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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. This and MDA visit can be closed now.
  2. Well... Whoever comes to visit me at the weapon smith and impress me will have a shot at winning a rare creature (soul weaver... subject to discretion). *coughs* You should visit the aramory/paper cabin on the way for a better chance to win.
  3. Mallos

    MDA visit

    The first 15 to find me in chat at Awiiyas Way will get a silver coin. (possible chance for you young ones to get into MDA)
  4. Innocence won't be accepting any rewards. As to why I think AmberRune should be in the adventuring category, shes always partipating in quests. She was second in the dominion event, won my quest, participated in the summer fest and other events, did all monthly mini quests, etc.
  5. ^ I still remember when viscosity came out. Heheh... I would free the aramors. ... Ok on a more serious note, [u] I would bring kings and queens back.[/u]
  6. As such is why if they had names... We might be able to sympathize. And if we don't, so what people get bad reputations all the time. Although I would not put councils decisions to be results of bad character on the players part, they are a council, and that needs to be understood. We should not be being ran by an unknown source. And if you say that them having names will cause trouble then thats something they should have to deal with as part of their jobs. They have full power and we shouldn't be able to affect that. But they should at least take strong consideration of our opinions if they truly care about MD.
  7. 173) The council members were never given names as children, so they insist on remaining nameless.
  8. Thought Innocence didn't want to be nominated for stufff? Well if not, then: Pre-eminent role player: Innocence
  9. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1354757848' post='127554'] Which is the reason of why council should remain as a secret unknown group[/quote] In my opinion, that would only make it easier to make such personal decisions. I'm not saying they do or not.
  10. 170) And aramors are the real angiens. And we are the... (to be continued) 171) There are no Loreroot guards, they really are just trees.
  11. Adventuring Award: AmberRune Best Beatification: Dante Lionheart Champion Fighter: [s] Would say MRAlyon (land related)[/s] Fossil of the year: Awiiya The Golden Protector: Peace Helper of the Year: Peace Most Addicted: Most Popular: Eon Outstanding Service to MD: [s] Would say BFH (land related)[/s] Pre-eminent Role Player: Prime Quest: lashtal Rookie of the year: Tom Pouce (young enough still?) Top Techie: Maebius
  12. 163) The sun isn't really out, it's in.
  13. I've graciously donated ONE SILVER in hopes to help stop this "noob syndrome" from occurring in the realm!! Only time will tell if it works..
  14. Users online right now: 47 (27 idle): Kanoshi, Innocence, Anruil, John Constantine, Pipstickz, Necare, ERO, Antyvas, smatr, lashtal, Myron, ignnus, Dante Lionheart, nadrolski, Plix Plox, Irkantu Donegar, Rellic, *Peace*, *Lightsage*, Leixer, Esmaralda, Falronn, Xarr, laylah, jessepenny, Eon, Ackshan Bemunah, Fate Weaver, Amoran K Kol, Eara Meraia, Ackshan Bemunah, Kyphis, Aelis, Boaroth, Quizok, Hadrian, Fire Starter, darkraptor, Sajura Oninay, samon, I am Bored, Seeker white, VorniC, dst, Mallos, Tal, Fyrd Argentus, Bit of an interesting thing I've found. Theres two Ackshan Bemunah's on the list. Could this be from multiple windows or what? I couldn't take a screenshot as I'm on my phone so I just copy/pasted it.
  15. Hehe ease up on poor Tipu he just needs a dragon or two. Hey Tipu find me in Necrovion I'll give you some stuff and not sue you over it.
  16. You need to give the full name - | azkaban
  17. [url= http://www.google.com/search?q=vote+for+zentao%2C+do+it.+Shes+better.&hl=en&safe=off&tbo=d&nomo=1&biw=320&bih=455&oq=vote+for+zentao%2C+do+it.+Shes+better.&gs_l=heirloom-hp.12...24719.38265.0.44591.]ZenTao[/url] Well then... I've seen how she does the job and she does it well. I don't think it's necessary to try our luck with "new blood." If you want new people in hopes that it'll be ran differently somehow, remember that this alliance has a specific purpose for a reason. (Insert everything said above about ZenTao here, because I agree with it all.)
  18. I don't remember how long it was exactly (ask sasha lilias) but I remember it took a little while for the toadspeak part of the effect to wear off, not considering the actual illusion cooldown. Was longer than 20 minutes.
  19. When I was frogged there was a cooldown period of which I could not exit the illusion until it had passed. Considering DD got frogged a day before he got citizenship, it's very possible there was nothing he could do about it. DARK DEMON, email council and see what they say about it. Otherwise you will likely have to reapply.
  20. No the East doesn't yet, not sure if bugs is going to work on it either.
  21. No, guilds/alliances are separate from plain citizenship.
  22. POKEMO... Er... Welcome! No we can't go capturing Abra or Arcanine now.
  23. You all can come find me and give me the silver at the Road of Battles. I will then give you the ctc. This can be closed.
  24. Maybe should have mentioned, I will take any amount of silver. Offer will be invalid at Nov 15 server time.
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