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Valldore Nal

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  1. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from John Constantine in Happy B-day Sunfire!   
    Happy Birthday Sunny :)
  2. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to dst in Research - Worst part of MD?   
    Imo that is the WORST "feature" of MD. Everybody is so hush hush and secretive about their research and proud that they "research" stuff. But except very few people that make their research public, everybody else keeps the research under tons of locks but they do brag that they are "into research". Bleah..
  3. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from John Constantine in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday to both of you :)
  4. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Jubaris in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday to both of you :)
  5. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday to both of you :)
  6. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Nimrodel in Land Leader of MDA   
    Yeah.. Why isnt darkraptor's entry valid? He did apply for the post. And is one of the most popular candidates till now.
  7. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to DarkRaptor in Land Leader of MDA   
    I'm not a archivist as you all know, yet i'm active and i have what is needed to rule the archives, so

    This is my claim for the leadership of MagicDuel Archives.

    I shall be "Regent of the Archives"

    These are my intentions:
      Work with the archivists and make all the necessary deligences to assure they have all the needed tools.
      Keep good diplomatic relations with the other land's and always be available to talk with their leaders.
      Defend the land and the citizens. Diplomacy will always be the first approach.
      Work with citizens to have more quests and events in MDA. Make MDA a place you MUST visit!
      Listen to the citizens and their hopes for the land.
      Assure fairness and impartiality of judgment when necessary.
  8. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Nimrodel in Land Leader of MDA   
    I'd like to nominate darkraptor for the 'king' position.From what I can see, he has been most faithful to MDA over the past year and is actually a part of it. He is the leader of the Dimentional shifters, a sensible person, a loyal person, he is humble person, loved by all, active people, one of the strongest fighters in the realm, honest, generous, kind, incredible quest creator and while he may not sing songs, or write poetry, he is capable of growing tremondously in a short time. Hell he learnt how to draw from scratch just so that he could create his own pictures for his quests. I am not at all exxagerating when I am saying all that. I am sure many people will testify to this. While you say you want the people to see the post, you do not consider the possibility of them being away for some reason. Unless Darkraptor doesnt want to take up this post, I see him as a worthy candidate. I am trying to 'reserve' the spot here because if,for,some bs reason he doesnt see this post, he is still elligible.
  9. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Nimrodel in The first awarded "Title"   
    I was not giving away titles or claiming authority. I think I clearly mentioned that. I was trying to make a point to incite a response, a bit of which you have explained.
     About dst's description, it was meant to be a joke. All i wanted to do was bring around attention that she deserves to be on that list. About Burns' title, I said it was Drachorn Master. Not overlord.
    @ Mur:
    I think giving authorities to certain bunch of people like this creates rifts. What do all the four people on my list have in common? They are my friends. I have seen them work more closely so i know they are deserving. What about... Lets say.. Intrigue. I barely know the kind of loyalty she has towards bob so it'll be a big no for me if someone asked me about awarding her with a title. Also, Let us assume if i dislike player X a lot and they are deserving. Lets also consider the fact that I am a partial person. Obviously I'd have some problem with awarding that person with a cert. And if the decision lies in my hands i might say no. Does that mean that the person is not deserving?
    Again, my current role is related to quest management. Whom should I be able to nominate? Who should BFH be able to nominate? What category do we have under our jurisdiction?
    Azull, Peace and Rhaegar fall in the same category according to me. Land Rulers. Why were Grido, Alyon and Mya not included in the authority list? If not royalty, they do hold the prime posts in their respective governments.
    Ok. Let me talk about activity.  If activity was taken into consideration, why was Peace given authority at all when most of the last year she was fairly inactive and barely visible in the realm? If she deserves authority, I can name a bunch of people who also deserve to be on that list as well. Avatar managers can be given authority to reward artists  who have contributed quality avatars. SS can be given authority to recognise members of his order with a certificate. There are many other groups that can be taken into consideration. LHOS, Coders, Bug testers/finders, combat specialists, Quest Creators, x... y... z.
    Why was I given the authority at all? The whole idea was to bring out that theory. MAYBE I deserve a title and certificate. But giving authority to someone not on the council or not having power over global MD population is kinda... odd. It really doesn't make it different than people being given the power to allot tags, just that the title is a more fancy tag.
    It's not like I am against the idea. It sounds good and rewarding for effort. I'm pro it. But I think It'd be great if you could answer the whats and whys and lay down some ground rules and limitations before giving people any kind of authority or saying that x, y, z has the authority to do things. If you don't do that, it'd be similar to discrediting those who deserve to be on that list more than me, but arent.
  10. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in your idea to better MD   
    Getting balance isnt hard if you have the time to invest. You dont even need to know how to fight if you talk with friends and get help. 

