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Everything posted by Grido

  1. The one man band thing was I believe the issue before the TKs came about as well - which is why Curi, then TKs started being used
  2. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1343837865' post='118922'] As a general point for all.. I believe a clear purpose or goal to follow should be established for all (if already established, at least reannounce it). But not by us, but by Council or Mur, when they get a bit of time. This way the Community, Council, or Mur can actually judge based on it and I guess it would be easier to make a structure and disband those who aren't doing their "goal". [/quote] Why should the council or Mur state the goal of the alliance, when they have no active involvement in them? Goals and such change for alliances over time, a traditionally fighting alliance may start to do some research because there is a lack of reasons to fight against others, and thus their goal would change. If you want the current goals/fundamentals of an alliance, best bet is to ask them straight for it.
  3. I believe he has intentionally listed only those alliances with members currently in them. As CotE is for the meantime disbanded (the alliance itself, not the grouping), he would have no reason to include it in his list.
  4. Teleported.
  5. Arcas Intunecat means Dark Archer in Romanian...so I suspect it's a language thing somewhere
  6. Not to be cynical, but last time I recall someone posted a review linked on the forum, there was a bit of a "discussion" between certain players on the review's comment section - so I would propose that if people feel the need to know about the reviews then they might ask you directly (if you're fine with that). As it stands, myself and BFH have asked and I believe we both have "legitimate" reasons for doing so
  7. Some bugs (I'm using FF); *If I'm on the Log page, and click New, it'll take me to the Instructions page instead. *If I'm on the New page, and select any of the weathers before then returning to the Log page (button at top) it'll register that I've logged that weather. (Please delete the entries I've put in) - this way didn't even check time and date were filled in which the "proper" log button seems to. *You might want to check the date against the actual timestamp for submission, else there will be a few people putting some that are in the future (like I've just done) or stupidly far in the past.
  8. It should remain open till it's fixed
  9. As far as I am aware. Certainly all the ones Marv and a few others had/have.
  10. frosty, heavy clouds, heavy rain, mild rain, snow, storm, sunny
  11. Indeed this seems to be the case - I would surmise that the key to disable the exit arrow got placed at the wrong point. It disables the arrow after you click the first continue button (I believe), but as you say the exit is still perfectly usable straight after recruiting, and prior to checking the scroll again. As for fixing it...said key could be placed when recruiting creatures, or remove said key, and have the exit locked (after entering first) and give the exit key when the quest page says to deal with the threats.
  12. The account which did the quest, receives the reward. So I'm afraid if you manage to track it down, it'd have to go onto the previous account. Which I guess is good for the new players who get an extra prize though. And you're quite correct about no transferring between accounts (If you have the links for the reviews, I'd appreciate you messaging me a list, they're a good source of improvement ideas for tutorial / help system)
  13. Grido


    YAAAAAY, NO SLEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!! But yeah, wb
  14. I find it a bit odd you didn't announce the 20gc bid so that others might compete against it, but closed nonetheless.
  15. If people want to use an alternate upload site, storenow.net is the 'approved' (in that it's MD's) site, though imageshack, photobucket etc are safe (enough) sites as well.
  16. 17gc for Morph
  17. Done. For a quicker response you might want to try the Live Help button in game for things like this, it's the orange one along the right hand side of the interface. You can see a breakdown of the interface (as well as where that button is) [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12273-a-breakdown-of-the-interface/"]here[/url].
  18. Why? Unto everything there is a reason, so what is the one for this?
  19. Can you leave it up somewhere (for fun)? Preferably closer to NML, but I don't really mind, just fancy having a go
  20. 1 - When does it end? 2 - (Can't actively travel there atm, so;) Is the 10 sec countdown visible as you answer the question? 3 - Is it repeatable?
  21. I definitely wouldn't make that an official LHO duty, I could mention it to them each and direct them to you if they wanted to take you up on it, but the recording would be done as individuals, not on behalf of LHOs, so to speak. If someone was interested, they could set up an unofficial workers guild though, and do this sort of thing, get paid to do odd jobs etc The problem with any script that might do something like that, is to distinguish between the triggers already recorded, and the new ones. The ident of them is a user id and the name of the spell (in this case), there's no distinguishing a person casting it twice and it being recorded once, and a person casting once, and it being recorded twice.
  22. next year they'll probably melt again is what he was getting at
  23. why not ask them?
  24. You are not being denied service, as you state in your edit to your previous post, just the service costs more as a result.
  25. If you take into account the fact that you are dead, and posted in Mood Panel you wanted me to find you - a person who has a revive tool (along with my previous as Val said), it doesn't take a genius to add 2+2. I already clarified why it isn't extortion. It's wrong, and is coercion, completely with you on that, but it's not extortion. How am I aiding and abetting....? I'm neither giving them anything nor assisting them...I'd still be charging you if it weren't for this, as I said, just less. No offence taken Vall , it's not the situation here, but it's certainly a very viable one. No names were mentioned by myself - the entire PM conversation myself and Seig had about it has been edited into the initial post apparently.
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