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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Iv found, that unless there is a specific reason for something to be done "now" linking to it repeatedly will not make mur code it any faster The only times when iv seen that repeatedly linking to a idea works and is necessary. Is when said idea has a time limit, like you are asking for something like making a location a sanctuary during a special event, and want to try and get as many people to possible to look and vote on it.
  2. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1326936007' post='101124'] One example of what i mean for such a thing is "[b]ownership of a location in md[/b]" , or "[b]a usable item that can define a role[/b]" ..things like that, things that are not for sale, exactly because this is a very unusual situation and it should be an opportunity of some sort, like any unusual situation. [/quote] I wrote a pretty lengthy post disagreeing with you here, But while getting some tea i relised that i dont really care (severely edited to make this "forum friendly") about the people who have the coin to buy rare items, creatures and all these magical prizes that come off on these auctions. Good Luck, Spend your coin, Buy what we will never be able to attain...
  3. Is the email subject you want Summon by tag: {Marind Bell} - {Wookie Army} or Summon by tag: Marind Bell - Wookie Army
  4. [quote name='Axel Keravnos' timestamp='1326839880' post='101073'] If you are that worried about it then under volume control turn down your volume from say IE to zero but leave firefox and all of that still on full volume. You know volume control rocks right? [/quote] You are assuming that someone is using a Vista+ system. XP doesnt have this feature out the box if i am correct, Similarly with most Nix distrobutions.
  5. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1326793762' post='101033'] What exactly does this entail? >> [/quote] I see no reason why someone neg repped this. Its a Very important question. "Messing around" and knowing Juniors history with breaking things, i would be guessing he was doing something he shouldnt, Therefore detailing exatly what "messing around" is, is probably the key to the whole puzzle.
  6. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1326706804' post='100949'] the point is i was sacing creatures. My system is far from being slow I am a system engineer trust me my systems are somewhat powerfull I think the adding the chat saying yrth saced a bla bla bla has slowed down the process a lot as it worked fairly ok 2/4 sec's to reload the page. [/quote] Come now yrth, each creature sacked is just adding one record to the chat db, its been slow way before that feature... its the flash objects! and lots of them. Just look at the sacrafice alter on a slow pc, the flash objects slowly appear one by one, and then the images then load one by one. It takes ages when you have 60 or so crits.
  7. Chewett

    No mands

    [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1326635832' post='100858'] I mean how should the community underake this endeavor. Should each land open its own forum, and vote privatly? Should people be nominated and voted on as a whole? I was kind of unsure what Mur meant by his announcement of how to work out the person from each land [/quote] You cant force a land to. If people in other lands have any form of common sense they will be doing this already. I know i started the topic in MB forum as soon as the announcement was posted.
  8. not me, Methinks your nix is breaking lol
  9. Shadow and Passant confirmed its working, so i guess this is fixed. If someone breaks, as usual, post
  10. you still getting it? i cant seem to do it. So you are walking in a land which should be 1 ap and its costing you more?
  11. Some alliances have more history and relevence than others. One of the most recent examples is the TK's who are specifically around and for people who help mur in the treasury. Wheras GoTR, GG, KoB, NS were more general "50 seater" allliances that were/are quite open and general alliances. It really depends on the alliance and how it was formed.
  12. [quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1326441321' post='100613'] To the Children of the Eclipse: This ought to go without saying, but just to be clear: I will not be approaching Mur or the Council about this matter, and I will not be attempting to prosecute Pip in the MD Court or any other body. I have no reason to think Pip used a bug or exploit to get into the CoE, but if he did, I leave such matters in the hands of those whose position it is to regulate them. Until I am given reason to think otherwise, I will assume Pip achieved this act of sabotage through honorable, game-mechanical means. [/quote] [quote name='King Bull' timestamp='1326446447' post='100618'] You cheated Pip and should be banned according to the rules. this is what the rules say:[list] [*]You can have multiple accounts, to try out story, to experince new ways of play etc ..., however if you are detected that you are using them just to help one of your main accounts , all of them including the main will get banned. [/list] its simple and your guilty. [/quote] King Bull, it helps if you read the message by your alliance leader before being foolish.
  13. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1326439931' post='100610'] chew if i may ask, how did ya got 130k loyalty and then in matter of 2 months ya got 100k more did some mechanics changed or what? by mine calculations if ya were online 24h for 2 months most ya could get is 80k ... so.... [/quote] Wookie Magic
  14. Chewett

    MD Radio ?!

