aethon whistles happily as he grabs his bucket of water and begins pouring it into the sand and mud mixture Aethon:Down the hatch you go *chuckles as the bucket empties, setting it aside* :Aethon begins whistling again as he reaches into the mixture and begins turning it, folding it all together :Aethon takes his hands out of the mixture and brushes the excess from them, satisfied it's mixed enough Aethon: *wipes his forehead with the back of his wrist* This is going to be tiring... :Aethon mumbles to himself as he walks over to the Golemus stones :Aethon looks them over before choosing a particularly flat one and lifting it with a grunt :Aethon heaves the stone up onto his shoulder and walks it over to the bag, laying it down just beside it :Aethon continues to repeat the process, carrying the flattest stones and laying them in a "not quite complete" circle, funneling on one side and open mouthed on the other Aethon: *finishes placing the last stone of the base and lets out a sigh* Phew.. Aethon: *looks at the base* Oh damn it... *mumbles* It shouldn't have a mouth at the moment.... :Aethon curses before quickly filling up the open mouth of the circle with stones, piling them up to the height of the rest Aethon: *grunts, pleased at the work so far, and grabs his bucket of rainwater, taking a long gulp and splashing his face* Ahh... Aethon: *opens his notebook and quickly scans over his notes* Right...now I fill it with the sand and mud mixture, level it, pile sand, build around sand, dry, cut out mouth, remove sand...blah blah blah... Aethon: *grunts again and closes his notebook* Right then. Aethon: *walks over the mixture and begins to scoop out mounds with his hands, throwing it into the drywall pit* This would be so much easier with a shovel... *mutters to himself* . :Aethon continues to shovel and pat down the mixture into the hollow until it's level with the top stones, smoothing it out with his hands Aethon: *steps back and admires his work so far* Well I be damned. *chuckles* . Aethon:Right...now to let that dry before I mix up another batch... *yawns* I think a nap first... :Aethon quickly takes out the heat pebbles with bare hands, seemingly not noticing the scorching heat, and places them around the construct Aethon:That should help it dry... *chuckles and claps his hands together* Now for that nap... :Aethon wanders over to the anvil and slumps down with his back against the stone :Aethon let's out a stifled yawn before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep Aethon: *yawns and opens his eyes* Well that was a lovely rest... *stretches* . Aethon: *smiles as he sees his work dry* Ah, brilliant. :Aethon quickly stands and moves the heat stones away from the base :Aethon begins to whistle again as he quickly mixes sand and water together before making a smaller offset on top of the base :Aethon finishes smoothing the offset and walks over to his supplies :Aethon whistles as he begins to make more of the sand, water and mud mixture Aethon:There we go... *chuckles as he finishes mixing and drags the mix to the near completed furnace* :Aethon goes back to whistling merrily as he starts creating the furnace shell around the sand offset, bringing the mixture down over the outside of the base for extra strength :Aethon leaves a rectangle of sand large enough to fit a heat jar in length ways, where the funnel begins, uncovered and smooths down the rest :Aethon goes around to the front and quickly removes a segment of the circle, creating the mouth of the furnace Aethon:Now to let that dry a bit before I remove the the sand inside... *places the heat pebbles back around the furnace* Aethon:Whilst they do their job I'll go and grab a heat jar so I can test this beauty out... *chuckles and wanders away towards Golemus, wiping sweat from his brow as he does so* :Aethon comes wandering back, humming happily and a heat jar under his arm Aethon: *walks over to the furnace* How you doing my friend? * tentatively touches the furnace wall and grins as he feels it almost completely dry* Right, I think we can begin the "excavation"! :Aethon chuckles as he bends at the mouth of furnace and begins to scoop out the sand, slowly hollowing it out Aethon: *carefully reaches inside and removes the last of the sand from the funnel neck before pulling out and standing tall, a wide grin on his face* And there you have it... Aethon: *looks at the now solid and cavernous furnace with pride* Now to see if you work! Aethon: *thinks* Hm...first I need a way of opening and closing the jar once it's inside... :Aethon scratches his chin as he thinks Aethon:Ah! *rummages in his pocket for his measuring string before quickly measuring the diameter of the funnel mouth* :Aethon opens his notebook, quickly writing down a few measurements :Aethon shuts it again and pockets the rope, replacing it with a small handful of the leftover mixture :Aethon uses the palms of his hands to press out a small oval before taking out his rope and measuring it Aethon: *chuckles* First time lucky... *grins and set it on top of one of the heat pebbles to let it dry* . :Aethon hums a little as he waits Aethon:That should do it... *he says a little time later, gently grabbing the oval* Aethon:Perfect *chuckles at the now solid piece* :Aethon walks back over to the funnel mouth and slots the oval in length ways, blocking the passage down the neck, an inch of the oval sticking out above the entire funnel Aethon:Now in theory... * unscrews the heat jar and quickly slots it into the funnel opening, the oval now acting like a cap* Aethon:And... *takes hold of the cap that sticks out above the funnel and slides it out* :Aethon laughs as the heat rushes out and fills the furnace with a blazing hot energy Aethon: *steps around to the front of the furnace and admires it* Not too bad for a first try. Could do with a few improvements over time, but for now... It'll do. Aethon: *scratches his chin* Might need to get the lower capacity heat jars for a gentler blaze...but apart from that... Aethon: *steps back around to the funnel and inserts the oval, trapping the heat back in the jar* ...a job well done. [/log] And here is my amazing drawing of the furnace ---> Image [spoiler] (Blame my Sketchup for not working! :P Will post a better diagram when it decides to or when I've drawn it by hand!)[/spoiler]
