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Everything posted by Change

  1. Happy birthday, Chewett!
  2. Sorry, I'll have to decline. I've added lists for accepted offers and declined offers in my second post. This way, people can easily see if an offer has been accepted without me having to make a post saying that it has or hasn't been.
  3. Trades Completed trades: - 19 Coloured Paper sold for 1 Teleport Papercabin stone. Accepted offers: Declined offers: - 11 mineral water, 5 lumber and 6 flowers for 10 memory stones and 3 pieces of cake Note: The number in brackets beside an accepted transaction shows how many days left the person who made the offer has to complete the trade. If someone offered to give me 30 silver for 2 gold, if I accepted, they'd have 3 days to complete the trade. During those three days, I wouldn't be able to give/trade my gold to/with anyone else. If someone offered to give me 60 silver for 2 gold then, I'd have to decline. After the three days are up, however, I'd be under no obligation to trade with the person. I could then choose to decline the trade, complete the trade anyways, or trade my two gold to someone else. I reserve the right to break this rule if I suspect that someone is abusing it to inconvenience me or people who want to trade with me. Also, three days is just the default. I might increase it for someone who has earned my trust and doesn't play magicduel much, and I might decrease for someone who I suspect of trying to abuse the system.
  4. I'm looking to trade a lot of stuff. I hope to keep this system up for as long as I'm active in MD. :) How it works, is you post what you want from the inventory listed below, and what you are willing to give for it. I won't trade if I think that I'll be getting the worse deal. I'm also biased towards owning a bunch of cheap items vs. a few expensive items. The stuff that I get from trading will go back into this 'shop' to be available for someone else to buy. Think of this as a miniature market. I might use some of my inventory to sponsor quests,but I'll mainly be focusing on adding more stock to this 'shop'. I'll occasionally use some of my inventory for other purposes, but my overall goal is to keep my inventory growing. I really like owning lots of stuff, yet I don't like stuff collecting dust in an inventory. I've left the few items that I own that are role based or have sentimental value out of here. I definitely don't mind if someone else does something like this as well. I'd encourage it, actually. Hopefully this will help to encourage trade in MD while satisfying my need for owning lots of stuff. Shop Inventory: Recently added items/creatures are in italics - Aromatic herbs (264) - BMMO Bronze Gift (1) - BMMO Silver Gift (3) - Branches (519) - Bushies (3) - Cup of Cold Tea (31) - Flowers (114) - Gold coin (3) - Silver coin (72) - Heat stone (20) - Locate stone (12) - Memory stone (10) - Movelock stone (1) - Otherarmy stone (2) - Piece of Cake (3) - Prot Attack stone (2) - Prot Bringin stone (1) - Prot Defence stone (1) - Prot Freeze stone (1) - Prot Heal stone (1) - Prot Movelock stone (1) - Prot Nomulti stone (1) - Rainwater (50) - Sawdust (3) - Sticky Goop (2) - Tea leaves (385) - Teleport Papercabin stone (1) - Timeless dust (3) - Toxic plants (77) - Unidentified plants (78) - Water (42) - Weaken stone (1) Creatures: - Barren Soul (ID: 807727. Age: 173) - Barren Soul (ID: 807729. Age: 173) - Barren Soul (ID: 807730. Age: 173) - Barren Soul (ID: 807733. Age: 173) - Grasan (ID: 807734. Age: 173) - Remains (ID: 808897. Age: 151) - Remains (ID: 808898. Age: 151) - Remains (ID: 808899. Age: 151) - Remains (ID: 808900. Age: 151) - Remains (ID: 808901. Age: 151) - Remains (ID: 808902. Age: 151) - Remains (ID: 808903. Age: 151)
  5. Happy birthday! :)
  6. In a game where death is not permanent, stealing becomes the biggest crime. If someone steals your life, you can get another one (although it might be an expensive process). If someone steals your 'Ancient artifact of lores unseen', you have to steal it back, otherwise you lose it forever. If the item stolen from you is an expensive consumable and the thief uses it, you're out of luck. Of course, in real life, the punishment for death wouldn't change. Death is very painful (in lots of cases) and it could scar someone for the rest of their lives. While death is still an illegal act in most places, it doesn't hold the taboo that roleplaying or doing other subjects does. Thus you get the whole issue of murder being more acceptable than swearing, since murder is a part of the game. While murder is treated lightly in lots of games and rpgs today, I don't necessarily think that's a good thing. We're teaching kids that it's more acceptable to commit murder than it is to be politically incorrect. MD can change this, but only if people are willing. If there are no consequences to murder, the players can make some. Players can agree to not speak to, trade with, sponsor the quests of, etc., of someone who has hired someone to commit murder or has murdered someone themselves. Lands can choose to banish people who commit murder against anyone, or they can choose to banish people who commit murder against certain people. People might cry foul for someone being punished by others because of the role that they chose, but that's just stupid. If you choose to murder someone as a part of your role, others can choose to not talk with murderers as a part of their role. Or, they can choose to worship murderers if they want. It's their choice. The only cases where this fails is when someone doesn't care about trading, socially interacting with people, doing quests, etc. These cases will be rare though, and if it's possible for a player to not care about such punishments, it's equally possible for a character to not care, and people will just have to deal with it.
  7. This, this, a million times this. One minor thing would be to bring back the randomly appearing colourful power-ups for older players. I loved those!
