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Everything posted by Yrthilian

  1. Yrthilian


    This topic will be used to make announcement from land leaders and the king to Golemus citizens regards any issues affecting the land
  2. Yrthilian

    New Ggg?

    [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1290167327' post='72550'] I would guess not, but I, for one, will not go on war with [u]a country[/u] because of the actions of [u]one person[/u] who happens to be its leader. I'd refrain from mixing personal issues with a king over country issues. Unless, of course, the action was done specifically as the King of the Land, representing the Land's intent. If it is an MB training ground made by the King of MB on Golemus soil, it's begging for war. Otherwise, I'd finish the issues on the appropriate scale, unless we really miss repeating convos like the ol dear GG-LR one we had. [/quote] The issue here is not just [u]one person[/u] taking the actions. But in regards to your comments regards one person and it beeing the leader. In this case the king. The kings actions always represent the intencions of the land. The is the whole point of a king. The represent the land as a whole so the action of the ONE person represents the actions of the land they represent. So in essence the action of the king in this case does represent the land. Now i am [b][u]NOT[/u][/b] saying a war will happen but i will not stand by regards actions like this. So in light of all the current details and whit the plans that was made and i am to believe this was a work in progress for some time. I nor the leadership of Golemus was informed of this intent, I have to take it as an agressive action from thoes people towards Golemus. No diplomatic approach was made to have this training ground in Golemus and of all places a RESTRICTED location. I for one do not intend to sit back and let this one slide. The people involved knew their action could bring about a big responce of some kind be it Mur or be it the land responding to what can really be concidered an invasion in a way of Golemus. yes i know that is a strong word but i cannot think of a better one. I am not happy that this situation has happened and yes it does create a very difficult situation. I find i have to look at the sort of responce that can be given as attacking people has no meaning and wars have no meening in game so what can be done? For now i am putting this forward. No Marind Bell player is allowed into Golemus and will be attacked on site. This is is responce to the Marind Bell leader/king setting up a training ground in Golemus without asking. The other people not citizens of Marind Bell are also not allowed to be in Golemus and will also be attacked on site. (I know this is not really much and difficult to enforce but it is a responce i can give and action with the helo of the land leaders) Myself and the leaders will have to talk some more regards any other actions that need be taken. But yes i am not pleased about what has been done and i do not intend to let this one go. Yrthilian King of Golemus Golemus Technomage
  3. Yrthilian

    New Ggg?