    This essentially just removes the restriction completely. This isnt a compromise it just means people are stuck with their creatures once advanced.

    You had some rather foolish players lead you if you were told that :P

    There is discussion amoung Mur and I to permit MP3's to attack anyone. Keep an eye on the announcements to see if this gets implemented :)
  11. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from DARK DEMON in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    In general, the idea sounds very interesting. (Well, the last part about printing and such goes on the same way with that box idea you had,i'll say this part sounds just fun but has no real usefulness. But from what i understand that's a certain point of view/action you like, so i'll just say for me it sounds indifference for the shake of evaluating the whole point )
    What i disagree a bit, or maybe better say it , what i see that might go wrong at some point , is the part where you blindly trust people to give this "Titles" while making completely clear that you plan to make them permanent. Well, in a way, if you do make them as such and something goes wrong (anything, it doesn't matter what exactly), you kind off keep yours and other people's hands tied up. Ofc if it's that serious you can always just take back or change what you initially planned, but you know, it's better if you keep a small back-door from the start than doing changes later, looks neater :P
    What would be nice in order for us to get a better idea would be to maybe try and offer some more specific examples and their respective authority.
  12. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Nimrodel in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    In general, the idea sounds very interesting. (Well, the last part about printing and such goes on the same way with that box idea you had,i'll say this part sounds just fun but has no real usefulness. But from what i understand that's a certain point of view/action you like, so i'll just say for me it sounds indifference for the shake of evaluating the whole point )
    What i disagree a bit, or maybe better say it , what i see that might go wrong at some point , is the part where you blindly trust people to give this "Titles" while making completely clear that you plan to make them permanent. Well, in a way, if you do make them as such and something goes wrong (anything, it doesn't matter what exactly), you kind off keep yours and other people's hands tied up. Ofc if it's that serious you can always just take back or change what you initially planned, but you know, it's better if you keep a small back-door from the start than doing changes later, looks neater :P
    What would be nice in order for us to get a better idea would be to maybe try and offer some more specific examples and their respective authority.
  13. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Muratus del Mur in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    I will present step by step ..something.. that will start to take shape slowly and will be a major shift in how the social structure, tags and roles will be acknowledged as official. This is intended as a major thing in MD, but one that i am hoping to complete how things are functioning now and not change them too much.
    Roles/tags are earned through your constant activity and sometimes awarded on special occasions.
    Currently there is nothing except the tag and description and occasionally an announcement that makes the role official...what else could it be..my, or councils "word" is enough. Well...here is where things will updated a bit.
    At some point in MD history, the Council operated by requireing just two votes of its members. In case no other member objected to the voted matter. Keep this in mind for now.
    I want to delegate council/my authority of giving roles/tags to people such as land leaders (Kings and Queens) and maybe to people that hold well known roles for a very long time. It is difficult to explain what i want to do, but the concept is simple. I will try to detail it slowly, by answering your questions and soon i will provide more detailed info.
    Tags/Roles will be called Titles from now on. A Title can be granted by a higher authority, such as your King, plus one additional authority, for a start that will be myself.
    Remember the "MD Diploma / Fancy Legacy Box" topic i posted recently, where i wanted to create fancy documents to send out to people and prepare seals and all the associated materials? It received a negative vote from the community (at least in my opinion), mainly because there are other more important things to do and because there are no funds to do such a "crazyness" at this point. However I will do it, in an adapted way.
    For now we will discuss this as if they will be VIRTUAL, its simpler that way for now.
    Lets try to see if you understand the "layout/structure" of how titles will be granted:
