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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Bootes in Ban Jesusmustdie   
    Not really... but now you've got me Curious....
    Edit: yes Sarcasm...
  2. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jonn in Ban Jesusmustdie   
    Jesusmustdie has been banned!, anyone in need of an explanation why he's banned?
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jubaris in HC moderators   
    Perhaps a coding a spell that only works on people from the HC top scores? x) 
    Or I am complicating it too much?
  4. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in HC moderators   
    I will probably not use the 5 casts of sendtogoe for HC. When I was first given the spell, I had 50 casts. Yes, I could afford to cast them without any issues.
    No, I do not ask to have 50 casts/reset (that would be a bit too much) but maybe my number of casts can be increased during the time HC runs.
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in HC moderators   
    HC mods are all those with sendtogazebo spell.

    But nowadays they dont do anything.

    I think changes to HC is more needed, than these people just porting those to GoE.
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Sunfire in HC moderators   
    greetings all
    as most of you know, HC is not quite the contest it appears to be.
    currently the winner is decided on who has the most time to hide in the deepest corner.
    the fighting part has almost completely disapeared.
    therefore i would ask to appoint new HC moderators who will see to it that the contest remains interesting.
    (bringing players back in one spot from time to time, teleporting players who are hiding in sealed locations)
    i'd like to see some chaos again when HC is around, not just us vets complaining that it's taking so long again.
    any additional ideas or feedback is welcome
    on a different note,
    currently creature shield (ann 2770) prevents you to attack someone (intended).
    but this also prevents you from taking their heads.
    i suggest this is changed to the same mechanic as if there was no defence so the heads are just transfered to the attacker.
  7. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Bounty on Vilinec   
    I am putting a bounty on Vilinec ..whoever makes him to come forth in a relevant way, gets 1wp for himself, a very low id crit (for id collectors, no rare species), 30credits (6x5codes), and 5 wp codes
    He is the second oldest character in md and i never ever saw or talked to him..or heard of him in the realm..my curiosity is at maximum and i admit it :))
    just making him speak or contact me is NOT enough, the bounty is for whoever manages to make _him_ do something popular or of public impact in some way.
    He will be the one naming the person that did it. here, publicly in this topic.
    These are the rules, idk if it will happen or not, but the challenge remains open indefinitely.
    Date: ~ Day: 271 Year: 8 ~
  8. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fire Starter in Happy Birthday Fire starter   
    And warmly thank you all again. This time I got my biggest gift of them. I was waiting it for the next week, but I guess there are no coincidences. And by big I mean only in dimensional terms - the store called and delivered new bed with a new mattress... And they are huge! :blink:  200 by 164 centimeters (that is 78.74 by 64.57 inches in Queen's terms :D) I have measured my room numerous times and was sure it will fit... Well it fits, but nothing prepared me for the visual presence I got. Took almost 4 hours to assemble it all, but in the end... ah, the reward...
    If you ever have the chance to get a bigger bed than you need, well, don't hesitate at all ;)
  9. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Change in Should online list display current land location?   
    I like it for the same reasons why I like and have both the locate spell and the extra map features. I like to easily find people. Perhaps the cost is a bit low though. Rather than removing it, I'd like to see it moved to the wishshop (even though I couldn't afford it then).
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Syrian in Should online list display current land location?   
    i already voted no to the idea in the poll, for all the reasons already mentioned, but i do like the idea of being able to "opt in" to the list, but maybe this should be an extra feature as well?
  11. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to rikstar in [Marind Bell] Rikstar   
    Here is the beginning of my character's story. I will put here more chapters over time. I recommend you to read the dutch version if you can, because I wrote it originally in dutch.
    [log="English version"]

