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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. underlying DB memory limit, Not really a bug. Use external sites if you need to store large data
  2. You should talk with grido regarding this.
  3. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1328088025' post='103058'] The leader are thoes of the 4 main land alliances. When there was no kingship the ones that where in charge where the Main alliance leaders so even thogh there is no kingship. I dont see why it would be any diffrent to be honest. SO yeah the leader are the alliance leader of the main land alliances untill a desision is made regards the kingship. [/quote] That statement is incredibly foolish and if you only stopped to consider what you were saying for a moment it would dawn on you. MB is run as a council currently, and elections are going on for the "leader" position. CM has not put his name forward so clearly he doesnt want to be leader. GG is run as a <insert funny T word> and unless its changed has no real "one" leader, even looking at the main alliance, i was under the impression that it was run by multiple peolpe. LR... I dont really know whats up with LR, i "think" shem and mya are kinda leaders... but as i said im not sure about that. And Necro... thats a strange state, you could claim that leader of main alliance is "leader" But i could see oppersition. Doing things like there was before kingship, and taking wide land desicsions is entirely different. The Monarchs took decisions based on what they felt, and they were "legal" and allowed. Wheras before Kings we had various points of authority that generally did things as a general concensus from everyone important in the area. You can easily see the difference when you look at Firs banning Rheagar and Blackwood forest? (or someone, people dont matter, its the point) Firs didnt like whatever they were doing, and thusly decided to ban them. Wheras if there was merely an alliance leader, they wouldnt have had the legal right to do so, since they are not in charge of the land, but merely one part of said land. I see little point designing a system where the trigger of the system relies on something not currently there. If you say that main alliance has the ability to declare war on any other main alliance, Then that seems much more sensible, as they would not nesscarily be doing it "for the land" like a king could.
  4. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1328048465' post='103021'] What if we make it to were the [b]Leaders[/b] declare war on just a specific Ally, and then either side has the ability to add any citizen to their ally for the duration of the war? And then, have there be three ways to end the war. Either A, you run out of time... Say, 7 days and B you kill all enemy soldiers. And finally C, the opposing Ally surrenders. As for B, this could also lead to a draw if both sides lose the same amount of troops. [/quote] Who are these leaders? alliance leaders? Monarchs? Because as iv already said we dont have monarchs atm and i dont see that changing anytime soon...
  5. Naha, im sure the screen completely obliterates the attack button
  6. mail mur and council about it... surely they will have the final say in saying if a change is ok, and the power to revert it freely also.
  7. Who is the leader? Its pointless to devise a system when currently there are no land heads...
  8. Who is the player? we can gather up and send him to jail easily enough.
  9. [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1328024313' post='102971'] I beleve you get the wish back after its over written Esmaralda or at least that is my understanding of it. [/quote] really? Where did you get that impression, i didnt get that idea at all.
  10. What is the concept as you understand of a land "war"? From what i have seen, A land does not need an item to declare a war, it is easily enough done with words. So essentially the idea of a war will create some period of time where you fight each other, similar to Torch contest? If so, it sounds a lot more just like a battle, versis a war that would be a longer campain
  11. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1327939881' post='102883'] that is true, ya can also have rpc grade while not buyin grade 4 before it but mine point in here was that item scripting is used differently than clicky scripting, meaning that scripts one writes for items have different approach than ones for clickys, and afaik difference between grade 4 and rpc grade is only in which clicky one can put script in rather than havin different approach between them when coding [/quote] There is a reason why i asked said question... Doesnt really matter to you why.
  12. i removed it becuase from what i remember, you can have item scripting and not RPC/normal scripting. Would be a tad backwards but i dont the system stops you.
  13. Im will be doing some MDscript tutorials on how to use and program in MDscript as several have requested them. Currently i am trying to decide what level i would be pitching these tutorials at. [b]Please complete the poll only if you are interested in using MDscript at some time in the future, Thanks[/b]
  14. Ah that was it, Thank you Von for reminding me
  15. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1327797112' post='102755'] or a cross-breed of wookie and ewok edit: HA! me can still talk... thus conspiracy theory 135 says: 129 is just a theory... [/quote] 137) Libs Battery gets drained so he can only spend at best a month playing MD before he runs away to get it charged again.
  16. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1327809765' post='102760'] So, let me get this straight. You tell us what to research, we put in time and effort looking for information, and then send it to you, with the reward being the knowledge that we find? Why should anyone send you things at all then? Last I checked, you're not even a Marind Bell citizen. [/quote] Bingo... Pip has hit the nail on the head... Lib is asking you to work for him for free, and even requesting you to dig deep and work hard to get him his information lol
  17. Espically if alts were used to do so, Say someone that didnt like jester...
  18. Libs idea of knowledge collection "Im going to give me a topic, and you will foolishly tell me everything you know about it, its a "test"" Yeah... i will pass on giving you everything i know about MB...
  19. There is a wikia people can search infomation for, i would say thats a better medium to hold information regarding the game mostly.
  20. [quote name='lone wolf pup' timestamp='1327630078' post='102581'] I was selling the service of tokening them >_> not buying. [/quote] I also read that you were buying...
  21. [quote name='Guillak' timestamp='1327521844' post='102381'] ... which is all the more useful in crowded locations, when several independent discussions are happening at the same time and you have to eye-filter the noisy ones. [/quote] Thats why if you are trying to talk to a specific person you move to a different location...
  22. seems pretty pointless. It will just mean less chat to see...
  23. Does the delete work when viewing the PM?
  24. You done the usual, logout, clear cache and cookies, login and retry process?
  25. I would have said i fit more Kabutops or Kabuto as im normally wrapped in my own little world (shell) But Meh Assuming ofc you stick along the line of fossil pokemon for me. Wheras, if people remember, Aerodactyl was ressurected from amber
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