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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. nice idea but there are a few ... problems imagine an event, there will likely to be a lot of rpc's at the location, now unless the avvies are extremely small then they will overlap or whatever. Many rpc's will state their location as (for example) GoE and when there is an event there it would be chaos It will clutter the location even if there is just one character. It might be interesting for rpc's such as Calyx or Pample at the dojo and archives respectively like it was done with Wodin but I don't think the fact that it would be cool would be actually beneficial. If you look at some of the locations they are already busy enough. Imagine fitting one avvie onto GoE, you would have to cover something up. nice idea, in theory. but in practice I don't think it is very feasible, but please disagree with me since i like the theory of the idea, if you have any ideas to circumnavigate my proposed problems go ahead
  2. ok topic closed.
  3. if you had refreshed the page it would have disapeared. just a refresh bug
  4. Do not fear if you think that anything important will die away, Mur would not let a creature become extinct just because a rpc is not logging in. Dracorns once found can be found again. Temporarily lost but they will not be gone. And on the dracorns not, they are already much to commonplace. They are not for everyone to have, that is their nature and that is why none have been given out so recently. Rj understands this and that is why dracorns have not been given out recently. A PWR might have got his powers and not understood this, and then dracorns would have been common as aramors.
  5. no no no no no no no no no no no no no the armour change is for the best. there is no point making Armour complicated for mp3's so that they may have a big boast. The idea of armour is to enhance your natural defences. depending on how knowledgeable at defence you are (more stats in def) then you will be able to use your Armour more efficiently. there is no real point in adding hard values so that mp3s will get boasts as it will just mean that people who make alts and get them the best armour will have more bonuses. Armour is not something that should give you lots of power, it should enhance your power. What you are asking is just for mp3's to have more power with the armour. that would making armour more crucial in deciding the results of battles and that is not what is wanted.
  6. but people whome the rpcs may choose as "responsible" may not be responsible in the games view. They were made rpcs and it is their power. This is like people loggin into other accounts so they could keep the role alive, it is playing someone elses role and it is something that i dont think should be done because that role is their own. if they dont do something they are removed, i think that this is enought for the moment, you feel that someones role should be prolonged because they dont log in? let it die with them or let them lose it when they do nothing
  7. any other problems of this kind then post a new topic
  8. HOW MUCH SPAM FROM MY MODS!!!!!!! please keep ontopic
  9. i can delete mine, one more confirmation and we can close this.
  10. confirmed, im assuming Mur is Working on it since it says retry in 5 minutes, my advice is just wait,
  11. Dont worry, we secretly know that you are all still noobs [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img] Closed since its history, literally
  12. look at all those noobs, they are soo annoying eh?
  13. Chewett


    Have you killed the Guards outside it?
  14. [quote name='Grido' date='16 July 2009 - 11:50 PM' timestamp='1247784629' post='37281'] they can get into Marinds Bell to winds crossing also through creature transfer [/quote] according to Mur they shouldn't be able to get into MB as the gate is meant to be shut,
  15. no it would take a lot of effort, First you have to build a seperate part of md That involves building the scenes into html and such, chat already works without flash, Mur gave a link ages ago to it THEN you have to continually upate both sides, Do you propose it all being re written? have you seen how many lines of html are visible? Not to mention all the server side code, Flash is a nightmare, But it is more of a nightmare to make the flash into simple html
  16. Chewett

    Alliance List

    Iv Changed Soe and added Kob, which is the only ones i know, anyone else knows them add them.
  17. The Problem with Chrome is that it uses flash 9 Wheras MD was mostly built with Flash 10 Meaning most of the flash animations do not work making MD, for the most part, unusable
  18. Chewett


    i think Rexs idea is the only way to go, but it needs more reductions, they should make it harder to win but then again some stragities should be able to kill them or perhaps add some weaknesses into them So as that they do help but will still be able to be killed by somone who does not have tokens
  19. Issue sorted CLOSED
  20. Ofc we still love you see we love you enought to close the topic so you dont have to
  21. well apparently its not dead and i got told off for saying it was there :S But there is certainly a lack of Dojo guides
  22. EDIT: Fixed, please post if it is corrected.
  23. Pretty good but lack of additional choices made it a little long, But overall as a quest i liked it, And also i might as well roll for the drac
  24. yes, i think the banners should stay just for the penny a year they might generate, its also a good sign no one is noticing them
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