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  1. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Shemhazaj in Requesting a meeting with leaders from each land   
    Not to mention that such approach is usually more effective than demanding sanctions and speaking of "acts of war"
  2. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Nimrodel in Requesting a meeting with leaders from each land   
    you could actually pm all the leaders one by one and take an appointment. The need is yours, not theirs.
  3. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday!!!!
  4. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday:) 
  5. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from John Constantine in Happy B-day Sunfire!   
    Happy Birthday!!!
  6. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy B-day Sunfire!   
    Happy Birthday!!!
  7. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Tipu in MB Quest 1 : "MD Meme Contest"   
    Hello MDers, creatures, tress, and non livings

    In celebration of MD Bday, we Mbians would like to hold a Meme Contest! There will be rewards for the best meme’s.
    Examples :



    Winners: 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th, Yes five winners [ Winners will be the top 5 memes ]
    Rewards : 1st Winner - Morph + Ann. Armor
                      2nd           - GG Dragon + Ann. Armor
                      3rd            - 5gc + Ann. Armor
                      4th            - Angien egg + Ann. Armor
                      5th            - Ann. Armor
                     {Subject to approval}
    Judges : Kiley, Nad, Azull, Eagle eye.
    Rules : Only Pure MD Stuff related jokes or messages (Images can be of your choose). So this quest requires  part MD Skills + RL Skills to win. U can post more than 1 entry.
    Deadline : 20st April 23:59 ST.
    Good luck!
     & Hail Mbians hehe
  8. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Tipu in How bad do you want it?   
    1. How bad do you want that MD is not only surviving but blossoming?
        Well i think we need to see the other side of not blossoming. Yess less plp means less problems hehe
       1) Everyone gets a role to play now as less plp
           b4 most of the roles where already occupied by vets now that many left lots of these roles r available with less competition.
       2) Everyone can join most of the alliance.
          b4 we need to answer numerous questions, pass certain tasks, interviews,  bow in front of the vets of the alliance and even had to read all those  boring history and facts of them like when they skip brushing their teeth, does their founder was wearing superman or spider man underwear , things like that. But now a days all u need is to just ask and u get in most of the alliances hehe.
       3) Less stat dmg , if any
       4) more chances of wining the quest
           most of the quest now consist of only 3 or less participants so naturally 1st and 2nd and 3 rd yeah default hehe
       5) Bending the Admins
           b4 when we used to complain about some issues they normally brand that as whining, rant, or sometimes it gets even deleted from the forum but now a days they aren't or should i say 'they can't' do that hehe. So lets use this opportunity and turn this to our advantage by changing things to our favor hehe 
    and the list goes on so i will end here ....
    2. And what are you willing to do for it? 
       Create nuisance , chaos, destruction ...well thats the least i can do hehe
    3. How much further can you step away from your own personal goals in MD for the greater purpose of a growing and thriving Magic Duel realm?
       Not an inch. One needs 'poor' for someone to be called 'rich'
                         One needs 'fool' for someone to be said 'genius'
                     And one needs 'servants ' for someone to be titled the ' King' .
    If u r poor, fool or servants how does MD treats u? ....Ahahahaha..need not to say ....just like a trash can
    but if u r rich, genius and a King then u get various alien powers ..can communicate with the gods of MD directly and lots and lots of things which the other three can't do hehe.
      Yess being selfish is the only way of surviving in MD Kehehe....
    4. How good can you put your injured inner EGO heal for a while and forget all those bad feeling of the past you experienced in the MD community?
          Not a problem just pay me or gift me dragons and i shall forgot everything .. even the word forgot. 
    5. How bad do want to have fun again and how much are you willing to work on yourself and not on all those others to achieve a better community?
        No i don't wanna fun ...i wann power, dragons and yeah  coins gold coins hehe
    6. What is your biggest most positive vision of YOUR Magic Duel you´re dreaming of?
       My Positive vision sees everyone building my statue in order to honor my good deeds :D
  9. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Happy Birthday Aster!   
    I hope this finds you enjoying your day.  It has been far to long:)  Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
  10. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Azull in ultrasharp or maybe not so   
    Ok, here's my attempt.
    First I tried with my tanto, It's 440 stainless steel, has a hollow grind and is actually sharp enough to shave with. I use a Naniwa 1000/3000 water stone initially and finished with a leather strap to give it that little bit extra. But I failed. The back of the blade is rather thick and it pushed the cigarette parts apart while cutting through. So the last bit of paper still tears.

    Then I tried with an ordinary kitchen knife. Sharpened with a sharpening steel and again a leather strap. This did the trick. Though I could probably get a smoother cut with a little more polishing
    I'm holding the cigarette with some pliers because... well, safety first. I already nicked my thumb :P

