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Everything posted by Udgard

  1. Stones sold. Mods please feel free to close.
  2. Can anyone tell me where the last announcement regarding trading for credits is?

    1. Jubaris


      open annoucements, ctrl + f, and put in proper tags :p

  3. Can we request that the PM button under the player's name in a post be made available in this version too? It's very helpful than having to go to the player's page first.
  4. So, how is this going?
  5. Bump... really, no Lorerootians want this?
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Do we need to pick in winning order (1st place picks first, then 2nd, etc)?
  8. 65) The tomato is a lie. 66) Actually, everything is a lie. Including this statement.
  9. If the fight doesn't show in the logs, it could be that the attacker had erased it with a burst. I'm not sure how normal HC and BHC interacts, but it could be that the heads was taken by someone on the regular HC.
  10. Second in command: Shadowseeker Timing: next Saturday, 18:00 ST
  11. 1 silver then.
  12. By putting it in a memory stone (you can check the details on the announcement).
  13. Bump. Come on, aren't there any Lorerootian that wants these spells as much as the non-Lorerootians?
  14. In terms of history, I think it was the avatar used by one of the early members of the Sentinels, though the name eludes me.
  15. I didn't join the Clash of the Lands, yet on some fights I get heads, and none on some other fights..
  16. I think he meant an independent one. Independent normal water and mineral water gathering tool are known to exist, but AFAIK there are no independent rain-water collecting tool yet.
  17. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1311826626' post='88984'] issue: some items are role or character specific or of great personal value to the owner. Some dinosaurs paid a lot for some items or won them as rewards, and they might not be always active but when they return once a year , it would be a tragedy to find their beloved item on someone else. [/quote] This is also my main concern with taking items from inactive characters. Many items are role specific, or highly connected to the player even if it was not created specifically for him/her. And unlike the issue with avatars where there was a very limited supply, with items it is much "easier" to create new ones, and with the new cauldron recipes the amount of item would already increase a lot. I think your goal of increasing the amount of items in play would already be fulfilled soon with the new updates without the need to take back items in inactive players.
  18. [quote]Ann. 1540 - [2010-06-27 04:42:45 - Stage 10] What is reality? The new "RP Reality requirement" is an indicator that reminds you that some things are more real than others, even in a fantasy world, depending on how many observe the same "reality". How well you are anchored in MD's reality or how careless you are about your role-play, will probably determine your future in the realm, but for now it is just an indicator. - intimate: 2 or less people, rp is unrestricted, reality is irrelevant between two people if both accept the fantasy. - loose: 2 to 5 people, rp can go wild but common sense is required. As long as the other few accept it, most things are ok. - moderate: 5 to 10 people, rp is considered real only if it is based on proof or good logic. Your avatar may give you elements to support that logic, your inventory items, a very well established role in a clear and distinct activity, things in the current location/scene, abilities you posess. - strict: 10 to 30 people, only real things, unrefusable to anyone present. These are the things you can do based on your actual abilities such as spells or special interfaces, actions supported by your inventory items, fights, and other interface supported actions. Simple logic without a real base to support it is not enough to form reality under this level. - real only: 30 or more, in large groups, only what you can do in such way that is undeniable by anyone observing it, can pass as reality. What you do under this level should stricter than the strict level and as real as it can get, so that nobody can say or think "no you couldnt possibly do that" or "you are making things up". Fantasy is not chaos and sometimes is more real than you think. Understanding what "real" means or should mean, is a big step ahead to understand what "fantasy" realy is. now...this post should go somewhere to be remembered but not sure where ...forum? rules? nah its not a rule ..yet [/quote] RP reality feature, along with the show of force revelation of what MD and the carnival is, sets a new age in RP and "reality" in MD.
  19. Since this looks like a land law, I have decided to honor it, and therefore I cannot sell the enchanted stones to non-Lorerootians. My apologies to those who had bid as I did not have any choice on this matter; my opinions were never heard. I tried contacting the speaker of the forest upon request to talk, but my message was only read and never replied to. It eludes me why this happened when it was the authorities that asked to speak with me in the first place, but a decision was already made, and so I will abide by it. First post updated. Bids from non-Lorerootians are removed (my apologies).
  20. For your information, there are two kinds of "usable items" out there, those that simply has the tag "usable" can be coded (which requires quite a bit of WP to unlock), and once coded they can be used as per their coding, but otherwise don't really have a real "use". Other objects like consumables and tools might not have the tag usable, but actually have a tangible "use".
  21. As title says, I'm selling my enteroaktower stone and teleport oakfort stone. Sale will be closed on the next spell regen (the 4th, I believe). Reserve has been updated to reflect the last bids I saw before the changes. Current highest offers: Enteroaktower: none yet (2g reserve) Teleport oakfort: none yet (1g reserve)
  22. You're welcome And now that yours is done, I can safely auction mine without the risk of stealing any of your customers
  23. The stone, or the spell? Eitherways, there are none of them at the moment. All enchanted stones are one-time consumables, and all spells from stone don't regen and disappear after 6 months.
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