    [quote name='Krioni' timestamp='1326396113' post='100574'] To my knowledge, Pandora allows the sharing of stations, and I think Grooveshark does as well. Grooveshark itself allows choosing as songs, but I don't listen to it that much, so I am not sure on the playlist sharing. [/quote] Grooveshark allows one to add songs to ones own playlists, and for people to listen to others playlists. I dont mind creating a grooveshark playlist and adding songs as people contact me.
  15. [quote name='samon' timestamp='1326392366' post='100568'] That would mean changing the entire start of thee story mode and tutorial, because right now you need your creatures before you enter story mode. Chances of mur changing this are nearly zero. [/quote] I would disagree here, Mur has stated numerous times that he is unsure as to what to do with story mode, stating once that he was considering removing storymode altogether. Given this, i would say that Mur would be quite open to suggestions how to change storymode, but that it wouldnt be a folly undertaken quickly. A good idea will nearly always be implemented, even if it takes a while for it to be done so.
  16. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1326298856' post='100475'] actually before Eon and NoOne left SI had 3 members. Now it is currently in violation as well. Though to my knowledge there are no other UG citizens to raise such questions for their homeland. The SoS being a group in the Tribunal, the citizens worry about growth in numbers of citizens. To eb the question before it arrives, the CT's currently have 2 prospectful people who are under close watch to join and help the Tribunal grow. [/quote] I would make the comment that it seems hypocritical to say "oh you cant disband my alliance becuase we have prospective members" While saying you can disband another without knowing theirs...
  17. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1326268278' post='100423'] Neno Veliki is a respected member of the community, a very nice guy, dedicated, has a line of achievements for the cause of Magic Duel. He got jailed controversially for an act that is debatebly used by the very accusser. [/quote] He Abused alts, I dont respect that at all.
  18. AP is built upon Base AP + Viscosity - Loyalty points for the land Where Viscosity goes from -80 to +40 so many locations in NML you will find have 1 - 80 AP requirement aka -79 AP
  19. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1326227407' post='100391'] If you can't tell the difference between the two, why does it matter? [/quote] Show me a comparision, i have never seen computer art done relisticly enough to not tell the difference
  20. I love MD's artwork, its what first drew me here. The hand drawn nature is wonderful. Hand drawn work takes longer yes, But you arnt just drawing avatars for speed or money. Keep it in theme, Makes sense to. Mur has always been a stickler for keeping it the right style.
  21. I trust he has mailed the council? Mur has always said Grido doesnt have to do anything, wheras the council once emailed "should" remove him.
  22. [quote name='duxie' timestamp='1326206676' post='100363'] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]sure, here:[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]SW: ~3gc. the fact that none overbid my 3gc for so long talks for itself + here are few links to SW market (took the first ones i found):[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11224-wts-sw/"]http://magicduel.inv...c/11224-wts-sw/[/url][/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6618-wtst-a-lot-of-creats-incl-sw-claw3s-etc/"]http://magicduel.inv...-sw-claw3s-etc/[/url][/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11242-wts-reinrustsantasw/"]http://magicduel.inv...einrustsantasw/[/url][/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7263-wtb-sw/"]http://magicduel.inv...ic/7263-wtb-sw/[/url][/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]other prices you can search on your own, but i'm pretty sure rusty goes for ~4gc, sharpie is way less then gc.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]anyways i don't want to prove that you're right or wrong with those prices, all i want to say - price is a subjective thing, and most of us can't read others mind.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]if you had said that in your first post what you've just told in yours last - everything would be clear to everyone [/font][/size] [/quote] Agreed, SW sold for 5 gold when it was first released, nowdays i havent seen one sell for that in ages.
  23. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1326191658' post='100354'] Chewy, forum is broken, I cannot upload files to posts [/quote] yeah i noticed similar when uploading things before... Will check [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1326196640' post='100356'] Well, yes, looks fine, Maybe a glowing arrow next to the VE of the ones, that needs to be healed. dst, is this an option inside the game, or you have played with some software so it can look good? [/quote] No one would interfer with MD
  24. The forum has a strict 1 account per person rule, This means that if you run a poll there should be no alts voting in it. However since this assumes there are no alts on the forum and therefore checks are done regularly on users and polls to remove alts. If you have multiple accouns you should contact me. But, if you wish your poll to be checked for alts you should send me: Topic link Reason Note, These altchecks are very labour intensive as i have to go through each user and check if they are an alt or not, It takes approximately 2 minutes per person to check, with an approximate base time of 10 minutes to get all the data required to start it. This means that 100 people voting in a poll makes it take a LONG time to check. Some alt checks will be denied because of this reason. You will be informed of the amount of alt accounts if any, a user has used, and therefore will allow you to correct poll choices as you wish. The Names of these accounts will not be given to you, and i shall deal with them as necessary.
  25. Forum Display and Login Names can be changed on request by sending: Chosen "Changed" Name: Change Display Name, Login Name or Both Reason The reason doesnt really need to be that long, just why. This should be sent to me via pm or by emailing <my username>@magicduel.com
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