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Eara Meraia

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Everything posted by Eara Meraia

  1. playing games is a very important part of us. Games play crucial role in our development. since we start realizing ourselves as a human being, in a very early age we start playing games. For children games are the way to explore the world and to learn. And it doesnt end when we grow up. New aspects are being added to the game playing, most of them mentioned before...fun, escape from reality, relaxation etc. But games most important function - exploration, learning and development still stays. Sometimes we think we don't learn anything new, but this is an illusion. Our brain can not NOT learn and games contribute a lot to it :)
  2. will interviewed people stay anonymous?
  3. There is a known concept of goal achieving called SMART. To make goals easier to achieve they have to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-related. In my oppinion stages could at least do the role of A and T for MD. Having some feedback after each stage also makes the progress more measurable and can be very encouraging. And this really works if used properly. BIG goals like those I have seen in MD recently are nice, but achieving them can be divided into steps (or stages) which would make them more attainableb and realistic at once. Otherwise one tends to dissipate ones energies having no clear direction and seeing no progress in what one is doing.
  4. so, if it works properly should be applied to the egg.
  5. it's just a nightmode, everyone go to sleep :P :D
  6. one gold? Is it the sum required for the item to work now? Well you will have to add up this to the usual killing/revival charge of people who are owning those items. (I know some of them did it for free as well, but not all). As for the announcement. I do hope there is more with it, otherwise I don't see any real changes of the situation coming with it. Sacrifising something for killing in general has a lot of symbolism in it and I like that to kill somebody or revive one has to accomplish more than just to press a button. Paying a few coins does not fully fulfil the sacrifice idea in my oppinion, because not many of us (correct me if I am wrong) are too much spiritually bound to our coins, so it doesn't really hurt to lose them. It also doesn't influence balance between killing/revival in the realm, since both actions require gold from now on. It does not require any direct activity from the killer or reviver, which I think is pity. Also this idea interferes a bit with Eons role as an paid assassin (or maybe it is meant to be a compensation, since Eon seems to be inactive aka gone?). To sum up - I like the idea to make killing/revival more complicated, but I do not think that only adding a gold price to it will make any sufficiant difference. Global notification in chat is a truly brilliant idea.
  7. Eara is also holding another 666 bones lashtal gathered. Yey for bone achievement for lash.
  8. thank you. This was a nice and pleasant surprise.
  9. I am definitelly happy First because I can be with the man I love most and feel his love to me, which is as such a wonder of life. Second I am happy because I live and I notice changes in my life...I move forwards and it makes me happy. I enjoy that I can see changes in my life and not think "oh boy, I am getting older" but breathe in instead and feel how I am getting stronger. Third I am happy because at the moment I feel control over myself. Control gives such a nice fuzzy feeling of power and freedom. So even my little activity in MD recently is a kind of control experiment and I enjoy passing this exam. There are maaaaaaaany things I am not happy about, many fears and problems, uncertainties. But shifting the focus is an important step in dealing with those. Thank you Kiley for this nice topic. be inspired :P
  10. lol, Demon, you have obviously problems with your memory. What I used was NOT the part of my submission, I clearly stated that. And it is also not a part of the submission you wanted as a forum pm, but was a part of our ingame pm exchange. Shame that you mix it altogether. That was a thing for YOU, but YOU were the one who insisted that you give me "points" for that. Review the pms, please. And to avoid further discussions about this I withdraw my submission from this, disregarding the fact it is disqualified or not.
  11. I am not sure what work is still available, but I am not very much fixed to one topic. I did some work with announcements for necro. Work on spell docs sounds pretty cool if I got some input to work with.
  12. Happy birthday to you, shiny soul.
  13. day 1: candleevening in the netherlands, day 2: snooker in poland, day 3: catcuddling in ukraine... Sometimes life has more to offer than we expect.