    While I was walking along the streets of the far east, it looked at the first moment very normal you could almost say banal. Nothing appeared to be less true. I looked at the streets who were flat and were tiles in a neatle row next to each other. And still there was something about it, no breath of wind that flew next to me. It was a fanfare of silence, as if the silence the sound took. Even the small cracks in the brick from which the houses were build, didn't display a single asymmetric pattern.
    I still don't know how I came here, nor what I was doing. My thoughts doesn't go any further than those streets in which I'm walking. I stood still abruptly, it was as if all the locks were open. I still haven't thought about how long I was here, maybe I was here for days or weeks; who knows. I could only think about, how I could get away from this place. I ran as hard as I possibly could, away from this scary place that doesn't want to change. It doesn't matter how far I ran, the same pattern keeps repeating itself. as Exhausted as I was, I fell down. I tried to stand up again, but I couldn't do it. I put my both hands on the ground and tried to catch my breath. When I looked up I saw a drop of sweet dripped down against my hair. I could see the beautifull reflection from the sun in it. And at that time I knew what I had to do. I was keeping my back towards it the whole time. I only had to turn around and accept what is happening. No running away, but standing still at this spot. I stood up,  I staggered a bit. I closed my eyes. I was cloaked in complete darkness; it felt great. Finally a place that was different. A small breeze of air stroke against me. This sudden change caused me to open my eyes widely.
    A door appeared from the pattern of houses, it was as if it was whispering towards me; subtly but forcefully. I decided to go to it. The further I walked, the more it seemed that the light was going away. I couldn't keep my eyes from it; they were inseparable. Before I took my last step, I took another deep breath. The door went open without me doing anything, but it felt like I did it. I could hear the cracking deep in my ears. It was a hard high shrill tone, just like one you would immediately fall on the ground. Before I could do that, it just stopped. I looked in amazement inside; nothing. A vast hazy whight spot stretched to infinity. I could barely think about it, or I was pulled into it. When I looked behind me I couldn't see the door. My thoughts relaxed, I couldn't think logically about what is happening. I passed out.
    [log="Dutch version"]

