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Everything posted by Magistra

  1. Is there no one who can give us any information? It would be just be a polite thing to do!
  2. I did not even log out, but now the system is asking me over and over again to log in. And when I try, I get the message "this user name is already registered". Yes, by ME!
  3. Hi! Welcome. I hope you like it here.
  4. Seig, I will miss you.
  5. [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]I would very much like to see that neg-repping was restricted to the contents of a post and not was used as a weapon against people one doesn’t like. It is unbelievable childish to do so, especially since most of us here are adults.[/font][/color][/size] [size="3"][color="#000000"][font="Calibri"]I would therefore ask the people who do so – and I’m sure they know for themselves – to stop this petty behaviour. [/font][/color][/size] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"] [/color][/size][/font]
  6. *smiles* I think you are stronger than I am, Dark, and there are more weak mp5's.
  7. I for one would not use this system. I think it only would cause (more) 'hate'.
  8. [spoiler]: : Magistra waters her rose bushes[/spoiler]
  9. [spoiler]Magistra waters her rose bushes Magistra: Raise your heads to the sun, my darlings, and grow. Magistra sits between the rose bushes in her garden plot Magistra looks at the little buds on the thorny stems Magistra hums softly Magistra: I will be so happy when you are in full bloom* Magistra rises Magistra: I'll be back tomorrow, my darlings.[/spoiler]
  10. [spoiler]:: Magistra waters her rose bushes Magistra uses some mould for her rose bushes Magistra kneels and blends the earth and the mould Magistra hums while she is working Magistra: You are even more beautiful than yesterday, my rose bushes Magistra: I'll be back tomorrow. I hope the mould will do you good.[/spoiler]
  11. [spoiler]:: Magistra waters her rose bushes : Magistra leans down and sniffs at her rose bushes Magistra: I believe I can already smell your sweet scent. I can't wait till you are in full bloom.[/spoiler]
  12. Nice Dante! Was this what you were doing when you sent Nightbane away?
  13. [spoiler]: Magistra waters her rose bushes Magistra: You grow more beautiful every day. [/spoiler]
  14. I valued the conversation we had a little while ago tremendously. I came to visit you later, but I couldn't get in (viscosity too high).
  15. My score is INFP Introvert 44 Intuitive 38 Feeling 62 Perceiving 67
  16. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1343826817' post='118900'] Pipstickz, my job cannot be posted on the forum [/quote] Because it is harassing people. I see no mentioning the Children of the Eclipse. Did you swallow it?
  17. When you, Nimrodel, and you, BHF, are solely relying on science, it has no use for me to react, because I simply don't believe that. Consider this a weakness if you want, but it simply has to do with our different beliefs. Anyway, I would have reacted earlier, but I saw your posts just now.
  18. This morning when I logged in everything worked just fine again.It seems it was "one of those things"... Anyway, I am glad all is back to normal. And thank you Phantom Orchid. So this topic can be closed.
  19. I can get no sound anymore in-game. I hear no bleeps when something new is posted in chat, nor do I hear when I'm attacked or receive a new pm. It's not my computer, since listening to music on YouTube works just fine. I think I accidentally disabled something, but I can't figure out what. Can somebody help me?
  20. You can add me too. (If the time is right.)
  21. Nice of you to make me laugh! Oh, and thanks for the sandwiches.
  22. Welcome. I already met you and answered some of your questions. Can you make some sandwiches too?
  23. I think it's a good idea. Always that sun ...
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