  11. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Rophs in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday:)
  12. Downvote
    Kiley got a reaction from dst in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday:)
  13. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday:)
  14. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to BFH in Real Life Scavanger Hunt   
    I already discussed this personally with Nim.
    From now on I dont accept on this topic any other complains regarding cultural differences or dissadvantages or whatever. Speak to me in chat if you want to discuss things. Here it is pointless and we will have a bloodbath as I have many arguments and you will have many. If you feel capable of designing a list with 50 items that fit xmas for people of 90 active countries and the hundreds of cultures that play MD then do so and send them to me. They shall be considered for a future Xmas.
    There are countries that do not celebrate xmas, yes they have a dissadvantage, yet you can;t remove the fact, that MD celebrates it. If you dont agree with the quest simply do not participate.
    Simply and put in few words. With a festivity like Xmas or Halloween, etc, it is IMPOSSIBLE to satisfy the beliefts and cultures of everyone. That's life. Differences are keys behind our humanity, we can't simply change that.
  15. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Maebius in Retirement of a Maebius   
    Bunch of bullshit.  If I can't sleep neither can you!!!!  LOL.
    Take care and remember, once you enter you can never leave:P  Just sayin'.
  16. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from lashtal in Retirement of a Maebius   
    Bunch of bullshit.  If I can't sleep neither can you!!!!  LOL.
    Take care and remember, once you enter you can never leave:P  Just sayin'.
  17. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Neno Veliki in Happy birthday Neno Veliki   
  18. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Dragual in To the people of Marind Bell   
    Surely you can see that there is more meaning to NOT killing you, than killing you, King Chewett... 
    It was your decision not to stop your people. Now, you will not be able to help your people.
  19. Downvote
    Kiley reacted to Nimrodel in Killing and Revival   
    Umm... The way I see many people don't use their revival items as liberally as I do. Some of them are even threatened before they get a chance to use theirs. You say there are 6 to 7 items. How many have seen an active Shadowseeker? Would No one or Grido offer to revive Peace and Azull for free? Are Rawquist and Kraubawnis as easy to locate as Eon is? Most of us have already attacked them because we didn't know about the problems we'd have later and they are now invisible to us. The cool down for personal killing items is 2 months. Not for Eon's contracts. And Molly in no ways balances Eon's contract killing else revival tools would not have been needed. Not accusing Eon of anything but there are N number of ways to bypass the 'Even if he'd want to kill just because he hates someone, in theory, he would not be able to.' rule. The problem here is incentive/fear. People don't have an incentive to revive other people or fear of what will happen if one person was killed. And most of us know that things in MD do not move ahead unless there is some benefit or incentive or reward given and there is no way to stop things unless some punishment is announced. Lets say I was killed for x reason. I have strong players to help me out because I have friends. Lets say Seig was killed for X reason. How many of us would be actually interested in reviving him?  The last time he was killed he had to wait till ?Christmas? to get revived along with the people who were killed in BFHs Quest? When you killed phantom orchid the last time, how many came forward to help her? 
    First I thought that maybe punishing the people who killed would reduce the incidences. Seemingly, the community thought otherwise as they felt killing in MD couldn't be amounted to murder and was justified as it added a new element in the game and some other reasons which according to me are bs, but each is entitled to their own opinion. Fine. There were people who asked me what steps Me and my people were taking to make this a more social issue than a coding issue because the coders are already burdened with other work. I initiated talks with my govt. and now me and my people are in active discussion on how to reduce the mortality rate. Then I saw his topic and thought maybe increasing the cool down of the kill tools and reducing the cool down of revival items with every use would provide more incentive. Then I thought, people would probably start killing more people just so that they could reduce the cool down of their revival items. Yeah people in MD can get evil that way. Menhir's quest suggestion was good. But then It'd require a lot of coding and effort from the coding team which is already under so much pressure. Also, social pressures that are being discussed by the people of my land would be totally ineffective when it came to certain people, the people who most commonly use kill tools/methods. Someone suggested that we could use the killing tools/methods to in turn threaten other people to stop killing. I said that would make us hypocrites. We wouldn't be practicing what we're preaching and rather justifying the use of the very thing we intend to discourage.
    From the way I see it, there is no morality in MD. There is either greed or fear. And those are the only alternatives I could come up with. It's up to the community to choose what they want.
  20. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Azull in To the people of Marind Bell   
    You had your chance to talk when it mattered King Chewett. But you couldn't be bothered. And now when tables are turned you cry foul.
    Kill you? You won't escape that easily. Show your people you truly accept the responsibility of what your countrymen did and kill yourself if you must. It won't affect the outcome.
  21. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Azull in To the people of Marind Bell   
    People of Marind Bell,

    Two of your fellow citizens set out to destroy the Necrovion alliance. And what did you do?
    Did you try to stop these scoundrels? Did you try to reason with them? Did you voice your objections to this uncalled for act of agression?
    No, you supported them. Some of you silently, some with words and actions..
    It seems you have forgotten the lessons of the past. We will teach you once again the folly of your ways.

    Azull, King of Necrovion.
  22. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Grido in Happy Birthday Kiley!   
    Thanks so much guys!!!!! 
    Grido-->>>I looked up mellifuous and decided to have some sweet red wine:P
  23. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Maebius in Happy Birthday Kiley!   
    Thanks so much guys!!!!! 
    Grido-->>>I looked up mellifuous and decided to have some sweet red wine:P
  24. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Maebius in Public Council   
    Oh,  why the heck not, since I was asked twice now....  :P
    Name:   Maebius
    Activity days: 93% (A total of 893 out of 963 days)
    My reasoning is that I do beleive I can be impartial, and balanced in terms of ideas, while keeping personal bias to a minimum.   I'd been complimented before on my ability to "judge" impartially, and outlining both sides of an issue (playing Devil's Advocate) before.  
    Plus,  Power corrupts, and I'm not nearly corrupted enough here.  :)
  25. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Miq in Public Council   
    1312 AD
    I think i have never been involved with any scandal nor called anyones puppet.
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