    Well now that i have the time to get through all the information i have been given/gathered First off my point of view on the GGG or other training grounds I have no issues with them i dont really care what sort of training is beeing done. I have used the GGG before in the past and i even set rits up for people to loose xp. the diffrence is i dont set rules in thoes location if the rits all get wiped out so what it was good while it lasted. (this is in refrence to the libs i let others use to loose xp) Second. I do have an issue with the choosen location. The drac cave is a closed location and as DST pointed out Mur has made that statment. I am anoyed at how this was done and how the GGG in the cave was beeing set up. Now i dont care if RJ does not like me or will listen to the rules of the land. HE steped down as RPC and there for lost his right to access the cave. Now i will make sure he has the access removed. RJ is not down as a Golemus citizen as far as i could see but if he is he wont be and will be marked as a trator in my eye to the land of Golemus. I also have the logs regarding players involved and what was said by whom at the PC. @ RJ the Drac cave is on Golemus land and there for under the rule of the king of the land. In this case me. I may not have access to the cave but that does not meen i cant find out what is happining in the cave. What you have done as far as i am concerned is abuse a gift you have and have turned your back on the land in the actions you chose to take. I am also disapointed to find that another king was involved in this and now have to think on matter very seriously in regards to his actions of useing a Golemus land location that is closed off to the public for his little training ground without asking first. This is a serious matter in deed and needs to be talked about with the other land leaders. Third Normaly i am one to go agenst the actions of DST in what she normaly does but since this affects the land of Golemus I am happy that she did it. I for one cannot be online 24/7 to catch all thies issues. Now that this has been brought up I am going to push for proper punishments to happen for the breaking of the rules and i know the players involved have said they will risk it well remember your word when the hammer falls. Now i have said what i can for now i have to admit i am in a really bad mood over this and in the actions that have been taken This whole issue may cause a rift within MD and now we know who to point the finger at. Yrthilian King Of Golemus Golemus Technomage
  4. Hmm ok just something i was thinking about. Guilds for each resorces is not really a good idea to be honest. For wood yes that works because it can be done as a business. so a guuld/cpmpany that works on that goal is a good way to work it. For water? i dont think a guild works for this as enyone can gather water no skill required to be able to get a bucket and get some water Water is the most basic of resorces and yes used in a lot of diffrent things. If you wanted a water Guild i would suggest it does not work on gathering water but more on purfying it or hardining it For example sea water is not really drinkable but the guild could seperate the salt from the water. Some water may not be drinkable at all. Depending on what the water was needed for on the types of water the guild could produce but just collecting it i dont think that needs to be done just by a guild. There are so many do=iffrent types of water in the world i am sure a lit of types could be made and turned into a resorce the guild would be more for purnying or mixing water with other chemicals for diffrent tasks. I may be way off here but it is only what i was thinking when it comes to this type of guild.
  5. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1289687226' post='72062'] For those who are voicing their opinions on a specific King, are they protected from any outlash of said King? That is, if they choose not to be anonymous. Also, is this restricted to those who are only citizens, or can anyone in MD voice? And if not, what about those with diplomacy in a certain land? [/quote] If a system like this was to be made i would expect it to always be anon if someone chooses not to be anon they they should understand the posiable backlash from such a choice or become a rebel if they so choose. The message system idea for king should ONLY be fore the land citizens as it is their land This message system idea i think should only be fore the citizen to talk to the kings. I know i am not always online or in an accessable area for Golemus people to comunicate with me. But the system should also only be used for land issues and not a call for the king to help people out of Golemus for example. If you are refering to the new rebel system it is also land based only.
  6. I like the idea of beeing able to pm a king even if he/she is not on the friends list It would also be good if they could do it anon too. As Mur said some people may not say something out of fear of a previous conflict and think their idea wont be listened to also it is a good way for people to voice their opinion on ideas put forward I like this very much it would be a very usefull system to be honest and i would love to see this get implemented. Maybe something like the citizen application system. Use the message system it has That would meen the king having a link similar to citizen approval. but just for kingship messages. Have the feature hide the user id but still have it that the king can respond to it directly too in order to give feed back to the person that sent the message.
