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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Im going to maintain a public list of those that want to help MD, and what they can/cant do. Lots of people keep saying "Oh I want to help MD" but when I ask for people to come out and do work they disappear. Some of them have valid reasons and I am not complaining about this but it is frustrating when I then lose the people who previosuly say they will work and have to do it myself. Post here if you want to help, including: Skills: Interests in MD: What you would like to work on now:
  2. Its not really codable or plausible Fang, thats the problem :) Lies, people make stuff up. Read Murs post about reality of resources and this point, I would link it but iv no clue where it is. This is raised a lot :) That would work, if people like Murry were not working on MD. He could have an idea monday and tuesday half of it would be in MD and by tuesday next year it could still be the same place as it was after the day it was half added. I dislike this. Again, this is a thing Mur does as he rapidly works on a project then stops leaving others to finish it. Its a tad frustrating and I have finished and fixed a number of these things. The problem is it takes twice as long as you then need to learn what he has done, understand it, and possibly change it to finish it (in many cases the original code requires changes and this is why it was stopped being worked on since it was hard).
  3. Thats an issue with your flash, have you tried reloading the page. That will pop up when it tries to talk to the flash on the page and fails.
  4. Enjoy life. We shall remember you.
  5. dst because she is my friend so I need to confirm to everyone that I am entirely biased and recommend her. Oh yeah, and she has done more for MD than the majority of people, She has done some really bad things that I hate and for those reasons I would ban her, but without her I would not be around and she has helped me on so many code projects that MD would be years behind.
  6. Surely that would be based on how it was formed and such? It would be a public thing, so the public would define what is expected and such
  7. Thats sort of planned and implemented...
  8. 1 - A25 2/3 - Talk to land leaders, get them to discuss and actually decide on something 4 - go for it.
  9. Please ensure you include images and text of the error next time. Dude2 tested this and reported it doesnt happen more (apparently)
  10. Which is why you didnt offer when the announcement was posted?
  11. At this point im going to implement this set sometime this weekend and get people tagging them, any final comments?
  12. Use a new threat please, this is about tagging announcements. HC is in a large amount of announcements, It shall stay since it will make it much easier to find all HC related announcements.
  13. Is this a feature suggested Eagle? HC would be system message and HC, Which would also encompass events., so HC would then be under system, HC and events Also spell recharges fall under system.
  14. New list: Feature Bugfix Ruling/Rule Automatic Reward Punishment Event - added Minor Change - Added Server Work/Game Adminstration - added Discussion (previously request for comment) - added TC - Added HC - Added Change - Added, used for stuff when features change Personal - Added, Random not necessarily MD things Role - Added, Role appointment, announcement, similar Not adding yet: --- misc - avoiding this for now, use minor change? quest = event Mur - give examples? item/items - jadens is a reward, shared items are features BHC - too rare Jailed - punnishment council - unsure what you mean here md shop - feature creature - feature ---- @SS Ann - 2791 would be role (new) The other two would be personal. If its being announced its related to MD so personal doesnt mean "not to do with MD", personal just means its specifically relating to someones personal aspect
  15. I am planning to add tag hierachy, in that HC falls under events so tagging with HC makes it be tagged with event too. Will check the announcements later SS
  16. New list: Feature Bugfix Ruling/Rule Automatic Reward Punishment Event - added Minor Change - Added Server Work/Game Adminstration - added Discussion (previously request for comment) - added TC - Added HC - Added Change - Added, used for stuff when features change Personal - Random not necessarily MD things Not adding yet: --- misc - avoiding this for now, use minor change? quest = event Mur - give examples? item/items - jadens is a reward, shared items are features BHC - too rare Jailed - punnishment council - unsure what you mean here md shop - feature creature - feature ---- @Azthor - more narrow tags where appropiate. such as HC/TC wont go under events since they occurred quite a lot so they get their own tag.
  17. New list: Feature Bugfix Ruling/Rule Automatic Reward Punishment Event - added Minor Change - Added Server Work/Game Adminstration - added Discussion (previously request for comment) - added TC - Added HC - Added --- misc - avoiding this for now, use minor change? quest = event Mur - give examples?
  18. as above, yes. Could change name later, its the same ilk
  19. New list: Feature Bugfix Ruling/Rule Automatic Reward Punishment Event - added Minor Change - Added Server Work/Game Adminstration - added Discussion (previously request for comment) - added --- misc - avoiding this for now, use minor change? quest = event Mur - give examples? ---- @ lash: yes
  20. We are going to tag announcements from now on, This will help finding things you want in the announcements. Each announcement can have more than one tag. Please suggest adding/removing tags. Ideally every announcement would have a tag. I suggest these tags: Feature Bugfix Ruling/Rule Automatic Reward Punishment Example Post: ADD tag X Reason: Because I like X REMOVE tag punishment Reason: Ruling fits this better
  21. That assumes mur knew it was exclusive, thats a very big assumption.
  22. yes. And im not personally attacking anyone (I hope thats clear) but I was wondering what GG thought of this, based on said announcement I found when working on some announcement related features.
  23. What do the members of GG say to: Ann. 1984 - [2011-08-16 07:12:27 - Stage 10] Land leaders are requested not to interfere with the shared tools by placing any land laws to govern their use. The tools are meant to be grabbed by anyone regardless of land and further changes to the way they will be available are still pending. It is too soon to have any land specific regulations regarding shared tools.
  24. Apologies, I was going to edit it when I got home, edited now, 21 GC
  25. They were enforced at one point, up until Shadow mostly left the game and stopped supporting it. Never officially which I think you think im referring to, but actually having people stop those who break them. The last I talked to grido about this from a LHO standpoint we were meant to tell people the rules on that signpost are not enforced atm.
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