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Valldore Nal

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  1. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in Bug abuse from fang   
    After discussion with the council I have been asked to issue a formal final warning to you Fang about abusing bugs. Your past, including abusing WP giving powers, the treasury to get achievements, creature trading between alts using a third party, attacking MP3's after being told and promising not to and disregard for rules means this final warning is being issued. If you abuse something again you will lose the power to become MP7.

    Since Mur was the one to give Fang these powers, and also the "only one who can judge me" according to Fang, I ran the abuses and the suggested warning to Fang and he agrees it is good.
  2. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to lashtal in Déjà vu - a recurrent nightmare (Halloween quest)   
    All the rewards have been delivered.
    Thanks again to all the participants and congratulations to the winners. The fact they were 8 seemed indeed like a cosmic coincidence..  :D
    I am especially glad Asthir and Shadrala managed to complete it while MP3.
    I was afraid the high AP requirements would have discouraged all the younger players, but at the same time I really wanted such a quest to take place inside Necrovion. So, thank you for your perseverance!   
    The quest will be active for an indefinite period of time (hopefully permanently), so if you enjoyed the story but you couldn't complete it, you can still proceed. 
    A very special bahut acchā to Nimrodel, for figuring out what was coming out from the resources you collected.
    Perhaps others realized it as well, but she was the only one who explicitly stated it. [spoiler]What are you looking for? I won't spoil it here!  :P[/spoiler]  
    Feedbacks and comments are welcomed and appreciated, either here or privately.
    Until next adventure!
  3. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Menhir in Change to the in game player mini profile   
    There was a discussion about the players in game mini profile and whether it should be changed or not. 
    In game mini profile , in case it's not clear, is the name for this :

    So, do you people like it the way it is ? Do you think changes should be made and if yes, what would you like to be changed ?
    Consider the following in your suggestions :
    player descriptions 
    mp6 ui
    players with no description and no information either
    P.S. Will add more things to be considered in the list as people suggest, those were suggestions made during the discussion as well
  4. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from John Constantine in Change to the in game player mini profile   
    There was a discussion about the players in game mini profile and whether it should be changed or not. 
    In game mini profile , in case it's not clear, is the name for this :