  14. just my shrink 5 cents in here. I sometimes do such tests for fun, but I wouldn't put too much value in their results. Why? Most of them sound plausible, because the evaluation you read in the end is highly general and describes most of the population. So basically, you really have to be an "odd one out" to feel it is absolutelly wrong. As an example, let us take the first sentence Maebius got> "Is sensitive and easily influenced by other's thoughts and emotions. Looking for friendly, easy-going relationships and jobs that help develop them." Now think it over...how many of you would call themselves unsensitive, hard types who don't care about other peoples thoughts and feelings? How many of you are looking for heavy relationships instead of easy going ones etc. There are for sure some, but the majority wouldn't. I have constructed quite a few scientific psychological tests myself, so I could probably write a 10 page article here about validity and reliability, about pretesting, about difficulties of information gathering etc. etc. but I will not do it because it is pointless, since most people enjoy doing those tests anyways like many of them enjoy reading horoscopes. And still, I think those tests are good thing. Why? Not because they really tell you who you are, but because they bring you to the question and make you start thinking about it and eventually find your answers and your inner peace. And this is something we so often forget to do in our daily haste.
  15. First time this happens when you realize that the life you live is not over once you die. This is merely one of the countless endless mirrorreflections. The fact is - you are awesomely happy when the realization comes to you and you feel releaved. But the next moment...you find with astonishement that you still have to live THIS life...live it, in spite that you know that there's so much more. And you crave to get more, to test so many things that you feel are true, but there is no way to test, unless you are finally free off your bounds. The death...most of them fear it, but what if the death is actually a liberation, a new beginning...or maybe not. This little MAYBE at the back of your brain is an exciting and fascinating but at the same time scary. What if...
  16. happy birthday, Necrobrother :)
  17. I am active. there are times when RL takes me away, but I always come back when I am online (yeah, most probably MD addict) Roles: character: Time Patrol is a part of TK team. Rather executive part of it, making care that things go smoothly. character Eara Meraia: Necrovian and a Death Guard but other than that no specific function or affiliation. Former member of PC (yeah, those friendly people who cannot make decisions) well aware of my strong but also weak sides. Organizing quests (like last transposition into rhythm) and events (like leash auction) occasionally. Enjoy research (particularly interested in mirrors and entropy). Soulhunter and rather quiet one, having friends in different lands which makes it hard for some to figure out my direct affiliation and even doubt my loyalty. Don't mind killing and suffering in MD, since for me they mean a strong purifying experience. Probably most enjoyable thing to spend my time on is tete-a-tete rp talk with a deep subject, that makes your brain twist.
  18. lol, DD, you also had all the same priviledges as I do and many other people have them too. I don't think that home land or not home land is a big difference in this case. As for the rest - yes, I do think dead people should have some more mobility. That is why I proposed something in the previous post of mine. But I also think they must suffer some limits, otherwise, the whole concept makes no sense anymore.
  19. Well, this is just wrong. Last time I was dead, I was willingly staying in that state for a longer time. Firstly you can do a lot for your revival. what? 1) Speak to Molquert. He is really glad to help you with your revival! Talking to him, playing games with him, fulfilling his tasks for the sake of revival was one of the most interesting quests I had to do in MD for a while! A part of his tasks were really organizing people, talking to them, getting stuff etc. but some of them I had to do on my own. I think if there is no possibility for you at all to talk to people (let us say according to your role for example). I am sure, molquert would give you a task you can do on your own. 2) talk to people. YES. Isn't it what MD is mainly about? Isn't it what we actually all missing, when we just see a few idle people at GoE? Interraction is an important element of MD and if the killing encourages that, why not? Personally I would just make a life of the dead a bit more interesting, giving them opportunity of some mobility. For example creating something like the "Road of the dead" there the dead person who be teleported (automatically) to another scene every day (one scene a day) For example> Day 1:Cemetery, Day2: Path of Torment, Day 3: GoE etc. This way the person would come into interraction with people, could even ask to follow them on their path and to break this everlasting circle at some point. Kind of "dead walks" (after the pattern of Rophses seed walks) if you want.
  20. let us imagine that the logs are hidden (which would be the only fair variant, considering eons role). How are you going to prove that somebody killed somebody? Unless the killer was so silly to kill the person tete-a-tete (while you were there and took a screenshot and you have the evidence that you were not the killer). If multiple people with killing powers are present in the scene you basically cannot prove it (or I just don't see how). You can ask people to show the screenshots of the cooldown periods of their killing items, but even those can be faked with some photoshop skill. Lets imagine hypothetically somebody killed person XX. Everyone would point to YY saying - he did it, he hates him, we have seen it on forum, he doesn't like XXs actions, quests etc., and YY was online at the same time and the same place (let us say other people, killing item holders would be there too). Would it be evidence enough to put YY into jail? For me it is not, because there still could be somebody who hates person XX too, but doesnt say it loud or the third person who wasnt even there who hired a "neutral" killer to kill XX for whatever reason. The way I see it - This indeed can prevent obvious and blatant killing from happening but it will NOT require too much effort from the killer to overcome it. More likely what we get is more forum or private ranting of the sort "He did it!" "No, I didn't" "Yes you did!" "No I didn't"...
  21. happy birthday, the liquid dust heart.
  22. think bringin was just an example, can be anything else instead. I like the idea in general though.
  23. I can help organizing it or participating if you don't need organizing help
  24. people, seems like many of you just need a vacation :)

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