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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Liberty4life in Unable to log in   
    error: cant kill greedo while loged out, please login first
  2. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to biermann in Dante's Avatar Attempts   
    another work doodle in progress (yeah I had to copy a huge database a few times today, so I had some spare time )
  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to biermann in Thoughts for Peace's revival ceremony   
    -- Because I enjoy using 20+ sentences for what could be summarized in 1:
    Dante settles against a tree, his back leaning in the long dead wood, the oppressive heat in these sun-scorched plains too much for this previously majestic plant. Alive and breathing, leaning against death. But at least this death has a solid form, unlike the ghost of Peace on whom he leans for guidance.
    It is not a coincidence though, for he comes here every evening with that thought in his mind. Returning here to settle in the long shade cast by the tree. That same shade he once bound to the earth, encircling it with ash to create a doorway through the earth; into the shade. Slipping the glove of his hand, he stares at his palm, the faint remnants of a wound still visible. The memories of it are even more vividly; the blade drawn along his palm, his blood dripping onto the earth, onto the shade. Calling out and binding himself to the Queen of the Shades.
    Again he draws that knife, this time only pricking his finger and letting a single drop of blood fall upon the ground. The link between him and Peace has been established and solidified in his initial ritual. His message this time not needing the strength like his vow of servitude did. A single drop should be enough to let his whispers reach her.
    That single drop seeps into the earth, flaring up slightly as he summons forth his blood magic, pressing his hand onto the drop. “Soul to blood, blood to earth, earth to shadows, let these words be witnessed and passed onto the Lady of the shadows”, he whispers in a barely audible tone. A soft hum rises from the earth, the gateway he created before activating, drawing power from his blood. “You said death is a lesson to you. The lesson has taken long enough. Please return to us M’Lady. Return with new perspectives, with new strength. Return and let Molquert have the peace you desired for him”, the words spoken softly and with fondness, each slipping into the netherworld of shades towards his Protector, blanketing her with his devoted words.
  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in Thoughts for Peace's revival ceremony   
    As Falronn stole the thought I had in better words already, I'll just paraphrase them.

    Peace has Histroy with this realm. She has handled death gracefully, more than once, and as a Protector, when others have fallen, shows the community values her existence in the realm. I'd like to keep that existence as corporeal as possible. Death tends to make it difficult to use the intent of an MP6 as currently defined, to "do the job". Plus, As always in my mind, Death in the realm is a good lesson, but never meant to be a Permanent State.
    It's time to keep the Revivals as active as the Deaths have been. It's all part of Balance, after all.
  6. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Peace in Thoughts for Peace's revival ceremony   
    The ceremony will probably take place in Deathmarrow (the cemetery is not accessible to all).

    However, please, stay on topic. This thread is meant to gather only what you wish to be declaimed during the ceremony (see ignnus's post for reference), not suggestions about how/when/where the ceremony has to take place.

    I'd invite you to speak directly to Peace about the place, the timing and the possibility to conjoin the revival ceremony with the ceremony of the dead.

    Thanks for understanding.
  7. Downvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Watcher in Thoughts for Peace's revival ceremony   
    The ceremony will probably take place in Deathmarrow (the cemetery is not accessible to all).

    However, please, stay on topic. This thread is meant to gather only what you wish to be declaimed during the ceremony (see ignnus's post for reference), not suggestions about how/when/where the ceremony has to take place.

    I'd invite you to speak directly to Peace about the place, the timing and the possibility to conjoin the revival ceremony with the ceremony of the dead.

    Thanks for understanding.
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Mallos in Thoughts for Peace's revival ceremony   
    I think Peace is a good protector and would like to see her be able to continue doing well. I try to pray to her often and would like to see her revived to put good use to the heat from me and others.
  9. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to ignnus in Thoughts for Peace's revival ceremony   
    A person from royal bloodline being revived lightens my mood as a Necrovian citizen plus takes a weight off from my shoulders as a death guard.I hope now she can live and continue her amazing deeds in the realm without difficulty.Also,outrageous leashing of the ghosts must be slowed down for the sake of our sanity and dignity.We thank you MR.A-lion and Molquert for the help. Cheers
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to dst in Fate of the TK Ally   
    If he wants to run the ally by himself then he doesn't need an ally and TK should be disbanded. The purpose of an ally/guild/whatever is to gather people with the same objective under the same roof. Besides, the idea was tested in the past and failed badly (see all the complaints towards TKs and crass inefficiency that was governing).
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in Fate of the TK Ally   
    I do have a question though. Or more.

