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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Chewett


    : [Spell] Froggy55555 Maebius : [Spell] Froggy55555 Eon : [Spell] Froggy55555 dst : [Spell] Froggy55555 Change : [Spell] Froggy55555 nad in the box : [Spell] Froggy55555 Ratbert They might post to say they cant login, just in case someone who saw the travesty isnt on forums at that time
  2. Chewett

    forum bug

    its how its designed. And i dont know how invision think "draft" should work, i will contact them.
  3. Ann. 2211 - [2012-02-19 15:20:23 - Stage 11] GC Auction Items given out All GC Auction participants have have their coins and items transferred and have been emailed regarding their item. If your stored email wasn't valid and therefore didnt get an email or you didn't receive something you expected you would please contact us regarding this ([council])
  4. What teaching did he do? i was unaware of any such ones. The simply i know was a fragmented indivual tormented by his usage of his powers and made very little sense when talking to him (in his role remember)
  5. there is something wrong with ' being counted as more than one char, try typing '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' as grido mentioned, its probably the escaping of the nasty '
  6. Chewett


    18 silver for the memory stones
  7. yeah i reported that bug a while ago, it wont necessarily let you post Status' *near* the limit, i guess i will bump it again.
  8. Chewett


    1 GoE Stone for the memory stones
  9. link has no limits, iv posted massive links without shortening, isnt the too many characters for the status message? You are limited to 90?
  10. Chewett

    forum bug

    i dont see whats wrong here...
  11. What happens if i cast the spell, and proceed to be abusive? will there be a way for people to tell who actually was abusive?
  12. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1331734804' post='106547'] Spell Name: Protect the Land Description: Guard the citizen and alliance Actions on player: Effect Citizen and alliance [/quote] You relise you have to email council to submit spells and not post them on the forum?
  13. [quote name='Shemhazaj' timestamp='1331625393' post='106477'] [color=#808080][i]so is the Needle only for MB citizens now?[/i][/color] [/quote] that would be entirely stupid even if i were to benefit from said arrangement lol
  14. its still overpowered, and specifically aimed at eon. I again find that very poor taste. You are suggesting the spell works all the time, putting people on this list, and then when you cast it none of them can do prettymuch anything related to resources for an hour? You relise that this spell, depending where its put, could be on 20-30 people? It seems way too overpowered, just to "hurt" someone you dont like, becuase of how they play md. And doesnt act like a real "spell" as no spell is continually working like the list idea
  15. thats what the announcement said, I dont really see the problem since now it just requires someone to grab them for newer guys. But still, to use many items, they need to be a part of the land. Which brings you back to citizenship.
  16. you are essentially requesting a spell to use against one person. I think thats a very poor reason to request said spell, and will be one of the reasons why i would never vote for such a spell. Not to mention the massive and obvious issues of balance it has.
  17. [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1331532769' post='106397'] Land Loyalty added to shared tools is kind of pointless when there are independant tools given to people for the highest price and then over used to drain lands of their resources, whether their actualy a part of that land or not. [/quote] Yeah, it only really affects the amount of depletion. I doubt it will stop the most common depletors since these people are smart and crafty.
  18. Happy Birthday Karak!
  19. unless im espically tired, i do not see the point, nor reason to your above post no one. Care to explain a tad more?
  20. Chewett

    KONY 2012

    Iv been waiting for this to come onto the forum. I expect im going to get a large amount of negative reputation for this, but i cannot stand and let this sit as gospel on the forum, without pointing people to the other side. I however do hope that Magicduel has as least some people who do not make up their mind on one 30 minute video. Please read this: http://visiblechildren.tumblr.com/post/18890947431/we-got-trouble This is a response to video that shows the other side. Its a very intresting read and agrees that Kony isnt a very nice Man. But i personally would never donate to a charity where only 32% of my money goes to help people. The "invisible children" charity do not look so charitable when you look at it, and this is a stunt that most definatly raise a lot of money for them. Sadly however, little of it will make its way to the people in need, and will end up paying the wages of their employees. Read the link and the response, Just because someone says X is bad, does not mean they are good. Inform yourself fully before blindly posting these links. Do you want to be affliated with a "charity" that supports military intervention, supports armies that have records of raping and pillaging? ect... Its your mind, make it up. Just because you see this video everywhere, doesnt mean you should blindly follow it.
  21. Happy Birthday mya! And as a note, dont just reuse last years topic.
  22. I refused to say happy birthday when it was massively early. But since there is half an hour left [size=5][b]Have a very happy birthday Murry. May what you wish for come to fruition. May your plans occur without a hitch.[/b][/size]
  23. I believe the spell you are refereing to is teleport to lighthouse
  24. Note the difference in spelling. Guardian of Root L<Number> is a spell i posess that i am/was testing. Soldier of Loreroot is an illusion that anyone with illusion has access to. Please talk to the player using said illusion if you want to complain.
  25. The wooden box [i][b]IS[/b][/i] MD.
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