  4. Jester's "Mur Wish" also has a '\' in it's item description. I'll post a screen shot and item ID here when I next see him online (or ask him if he could.) :)
  5. Aethon: 254077 VE: 16567
  6. Internet's pretty fast for me and it doesn't disappear after a refresh. So I don't think it's the flash error.
  7. Yesterday I walked past Willows shop and the Marble Dale Dark only to find that both shop guards and the statue had reappeared. The statue disappeared after I returned to the puzzle and clicked it again, receiving the same message (and sound) as when I first solved it. The shop guards remained (see below) Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 I don't believe I did anything different yesterday apart from two things I don't normally do: Made tea. Used GoE spell Other than that I did nothing out of the ordinary. Edit: I had solved the puzzle and defeated the guards already at MP4 (I'm aware they are both reset when raising into a different Mind Power)
  8. This was specifically about common items and an automated creation. Not about resources. :)
  9. "Aethon: Hmm, I'm still not sure how this would work in conjunction to common items however? Aethon: Unless common items could be used to somehow help with the production/collection of resources -- but then that would be making the items usable which was a no-no" I had posted in chat but to keep things in context here, I have added it for reference here also.
  10. If those were the people from the Crafters guild, then yes. :D
  11. I was looking through the common item posts and announcements and read about how, at some stage, "recipes" could be created to make new items -- second tier, I guess you could call them. My idea is that the anvil (which is and isn't a clickable) at the Weaponsmiths could be used to automatically create such items. When the item recipe is accepted it would be added to a script in the clickable. This would then allow the user to select the recipe and have the item created instantly, should they have the required "ingredients". This means you could have more than one recipe for each item. So the same item could be created but out of different components, though base components should remain the same (imo). Alternatively, this could be only available to a select few who would then make the items for everyone else. This could be a suitable role for someone interested and, possibly, be a reason to reinstate the Crafters guild? I'm not sure what A25 is all about but perhaps it could be integrated into the system? This idea is open for suggestion and is only a foundation to something more. :) Feel free to discuss the pros/cons.
  12. : Aethon looks around and takes in his surroundings Aethon: Hm. : Aethon takes out a notepad and begins to walk around. Aethon: I'll need a fire. One that burns hot and constant... Aethon: *thinks* I think I can remember the heat spell for long enough, but I should gather a jar, store heat and then channel it into a furnace of sorts. : Aethon writes down a few notes Aethon: So that'll be the furnace... *looks around again* Aethon: Hammer and anvil are...worn *inspects them* but will suffice. Aethon: *looks around* I'm going to need a mold.. Aethon: Will have to find some stone to create one. Aethon: Furnace, stone, metal, glass, hope stone....*mumbles* Aethon: Ah, will need a grind stone of some sort. Aethon: *closes his notebook* Guess I should get searching! : Aethon turns and wanders away, whistling to himself
  13. Necrovion, Loreroot, Marinds Bell and Golemus are all lands of major conflict, where war and heated debates have and will regularly occur. They are the gate ways to reaching out further in MD. Loreroot connects to the back of Marinds bell, Necrovion connects (I believe) to the MDA and acts as a passage to backs of Marinds Bell and Loreroot, Golemus connects to the Laby, which connects to Archives which again connects to the backs of Loreroot and Marinds Bell and NML connects to all four lands. In fact, you could say that NML is the stage for war and the Archives is the stage for resolving (or sneak attacks if you were inclined.) As a place of neutral opinions and of learning, I wouldn't see a need for a fenths or recruitment are. It's a land where wars are fought with words rather than weapons. Side note: It makes sense that the KoB are existent as it's the most vulnerable land, imo. All other lands connect to it one way or another. In regards to fenths and recruitment areas not being in the tribunal, I'm not sure. I always imagine the place being a world of it's own, for some reason. One that floats close to MD but isn't quite part of it. (Silly I know, but it's odd.) Perhaps again the land doesn't require a show of force as it isn't an exactly "hostile" place. From the looks of it, also, it's a land more dedicated to preserving one person (The "Demon of the East) that protecting anyone else. The insane costs to enter the Dominion is one of the best defences around. Why need an offence when nearly no one can beat your defence? Side note: If I've gone off topic just say. I tend to say ideas as they come to my head, write them down and then later decipher them into something more legible. Most of this is merely ideas that have sprung to my head and could be worked on. That is not to say that they are at all correct, just merely points to consider! My point thought, though, is - Conflict.
  14. I would be quite up for a heads contest! Would give me a reason to train my little creatures a bit more! :D Torch, I don't know much about I'm afraid, so it doesn't seem quite so appealing right now. (Unless someone could explain/clarify what it is?)
  15. Aethon

