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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Now this is the Real Mur! The Mur that started this prodject, talked with us and played with us. Come play MD, its pretty good, and Take a break, We arnt a load of noobs pushing for features. We are merely players that play for fun.
  2. wow, thats intresting, Must be an apache property, thats very intresting. i learnt something today. This does break things [code]& # 6 7 ; remove the spaces on the above code or forum converts it [/code] does using this special html char work? i would check, but ofc no mdscript access....
  3. do you mean loading stuff like webpages or something? because last time i checked everything on the internet was case insensitive (case doesn't matter) what are you trying to do where the case matters?
  4. [quote name='dst' date='07 November 2009 - 10:06 AM' timestamp='1257588387' post='46872'] Huh? I knew I will be mentioned in this topic from the moment I lay my eyes on the title but huh? I don't get it Chew? Am I a place? So evil resides in me? Cause I would say something else... [/quote] Well, you certainly have a corrupting influence and the reason to put you in the undergrounds was so that noobs wouldnt be tainted by you [quote name='Death Bell' date='07 November 2009 - 10:38 AM' timestamp='1257590336' post='46874'] isn't dst the mother of all evil... or in ur case dst is the root of all evil. [/quote] Death bell got it in one
  5. I thought there was already a place for the worst evil, Dst!
  6. Chewett


    Really the problem is that half of the players love the new introduction and half dont As i said again, Any "strong" player can put up an unbeatable rit and kill any attackers in one round, so they wont lose principles. The weaker people love the chance to make it more even and the stronger ones hate having to stat gain and not just level principles and buy tokens to get stronger.
  7. You know we have always stuck by you however much we dislike some of the things you do (not dislikling you, disliking actions is different) I cant wait for the next wave of genius to sweep over MD and change it radically again.
  8. [quote name='Observer' date='06 November 2009 - 10:24 PM' timestamp='1257546286' post='46831'] Your forgetting chewy... Grido is your alt, right? [/quote] go ahead, just post it on the forum... Bah!
  9. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='06 November 2009 - 09:14 PM' timestamp='1257542086' post='46820'] chew in mine case there is no "or" [/quote] Ah but they all ARE you
  10. Chewett

    Stat Loss

    yes, it is most definatly a story mode "loss" and if thats ok, may i close this?
  11. Chewett


    the problem i see with this is the "strong" people who you are allowing into your group will already be able to protect their principles by first round kills Which means that they wont need this. I think its a good move to let them do this, since its so useful to keep it balanced
  12. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='06 November 2009 - 05:16 PM' timestamp='1257527817' post='46798'] granos thats nothin, out of 48 cro accs 44 are mine so think again how much do i get asked [/quote] And it seems that every single new british player who speaks in the cabin is accused of being me or grido!
  13. Chewett

    Stat Loss

    I take it you are still in story mode? You will gain and lose stats at every choice you make, you just may have been unlucky and picked a choice where you lose some stats. Dont worry, every paths has advantages and disadvantages and in the greater scheme of things, losing 3 stats is pretty small. You will gain them fast enough
  14. Happy Birthday Sparrhawk
  15. [quote name='apophys' date='05 November 2009 - 02:30 AM' timestamp='1257388203' post='46658'] I presume not participating means not playing at all for the duration of the test, because I had managed to successfully remove charge from an idler (haven't tested whether this still works). That's a bit harsh, because the test will supposedly last a while.Now that I think about it, I have yet to see an instance where draining principles actually increases charge on an existing principle. Charge can be destroyed only, as far as I've seen (this makes sense, because Mur stated in the announcement that this draining is an alternative to a reset of all charges). I personally quite like it, but would prefer a new creature for it, and I think it should do more creature damage. [/quote] i agree it isnt fair but there were alternatives, we know atm its very buggy so you can lose a lot testing this. once its fully tested it will work as mur wants it and you will start to gain as well as lose principles
  16. [quote name='eigger' date='04 November 2009 - 08:21 PM' timestamp='1257366078' post='46634'] i lost 20k+ principle i wont be able to get it back? [/quote] no, its a test, you didnt have to participate, Your loss Please only post what extra principles you gained. And nothing else, Thanks
  17. [quote name='Death Bell' date='04 November 2009 - 05:39 PM' timestamp='1257356347' post='46610'] the last two... i don't think any land has 12 creatures to be recruited... [/quote] I dont think he meant differnt creatures, just 12 from one land
  18. Would this piece of code help? do you specifically want a link like the one below? [post='5502']Giving Keys with buttons and making a choice[/post]
  19. [quote name='Death Bell' date='02 November 2009 - 05:21 PM' timestamp='1257182490' post='46413'] you just want us to like write you a paragraph or draw you a map of a game level..? or use these computer language and program the map for you ? what are the rules and directional movement allowed? [/quote] [quote name='Grido' date='02 November 2009 - 06:28 PM' timestamp='1257186518' post='46422'] i'm thinking that there'll be level editor software...stuff, so that we like drag a tree here, a barrel there etc, and design the layout of the level that way. Sounds fun, can't guarentee i'll make a good level, cos i dont know what's available, but i could give it a good shot . Be fun regardless if money is involved or not. So long as i dont actually need an iphone to make the level of course... [/quote] [quote name='Death Bell' date='02 November 2009 - 06:32 PM' timestamp='1257186725' post='46423'] can you pm me the link of this level editor software if its free to download.. this might be fun [/quote] Im 100% sure that he doesnt have a "level editor" software as he said in his first post [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='02 November 2009 - 04:45 PM' timestamp='1257180337' post='46411'] I am building a game for iphone for some people i work with. [/quote] So im guessing its going to be drawing and such, and not using a program.
  20. Chewett

