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  1. Downvote
    Chewett got a reaction from death ray in Lighthouse reconstruction progress   
    Good Morning my Fair Sir Jakubhi,
    I hereby apply for the position of auditor for this magnificent venture!
    My accreditation is as follows:
    King of Marind Bell and Grand Duke of the East and Menkyo Kaiden of MagicDuel
    Why might I fulfil your role?
    Well you may question why I am a good auditor, well this is because for many years I have slowly embezzled the treasury of Marind Bell and The East and therefore would be able to easily ensure this does not happen during the lighthouse project. My ability to properly cook the books can be put to good use in ensuring the numbers do actually add up!
    I am able to provide references on request
    Most thankful tidings,
  2. Like
    Chewett reacted to jakubhi in Lighthouse reconstruction progress   
    The Overseer for the Lighthouse reconstruction has arrived! You may find him near the lighthouse. 
    The renovation is split into multiple Phases. The current Phase is 0. You may also learn the current Phase from the Overseer. 
    In this Phase, we are looking for Auditors! Their role will be to take a look at the Lighthouse, check the faulty parts, make a list of resources and items which will be needed to be gathered and crafted for the reconstruction. (the Auditors are expected to cooperate and communicate between each other. I will create a forum group for this, or if someone has problems with using the forum, an alternative solution can be found.)
    We are looking for a minimum of 2 Auditors (maximum of 5). Depending on the amount of public interest, we may take in additional auditors.
    Each chosen Auditor will be rewarded a weather spell stone (storm) at the start of their job. Next, each one will receive a gold salary, this salary will depend on the quality of their work and their progress. There will be 2 salaries, one in the middle of the Auditing, the other at the end of the Auditing. There may (or may not) be further rewards, but they are still being discussed. 
    How to apply for the position of an Auditor ? You may write your application here, or write ingame/forum pm to me. It would be nice if you could also drop one or two sentences why you want to be an Auditor.
    If you have any questions, you may drop them here or send me a pm too. 
    (There should also be an announcement about what I mentioned here)
  3. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from lashtal in Final (ish) Day of the 18th MD Birthday log (initial speech)   
    The event began at GoE
    [05/05/23 23:39] Chewett:But here we are
    [05/05/23 23:39] Chewett:Somewhat more than eighteen days, but who can really count anyway
    [05/05/23 23:40] Chewett:Its great, as Fyrd said, to see our little group of friends reappear each year
    [05/05/23 23:40] Chewett:Unfortunately this number was much smaller than last year. Typically I send out a yearly message to all my old friends to see how they are doing
    [05/05/23 23:40] Chewett:Normally I send 2-300 of these... it takes a while to write them!
    [05/05/23 23:42] Chewett:Alas this year I just didn't have the time, and I do profusely apologise for this
    [05/05/23 23:42] Chewett:But regardless it is wonderful to see you all here
    [05/05/23 23:43] Chewett:Time, as you know for many of us, is short
    [05/05/23 23:43] Chewett:Many of our friends are no longer with us, some more permanently than others
    [05/05/23 23:43] Chewett:I, as I always do, spent the first day or two of the festival with Cutler
    Everyone was teleported to Cutlers Statue
    [05/05/23 23:44] Chewett:Here I find it peaceful
    [05/05/23 23:44] Chewett:Over the festivities I like to remember back our various friends
    [05/05/23 23:45] Chewett:Equally, I like to spend time talking with those who came to visit too
    [05/05/23 23:46] Chewett:But enough about the past
    [05/05/23 23:46] Chewett:The future? Well what is the future really?
    [05/05/23 23:46] :Blackshade Rider sits and listens
    Everyone was teleported to Kanty's Vacation House
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:Really, the future is just the same as the past
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:Its just that, really, deep down, some people have forgotten what that is
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:What did actually make MD special?
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:Does it still exist now?
    [05/05/23 23:48] Chewett:The world moves, does MD?
    [05/05/23 23:48] Blackshade Rider:Absolutely
    [05/05/23 23:48] Chewett:Some would say it does
    [05/05/23 23:48] Chewett:Some would say it doesn't
    [05/05/23 23:49] Chewett:I think a lot of the same problems we had, are still present
    [05/05/23 23:49] Chewett:But those are the problems that made MD great, the people
    Everyone was teleported to Champions Dome

    [05/05/23 23:50] Chewett:So really then, to answer my question, what is the future?
    [05/05/23 23:51] Chewett:We are the future really, its pretty simple
    [05/05/23 23:52] Chewett:During times when we turned off advertising, and had minimal players, then the few that stood up to do things really made an impact
    [05/05/23 23:53] Chewett:We ran custom "Dungeons and Dragons" style RP sessions, and so the AL began
    [05/05/23 23:53] Chewett:But these personalities really pushed forward the lore of MagicDuel.