    Me, Muratus del Mur, -> insert fancy titles here <- will create a limited number of pre-signed blank documents that represent my authority as one of the leaders of the lands in MD. I will give these documents to other high authority characters in MD, for example the kings or other important roles. Now...that means i am blindly trusting the person i am giving such a document to, that they will use it wisely. Lets say a King holds such a blank title document. This king will be able to fill in details about a title he wants to give, only under the scope of his own authority (only matters that involve his own land). LHO leader holding such a blank title document, could fill it only with a title under his own authority...and so on.
    So far this is clear? makes sense for you? questions?
    These titles once signed by both me (already) and the second authority (king,important role,etc) will be given to a player, granting him that title FOREVER. My intention is that these titles will be created in such a way that they will never "expire". This is same concept as the King crown medal. Once you become king, you receive that crown, and it will remain yours forever regardless if you are still a king or not. In the same way, these titles will remain yours forever, without an expiry date. What will happen if two people have two conflicting titles? ...here is a big change... BOTH are valid, but the person with highest active days/activity percentage (or other factors maybe?) will have higher power, controlling the grated role/title.
    Ok..don't panic, this involves a lot of things, i am aware of the majority of them...and i am aware things will change, but i see this change as a complementary thing to how my vision about md is. Activity defines your influence...dead and forgotten people should not be able to actively USE titles, but should still hold them forever because at some point they earned them.
    THIS WILL APPLY ONLY FROM NOW ON....this is totally unfair, i know, but giving titles backwards it will be a total mess. However..any ancient role that becomes active again might receive his "Title" document. I might do an exception to king roles because they are very important and very few..maybe one or two other roles, but thats it.
    I said to consider these docs "virtual" .. maybe i will make items for them for now...but i want you to know that i am planning to make them actual printed documents (signed, fancy paper, gold finish and all the bells and whisles), and have them ready before this new concept will be fully integrated.
    This subject is open for debate, i will listen to both pro and contra opinions, but i will "fight" for this to happen, even if it requires significant sacrifices. I am however prepared to change my mind if somehow there are aspects of this that will prove to be to stupid or unrealistic...so feel free to challenge this matter if you don't agree to it...but also state your support if you like it. (Hearing positive opinions will make me do things faster and better :P )
  14. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Muratus del Mur in Distinction between Player and Offical Roles   
    I wish to put things a little different:
    "Just because I have the power to do something, doesnt mean im allowed to"
    This is basically true...but , there is a certain beauty in saying that YOUR POWER ALLOWS YOU TO DO IT IF YOU WANT TO. Like i said with all roles and abilities, you can use them to their technical limit and maybe report possible abuse if you think what you are doing is "not ok"...but technically Chewett, i see you as "allowed to" use your powers....but its the fact that you are not using them in such way that got you to have them in the first place. Most people do not understand this slight difference of viewing things... but for those that do understand, its important to mention that as Code Guardian, chew is allowed to do whatever he considers healthy and needed for md well being. The fact that he is not randomly cloning gold coins or rare creatures is because he understands that their actual value is given by the fact that they are not cloned. I do the same, my creatures are "real" and when i will run out of certain specimens, well thats it, my PERSONAL collection will be damaged,..this doesn't mean i am not allowed to clone/duplicate any creature, however i will not, for same reason Chewett doesn't... I respect and understand my power.
    I posted this not just to praise the almost all mighty wookie...but to tell to some of you a very valuable lesson about how power should be respected in order to be kept.
  15. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in Distinction between Player and Offical Roles   
    There has, and always will be a distinction between offical roles. Just because a player can do something, doesn't mean they are allowed to do so.

    As a player I offered someone a morph for free. They didn't reply to me for a number of days, I believed they had left game so I gave this item to someone else.

    After a number of days they came back and requested the morph. I told them that I had already given it away and wished them good will. They then asked me for "PERMANENT clicky coding access and to ask Mur to give me a quester pack" (spellings corrected, content static)

    The Morph was from my personal collection, While I can create as many morphs as possible I do not do this as that would be an abuse of power. Both of the secondary items items are not something I would ever do as its an abuse of power. I suggested to this player that the coding access can be obtained freely by requesting it and proving its good use (after 3 months if it isnt used well it will be removed).