    My Profile

    and Jonn did it for years
  21. Forms comprise of two parts. The actual form, and the processing Code Here is my form <form method="post" action=""> Please type something in here: <input type=text name="box" size="25" maxlength="50"> <br /> Do you use GGG? <input type="radio" name="radio" value="use"> yes <input type="radio" name="radio" value="dont use"> no <br /> Pick some of these, you choose! <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_1" value="1"> one <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_2" value="2"> two <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_3" value="3"> three <br /> Are you a... <select name="listbox"> <option value="Fighter">Fighter</option> <option value="Roleplayer">Roleplayer</option> <option value="Fighter and roleplayer">Fighter and roleplayer</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit!"/> </form> Here are some numerous examples of the differnt objects you can have on a form. points to note. 1. the "name" value will be sent to the MDscript as @input['name'] Where name is your name of your object 2. You can only select one choice with radio buttons 3. You can select more than one with a check box And here is my Mdscript that "handles" the form if(isset(@input['box'])) { echo "you typed in " . @input['box'] . "<br />"; } if(isset(@input['radio'])) { echo "You said you " . @input['radio'] . " GGG <br />"; } if(isset(@input['checkbox_1'])) { echo "You selected Check box 1! <br />"; } if(isset(@input['checkbox_2'])) { echo "You selected Check box 2! <br />"; } if(isset(@input['checkbox_3'])) { echo "You selected Check box 3! <br />"; } if(isset(@input['listbox'])) { echo "You said you are a " . @input['listbox'] . " <br />"; } echo @content['0']; Here i have used the php function isset() to see if the variable is set. if(isset(@input['textbox'])) { ... } All this means is, Check if @input['textbox'] is set (someone typed something in) and if it is, do what is in the brackets. This will prevent all this code from being done when the user first loads up the page Instead of just echoing the values you could make it more intresting by doing something with the values, like storeing the value as a variable in your quest. But! be careful, Just because someone can enter something, doesnt mean it will be something you nesscariy want to be entered. For example if you need a number to be entered, someone could enter a letter, and if your script doesnt check, it might break your script! NOTE: This is PHP and i have no access to MDscript, So, if anyone wants to help me, please test the script.
  22. You need some way of displaying all Keys you have assigned and being able to remove all keys you assigned from everyone. That would solve the Quest cleanup problem
  23. Make comments on the creatures that havent got a description, Like most dracorns have no description
  24. [quote name='Rendril' date='01 November 2009 - 03:28 PM' timestamp='1257089324' post='46295'] To remove a key use mds_take_rpqc_keys("key name") He won't have access to your script. [/quote] so this will remove what key? all keys of that name? from everyone?
  25. what about now? if you cant view it use this link for the moment http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/gallery_uploads/1255871650/gallery_3245_79_3602.jpg
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