    Terwijl ik langs de straten liep van het verre oosten, oogde het op het eerste moment zeer normaal je zou bijna banaal kunnen zeggen. Niets bleek minder waar te zijn. Ik keek op naar de straten die vlak en netjes op een rijtje naast elkaar waren betegeld. En toch klopte er iets niet, geen enkel zuchtje wind dat langs me streek. Het was een bombarie aan stilte, alsof de stilte het geluid overnam. zelfs de kleine scheurtjes in de bakstenen waaruit de huizen waren opgebouwd, bleken geen enkel asymmetrisch patroon te vertonen.
    Ik weet nog steeds niet hoe ik hier gekomen ben, evenmin wat ik hier aan het doen was. Mijn gedachten gaan niet verder terug dan deze straten waar ik in liep. Abrupt stopte ik, het was alsof alle sluizen open stonden en er met geweld water uit spuitte. Ik had er niet eens is over nagedacht hoe lang ik hier al was, misschien was ik hier al dagen of weken; wie zal het zeggen. Ik kon alleen nog maar denken, aan hoe ik hier weg zou kunnen komen. Ik rende zo hard als ik kon, weg van deze enge plek die maar niet wilde veranderen. Hoe ver ik ook rende hetzelfde patroon bleef zich maar herhalen. Zo uitgeput als ik was, viel ik neer. Ik probeerde overeind te komen, maar ik kon het niet. Met mijn beide handen op de grond, probeerde ik weer om op adem te komen. Toen ik omhoog keek zag ik een zweetdruppeltje langs mijn haar naar beneden glijden. Ik kon de prachtige reflectie van de zon erin zien. En toen wist ik wat ik moest doen. De hele tijd keerde ik mijn rug ernaar toe, het enigste wat ik moest doen is omkeren en accepteren wat er gebeurde. Niet wegrennen of vluchten, stilstaan en afwachten dat was het. nee, dat moest het zijn. terwijl ik opstond, wankelde ik nog een klein beetje. Ik besloot om mijn ogen dicht te doen. Daar was ik dan in complete duisternis verhuld; het voelde fijn. Eindelijk een plek die anders was. Een klein zuchtje wind streelde me langs mijn zij. Door de plotselinge verandering sperde ik mijn ogen wijd open.
    Een deur ontsloot zich aan het patroon van huizen, het was alsof het tegen me aanfluisterde; subtiel maar met kracht. Ik besloot om er maar naar toe te gaan. Hoe meer stappen ik zette, des te meer leek het dat het licht zich aan mij onttrok. Ik kon mijn ogen er niet vanaf houden; ze waren onafscheidelijk. Voordat ik mijn laatste stap nam, haalde ik nog een keer diep adem. De deur ging open zonder dat ik iets deed, toch was het net alsof ik hem opende. Het kraken kon ik tot diep in mijn oren horen. Zo'n schrille harde hoge toon, waarvan je het liefst op de grond ineenduikt. Maar voordat ik dat kon doen, stopte het opeens. Ik keek vol verbazing naar binnen; helemaal niets. Een grote wazige witte vlek uitgestrekt tot in het oneindige. Ik kon het nauwelijks tot me toe laten komen, of ik werd er naar toe getrokken. Toen ik achterom keek kon ik de deur niet meer zien. Mijn gedachte verslapte, ik kon niet meer logisch redeneren over wat er aan het gebeuren was. Ik viel flauw.
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Burns in Drachorn's Fall   
    For Mur, and other lazy readers: :P
    Make a drachorn
    Take three pics of it
    'MD' and your hand on all pics
    Submit as PM to me until Oct 23rd
    Rewards: Drach Charm, Mur sponsors 5 WP codes, a drach and a reindrach if there are more than 5 participants
    No, not what you think :P
    I think fall has officially started all around the northern hemisphere now, and fall is traditionally a time of harvest, and thanksgiving.
    Most cultures make sacrifices to thank for the year during this season, and often do so in a very crafty manner. We do this here, too, and we're finally getting closer to the quest part of this now, so don't stop reading. ;)
    There will be a drach charm awarded to whoever CRAFTS the best looking drachorn/dragon within a month from now. October 23rd, 23:59 server time will serve as deadline.
    Any form of craft is allowed, except for drawing. You can make your dragon from things you find in your garden, like colorful leaves, or carve it out of wood, or do some origami, anything you can think of short of drawing it. Show your hand's skill :D
    To compete, take three snapshots of your object from 3 different angles, and make sure to include the letters MD in all of them as well as one of your crafty hands :D
    The rating will be done in two ways, there'll be a community voting by poll, as well as a rating from a group that won't be disclosed until they're done. To ensure the highest possible un-biasedness, send your snapshots to me via PM, and i will post them all for the public voting. 
    I'm aware that fall in northern hemisphere equals to spring in southern, so yeah, you guys don't have the traditional harvest time bonus, but in turn you have some flowers that should be in bloom, make something of that instead ;)
    Remember: You're supposed to craft a drachorn/dragon, take 3 different photos of it, and send it to me. 'MD' and one of your hands has to appear in all of the snaps. Do it 'til October 23rd, that's one month from now.
    Good luck :D
  13. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Andur in Tribunal Map - character location   
    Proposal for new in-game implementation.
    1. There should be an orange dot which indicates player's own position on the Tribunal Map. Now it is hard      to cotton on where I'm. The Lands of the East has quite significant AP requirements to travel through          so I   think it's good add-on to help players be on the move. 
    2. Some of the more important locations should have their names mark on the map - it also could help to       figure out where player is currently.
    If there are any reasons against that, please post it. I want to say that I have little knowledge about Tribunal and maybe there are some restrictions to my idea, but I don't know about them. 
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Should online list display current land location?   
    Yes, I agree as well. How about that list displays only the players that put themselves there.We see lots of times in the Mood Panel messages from players to other players like: I am at Goe, MDP etc. How about this is turned into a GPS where players that whant to be found put their names? (And in this case maybe the coordonates would be shown). I know it's a lot of coding but...meh...
  15. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Soothing Sands in Should online list display current land location?   
    As previously mentioned, I don't think the list of current players should show what land they are in (in terms of position). It makes it too easy to find other players when we already have the map, friends list, locate spell, and walking tracks. Some lands are small enough that it takes a very short time to walk around and deduce the player's specific scene. Thoughts?
  16. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Tribunal Map - character location   
    The first, i did the whole of MDA inside and out, which took considerable amount of time, At the time when i was doing the other areas i didnt have enough time or knowledge about the exact positioning of the scenes. Grido sent me some information for which i am helpful but if someone wants to map it and give me x, y coordinates (contact me for further details) i can look at adding them since that will remove some of the time spent that others can help with, actually putting them on is still expensive in terms of time but will look to making some if someone can do the first.