    Why were all members of TKs expelled from the alliance?
    Did Seigheart removed them or was it Fang?
    Did they leave freely or because they lost their initial leader and oppose Fang's authority now?
    Will Fang run the ally all by himself now?
    Will the TKs be an alliance with the exception from the rule that an ally should have more than one member within it, or will Fang hire new members?
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to biermann in Dante's Avatar Attempts   
    Another little work doodle

  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Mallos in The value of Life in MD   
    Really?? Death a pre-ban punishment? What have those killed done that is so severe to warrant such action (yes Seigheart included)?

    Im inclined to think anyone may do mostly whatever they please as long as it follows the ingame restrictions. Death stops this.

    As I see it death has been thrown around too freely lately. Take when the kings were killed as an example. Lots of death but wasnt it all planned out? They were all more responsible with it then.

    Nowadays.. Why was nadrolski killed? "Disturbance?"
  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in The value of Life in MD   
    Dst I am not crying, I thought you knew me better than that. You know how easily I am adjusting to the several changes the game has been put through and even the changes that will come.

    Death has become nothing more than a game, within a game where death should have a more symbolic meaning in my opinion.

    Spartiatis quit the game because someone killed him and was left unpunished. Despite the efforts of all the community to revive him, his gameplay was ruinned. Molquert's option combines fighting, roleplaying but it is also timeconsuming. That is because there are certain who are unwilling to help others by just using an item to them to revive them. Be it because they charge them, or because they do not like that specific corpse.

    I would expect the veterans to be more friendly in the matter of death to those in need and not turn their backs on it or propose things that would even make it worse.

    If you can propose something that will balance everything and would be a plus for all and not just for your personal satisfaction, then all are free to do so. Rumi suggested something and I am all into it.

    Don't forget, the game is evolving and it will continue to evolve but as it is, it is us, the community as a whole to guide the game to a certain direction that is pleasant (to play with) for those who are already here and most importantly, for those that will continue to come into this game.

    But then again... what do I know, right?
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in TK Leader Resigns   
    I quit.

    Fang Archbane will, if he chooses to do so, succeed me.

  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in The value of Life in MD   
    [quote name='No one' timestamp='1347877116' post='121926']
    Considering the new "ability" enhancement to be taken into consideration that with "herbalism" skill you can end up gathering 2 herbs instead on one, maybe you can enhance this killing devices [b]with[/b] the [b]"killing" skill [/b]that [b]you can to kill 2 for the price of 1[/b].[/quote]Would we make killing a new stat as well? Whoever has the highest can have the assasin's role. Lovely, isn't it? Let's just kill everyone, shall we?
    [quote]Now, that we had our fun, let get to the point: why should you get a resistance ?
    Are there ppl getting killed by hundreds or even by dozen? Are those items / spell so free and widely spread that all MD is in danger of getting killed ?

    As I remember, the items & spells have been given to specific ppl with specific limits. Anyone crossing its limit is punishable. [/quote]Punishable?

    Who has been punished for killing Phantom Orchid? Who was punished for killing Spartiatis? Who was punished for killed Chewy? Who has ever been punished for killing Seigheart so many times?

    Special people? Others bought those items, others won them. That does not make them special. It turns them inresponsible every single time one uses the item. They do not think of the concequences.

    In RL if I give you a gun, will you go so freely and start to shoot people just because you got a new toy? How much would you enjoy if I gave the toy to another then and he shoots you?[quote]Also, currently the resurrection process is so easy that getting dead might be simply an adventure just as MP6 seems to be with no pain and no real commitment.[/quote]
    Reaaaaally? I would like to remind you, that there only a handful of people who are strong enough to defeat Molquert's Guards. And one needs to have good relationships with them in order to proceed to that plan. Currently, I don't have anyone else strong enough to fight for me except Ignnus. And frankly, that is only because I have not bothered enough to go ask for more help yet.[quote]No, I vote against the resistance.
    I am even against the easy resurrection system that has been used recently.