    So, do you people like it the way it is ? Do you think changes should be made and if yes, what would you like to be changed ?
    Consider the following in your suggestions :
    player descriptions 
    mp6 ui
    players with no description and no information either
    P.S. Will add more things to be considered in the list as people suggest, those were suggestions made during the discussion as well
  5. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in Monday Evenings   
    This sounds great. I shall hope to be around also this time, and make it a weekly "talk to me about anything and i promise i wont bite your head off" event for me :D
  6. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Jubaris in Monday Evenings   
    Every Monday, around 21:00h (server time), I will be at the Marble Dale Park.
    I am updating my quest papers, which should be done by Monday, introducing few new tasks, dedicated mostly for the players in their first few hundreds of activity days. Some of the quests/challenges that I develop will be 'playable' only during those gatherings.
    Rewards will be appropriate :)
    It would be lovely if other people would join in, participate and interact, perhaps create tasks and games of their own every now and then, in the spirit of MD birthday festivals.
    Marble Dale Park is the place where players end their story mode stasis, so I hope this to be the start of 'newb-stimulating'.
    Those evenings will also be a perfect opportunity for people to speak to me about anything in relation with the affairs of Marind Bell, I will be in a much better mood than I would be regulary.
    That's about it - comments and suggestions are welcome, hope to see you there!
  7. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to dst in Quest: Find the One   
    I asked for that info for my own personal curiosity. Both me and Nimmy are very competitive and I wanted to know what I did or didn't (or she did or didn't) in order to win. 
    Tom was kind enough to provide the info that made the difference. Everything was perfectly legal and fine. 
    Thank you darkraptor. 
    BUT, now that the quest is over, I think I can give my feedback. 
    Stage 1: - the code was fairly easy (at least for me) and it was fun. What "angered" (it is a strong word but I cannot find another one) was the lack of info (3 letters were missing but I had to "drag" the info out of Tom about what to do with those letters).
                  -the puzzle was indeed difficult and for me there was no way to solve it in the allocated time frame. So what I did was to try and form some words and search for them. Unfortunately I didn't search in the right place. So this was pretty frustrating. And not fun. 
    Stage 2 - to find the words in that big sheet - LOTS of fun for me since I used to do those kind of puzzles when I was a kid. The problem was there were spelling mistakes that made me lose precious time  trying to find out if I made mistakes or I am missing something.
                 -find the locations: that was a mind blower. Luckily I cheated.  I had a hunch on what those "hints" would be and the second one was easily to check (the one about Tranquil Planes). From that point it was just a kid's play to find what were the verses that fit. So....not exactly the way of solving Tom wanted. 
    Stage 3 - all the crosswords were solved mainly by using "Search". So the better you were at searching stuff the faster you could solve them. Not so fun. Quite frustrating at one point. Especially since some of the definitions were very ambiguous and vague. 
    Stage 4 - quite an impossible stage because I would have needed a rituals generator to be able to cover all possibilities. Not to mention that in certain conditions almost all rits can win. And the deadline killed me (but this is just me...): quite a complex task with only 2 days to complete AND during the working week. Again, no fun.
    However, I admire the dedication and I acknowledge the effort Tom put in this quest. Hope he'll learn from his mistakes and next ones will have less bad points. 
    Also, Tom, PLEASE ask someone to spell proof your quests...
  8. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Pipstickz in Stat damage   
    There are a few ways to get stat damage.
  9. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Peace in Happy birthday Peace!   
    Happy B-day Peace :) Wish you all the best :)
  10. Downvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from John Constantine in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    What better reward than this ? 
  11. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Rophs in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    What better reward than this ? 
  12. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to dst in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Isn't it a bit too much to give 1 WP for such a quest?
  13. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    Ask TK for some sponsership John, a WP shouldnt be given for writing a description.
  14. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to dst in Tribunal Signpost [QUEST]   
    A WP for a bunch of lines is way too much if you ask me.
    And it's a PUBLIC voting. It's the WORST kind EVER. Because people will not vote the quality of the submissions (btw...I don't even know what you can call quality on a description) but they will vote for friends and/or the players they like. So no! This kind of quests should DEFO not have such huge prizes.
  15. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Jester in New Torch Contest Concept   
    Torch Contest New Concept

        These are just the basics to a very complex idea. I need to know if its possible to code this with the time frame and energy the programmers have and are willing to spend, before I go crazy and plan out and type up everything I can think of.
        PLEASE LIMIT YOUR REPLIES TO CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK AND AVOID NEEDLESS ARGUING. THIS IS A DISCUSSION. IF YOU FEEL THE NEED TO ATTACK SOMEONE ELSE'S IDEA KINDLY SEND THEM A MESSAGE INSTEAD. To clarify, it need not be a kindly message, it would just be kind of you to send it to them instead of posting it here.

    The Basics
        The most important aspect of this Torch Contest Concept focuses on allowing everyone, no matter their combat ability, to play a crucial role in the competition. This will be accomplished through the use of many different types of items that are only available during Torches. Specific details will not be included yet as I am not sure if the idea is viable or not. Even if it is possible to implement it seems like it would take a huge amount of work, so I am trying to keep it as simple as possible (sorry Chew!).

    Joining the Competition
        Firstly, people would join Torches for the entire duration of the contest, being given a special status and the homeland that they've joined. Only the four main lands would take part in Torches. Once you have joined a land you cannot switch to another or leave the contest. I believe this could be accomplished through illusions but I am not sure. I apologize to everyone not in a mainland, but this is the only way things could work the way they are. In the future the other lands could be added.
        Players who wish to participate in Torches but are not part of the four main lands would need to send a request to the King of that land, or another person that the King appoints to lead his army. The leader of the army will henceforth be referred to as the General for the purposes of this document, whether or not it is the King. The General can choose to accept or deny an application. This will eliminate cheating by joining a land to provide free points (even if the rest of this idea is too complex I believe this would be a good feature).
        Players will have two statuses: Soldier and Medic. All players are Medics until they pick up a Torch, Medic is simply what I am calling the normal state of a participant.. At any time a Medic can pick up a torch and became a Soldier, upon losing the torch or scoring a point they revert to being Medics.

