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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Its to do with some of the link ingame using anchors and breaking things, its quite possible you dont do what is needed to trigger it but I have encountered it enough.
  2. The primary game map is given coords are they directly map to the x/y position on the map, I have a diagram showing this but I think it is a spoiler.
  3. There is actually, I implemented a load of activity monitors. I can even "score" you.
  4. Do I win? :p
  5. Follow the bug reporting guidelines. If there is a bug we need to fix it, if its private talk among LHO's then send it to me via email.
  6. Half of the new ritual page has been written a couple months ago, and is on my testing server. I just havent got around to finishing it. Same with changing the flash to HTML5. There is only so much time and Iv been working on other things.
  7. Lies These are as ancient as it gets http://magicduel.com/chewett/screenshots.html
  8. Still... please clarify, iv no clue what you are talking about.
  9. Good question. Im not sure how the code works here. If you want to make a bug report I can redmine it and have a look?
  10. This item, that you are pointing out, has already been discussed with the community and they agreed it was a good idea (back when I was talking about implementing more HTML5 stuff ingame), Which is primarily what this topic tells me. This is why I dont see any point to this topic. Im not surprised the community want things to work better, thats surely a given.
  11. Moved, thanks Rophs :)
  12. In that sense, the creature is a carrier but not someone who gets the effects, its passed to the player who is then softer.
  13. Any work on one feature will delay another feature. Surely this is common sense? Therefore I will work on the features I deem most important. I deem that the communities opinion factors in majorly into this so I want to see where people rate ideas. To me, this poll is useless as Kyphis has pointed out, becuase it does not rank this idea against others. From this poll it appears to show that people feel that this is the most important thing to work on currently, however discussion with some people suggest otherwise. There was never a question as to if I would work to fix this, This, along with a large number of things are planned, but what is not planned is when.
  14. Chrome is mean, Chrome needs to be made friendlier so the button doesnt run away.
  15. Chrome is too fast causing multiple window popups, make chrome slower.
  16. Im reading, will make full comments when we have a nice list and I open the polls up :) Some of these are already on my "hopefully this month" list :D
  17. Eon has discussed some good points regarding it, and its not likely to be a flat 1-2 stats per day. I am thinking more some exp graph function. Summary of his comments: "."
  18. Im going to say this is fixed and close the issue. Please make a new thread if it occurs again :)
  19. A daily log in bonus of 1-2 stats per day, to two random skills would be interesting as you will always hope to get init and such. Then having a consecutive bonus or something else would be interesting.
  20. People have done this before and people have been banned before. I would think that some form of "repeated login bonus" would have to be personal in nature indeed.
  21. Agreed, The ritual page has always been usable for new players and accounts. 50+ is where the slowdown starts to appear. Yeah, See that wasnt what this poll was trying to achieve (accord to R) if you didnt think this was the most important you should have said no and then explained why. I raised the issues that people see it as "Yes means they think the issue should be fixed at some point" but he didnt seem to agree.
  22. Name one feature, item, thing you think we need to focus on working on or fixing next?
  23. If so, then I guess I have some direction, Im just a little sceptical since the question was leading and no one has really pushed this in the past when I have asked for opinions.
  24. Thanks for reporting it though :)
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