Im not trying to impress anyone. I said id do what had to be done, and im doing it. I did say i would try and earn your respect as a Leader, and while i will never stop trying to that end, that does not mean i am bound by trying to impress anyone. I am doing what i feel is required, i am staying true to myself, and not one other.
Thats an assumption, as ive never said that, dont put words in my mouth.
@Rider: your points are duly noted and you have given me much to think on. I do not see stating facts plainly as bragging, if others do, im sorry it has to be that way. As to what anyone outside my Inner Circle + The Mod & Creator think of me, i honestly could not care less. I dont have an image i need to uphold, im not in public service, and i get things done in my own way. If that is abrassive to anyone outside my circle, then i guess thats that. You, you i care about, so your words i will deeply consider as stated above. If you want to continue this talk, you know where to find me and how.
Im not in a contest with anyone, and while i do actively try to work with the ways of MD laws, politics, etc, i am not bound by them (Save for the laws, i will not break any rules im well aware of). I have stated this before, and i will do so again. I have my own set of beliefs, which i will forever stick to, regardless of whether i walk it alone, or with a pack behind me. This is what i have become, after all the years of both love and hate from all angles. If you do not like what i have become, then realize i accepted my own half of personal blame long ago and decided to move forward regardless of the storm. What should be widely acknowledged in my eyes, but seems to have been forgotten, is how and why i came to be this way. Remember that, then attack the root, and maybe, just maybe, ill consider reverting back to the idiot dog that trusted too much and let everyone use him to their own means and ends.