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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. that is back in the day of RPC's... So it is pretty old
  2. The idea is to have a comprehensive list, so that various pages can cite the specific announcement regardig it. The idea would be to use some of the infomation in specific pages such as one showing all of the TC winners and such.
  3. apart from jail, i see billions of punishment lol, being dead is one as for the comment... its a warning, Meh. And as for tepig (Tailser) isnt he ip banned?
  4. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1328542937' post='103641'] Well, there are quite a few announcements and only a few pages on the wiki. Wouldn't this kill the random page function? I picture myself always jumping to a random announcement page. Other than that, I think it would be a good idea to move them over to the wiki. [/quote] Yes that is something that i was wondering about, 2100 pages will obliterate the random function. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1328542937' post='103641'] You say you want them moved, and not duplicated? Meaning they'd be removed from the site and placed on the wiki? [/quote] No, really i was thinking of copying them over regularly, I have written scripts to parse it and format it.
  5. if you look here: http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Chewett You can see at the bottom there is various catagories such as: http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Forum_Moderator These catagories allow dividing announcements into various groups. Currently i have already grouped a number of announcements into various catagories such as: Heads Contest Torch Contest BugFix Feature Annnouncement Punishment Which would allow looking specifically at all punishments, or HC results. These catagories would be easily changed based on further discussion among people who wish to help at the wikia and the community. This means you can look at all the similar announcements and such. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1328533557' post='103632'] That would be awesome. However, would Ctrl + F still work? Or would there be a decent search engine for the site? (haven't been on since it first came out so I don't know) [/quote] I think the search engine on the site works "pretty well", if you find any problems with it tell me, although i cant do anything, i can submit bug reports to them. There would also be a page that would link to every announcement, with a small summation of it, meaning you could search for key words and find announcements related to it.
  6. The announcements Project is moving on, and again i am leaning towards moving it all onto the wikia. The current idea for this is: Each announcement gets its own Wikia page, with title: "Announcement <ID OF ANNOUNCEMENT>" Then it would quote the announcement, And include a part for a summation of it. Categories would be added based on stage, priority (the colour of it) and type. Any Comments on this? I have a script to add all of the pages to the site automatically so dont need to do it manually, And it will also be able to do large scale changes based on if we want to change format and such.
  7. [quote name='Hedge Munos' timestamp='1328489069' post='103584'] - Usable items (preferably scripted by Rendril or Mur) [/quote] Meaning that you would prefere to have a hard coded one, versis a MDScriptable one?
  8. it is not happening now. unless it happens again, moved to dealt with. Death ray put some stuff in chat...
  9. The answer is No, you arent... its not a bug. Nor as dst pointed out, no where i have ever seen it saying that.
  10. Mur has already mentioned that the ability to steal items from people will be implemented into the game.
  11. Chewett

    Sugar Rush

    People who joined the BHC knew the rules, if they wanted to break them, fine... Their loss.
  12. Thats an old bug of dulplicating heads where if two people attack at the same time the heads will "sometimes" be dulplicated or dissapear completely.
  13. was it a victorious win?
  14. why dont you mention how you think you got two sawdust?
  15. Hence why people port you to GoE to spice the compeititon up, Dont complain just because you were/are winning, Fight for it. Its happened a lot in previous HC's... and a lot more also
  16. Some spells are allowed and will always be allowed, It shouldnt be a game where you just sit there until its over... do some real fighting. As for people who have already won being able to take heads. Eon seems to shedual these contests so that they are on HC so that he has more people to prey on. I think its wrong becuase also last time it broke GoE for regular HC in the last 48 hours... As for all the spells, You are lucky and you arnt getting targetted very much, Some HC i have seen people being ported back every half hour! Lately people with "GOE" spells and such havent really taken an intrest... Its meant to do this so you cant just sit there and have to move around and fight!
  17. [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1328296034' post='103304'] The overall idea of a Regent/Semi-monarch to take the place of Queen Kets was put forth by [b]Rhaegar[/b], I believe, at a meeting we had. As far as I understand, the opportunity was opened to all Citizens to apply, and two others did so. While I understand the faint bias you may feel in having one of the candidates put forth the Vote, I felt it natural, since the overall idea itself was spearheaded by Rhaegar, from my understanding. Thus, this post. [/quote] Replace Rhaegar with Chewett. But he indeed did run with the idea after comments were made and i refused to handle it. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1328296902' post='103312'] whilst mb council has power to put up anyone they see fit as regent without askin or answerin to anyone, but they didnt do that, they did quite opposite and initiated votin [/quote] We could have just said the regant is X
  18. Chewett

    So far...

    How else? same way dst did it. Illusions.
  19. What happens If MB attacks LR? Whole of MB sealed off for non citizens? Effectively that stops people going to MDA or from MDA unless they are part of MB or LR. And if they are part of LR then they need access through hidden exit. Not to mention the problems with MB, since MB is one of the story locations that people are ported to during story. If suddenly the area where most newbs are is totally sealed off, might be a tad confusing...
  20. Keep on topic, next time someone mentions the old war and who did what stupid actions, their post gets removed by me.
  21. 1 - Needs to be checked, not sure why 2 - Wasnt HC running parallel? 3 - old bug... intresting race conditions probably 4 - sporadic, Try and document better next time?
  22. please look out for this in the next BHC
  23. comments? HC is on, i dont think its possible now...
  24. the stats seemed to have dissapeared
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