    WTS Morph

    Morph was traded, topic may be closed. :)
  16. In light of the above, I'd perhaps suggest a name change in lieu of the current? Perhaps something like "Create" or "Design" a Hell hound? It could draw (pardon the pun) in more people perhaps if they know it's not just a drawing quest, but one of creativity. Just a suggestion, considering this is going to be a permanent quest. :)
  17. As from now on I shall be active basically every day. So I shall also place my name forward for this. Though I may be new, I am also very able -- at least I like to think so. Edit - I could do both twitter and facebook -- I have had lot's of experience managing (personal) social networking's.. Facebook and twitter should contain both "exclusive" information and also general information -- exclusive information would give others (mainly veteran/serious players) a reason to follow. I.e. Mur's posts of "Un-seen scene drawings".
  18. Thank you Sy. Aeo has been given his Aramor. Mur's rewards were passed to me but unfortunately I am still dead. If those that, are able to, are willing to come to the graveyard then I shall pass the items. If, however, you are unable to, please let me know and I will try to arrange for them to make their way to you! Sorry for the delays in all of this again. Won't happen again! (I hope.)
  19. Sold
  20. Back and ready for chaos.

    1. MaGoHi
    2. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      Sound like fun. Welcome back

    3. Rophs


      You left things a little out of shape and entropy has given you some nice chaos =]

  21. I must apologise for my inactivity, matters in real life sadly called me away. I shall be reading all pm's and forum posts today and tomorrow and should hopefully be able to reply within the same timespan. I would like to quickly add that I took no sponsored rewards from anyone other than the ones that I already held. So please don't accuse me of stealing when I have done no such thing. In regards to the anniversary creature -- I have already messaged you other places asking if I sent it to you, you said no and now is when I am able to check. I completely understand your annoyance, but please understand that sometimes not everything works out the way it should -- for both parties involved. Edit: I have replied to all PM's. Could all those that are still waiting for rewards post here what they are still awaiting. Thank you.
  22. Yes that would be correct! :) As for distribution, of course I will also be letting the sponsors know - but should the winner see the sponsor before I do/send them a message, then they can of course give them a nudge towards this topic if needed. :) I said this as I can't guarantee 100% activity for the next few days, so rather than people waiting on me again they can just carry on!
  23. Sorry to those who were waiting for quest results! It seems not even my addiction to MD can overcome the powers of deadlines!

  24. All judges were asked to judge on the criterias below. Creativity - 5 Points max Uniqueness - 5 Points max Connection - 10 Points max Drawing Skill - 10 Points max Below are the results. (Judges scorings will remain anonymous unless they wish to diverge the information themselves.) Vladan. Creativity- 15/15 Uniqueness- 15/15 Connection- 29/30 Drawing skill- 21/30 Total = 80/90 + 9 popularity = 89 points Assira the black Creativity- 8/15 Uniqueness- 10/15 Connection- 25/30 Drawing skill- 15/30 Total = 58/90 + 2 popularity = 60 points DarkRaptor Creativity- 15/15 Uniqueness- 14/15 Connection- 29/30 Drawing skill- 17/30 Total = 75/90 + 7 popularity = 82 points Aeoshattr Creativity- 14/15 Uniqueness- 12/15 Connection- 27/30 Drawing skill- 22/30 Total = 75/90 + 8 popularity = 83 points (Zl-eye-f)-nea Creativity- 15/15 Uniqueness- 15/15 Connection- 30/30 Drawing skill- 15/30 Total = 75/90 + 6 popularity = 81 points Positions are: 1st - Vladan 2nd- Aeoshattr 3rd- DarkRaptor 4th- Zleiphneir 5th- Assira the Black To clarify about Eagle Eye: EE failed to meet the quest requirements in a few areas (number of emotions & some not being an actual emotion.) Congratulations to all the winners! Please give the sponsors of your prizes a nudge so that they may reward you! Thanks for taking part and sorry for the delays! :D
  25. Sorry! I've been bogged under with finishing Uni deadlines and then preparing to come home! (Takes a lot more prep than you'd think! :() Which is part of the reason I tried to finish early! :P All judges have posted their scores and I am doing mine now! This should be ready either today or tomorrow the latest! Again, apologies to those that have been waiting! :)
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