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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. not a bug, moved
  2. still occuring? reasoning when?
  3. not a bug, moved to general forum
  4. unable to reproduce. moved, post again if you are able to repeat this.
  5. fixed closed
  6. still occuring?
  7. Is this still occuring? From the look of it you gain heat in -viscosity non homeland and lose it in +viscosity non homeland.
  8. is this still occuring?
  9. outside problem, moving it to resolved since its not a MD bug, you can continue discussing if you wish.
  10. mur can announce here if he wants, otherwise moved.
  11. kings disbanded, repost if similar issue is occuring.
  12. browser cache issue and nothing else
  13. old, re file if there are similar issues
  14. closed and moved
  15. not updated in ages, if someone wants to update, post. otherwise moved
  16. old topic, moved to resolved
  17. this has been fixed ages ago. closed and moved
  18. Do you mean why? Because if so, thats pretty simple. people only get AD when they login, versis creatures getting them if you login or not. So unless you have a perfect record, most crits will be older than you.
  19. My Elu hasnt had one candy since i got him. Nothing bad has happened yet. Whats wrong with hoarding it? If they can, why not?
  20. There is already enough controvercy from the normal MDAwards, i personally dont feel that another one will be useful in any way whatsoever
  21. this topic specifically refers to alliance hidden forums, as it says in the topic title
  22. Please edit your title by going to the first post and clicking edit, So that it falls in line with the recommended title + tagging system http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11135-naming-convention-tags/ Thanks!
  23. Chewett


    Please edit your title by going to the first post and clicking edit, So that it falls in line with the recommended title + tagging system http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11135-naming-convention-tags/ Thanks!
  24. Yeah i was under the impression it worked like mood panel item and such, only appeared once and once it was bought it never appeared again. Strange...
  25. Most alliances currently have a "hidden" forum which allows them to discuss things with their fellow alliance members. Creation of these forums need an alliance leader to confirm, and as alliance leaders change the original "owner" contacts me to say taht the alliance leader has changed, and said records are updated. Up til recently, i always had one "leader" i kept in touch with regarding the forum and then changed it so that i had two contact points, so that if one were to dissapear, i knew someone they had appointed to take over the forum. This has worked quite well. Now since these forums are specifically for the alliance, the question i now face is, If the alliance radically changes, should the forum automatically fall to the new leader or should something else happen. In my mind there are various "likely" states that could happen, i will list them. A) Change of leader - The leader of the alliance has changed and the previous leader does not want to give control to the new leader. B) Hostile change of leader - A group of people have split from, and left the alliance, and the current alliance is made up of members that didnt leave, and a leader that opposed the previous leader C) Complete change of alliance members - An alliance has been fractured and changed so much, that the alliance members have pretty much all been replaced by new members. D) Abandonment of alliance - An alliance has been mainly dissolved, with few members left, most if not all being new. Now, Im asking your opinions on all of these matters, i have already formed my own view which i am likely to follow, but since i am merely one person, would value your views on these. To point out any cases where it may be rather foolish to do as i am thinking i will, or whatever. As with all situations, most of the time i will change what i do depending on the situation, as it would be pointless to have rigid plans for every situation. My views are of the current moment thus: A) i would merely change the leader over for situation A B) again i would most likely switch over the situation B also, because the leadership just had a bit of a shake up and there are still members from the original alliance and they would mostly still be using the same information ect ect C) This is where i would be tempted to ask them to make a new forum, instead of being able to reveal the secrets of the old. Again it would depend on the situation D) I would most likely not give access to anyone who now controls an alliance, and would make them create a new one, while archiving the old one So, essentially im saying that each case will be depended on how it works out, but these will be my likely though patterns based on the given scenario, and would like some opinion if anyone see's any glaring faults with my logic, or if they think its an "ok" idea. Thanks for anyone who gives feedback
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