        This Torch Concept requires a great deal of new, Torches-only resources and items. Both of these would only exist during the torch contest and disappear once it is finished. Only players participating in the contest can harvest them. These resources will update very frequently during the Torch competition, unlike their normal counterparts.
        The role of Medics in the battle will be to harvest these resources and combine them to create all manner of game changing items. Examples of these include poison/healing items that raise/lower a target's stats, mimic spells, and even adjust regen times! The possibilities are endless, and new items could be added periodically to keep things fresh. With the proper use of these items any player could be beaten, though it would remain very difficult to defeat the strongest players even with clever utilization of items.
        The most common resources available in this competition would be considered base ingredients and used for many different types of items. The limited nature of these would require a land to plan ahead and use their resources for the items they need most. Each land would have a variety of resources, with some being unique to each land and some being available generally throughout the realm. The most powerful ingredients could be found far away from the main battlegrounds, such as within Tribunal and other hard to reach areas. Due to only torch competitors being able to harvest and their being part of one of the mainlands, travel to those areas would take a long time.
        The most powerful and game changing ingredients would require rare resources from out of the way areas or a combination of ingredients that can each only be found in separate main lands. This would encourage teamwork and alliances between the gatherers to take down a powerful enemy.

    Death and Revival
        When a Medic is defeated by someone carrying a torch they are movelocked and unable to gather resources for their land for a set period of time. A Medic defeating a Soldier has no effect. When a Soldier is defeated by another Soldier, the losing Soldier is killed and transported to the capitol of the land they are fighting for.
        Revival will no longer be automatic. Instead, a revival potion will need to be created from harvested resources and used on the corpse. These potions would be cheap to make, but require base resources that could be used to create more powerful recipes. If possible death from Torches should be separate from death from a killing item or contract so that this feature cannot be abused to revive those killed through other means. If not possible I will rework this section.

    MD Shop Potential
        Some rare resources could only be harvested by buying a tool from deep within the MD Shop, or perhaps from a brand new branch of the shop entirely. Each player would only be allowed to carry one of each tool at a time, though they could absolutely buy more than one if they sell or trade the original. There are certainly other torch related items that could be placed in the shop to encourage people who aren't grinders to support this most awesome of games. If this idea is feasible I would be happy to come up with some more and suggestions are, as always, very welcome. An entire, deep branch of MD shop would be fairly easy to build on over time.

    Mechanics Not Included Yet
        These would all require time and testing but I think the end result would be well worth it.
        -attacking cost would be high but not crippling
        -movement cost would be fairly low in homeland and high (though not as high as last Torches) in opposing lands
        -durations of items and movelock status
        -item/resource types and regen rate
        -a way to make each homeland have identical regen rates, or some other way to balance out AP costs
        -how to score (a very complicated issue with these proposed changes!)
        -a way to add other lands besides the main lands
    Even More Crazy Ideas
        These could be added years down the road for even more fun!
         -ability to strengthen your land's gate using constructive items to increase AP cost
         -items for bashing down an opposing land's gate to decrease AP cost
         -building permanent totems to have a beneficial effect on every member of your homeland
         -weather slowing down movement or speeding it up
         -assassinations during night mode
         -variable resources that could be added to a recipe that already exists to boosts its effects