    After this they spent some time demanding rewards for various accomplishments they had performed ingame and being offensive as I wouldnt give them coding access or anything they asked for.


    What people dont realise something is, Just because I have the power to do something, doesnt mean im allowed to. Any times when I have freely given away things is because I myself has earnt that and have the right to give it away. I cant give you coding access "Just because" or because you insult me, You need to earn these.

    This applies to all offical roles, Grido cant ban people becuase he doesn't like them, he has to have a valid reason. When people request things you need to think of a valid reason for that person doing it, that fits with their limits of their powers.
  16. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in Beat the LR guards at MP3   
    Ann. 2894 - [2014-01-11 20:42:50 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett
    Ary Endleg was the first to present a strategy and win against the LR guards at MP3. For this effort he has been rewarded a wishpoint. The contest to win against the guards at MP3 will remain open but further wins may not necessarily give a reward.
  17. Downvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Seigheart in Giveaway   
    Author is dst? Meaning you drew those? O.o
  18. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from nadrolski in HNY!   
    Happy New Year for all :) All the best :)
  19. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Eara Meraia in PC Stepdown   
    Greetings all,
    With this post I officially step down from the Public Council position.
    First of all I want to thank every person who voted for me to get there and demonstrated their trust in my skills and abilities. I am also very grateful to Chewett and Syrian, also Zyr and Maebius for our work together. In spite of our good and bad days I have learned a lot and I consider it absolutely positive experience.
    There is a number of reasons that made me do this decision:
    My RL availability. Since I am studying and working together it is really hard to put additional time in my schedule during the exam period. All other times are fine, but those times are really tough. To prevent some comments on this – yes, when I applied for PC I knew very well about my exam periods, but I was hoping that until the first exam period comes we have a good functioning and very active team which can compensate my partial inactivity in that period. This did not come true, since other members (except Syrian) are too inactive, which makes the responsibility too high.
    Another reason – giving other motivated and smart people around a chance to try themselves in PC role. Even if I do feel I am capable of doing it further there is always somebody who can do better and I think PC is a perfect opportunity to find such people.
    All in all I still stay an active community member, but without any political responsibility. I certainly continue working on all quests I announced lately, so my stepdown has no influence on those. I will also try to organize more quests in the future or help everyone who needs my help.
    Wish you all a wonderful day.
    Sincerely, Eara.
  20. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Nimrodel in Christmas Lottery   
    then exchange it for the gold with someone and take a screen. If you can take a valid set of screens from the item logs giving me 30 silver in total then I'm fine with that. I log out at GoE. But if I dont find the screens valid, i will not give you any tickets. your risk. 
    This is my lottery. People who don't trust me, needn't contribute. I don't want anyone interfering in my business.
  21. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Nimrodel in Tea and stuff   
    So i made some tea today. Have 32 cups atm. Any younger player who thinks that they'll be needing tea please contact me at GoE. I'd be happy to share some. Keep watching the thread. I might make some cake too. Mainly distributing so that younger players can participate freely in quests that need running around without AP disadvantage. Merry christmas! ^_^
    PS: the tea lasts till 27th of this month. Also.. FIrst come First serve. Hurry and claim your tea!
  22. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in Christmas Cards   
    So i underestimated the time required to do all these things and overestimated my free time, meaning i still havent sent them... sorry :(
    But i do plan to send everyone i said i would, one. even if it arrives a tad late.
  23. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Ary Endleg in Toadspeak spell working strange   
    Prob better to ask here than start a new topic. 
    What is the point of having the effect continues after the notification at the trigger box has expired ? I mean, if the spell should have a greater duration, why not leave the notification for longer ? I assume since it's not a bug that there is a reason behind that behavior, but i don't get it. 
  24. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to No one in Bug abuse from fang   
    Ackshan, you are asking the exact questions that most MD ask and you are right to ask them :