  7. Ok so to get everything back on track if we can. so in regards to the questions put forward and to answeres. The new system of the rebels. Good idea? bad isea? The point of what can be done currently with the new system - Rebel is safe from excomunication (good) - Rebel can be silenced for short periods of time (good) - Kings recived item to use as a way of silincing a rebel (good) - This give a new system to try force a vote for removing the king (good) I am sure there are many other point i have missed but still all i can really see from this are good things yes there are bad too but i would not really consider them bad enough to be put forward but i could be wrong. This system is new and will take time to adjust to. It causes fear for many as many dont know what it really meens. [b] For the item that was given the silencer.[/b] This item is well balanced it cannot be abused by the king unless he/she uses it agenst a rebel for things that are nit really of concern. The item has it limits too. It can only be used on a singles player per use. The cooldown timer for it is longer then the chat ban. I dont see how the item could really be used in an abusable way. [b]For the rebel[/b] The rebel is protected and still remains a citizen this is really good as this then give the rebel the change to fight for their opinion and to gather support. This to be is one way for people that have an opinion diffrent to the king to try get him/her replaced. This new system also has many other aspects to it and will be intresting to see how it could be used. All in all the new system is just that new. The kingship may gain more ways to punish a citizen for disloyalty. This is a good thing really. But also the kingship should gain new rewards to be able to give out and not just be a WP dispencing machine. There is a ballance beeing meet here. This new system i am sure has more tweeks to be made before it is what we would like it to be. This is a new change in MD so all i can really say in embrace the change and work with the new tools beeing provided. What i am wondering is though if a king is removed from power will the kingship items be taken away and given to the new ruler? The penelty oint given to the king for a bad desision, are the going to be permanment or will they be removed over time. example is if a king has to bad marks in say year 1 but year 2 has done nothing bad will the point be removed or will the stay. I would think they should be removable after a set time. I would also like to point out that with this new system we have yet to see the new land based rules and then the kingship rules for the lands. I am sure when they come out there most likly be more complaining but lets wait and see.
  8. [quote name='pamplemousse' timestamp='1289523056' post='71916'] So, the chatban lasts for [u]4 hours[/u], so I'm told. That seems [b]INCREDIBLY[/b] excessive. I understand that only one person can be banned at a time, and that there is, or will be, a cool down. But for those that are not on MD for long hours at a time, this seems a bit unfair. Of course, those that rebel will have to lose some rights, but if someone is rebelling, you most likely have an issue with a King and that King might be more inclined to want to shut you up because you are rebelling, not because what you are saying is inflammatory or negative. Being a rebel has its price, but not being able to speak anywhere in MD chat for 4 hours seems like a brutal muzzle for those in opposition to the Authority, not a real way for Kings to squelch an uprising. *edit* I don't want to just state what I think is wrong and "moan" so I will also offer suggestions. I would think that a ban of 30 minutes would be long enough to be a deterrent to rebellious speech, but would offer enough freedom to still actually be involved in MD. Alternatively, the 4 hour ban could remain but perhaps for every 5 or so silences, there would be a deterrent for the King. As in, *half a point given for every 5 casts of the Rebel Queller. *or for every 1 cast, The King would also not be able to speak. I just feel there needs to be something to balance the 4 hour ban, but that is just my opinion. [/quote] argg some details should be kept quiet about the item. But i will say this the cooldown time is longer for the item i will not say how much longer The 4 hours chat ban i think is fine it is better as many have mentioned a 2 week jail sentance remeber you are protected from excomunication while you are a rebel i think this supression item is a good move and is fairly balanced. also the fact it can only be used on one player at a time. It is not in any way over powered to be honest. Besides it was fun shutting Grido up for 4 hours
  9. [quote name='pamplemousse' timestamp='1289484783' post='71896'] I have a question about the chatban part. From the Announcements: "Kings will receive items to supress rebels from talking in chat but they wont be able to suppress groups" *I understand there is strength in numbers, but what is considered a group? 2 or more, or a higher number? *What is to stop a King from silencing all the individuals at once? A cool down, or something else? *Must the target have the "rebel" tag to be silenceable? [/quote] Ok so to clear things up a bit for this in a single post The rebel silencer - it has a cooldown timer - cannot be cast on multipul people (2+) - it has a number of casts - It does chatban for a short time. - only works on player with the land rebel tag - player must be in same location as king casting it I hope this help clear up some of the info regards the ablity. Thanks to Grido for helping me test the item always said he was a rebel
  10. @Peace Look i dont want to get into a argument with you so yes lets drop it. In regards to the topic in its self. I feel this is a kingship issue at hand too. My reasons are as above as are one of the other kings This is not a moan about kingship ablities but a kingship should have been brought in on the idea before launching it to help prepar for the new change. This is something that citizens expect as this is how the king is viewed. I for one like this new system it bring in some nice posablities. The only issue i have with the new system is because the kings are viewed in a certan way and no matter how much it is said that we do not have what most think we have yet anyways I have already send a message to the staff about what i think but i like firs am also speaking in public to show my views on this new system. [quote name='pamplemousse' timestamp='1289484783' post='71896'] I have a question about the chatban part. From the Announcements: "Kings will receive items to supress rebels from talking in chat but they wont be able to suppress groups" *I understand there is strength in numbers, but what is considered a group? 2 or more, or a higher number? *What is to stop a King from silencing all the individuals at once? A cool down, or something else? *Must the target have the "rebel" tag to be silenceable? [/quote] this is the description of the item Stops a rebel from talking in chat temporarily I cannot say as to what the full details are to be honest. just that is all i have on the information but from what i figure a group would be 2 or more. yes the item only workes on people with the rebel tag as they cannot be excomunicated when they have the tag so it is a protection agenst beeing kicked out of the land and jail but the king can try spending his time trying to keep you quiet I dont yet have a rebel to test how the item work yet though but if i find one i will let you all know