    I do hope that the system will improve and things will get harder (to resurrect and play while dead) so that ppl will respect this condition.
    [/quote]I vote against death in general. People have no respect for it and just see it as a game. Can't you all see how time consuming the whole death matter is? It isn't a role play matter anymore, only mechanic.

    But if I had to choose something for the sake of the discussion, I vote for every killing item to have a backfire chance, same thing as it can happen with a real weapon.
  17. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to No one in Inherent risk in using kill items and spells   
    Considering the new "ability" enhancement to be taken into consideration that with "herbalism" skill you can end up gathering 2 herbs instead on one, maybe you can enhance this killing devices [b]with[/b] the [b]"killing" skill [/b]that [b]you can to kill 2 for the price of 1[/b].

    Now, that we had our fun, let get to the point: why should you get a resistance ?
    Are there ppl getting killed by hundreds or even by dozen? Are those items / spell so free and widely spread that all MD is in danger of getting killed ?

    As I remember, the items & spells have been given to specific ppl with specific limits. Anyone crossing its limit is punishable.

    Also, currently the resurrection process is so easy that getting dead might be simply an adventure just as MP6 seems to be with no pain and no real commitment.

    No, I vote against the resistance.
    I am even against the easy resurrection system that has been used recently.

    I do hope that the system will improve and things will get harder (to resurrect and play while dead) so that ppl will respect this condition.
  18. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in Something completely different   
    Personally i find the effect tacky, something of sites of the early 2000's. However thats just a personal opinion.

    There would be reasons against making it compulsory, giving the option to turn it off is a must.

    Also, is there a reason to waste Murry's time on features which are superfluous when other features are broken and need fixing?
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in Maebius Madness - (monthly mini #2)   
    Another New Moon (close enough ), means another mini-quest from me!
    At the [color=#a52a2a]Signpost in the Marble Dale Park[/color], you will find a rather simple little game, that I'm sure many of you have played before otuside of this realm. ...[b]Hangman![/b]

    The rules are simple.[list]
    [*]Get exactly 19 points by the time the quest finishes. (near Full Moon)
    [*]Losing a round lowers your score by one.
    [*]Guessing the words/phrase correctly increases score by one.
    [*]Six wrong letters makes you lose.
    [*]All words and phrases are MD-related.
    At the end of the quest, by popular request, I will have a Lottery drawing from my hat, posted to Youtube, for the prizes.

    Extra notes:[list]
    [*]You can keep playing and intentionally lose points later. so you can Self-balance there.
    [*]Prizes will be announced later.
    [*]Any typos in names or events were taken directly from Adventure log or copy/pasted from the game interface.
    [*]The image of the poor hanging figure is not meant to imply any ill-wishes towards a certain former corpse, but should give him a chuckle.
    [*]edit: click-spam may produce some odd bugs like letters being used or unused improperly. Since you can just play another round later, that shouldn't bother too much in the long run. If many people are playing, be warned!
  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Maebius Madness - (monthly mini #2)   
    Don't worry Maebius, it made me laugh.
  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Redacted   
    Peace, I absolutely understand what you are saying. And I do see it.

    But, how often have I surprised you with kindness, and generosity when you have shown me courtesy, and simple pleasantries.

    There are few in this realm that I am openly hostile towards at all times. You know who they are.

    People come to me quite often with questions, or favours. And I help them out as best that I can.

    I like helping people. I like making people smile. I am not a bad person, if you don't treat me like one.

    The so called "mud" that clouds the TKs name? I don't really see this. I still get messages daily, I still sponsor almost ANY quest that is made. (Getting them the rewards on time is a bit more difficult due to my own time constraints, but that will be remedied very soon.)

    As far as me being friendly, and socially cooperative.. I quote Mur

    T-R-E-A-S-U-R-E K-E-E-P-E-R ..you know, that ugly dude with a missing eye that cuts you open if you get anywhere near the treasury door? Or the dragon inside the cave that burns you to ashes when you enter.... none are sociable, pleasant, fun to talk to, nor are they popular or friendly.
    You want someone more 'suitable' for this role? like how, you mean someone you would enjoy more to talk to? thats EXACTLY what i don't want as a treasure keeper [/quote]
  22. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
  23. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Redacted   
    Yeah, don't say stuff like that Fang. I have to keep the appearances up that I am friendless and unwanted by everyone. Otherwise my role is pointless.
  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Peace in Redacted   
    Seigheart, don't take this the wrong way but at least listen.