    Final Thoughts
        If someone who understands programming could please let me know which parts of this idea are doable and which are the fevered dreams of a madman, I would be most grateful. Indeed, full of great would I be. Thank you all for your time.
  16. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from John Constantine in Public Council   
    Valldore Nal
    I will do my best to be fair and promote ideas for the good of the community, can be patient with people, listen to what others have to say and take decisions combing others opinion with my own logic. I can also keep my mouth shut for things that need not to be said.
  17. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Eara Meraia in Public Council   
    I still decided to apply for this because>
    1) I believe we dont just have to accept the situation as it is, but have to DO something ourselves to change it and not just sit and wait
    2) Changing of the situation is always necessary, because only moving and developing system can call itself alive.
    3) I do not pretend to be the "coolest" the "most popular" person around or person who "deserves" something more than others, but I have a realistic view of life, which helps me a lot to stay cool and make good decisions in the most awkward and crazy situations.
    4) If I start something I am loyal to the end.
    Eara Meraia
    ID 241935
    Days: 368
  18. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Sunfire in Public Council   
    Valldore Nal
    I will do my best to be fair and promote ideas for the good of the community, can be patient with people, listen to what others have to say and take decisions combing others opinion with my own logic. I can also keep my mouth shut for things that need not to be said.
  19. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Aelis in Public Council   
    Valldore Nal
    I will do my best to be fair and promote ideas for the good of the community, can be patient with people, listen to what others have to say and take decisions combing others opinion with my own logic. I can also keep my mouth shut for things that need not to be said.
  20. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from lashtal in Public Council   
    Valldore Nal
    I will do my best to be fair and promote ideas for the good of the community, can be patient with people, listen to what others have to say and take decisions combing others opinion with my own logic. I can also keep my mouth shut for things that need not to be said.
  21. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Eara Meraia in Public Council   
    Valldore Nal
    I will do my best to be fair and promote ideas for the good of the community, can be patient with people, listen to what others have to say and take decisions combing others opinion with my own logic. I can also keep my mouth shut for things that need not to be said.
  22. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Maebius in Resource Balancing   
    Entomologist Tools (Magnifying Glass, tweezers, pins,  mothballs) for hunting/collecting  Bugs of course!   :)
  23. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Dragual in Add Damage By Usage to Every Tool   
    The idea of tool getting damaged sounds good in the way of making things more realistic and indeed gives a lot of room for new roles (possibly as others said new guild/guilds to repair the items ) 
    I'd like to suggest though that the ones responsible for the repairs (if it's not done automatically on reset times/any other occasion) would better suit one or more (specialized on categories of tools) guilds and better affiliate them with the non-main lands (not sure about the concept of the guilds and how well it would fit though). The reason i'm suggesting affiliation to non-main lands is that those guilds would have a lot of power over the tools, so it would be better suited for them to be neutral regarding the various main-lands politics and diplomatic relations. 
    Also if this gets implemented, i believe it should get implemented for independent tools as well (again for the shake of realism, i don't see a point for only shared tools to get damaged ). 
    But, as others stated again, people have worked hard to get those tools. So maybe there could be a way for someone to fix a tool on his own (for a greater cost than if it was done from the appropriate guild) and possibly give the choice of repairing one before it gets destroyed (conservation). The reason behind this suggest is that if someone has worked hard to obtain a certain independent tool but he is not in good relations with the appropriate guild to repair it, he/she should have another way to keep the tool in working shape (maybe not in top shape, but working one )
    Even a stat (or more) could be implemented regarding the repairing of tools (and possibly other things) related to the "profession's knowledge" that would be needed to perform such a task.(carpenter, smith etc )
  24. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in Citizenship Application % Votes   
    Problem: I would like I keep the knowledge of who voted for who private. With the simple method of keeping track of the score, you can then ask someone to vote and see which way the score goes, and therefore learn their vote. Consequently I dislike this idea.
  25. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Nimrodel in Cleaning up Seighearts "Day of Fear"   
    Quote from this post 
    Seigheart, during the announcement of the winners made 2 lists and it isn't clear which one is the correct. 
    Also, from this :
    It's obvious that he is not willing to provide the information needed for Chewett or anyone else that can give the rewards to do so. 
    "i name my sponsorship before the quest starts, and i intend to keep my promises because they are basically made to the winners not just to the organizer"
    So now Mur, you are the only one who actually has a list of the winners, as given to you from Seigheart (or at least you got one at some point )
    A note, i'm not familiar with the way spell docs are supposed to work, but getting a message :
    " illegal action reported, keeping on this path will get you banned."
    doesn't seem a proper one. 
    Any plans regarding resolving this ?
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