  11. Look you are trying to be a smart ass about this topic. The kingship has responded to the anouncment in here and you come along and say stop moaning. You tried to be smart in other peoples responce I have an opinion about your statment and with what and how you say it If you dont like it well not my problem In regards to the word i use and what you expect well that too is your problme The forum is for out of game responces and not my character in game unless otherwise stated. This is easly recognised by me useing the king sig i have for offical Golemus anouncments. you also point to what you think is fact in regards to the kingship. when the post you point to does NOT say what the king is and what they do it outlines some of what a king is. The king has not been granted the ablities promises for the position but the king does work with the staff to get things done. There is a precemtion in the realm that kings have all thies great ablities and can change things on a whim well we cant we do not have all the extra ablities people assume we have and we are as in the dark when things happen in MD. this was a fact stated in public and it is said stop moaning. This is now starting to turn into a sensles topic. started with sencless replies.
  12. [quote name='DarkPriestess' timestamp='1289472700' post='71882'] Don't complain about the changes that come, just deal with them the best you can. I understand the frustration of the Kings. But in the years that I spend here, like many of us, I have been affected by changes in the past. But I can not ask to have a heads up, noone can, no even Mur. Do people ask Mur EVER before they do something that will require him to eventually change something? If something gets abused, he is the one who pulls the snake from the hole. And nobody asks him, it is what he must do so that all of you get pleased. Of course, this will affect others in the process but like always, we find our ways out of it and move on. You have questions to be answered? This is what the forum is used for. So, on another note. Though I just woke up, I still don't have full connection with the enviroment around me. Has anything changed in the interface? Am I suppose to see a rebel button somewhere and I can't? Or it is only the King's interface that is/will be changed? [/quote] That is a load of BS sorry but it is. This chage was in the plans and was beeing worked on so there had to be enough time to send a quick message to the kingship Just a heads up and the likes. It is not that we are complaining but if Kingship people are suppose to run their lands and something comes along like this to make a big change it is always good to be prepaired and be able to answer question. The think is Kingship people a looked at to have some answeres as it is seen that we are closer to the main man compaired to mast. So the things just get implemented. There is now a group of people helping Mur with MD so it would be logical to say that they new of the change before it was to happen. So why could they not comunicate this to the kingship. No one said it had to be approved by the kings but they should know what is comming that will make such a large change in the realm. Kingship dont have to like it just know it is happining. you never know we may even have good ideas to implement within the new system. Some changes happen quickly i for one get that and know it can happen but some changes take time so there is time to tell some of the chamges and what they will do. It is a way of making some changes easer to intergrate. As a king myself i know the frustration of not knowing about a change and then having to quicky fly off a message to Mur to aske what the effects are and bombard him with questions. If i had a little mail tellimg me this change for the land is comming this is the effect. I at least would be able to tell other when the questions start comming in. It makes sence to let the kingship know of things like this. The forum is one place used to rais question but it is also helpfull if in game changes can be addressed in game too. Sorry i am anoyed about this responce of the deal with it. It is commen sence to let the people know of things like this even if it is only 24 hours before the change hell even if it is 12 hours.
  13. I have to agree with firs on this. The kingship is suppose to be a direct line in a way to the powers that be. But yet again something gets changed and the kingship is in the dark about it. This same thing happened with the woodcutter and i said the same thing. Look what happened there. To me it is a mess and still is but that is another issue. This idea is good i like it. But again would have been nice to get a heads up first.
  14. If you have come this far it means you have wondered about the mysteries of the land called Golemus Golemicarus. Reading these pages will lead you through our wonderful realm. Do not be amazed because it’s secrets will remain hidden, but it‘s beauty will dazzle you. Like a magician Golemus shows its force and magic within the people who consider it home. If you find yourself bound to this land after reading this, please apply for citizenship. If you chose to apply notify *Indyra* or post on the forum at the Citizenship under Golemus section. For more information have a look [url="http://www.wix.com/indyra/golemus1"]here[/url] Yrthilian King Of Golemus Golemus Technomage
  15. updated for the next stage
  16. hehehe i got me a new experiment to play with. What can the technomage do with a Biological material :D