     - why all this fuss on such a small matter
     - why this when there were other bigger
     - the penalties are to huge when they did almost nothing
     - it is not dst's job to give the penalties
     - some are ostracized by you (dst)
     - and after all ... which is an abuse and which is not ?
    This is exactly why ALL abuse should reported on the forum. As dst said above, most of her job goes unseen and directly to the council following properly & long since established way .
    In order to answer to all the questions listed above, all she needs to do is to write ALL the reports on forum. Then you will understand.
    I will not even try to argue your reasons or anyone else for contesting her topics (I do have slipups). I only try to see the gravity of her report and the impact on MD / MD ppl. That is all we all have to see and learn to see.
    There is nothing "so unimportant that doesn't need to be reported"; everything has to be reported. The council is the one that will say if it is a bug/abuse and will be fixed or if it will stay like that even if it should be avoided. It is not us / dst to assume the "council"'s job.
    In return to her job, all you do is to argue her "reasons", not the "proofs" and in the end the most ostracized person on the forum is still dst.
    Did you ever considered that the only "reason" for reporting a bug / abuse is that it is the correct / fair way ?
    Have you ever considered to give her a rewards for being the oldest and most constant  in her role ?
    Now a little philosophy:
    "The past is the past."
    --- correct when you talk about the past actions
    --- incorrect when you are talking about the actions that are continued in the present
    --- incorrect & highly unfair when you talk about a person. Your past is what you are and will be. If you don't have a past you don't exist.
    For example, I can talk to you Ackshan just because in the past you chose to name yourself Ackshan. If we are to ignore that information ... then we would be ... like molecules of water in the ocean = a nobody.
  25. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to No one in Bug abuse from fang   
    Mainly to Seigheart & Fang:
    The "bug detection" are not all skill but also will.
    For example:
    1. Fang said it blatantly, as he always does, that he "found it odd that i could still gain honor and loyalty" but he chose not to do anything because he "couldnt care less". (see my first quote above)
    So, all he does / did was play the innocent card . But you are not a kid anymore. You also had a number of notifications adn thus making you guilty for you "couldnt care less".
    2. Keeping the voice low and hoping that nobody notices is not a good practice Seig.
    <<Report it to the Council. That is all you need to do dst. "Letting people know" and "Wanting to get something done about it" are not valid reasons to ostracize someone in the forum.>>
    The direct actions that you mention have been done before and to what result ? The result were you (seig) and Fang.
    I have no doubt that we have been reported before and the kind of actions that you were notified (whatever that were, not discussing them here) but there just one issue : NOBODY ELSE KNEW.
    So, now, dst chose, no doubt, this path due to the lack of result on her important job. If you read the first topic again, you will notice that it was not mean or ill intended (as we all know she can write) but just as a notification.
    And if you, Seig, say that making public a kind of abuse is "ostracizing" the person ... then you are sympathizing with the guilty due to same kind of actions. So, please, do restrain yourself on accusing unless you want to prove something.
    Most bugs were never notified on forum due to the gravity of the situation. This  one instead needed to on forum due to its kind of abuse : "ignorance".
    3. "Her actions dont affect me in any way."
    You Fang are an idiot, we all know it and we "love" you the way you are.
    Let me explain you why I tell you you are "an idiot".
    Dst's actions caused & FORCED dozens of bug fixes.
    Dst's actions caused features.
    Dst's actions cause the logs that you can all check.
    Dst's actions made MD safe for you , you idiot.
    So never again say that "Her actions dont affect me in any way". You play MD the way you do because of her and the ppl like her.
    4. "Just give up. Relax. let the calm water take you away somewhere, anywhere, where only you can tread, and no one can hear DST scream."
    You are right ... in part.
    Just relax, ask for information and then admit or contradict. Ignoring feedback based on personal relationship makes you , anywhere in the world, a popular moron.
    You will be popular as long as the fuss is en vogue and until you fall all the way down.
    Fang, Seig, and all that took their side: take all the above as a friendly RL advice .
    You are no longer 3. You will no longer be ignored when you ignore rules. Use your common sense and admit when faced with proof.
    As we say : "Admitting a mistake is worth half of a punishment."
    Stay safe.
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