    As for the other point, feel free to make an example, and we can look at properly annotating that. I will send Murry the thread for consideration on point 2.
  17. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Maebius in Tribunal Map - character location   
    Proposal for new in-game implementation.
    1. There should be an orange dot which indicates player's own position on the Tribunal Map. Now it is hard      to cotton on where I'm. The Lands of the East has quite significant AP requirements to travel through          so I   think it's good add-on to help players be on the move. 
    2. Some of the more important locations should have their names mark on the map - it also could help to       figure out where player is currently.
    If there are any reasons against that, please post it. I want to say that I have little knowledge about Tribunal and maybe there are some restrictions to my idea, but I don't know about them. 
  18. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Pothos in The Raven   
    Cost to recruit: Same as normal egg.
    All upgrades at same age/cost/battles

    Stage one: Darkened egg.

    An egg, gathered from a nest in Necrovion. Dark energy has changed it, but only time will tell how.

    Stage two: Silent hatchling

    This small chik, newly hatched already differs from it's brothers, it's feathers are black, and no sound issues from it's beak.

    Stage three: Solem watcher

    Only just ready to join you on the battlefeild, this bird already shows an allofness, and it's very presence seems to drive the others forward.

    Specials: Battleaura (weak) [Works like poweraura but applys to atk]

    Stage four: Young Raven

    Battles provide food and death provides power, Both will be needed for this young avian, who's thirst for them spreads to all who fight along side it. It looks to you for it's sustenance, and you are it's only master.

    Specials: Ballte Arua (strong)

    Stage five: Raven

    Your patience is rewarded, as the battles mount up so too does your creature, from an egg it once was now does it spread it's wings in it's true form. A raven, who's voice finaly breaks free from it's beak in a battlecry to drive on your troops. Though it has reached it's adult form, there is still yet more power hidden in it's frame for you to draw out.

    Specials: Attack Bonus 10-15% (+146%-174% -if you use four-)

    Stage six: Shadow Raven

    On the battlefeild, Death of one, brings victory to another, so has the raven naturaly followed. Sheding it's flesh and feathers This avian has become a true nightmare, Following your command this Avian leads the charge, it's voice silent once more, Yet it reverberates through the hearts and minds of all, Chilling your enemies and invigorating your troops.

    Specials: Attack Aura 20-25%, freezing. (+207%-244% -if you use four-)

    This is an edited form to adress a couple of the suggestions.
    I would also like to note that using four to acheive such incredibly high bonuses would be highly risky, and I'd still much preffer the nice round 50% boost for the final form. The only reason I dont keep that is because it can be much to much. backing up something powerfull with a wide hit range would pretty much flatten all competition. Mind, at it's current I think it's rather fair, you get a nice bonus if you do use four, but the amount isn't so little that it won't be worth your time to use just one or two.
  19. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Pothos in The Raven   
    Cost to recruit: Same as normal egg.
    All upgrades at same age/cost/battles

    Stage one: Darkened egg.

    An egg, gathered from a nest in Necrovion. Dark energy has changed it, but only time will tell how.

    Stage two: Silent hatchling

    This small chik, newly hatched already differs from it's brothers, it's feathers are black, and no sound issues from it's beak.