    1. BFH


      Creatures, life, a clone!!

    2. Ravenstrider


      Smoke it, man, smoke it!

  17. Yrthilian

    Honeymoon image

    I had to post this AK gets everywere :P
  18. hmm... I dont know about a list or anything like that. I was going to be smart (i know i dont often do be) but the whole point of the MP6 and building a relation with them is just that to go and fin the MP6 player as in go looking in the realm and talking with them. It is suppose to be like a mentor status In RL you go to school to be though this is similar the mp6 player is suppose to be helpfull not just in spell but in teaching or at least that is how i seen it from when this mp stage was released. Having all thoes spell is nothing too special it is handy and helpfull at times but it is only spells but you are suppose to in turn gain knowledge from you protector I am not saying they dont do this but i have not heard of this beeing done yet. The other use of a protector and yes i do this is to gain loyalty. I have a protector selected that i didnt build up a relationship with and well technicaly i should not have as my protector but i am useing my protector to gain loyalty But it would be nice to see mp6 players do what mo6 is for.
  19. Magicduel is now back online :D

  20. MD is back have fun all
  21. Yrthilian


    As from the post from Chewy at the top of the forum the server is not down because of any issues with the MD server it is because fo the move from one data centre to another this is somethign outside the control of MD As regard the gift idea MD has never given Gifts for down time in the past and i dont see why it should As Shadowseeker pointed out the game is in Alpha/beta so is not a complete system yet, So small issues like this are expected to appen from time to time.
  22. (OOC) In fairness Rask is keeping to RP so i will do my best to keep along the same line with regards the ALT issue, it is an issue if linked to a main, I know Kittiness has not been around for sometime but the issue is it is still an alt but an alt that has not gained main status from the point of the realm as of yet. I have no issues with alts themself just if the gain the advantages from the main account it is. Knowledge transfer from main to alt as Rask has done is fine. (Responce to Rask) I have heard your claims for the throne, I have to admit i am courious as to how you will try to claim power Now i am only a king of Golemus and therefor do not know the full details of the structer of power of Necrovian but from what i do know and i could be worng in this matter is this. Peace gave the Kingship power to Jester in doing this she removed the Dynasty from power. I do not know if jester hold the same beliefs of the Dynasty or even care for it that is his place to debate. But i believe he does not (i could be wrong) In doing as peace did she removed the Dynasty from any right to the throne. In this i think you cannot claim the right of Kingship, As i said i could be wrong in this as i do not claim to know the inner working of Necrovian royalty. But if the above is corect then you have much to try and work on. First If you believe the Dyanisty should be the royal blood line for kingship then you need to take over the Dynasty and gain their support for reinstating them. The you need to gain the support of the people to help you remove the current kingship. I will no claim you have no right, for any citizen has the right to make the claim to a kingship, But it is more do you and can you get the support to do this. It would be intresting to see this play out and i hope you are ready for a long campain. From my persional point i have to say. For one to say give me the power and i will prove myself as a king. that to me already shows weekeness. You should not need the tools of the king to prove your worth. The tools are just a meens to apply punishment or grant citizenship. The reall power is in how the people see you and how the react to you or how they support you. Thoes were lessons i learnt a long time ago, but find them to hold true for all. (I did have more to say but i have forget some of it so may make another post later)
  23. it is a shame this really as rask is an alt and that the real player didnt have the guts to step forward themselfs. What does this say for the one now wishing to become leader to use history of a great player to try and take control and not try by their own merits. This topic is a farce from what i can see and is shows that the player beeing rask does not have support or is "rask" claims support they have yet to show it and that is also a shame but if rask really does have support call for the vote then and lets see what happens.
  24. MD is the sort of game the hand drawen images are what fit with MD Scanners are not expensive you can get an all in one printer scanner for less than 100Euro i am sure if you look you may find them cheaper.
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