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Posts posted by Chewett

  1. 7 minutes ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

    I appreciate your point of view on this.  I was just trying to feed Mur's request for ideas.

    If you have some ideas how to fix the issues on a more global scale that we could implement, that would be ideal.

  2. 17 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

    So here, properly formatted, are possible enchantments for some of the unique items I have.  Do please confirm if any please you, Mur.

    Item name: Bottle of Vinegar
    Item ID:8157
    Your ID:187066
    Current functionality: none
    Spell: givejoker
    Number of casts: 24 - to be used to give MP3's a character strong enough to do some damage to each other and accumulate some heat scars.  Also, it's in character for me.
    Casting words: Give your aramor a swig of this pickle juice

    Item name: Mithril Autoharp
    Item ID:224412
    Your ID: 187066
    Current functionality: none
    Spell: givemask
    Number of casts: 24 - say every month or two for a few years I can play the music that gives us a costume ball.  Fun!
    Casting words: You are now all under the illusion of a musical spell!

    Item name: Bone Flute
    Item ID:224414
    Your ID:187066
    Current functionality: none
    Spell: teleport_papercabin
    Number of casts: No limit - to be used to rescue newbies, people lost in the labyrinth, vets stuck on  GWI, etc.   Besides, it's not a big deal if used on regular players at GoE.
    Casting words: Find your way home

    These are all bad suggestions because the first is to try and fix a problem with the tutorial/game. We should fix it rather than patching it.

    I'm not sure what the second is for, give mask doesn't play music? We need to make sure givemask doesn't break accounts (illusions still do at times)

    The third, again we are trying to give something personal to fix a wider issue, we should fix the issue.


    I appreciate the ideas Fyrd, and it could be a short term "fix", but its a really bad idea to just patch over issues and I disagree with these patches as it just wastes time overall IMO.

  3. On 6/19/2022 at 10:02 PM, Muratus del Mur said:

    I would really like to see item spells other than kill, bringin and chase. Its really boring to see these asked for over and over again, you fail to understand that not being able to do these specific things easy, is part of what puts things in motion. I don't mind having an other kill item, if its done in a way that really makes sense, like for example mixing together player named rp items with something fancy like cause fights. In other words, several players attack AND DEFEAT a third player, and then use an item with his name on it, like a drop of blood, to kill him ..that would be OK, ..why are you so lazy to think one step ahead and ask something really nice, and you get stuck asking the usual 'kill','summon' bla bla.

    As a more general thing, I'm not sure of a good way to do these threads without people focussing on what gifts they can give themselves. Its hard to remove personal greed from these things.


    If anyone has ideas about it, give it over. Maybe you say you can only suggest items you don't have? :D 

  4. @Aia del Mana please send me the data in the following format:

    Playername: [Your playername]
    Quest Name: [Quest name]
    Forum Link: [If it was on the forum,otherwise delete]
    Number of Participants (8 plushies + 2 per participant to the questmaker): [just a number please]
    Participants (5 plushies to each participant): [List of participants, comma separated, full MD names]
    [1st place] [playername] [rewards due]
    [2nd place] [playername] [rewards due]
    [3rd place] [playername] [rewards due]
    [any other places that need rewards, in the above format]


  5. @lashtal can you send me the details of your winners in the format please:

    Playername: [Your playername]
    Quest Name: [Quest name]
    Forum Link: [If it was on the forum,otherwise delete]
    Number of Participants (8 plushies + 2 per participant to the questmaker): [just a number please]
    Participants (5 plushies to each participant): [List of participants, comma separated, full MD names]
    [1st place] [playername] [rewards due]
    [2nd place] [playername] [rewards due]
    [3rd place] [playername] [rewards due]
    [any other places that need rewards, in the above format]


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