New list:
Event - added
Minor Change - Added
Server Work/Game Adminstration - added
Discussion (previously request for comment) - added
TC - Added
HC - Added
Change - Added, used for stuff when features change
Personal - Added, Random not necessarily MD things
Role - Added, Role appointment, announcement, similar
Not adding yet:
misc - avoiding this for now, use minor change?
quest = event
Mur - give examples?
item/items - jadens is a reward, shared items are features
BHC - too rare
Jailed - punnishment
council - unsure what you mean here
md shop - feature
creature - feature
Ann - 2791 would be role (new)
The other two would be personal. If its being announced its related to MD so personal doesnt mean "not to do with MD", personal just means its specifically relating to someones personal aspect