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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. So, iv spent some time on the train last night working on making the messaging system a bit better, and found this function :D Warning, swearing: [spoiler][/spoiler]
  2. Again, main post updated, DD for underground (be happy dst :P)
  3. Main post updated, Zyrxae for MDA, thanks dark for offering. We still need someone for NC and underground (probably land loyalty doesnt matter there) and unless there are no other lands iv forgotten thats all :)
  4. This has been planned for weeks, i just never got around to starting it :P
  5. We are not going to add bots to the heads contest if no one wasn't clear enough.
  6. I need one member from each land with more than 200 land loyalty from their land. You will need to get some data, may need help from others in your land Post here what land you are from, and pm me the same. Check if someone from your land has already poste so I don't get many pms from the same land. I only want one person per land, first come first served. Wookie points for those who help. EDIT: People: MB - nad LR - Shem NC - lashtal GG - MRAlyon LoTE - Eon MDA - Zyrxae Underground - DD
  7. I know they are unbalanced, so does Mur, and the council, and anyone who plays md. We, me, Mur, council and everyone working in autumn2060 are discussing this and have been for a while, we just haven't got around to doing anything about it yet. So I'm going to make a job to get the data we need and then we have a base to move on from. At the moment it's all in a testing, not balanced, phase and as soon as there are many useful uses resources (autumn) then we are going to make some things fairer. So, be patient, wait for changes, then complain again! Ps: on train, phone keyboard bad, ignore typing errors
  8. As soon as I get off the train I will make a fuller post and a job request. Thank you for the offer.
  9. @Eara: apologies, but i want to say this so everyone remembers and knows As i have said before we are looking into trying to balance the resources. I have contacted a couple people to help me do some investigation but it appears people dont want to help, i shall have to make another forum post when i have time. Resources need more balance, and they will, we just need to get some stats and do some legwork first.
  10. What about gg"s monopoly of memory stones?
  11. there are too many techincal and ethical problems, as mur said, closed.
  12. Have you checked all the sites, and i mean all, to see if automatic voting is permitted? im pretty sure thats against the rules. Actually automatic voting wont work for many sites that require you to type in a captcha...
  13. is the new IP. is one hosting broke and we need to reconfigure. If magicduel returns then your DNS hasnt been updated and you need to flush dns/clear cache/be patient.
  14. For those that know tech, the new IP is So if your ping is returning then your upstream DNS is still cached. So wait :)
  15. MagicDuel should now be up and running. If it isnt, you will need to wait while DNS propagates, it should take a couple of hours. If not, and you are running windows, flush your DNS by typing ipconfig /flushdns into a command prompt.
  16. as a VERY temporary solution: removed site Many things wont work, we are still working to fix the main magicduel.
  17. We are now pretty sure there is an issue with routing people to MD, MD is alive, but people arnt getting to it... Its hostings problem, because none of us was even accessing the server at the time of the issue. We are investigating into the issue further. ---------------------------- Use quakenet, its IRC and therefore good, and doesnt have a 10 person limit http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=magicduel&uio=d4
  18. Im working on a new emailing feature as soon as i fix MD actually. its very cool.
  19. Yes we know, hence the post. We are working on it but its IP related issues. If anyone needs to access MD emails or similar, pm me.
  20. Iv repeated this many times, but i shall repeat it again. With programming there are no limits. Common sense should guide you however.
  21. Im very sure they do, because people complain that i dont read PM's becuase i read and mark as unread to deal with later.
  22. I probably have some backups. Im hacking around with some things. i found a way into the server :D
  23. Im working on it, but im going to be going to sleep soon, so Murry will have to try and see what he can do, if/when he comes around.
  24. There are 10 spots for non-Premium Users in this free room. These free spots are currently taken by other visitors.
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