    Stage three: Solem watcher

    Only just ready to join you on the battlefeild, this bird already shows an allofness, and it's very presence seems to drive the others forward.

    Specials: Battleaura [Works like poweraura but applys to atk]

    Stage four: Young Raven

    Battles provide food and death provides power, Both will be needed for this young avian, who's thirst for them spreads to all who fight along side it. It looks to you for it's sustenance, and you are it's only master.

    Specials: Attackaura, Poweraura

    Stage five: Raven

    Your patience is rewarded, as the battles mount up so too does your creature, from an egg it once was now does it spread it's wings in it's true form. A raven, who's voice finaly breaks free from it's beak in a battlecry to drive on your troops. Though it has reached it's adult form, there is still yet more power hidden in it's frame for you to draw out.

    Specials: Attackaura, Poweraura, Attack bonus +50%

    Stage six: Shadow Raven

    On the battlefeild, Death of one, brings victory to another, so has the raven naturaly followed. Sheding it's flesh and feathers This avian has become a true nightmare, Following your command this Avian leads the charge, it's voice silent once more, Yet it reverberates through the hearts and minds of all, Chilling your enemies and invigorating your troops.

    Specials: attackaura, poweraura, Attack Bonus +50%, Freeze.
  20. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Azull in To the people of Marind Bell   
    (people referring to azull mainly, who im not sure atm)

    Sometimes its not clear what you actually mean :p (at least to me)
    But I agree, lets take this elsewhere.
  21. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Azull in To the people of Marind Bell   
    People of Marind Bell,

    Two of your fellow citizens set out to destroy the Necrovion alliance. And what did you do?
    Did you try to stop these scoundrels? Did you try to reason with them? Did you voice your objections to this uncalled for act of agression?
    No, you supported them. Some of you silently, some with words and actions..
    It seems you have forgotten the lessons of the past. We will teach you once again the folly of your ways.

    Azull, King of Necrovion.
  22. Upvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Dragual in Video Games Thread (other than MD)   
    I have played recently demo version of  Beyond Good & Evil and I have to admit that this game charmed me completely. The way in which story is show, sense of humour and character creations are outstanding. I look forward to buy full version. 
    The second game which is surely worth to note is Grim Fandango. This game is one of my favourite. Why? Don't ask, just take a trip to Underworld (I guarantee you won't regret it and you won't forget it, either). 
    I also strongly recommend those of you who are not afraid to get deeply to the darkest corners of your mind,  Sanitarium. 
    I played many games which surprised me in one way or another. But my favourite game without question is Legacy of Kain series. The most brilliant gaming expierience which I ever had.
  23. Downvote
    John Constantine got a reaction from Chewett in New Shop Items   
    I was wondering about what kind of little improvements or add-ons could be implemented into the game. 
    I want to propose this new items which could be available to buy in MDShop:
    1) Compendium of Beasts +5 
        Compendium of Beasts +10 
        Compendium of Beasts +15
    This item allows you to extend your Bestiary to 10 (5+5), 15 (5+10) or 20 (5+15)  depends on item type. 
    It could be nice add-on which give you the chance to show more your beautiful creatures.
    2) Mail Adress Book 
    This item gives you new extension to your Personal Messages page: an Adress Book where you can add players names. After that you can just select player from your AB and send him new message.
    If I want to send a message to someone I have three possibilities right now:
    add player to my friend's list --> send message  (But if you don't have enough free space on your friend's list you can't add many players)  
    reply for received mail (But you have to get message from that player BEFORE you can send him yours)  
    click on player's name and send message (you have to FIND that player in the realm)  
    This item could resolve annoying problems which I've mentioned in brackets.
    PS: I'm not sure if that things proposed above don't exist already. If so, thread is out-of-date. When I devise sth more I will add it to this post.
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Miq in Improvised REAL Rain Collector   
    So my try. Was was waiting for strong enough rain since beginning of august as such system wont really work in light rain. Also you know it wont keep you very dry :)

  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
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