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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. I'm talking about a tainted angien, not a normal one. If it is a tainted, send me a pm, and we can work out further details.
  2. Shrug..I could give you exp if I wanted to, but why should I bother? Hell, I don't even know you. It's true that I can give exp that's unwanted to people, but so far I don't recall ever giving the full treatment. Well..you can try to live with the exp, or just rank up in MP's though. If you hit mp5 it's less scary, capwise. It sounds odd from what i hear, but unless this gets into a massive abuse or something alike the community won't move...and you can't do anything without proof right now.
  3. Bump. Shrug, since apparently this many don't offer creats, I'll change it..main offer is paypal offers now. Though I'd still accept one or several creatures (<- If several I might pay extra), also changed priority slightly.
  4. Did you try again as it told you and refreshed?
  5. If you wish to bump do so..saying it. If you do not wish to, please do not doublepost.
  6. Left this open to see if there would be any other comments or so coming..apparently not. Closing this then.
  7. Tested SC2, the beta...I prefer other stuff, honestly.

  8. As for that, that can be dealt with. If you get me proof of some players who did (screenshots of battlelogs and so on) that and (attempts of) talking (pms, in chat) with these people still didn't work, post them here or so.
  9. Ah. The location thing was in response to a certain bug people were using. I wouldn't worry about that..if you want the same script, copy paste the code.
  10. Still, saying so..then shouldnt the item name be MR's Sword, etc, instead of MR's KNIGHT? Because he's the only one apparently trying to get that role..
  11. Shadowseeker

    What If ?

    Tame lightnings. Master the water. Dominate wind. Possibly future projects aside... Come to face an apocalyptical worst back in the dark ages? I'd be trying to get someone to teach me how to survive in the wilds by myself..
  12. In case anyone wonders about specific infos: Alcarohtar Broken Pattern Puzzle 625 N/A Yes Details For creating the item MR Knight s Crown by Udgard 22/04/10 15:38:19 Araton Broken Pattern Puzzle 550 N/A Yes Details For creating the item MR Knight s Ring by Udgard 15/02/10 14:04:28 Alyon Broken Pattern Puzzle 549 N/A Yes Details For creating the item MR Knight s Sword by Udgard 14/02/10 15:15:15 MRAlyon Broken Pattern Puzzle 548 N/A No Details 14/02/10 14:27:12 Interesting how the main keeps his unused WP. To me, it sounds a lot like blatant alt abuse in a manner that shouldn't be tolerated...although I have to say I am surprised Udgard agreed to make 3 items from 3 different accounts, while each created item was designed for someone else. Sidenote, to Alyon: I know you want to be a knight. But no Alyon, your action(s) will not earn you my flag.
  13. Foul mood.

    1. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      I hope your day gets better, then.

    2. lepus


      *offers shadow a lollypop*

  14. No, using alts to kill them is abuse. And why bother if I could "kill" mp3, mp4 as an mp5 if I really wanted to anyways? Anyways, as for the old SG... It seems you misunderstand. The very attitude you showed was what I tried to remove. Dojo had that, and people were real whiny back then. SG is intended to be able to take a few hits here and there..only when someone does it repeatedly after being informed, and even if the wrath of the community is upon him he still does it- then there is punishment.
  15. Hm? *puts a little cake with icing down and sneaks off*
  16. [quote name='No one' date='12 July 2010 - 12:41 AM' timestamp='1278888106' post='63813'] Shemhazaj, please [b]read[/b] the topic. [/quote] I repeat..that wasn't a post saying you're offtopic..but rather asking you to read up. Because you keep complaining about regen being slow while marv said "if people were not that lazy" a few posts ago. As long as the libs are used for the general public..nevertheless it's still alt abuse. I'd say no on that, simply because people ought to be able to get regen without 40 alts or so.
  17. I wonder..nobody mentioned those, so i'll leave the other heavily played out.. Summon Night Golden Sun? Both for GBA...please someone tell me they played them o.O Edit: Unless you refer to even older games, but since I'm fairly young, these count for me.
  18. nadrolski..we'd eventually come to close this anyways, without the need of you asking for it. (Unless you opened the thread, then it's a service we provide) Still, closed.
  19. Also, one thing..for all I know, you could have 2 mp3 following you and the rest cursing you... Hypothetical situation, someone named Leda* comes in with mp3, mp4 alts, and intentionnaly disrupts this all...you have no staff there, and hope he will stop after you cast a few spells on him? And..why should anyone set a rit like you suggest, if there is nobody showing a good example? Not even one you name as staff, who people know that they can attack him..and I'm not talking about alts here, but real players. You also name progress of fighting..so, how does your setup change anything? The only difference is that the old place was to hit the idlers or ask (out of which surely some would have strong rits which I heard a few times: "oh wow nice rit" etc), while now you also have those who are not confident enough to fight well (for example those who only have aramors) to get shot down all the time if they stay there. Unless you intend to give them spoilers and be like "to beat him do XXX, buy OOO at ZZZ, and level it." I really don't see how it would work, because those weak players would only be more discouraged...imagine you try to learn martial arts, but the first 3 times you go to a dojo or whatever you get brutally smashed down..would you really continue, unless you are a masochist?
  20. Shrug. Before you say anything: That is PURE alt abuse. This won't work AT ALL. I'm afraid to tell you, alts are not meant to be used that way..not for training even for the community.
  21. Shrug..I say one more thing: I left, yes, but did people understand as to why I did so? I don't think so. Because I left when I saw that the people in it could manage on their own "peer pressure" even if you want..and the occasional attacks they could shrug off. That's how I planned it, and it seemed to work- no big rule enforcing, no big whining, people learned to take things as they are. My presence was mainly to ensure there is nobody who forcefully, continuously does things with evil intent from the start- Since I was apparently no longer needed, fine, I have better things to do with my time. The fighting strength of people would sooner or later balance anyways, so I wait for that to happen..essentially to me you, Rhaegar, seem to take what I did, and pluck it apart. We'll see how it ends. Since you said you have a base of people supporting you..why don't you tell us their names, and ask them to be on duty? I'm watching. If not only because I handled things there before.
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