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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. So.. are the ones that are sold, sold to the posters who bid for them or were there some in the background that won? Just checking to be sure
  2. 7 sc for the BP
  3. 4sc for the BP
  4. 4sc for the BP
  5. I'd agree with the sentiment that Necro reflects social regimentation. I believe this is best reflected in the shades themselves, in that they are in fact one entity, but is divided into many beings, some on the lowest level (1 drop of black water) while some are on the higher level (formed of several drops of black water). On the non-destructive nature of MB in relation to nature, ancient lore wise, MB was made by destroying a part of the xxx woods (I kinda forget the name). Now ancient lore we should not use anymore, but I am inferring that the story at least to that point was created by taking into account the nature of MB as Mur intended. Instead of non-destructive, I'd say that MB is protective, but its nature is not beyond destructive if the need arises. I know that I'm not a citizen of MB, but I thought I'd share some of my views here. I hope you don't mind.
  6. Hi, can I get a price check on aged angiens please? Details are as follows: Age : 664 (should be enough for max age after transfer, I think - CMIIW) ID ranges: 506xxx Stored heat: negligible (100k-ish) Thanks in advance!
  7. Udgard


    8 sc for the BP
  8. The one dst posted is Eden's old avy for sure.
  9. Burns, CMIIW, but for a no influence-no combo fight, won't angiens actually be useless past the first round ?
  10. I don't think there's any official rule about it yet, but I'm pretty sure it should be alright. I mean, they're your accounts and your artworks, it's basically the same as buying some credits for your alts.
  11. Actually for wrong pass it'll say verify invalid pass, so if the message is verify invalid account then the problem is probably the wrong username one
  12. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1300711174' post='80991'] Udgard, I seriously wonder how a burst would help you when influence is not allowed. Please enlighten me xD [/quote] Right, I totally forgot that >.> [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1300960554' post='81235'] N00b question. I don't understand "influence not allowed". Does it mean that we have to fight with the bar set at 0%? [/quote] Yep, o% bar it is.
  13. It's probably a misspelling on the name, or the account was banned..
  14. OOo, pretty wings! And.. I accidentally pressed neg rep when I wanted to +rep xD
  15. Btw, just to confirm, bursts are also a no-no, right?
  16. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1300694601' post='80981'] Sign me in, an MP5. Just one question: What qualifies for a magic creature? [/quote] I think Burns is referring to magic spells and effects, not to a creature type
  17. I know you're just doing a price check on some of the creatures, but if you happen to sell it, I bid 2 SC for the TS.
  18. Alternatively, if the person has a forum account and quite actively checks it, you can try PM-ing them in the forum.
  19. I guess there is a reason that over the years I learn that when I want to watch some drama, I go to the MD forum. *sigh* What is to become of us?

    1. Pipstickz


      Everybody knows there's a problem, but nobody wants to fix it. Life goes on.

  20. Udgard


    [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1300162977' post='80663'] Big thanks to Udgard for explanation of RP Reality Requirement (even though it was apparently quoted from another thread). [/quote] You are welcome, and it's actually quoted from the Announcement (can't remember if Mur did a post on it as well).
  21. Udgard


    [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1300138908' post='80650'] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Sweet Jaysis!!!!!!!!!! My little RP did not break game mechanics. My original idea for the taint was to create some sort of strain of taint. We steered away from black water and liquid dust because it was involved game mechanics. Fair enough I can respect that. BUT I dont see how bringing up a strain of the original taint again is spitting in the face of a player who left MD and I as far as we know is not gonna return The flood was originally set as a stage, something were people could branch of all kinds of RP from. It was was born out of frustration because NOBODY Rp's anymore - At that time everyone just sat in the park and ground for ridiculous stats. I would have loved it, if loads of people got involved in this RP and loads of people contributed to finding a solution (thats why the sludge and floods discussion thread was set up) . I can count on one hand the number of people that were actually arsed to contribute to the discussion. I find it really ironic that the people who did not bother to take part in this at all, are those that creating such a huge fuss!!! Seriously, dont criticise my attempt at injecting life into the game if you didnt bother to acknowledge it all.... [/i][/color] [/quote] Shara, I think there's a reason why some people who did not bother to take part is the one creating a huge fuss. It's simple: they do not approve of what you do. If they don't approve of what you do, there's no reason for them to join, right? I agree that using black water and liquid dust without complete knowledge on what they are is a bad idea. Using them means you will need to RP what they do/what effect they have, and without knowledge on what they do, chances are you're gonna give off the wrong thing. Using the taint, on the other hand, is much more acceptable since they are not an inherent part of MD. They are made by players, and modification by players to a certain extent is acceptable IMHO, as long as the original creator does not mind. Now, one problem is that the whole situation is not even clear. Who is in charge of/started this storyline? Mya? Firs? You? What is being used in the RP? Black water? Liquid Dust? The Taint? From Mya's comment black water, liquid dust and the taint was never going to be used. Yet throughout the whole "quest" there are lots of people who think they are being used. Inevitably, you are going to get a lot of people who won't bother joining it because they do not agree with the use of the first two. Even if now it is cleared (by Mya - but again, I do not know for sure who is in charge of this whole thing) that they were never part of it. And then, there is the part where Loreroot is said to be flooded. How is this not breaking game mechanics? It's like saying a meteor fell on marind bell and now the whole place is scorched with hellfire. Mechanic wise, there is this little thing called RP Reality Requirement. Having a flood might be acceptable for 2-3 people, but when you want to do something that affects a lot of people, then the requirements are hard. While this is originally used for scenes in-game, the same logic can be applied if you're attempting a game-wide quest. [quote] - intimate: 2 or less people, rp is unrestricted, reality is irrelevant between two people if both accept the fantasy. - loose: 2 to 5 people, rp can go wild but common sense is required. As long as the other few accept it, most things are ok. - moderate: 5 to 10 people, rp is considered real only if it is based on proof or good logic. Your avatar may give you elements to support that logic, your inventory items, a very well established role in a clear and distinct activity, things in the current location/scene, abilities you posess. - strict: 10 to 30 people, only real things, unrefusable to anyone present. These are the things you can do based on your actual abilities such as spells or special interfaces, actions supported by your inventory items, fights, and other interface supported actions. Simple logic without a real base to support it is not enough to form reality under this level. - real only: 30 or more, in large groups, only what you can do in such way that is undeniable by anyone observing it, can pass as reality. What you do under this level should stricter than the strict level and as real as it can get, so that nobody can say or think "no you couldnt possibly do that" or "you are making things up".[/quote] Now I think this would answer the question below as well: [quote]Back to the original topic: This related to the sludge, and I though the effort was valid, if allowed to continue and had it gained support. Some veterans seem to think otherwise.[/quote] If it had gained enough support, I think it the whole thing can certainly turn valid. But if there is so much opposition and relatively little support, then the opposite is true. And I would also like to remind that MD, AFAIK, has never been designed as a true sandbox, freeform RP platform. If anything, MD even said at one time (might still do) is a unique world, different with others where you won't find the standard fantasy game things like demons or orcs. Something with its own unique setting. It can function as one now, with RP reality requirement telling you that you can do anything just between limited number of people. But when it comes to the mass, there are limits to what you can and can't do.
  22. Happy birthday!
  23. Ud's stamp of approval.
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