    After being killed so many times, has it taught you anything? Will you, if not change, at least compromise your attitude with the general community? Don't forget that it was a handful of people who decided to aid you without personal profit to bring you back to life. Did you thank these people? And I do not mean rewarding them with fancy TK stuff. Neither in your posts after your revival or even the log of it you didn't say thank you to all those who put their best efforts to you. You only thanked Molquert, but the child just gave you the fruit. It was another who defeated the guards for you. It was another who planned the ceremony. It were others who put a good word for you.

    You are someone with a very special role towards the community. I advise you to stop acting like 'This is how I am, like it or not.' That is what gets you killed. You keep giving them reasons to kill you. We all have enemies here but we know best how to avoid them.
  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Phantom Orchid in Community Garden Research   
    [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1309594618' post='86965']
    Lots of speculation is done while researching when there is little factual information to study, so I will speculate on a few things.[/quote]

    Speculation fuels good research and builds hypotheses, which one can hope and pray will lead to solid theories. "Factual" information abounds, in our case, from our shared experiences of and in the realm. But "facts" are no more truth than an objective reality (the argument being that there is no objectivity, for the observer ultimately affects the course of the observed by the act of observation). Things are as they are perceived. And the closest thing to truth, in my opinion, if we must pass such a judgment, is the collective perception/experience of something.

    Facts are ideal, in a perfect world, but I know of no perfect realm (inhabitable, at least). Information is imperfect, as each land us, as each of us are.

    With that aside, I would love to do a little speculating with you

    [quote]In my opinion the cube we encounter in the storyline in some ways represents the world we are in, and we are within its walls. [/quote]

    I'll leave this for another discussion, for fear of an off-topic crash

    [quote]Now these four cubes, lesser in significance to the first cube, are within this world (and the first cube) and could therefore be representing places within the world. [/quote]

    Four cubes. Cubes that appear to be stone. Not paper (likd the PC), not wood (like our cubes), but stone... Interesting, no? Stones do make great foundations

    [quote]When standing in the Meeting Of Roads the road to the left leads to Loreroot, the road to the right leads to Marind Bell, and the road to the bottom leads to No Man's Land which in turn leads to Necrovion and Golemus Golemicarum. I believe the four cubes are representing these four kingdoms and the three paths are guiding the way to them. [/quote]

    The upper-left and upper-right cubes on the path leading to LR and MB, respectively. They are of similar size at about half the size of the lower two (if they were stacked, they would be the same size as one of the larger ones, no?). They are [i]not [/i]separated by a path (alluding to a connection). They are unblemished, unlike the lower two. If we are to associate the top ones with LR and MB, then the bottom would be GG and Necro. These are separted from each other by the path, and from the upper ones as well. They are cracked (too much friction, perhaps?!lol) And between them hangs the dark slime.

    [quote]My reason for thinking the third path connects the way to the other two kingdoms is the slime. It consists of a shade and an elemental. These two beings seem to represent the other two kingdoms, the shade Necrovion (for the kingdom is of darkness) and the elemental Golemus Golemicarum (in their devotion to magic).[/quote]

    The dark slime reminds me of liquid dust, gelled. But how? Maybe that is where the elemental influence from GG comes in.

    [quote]1 sun, 2 clouds, 3 paths, 4 kingdoms.[/quote]

    Ours is not a linear realm, and neither is it purely logical. It is rich with symbolism, and nothing is random - or so we've been told. I see a rich history lesson here in this scene. But I live in a world of dreams, where everything is symbolic, where even dreaming of a lackluster pebble leaves one to question upon awakening the deeper meaning behind its qualities, whether it was smooth, rough, round, oval, opaque, etc. It's fascinating, but it can also be equally as crazy-making!

    What do you think the clouds symbolize? I have a hypothesis, and perhaps with your help we could make it a theory.

    See you in the garden!
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