  8. Congrats, everyone! (or should I say No one?) Congrats to No one as well. I forgot about the sponsorship rule. :blush: I was going to give the gold to whoever placed closest to me if I placed in the quest. It's a good thing that I was too distracted to really participate. Thanks Burns and Nimrodel for all of the work you put into this awesome quest! :) MD needs more stuff like this, though I don't blame you if you don't want to get started on another big quest anytime soon.
  9. I'm assuming you're talking about how your life is unstable on the phone? Even if you are, maybe see if you can find somebody physically close by you who is willing to listen? I'd say ideally a therapist if you can afford it, and if one is available. However, I just took a psychology course that said it's really talking to someone that helps--it doesn't matter if they're an experienced therapist or not. Know that it will get better in one way or another? I know it's kind of bad, but you can always think of the worst thing that could possibly happen and then be glad that your life is way better? I do this all the time to feel better. >.> "At least I'm not starving--" etc. I have another suggestion related to this, but I probably shouldn't post it. Find another activity that you do have control over? If you don't make schedules and lists, maybe start? Keeping with schedules definitely helps, although I can't really talk (I've been feeling 'down' for the past few weeks as well and it's caused me to abandon most of my schedules). Make fun motivations to get you to keep with those schedules. Also, know that you're doing the schedules because scheduling is good and useful, regardless of how you're feeling. Also, keep the schedules manageable, including stuff that you already (hopefully) do, like brushing your teeth and eating breakfast. If you miss something, don't stress about it. You just didn't get the reward for that day. Um, but yeah. Schedules = good. Maybe I'll try and make some again myself.
  10. Mooved to contests/quests upon request. I can't wait for the spell!
  11. That's why you give one dwarf manager and bookkeeping duties.
  12. Reserved for year 2--the best year.
  13. What it all boils down to is whether people want the mods to be strict when it comes to unnecessary posts and words, or lenient. So far we've been somewhat lenient. I'm guessing people want us to be stricter then? Fine by me, but I wonder if it's what everyone wants. If people don't want us to be strict, then we have to hesitate a lot before we declare something as needlessly offensive. It causes a lot less headaches, for me at least, to moderate strictly than to be somewhat lenient.
  14. I'm in too.
  15. Isn't this the same as real life? I'm all for incentives against depletion, but MD should still stay realistic. I like the fact that lots of things in MD do reflect real life. If depletion became just as hard as conservation, then this aspect of MD would be totally different from how things are in real life. It's much easier to hunt a species to extinction, reduce the amount of trees, etc., than it is to do the opposite. This is simply because it takes a much smaller time for a resource to be harvested than the time it takes for a resource to regrow. I personally don't like the idea of tool damage from overuse. How would it fit in with MD's physics? If anything, I'd think that a tool would get 'rusty' and broken from a lack of use, not an 'overuse'. I think a better idea would be to have the maximum resources in an area reflect the average amount of resources in an area. So if, on average, a resource is always at 0/20, after awhile the maximum will shrink to 19. To balance this out, if a resource is at its max on average, the maximum will eventually increase. The only restriction I'd put on this is a resource can't be reduced below a 1 maximum in an area (that is, go extinct). Thus, while it's way more easier to reduce the maximum of a resource, there's a limit on the reduction. In contrast, while it's much harder to increase the maximum of a resource, the maximum can grow indefinitely. This would be a lengthy process. Perhaps the average could be taken after each tool reset? So, if some water is at 5/5 all week, at the next reset it will grow to 6/6. Since I said that it makes more sense for tools to become rusty, this should happen with resources too. Thus the speed that resources grow/shrink at increases or decreases with viscosity. If there's an area in Golemus that no one hardly ever goes to, the resources there shouldn't grow as fast as an area in Marind Bell where people pass through every day. More heat/attention is paid to the high traffic area, and so the resources grow more as a result. I'm not opposed to the idea of tool damage, I just don't think that it should work like this.
  16. Exams equal a sleepy Change

    1. Grido


      I misread that status. I won't say what I misread it as, but it may be fairly obvious.

  17. Happy belated birthday!
  18. Happy birthday! (Seems like I'm procrastinating with happy birthdays as well as schoolwork)
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Good luck! I hope you enjoy the break. :)
  21. Change

    stepping down

    You're stepping down? :( We'll be sure to keep it hot in your absence! :)
  22. 1. Change 2. 233774 3. 481
  23. Are you patient? Get better.

    1. Maebius


      Yes, Stop being in such a hurry, RIGHT NOW! :P

  24. Also, along that line, I'd really like a MP6 that functions like the leader of a pack. Right now Protectors are strongly associated with LHOs in what they do (help/guide new players). While this is great, I believe that MP6 has more potential than this. I imagine MP6 as a way for a bunch of people to organize around a leader who is working towards a certain cause. Thus, all of the adepts could be veterans. I'll most likely write more on this later. I'm not sure. An active Protector often already does this manually. While it is a good show of their dedication, the time that they spend updating the list could potentially be better spent elsewhere. I'd personally be for it, though I'd like to hear why this shouldn't be implemented.
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