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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Maybe not valid in your opinions, but If I said I dont want to give my address for undisclosed reasons, so what?
  2. There was a post I made about the tag system a while ago I believe. Some searching would find it I think. Could be some stuff in announcements too.
  3. Mur is organising this, not me FYI and not all those that help lots of things with the game have lots of money. Iv only ever a small amount into the game. Forcing someone to give over personal details and ridiculing them by visually burning their things? Thats poor Murry. What If I said I didnt want you to know who I was, or know my address, or my life? Would you demean me and such?
  4. We have a review every now and then, we do not change it and then fix it forever. It was changed before you came here, and it shall change after you leave. I keep asking the community every now and then.
  5. Dont end a quest slating people who didnt understand, or were not able to comprehend what you wanted to happen. Perhaps you were not clear as you originally thought. Know there will always be people who can excel at one task or other, but dont end your quest being condescending, it puts a damper on proceedings.
  6. Yeah... I was promised one of them too. Oh well.
  7. Thats flash crashing in some way.
  8. Put it in between two strong pieces of card and it should be fine.
  9. EDIT: I mean I understand why we arnt pouring money into it now because of A25, but I always have some issues with using MD's money for more random things. Its yours, you can do what you want with it, but if it means that when A25 is done we dont have money, im a little unsure. As for "this will make MD have a social structure" we already have one, adding paper titles wont make it any more offical. Its a fun idea and I hope you enjoy it Murry, just ensure we have monies to cover the server fees and for some ads later :)
  10. No. If we have the coin for this, why are we not spending it on advertising?
  11. Those errors pop up when flash stops responding. Over the weekend I can try and look into coding it so that it just fails silently, but thats probably not a good idea since you will then question why nothing works. Or recoding it to reconnect to the flash object or do some wookie magic. The problem is, is that I dont have a mac to test it on and all the ones at work are upgraded to the latest version because of the work we do needs the latest stuff. Furthermore I wont be getting a mac anytime soon to then have a testbench. I will look into what I can do but with nothing to test and replicate the error it its quite hard. I have a couple ideas to kill flash and then debug that but your OS not permitting upgrades is poor and I really dislike apple for them doing things like that.
  12. *Grido* - Moving, mostly inactive but probably still deserves a title Shadowseeker - Inactive, when was the last time you saw him? My inactivity measure (the one in code) counts his score barely in double digits, whereas others is in 4 plus digits... *Peace* - Does she still play? havent seen her in a while Zleiphneir - he is inactive and left the game *Sunfire* - Consul of Loreroot (inactive according to http://magicduel.inv...k/#entry153211) Awiiya - Inactive and left the game I believed Max Mortlock - I thought he left/became completely inactive --- These are people who, if you wanted to apply activity to the title giving, should not get a title.
  13. Lets start again: What do people think should be in it :)
  14. I would put a silver coin in.
  15. Chewett and dst, we wont appear ofc since we are busy, but run the quest :)
  16. cleared out my tabs a bit and reduced the number somewhat
  17. Looks like a bug, added to list :)
  18. Announcement: If you want to help out, but dont like what I ask you to do, PLEASE tell me and dont do it half heartedly. If I ask you to do something it is very important that I get it done as I asked you to do so. One such task recently has been performed half heartedly and I now need to do it all myself. This has delayed me since I now have to do it myself and I was waiting for the results that are not valid.
  19. This all looks _very_ useful people, thanks, I will update this topic tonight or tomorrow.
  20. Talk to council and they can refund you :) Thats what can be done. I will talk to Mur again about removing it, he said no last time for some reasons.
  21. allopass are a massive pain in the neck, They take our money and dont give us correct codes. If you have a choice, i would suggest not using them.
  22. No skills are useless, Thank you Ary.
  23. not a bug, moved
  24. If you find a spelling error check this topic and then post here. Any time I claim to have fixed all the spelling errors above my post, repost the spelling error if I didnt. Ideally you would include: Spelling text that is wrong: Spelling text corrected: Description of what page it is on: Image of what page it is on: ---- For instances where the story mode is incorrect only post small chunks of it. aka the sentence. Any questions ask and then I will update this main post.
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