    [05/05/23 23:53] Chewett:As we gained more tools within MD, we forgot that at the heart of the game, its about people, and what they do, say, and wish for.
    [05/05/23 23:54] Chewett:Its easy to think that MD is "just a fighting game" which for some it is true, and thats perfectly fine. But at its core its not really that
    [05/05/23 23:54] Chewett:The people drive MagicDuel, and they will always drive MagicDuel.
    [05/05/23 23:54] Chewett:Now at times, people have clashed with Mur, they have driven things in ways that he has not wanted it, and he has pruned those branches
    [05/05/23 23:55] Chewett:Cutler and myself both were told to remove some of our designs, that is fine for it is his decision.
    [05/05/23 23:55] Chewett:But from that, more beauty was created, partnerships were struck, eventually both Cutler and myself started to work closely with Mur
    [05/05/23 23:56] Chewett:More recently we have players like Aia and Fyrd all working towards new and different things, being given some license to create
    [05/05/23 23:56] Chewett:Again sometimes these creations were pruned, tweaked, but all towards trying to grow towards a goal.
    [05/05/23 23:57] Chewett:Within my profession, there is a saying about game developers and why games get stuck, lost, forgotten, etc.
    [05/05/23 23:57] Chewett:They say, if you are a AAA game dev, your game will get stuck because of bureaucracy. You just can't get agreement so nothing happens
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:So clearly Indie is the way to go!
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:They also say, that if you are an Indie, typically your game will get stuck because of depression/life/etc and you become too embarrassed to work on it.
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:So clearly AAA studio's are the way to go!
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:While I think most can agree the quality of Magicduel is AAA
    [05/05/23 23:59] Fyrd Argentus: (Shades of Princess Bride here....)
    [05/05/23 23:59] Chewett:You might be surprised to know that we don't actually have a team of a hundred tiny men
    [05/05/23 23:59] Chewett: (Fyrd Learned as ever )
    [06/05/23 00:00] Chewett:Only a few people actively develop the code for MD, and only a few people actively work on A25 currently.
    [06/05/23 00:00] Chewett:We would love that to be more, and thats where I start my offer
    Everyone was teleported to Necro
    06/05/23 00:01] Chewett:... and thats where I start my offer
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:In such a realm where we are small again, people must step up if they want things to happen
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:However, the other thing that people must be aware of, is that we all have other lives...
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:It is shocking to think, but Fyrd is not just the Pickle Meister!
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:I heard he dabbled in illicit alchemy in far off lands
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:It is a secret that I must reveal, but I believe he has a dark past
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Don't let him hear!
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Luckily I believe he is somewhat deaf
    [06/05/23 00:03] Fyrd Argentus:No, just forgetful.
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Drat!
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:I think I am in for it!
    [06/05/23 00:03] Fyrd Argentus:And I have dabbled in everything I could...
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:If I wake up dead, or dead up wake, you know it was him!
    [06/05/23 00:04] Fyrd Argentus:... embrace life...
    [06/05/23 00:04] :jakubhi looks at lashtal, then back at the Land he is standing on, then back at lashtal
    [06/05/23 00:04] Chewett:Don't tell lashtal either!
    [06/05/23 00:04] Chewett:Just pretend we are in a meadow
    [06/05/23 00:04] Chewett:It will fool him!
    [06/05/23 00:05] :Blackshade Rider hides jakubhi under his cloak
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:But, as I was saying...
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:People are people, especially when they are peopling in other realms
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:But it means that when they come to these realms, we must be kind.
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:To a degree...
    [06/05/23 00:06] Chewett:Unfortunately I must admit that when I came to prepare for the final items of this festival, I had to deal with a tirade of abuse, the likes of which I haven't really ever heard in MD directed at me
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:This, did somewhat put a damper on my mood, alongside dealing with that, which meant that really I wasn't able to dedicate the time I wanted to.
    [06/05/23 00:07] Fyrd Argentus:
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:I just didn't feel like I wanted too, it was somewhat spoilt.
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:Now, I tell you this, not to complain, but to point out
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:We all here, are people and really if someone is trying to work towards something in MD, we need to encourage them/
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:Unfortunately, combined with that quite abrasive series of encounters, I have had very little time over the past year
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:My company is making redundancies, and we have some very critical projects going to some very big companies that need work!
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:My past year has been manic to say the least....
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:And it continues, and that combined with the unfortunate incident before the birthday it meant that really the birthday did not meet what I wanted it to be
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:But, we have a plan.
    [06/05/23 00:09] Chewett:I have had a good chat with Fyrd and a few others and I plan to organise some of the things that I missed later on in the year!
    [06/05/23 00:09] Chewett:A mid birthday, birthday!
    [06/05/23 00:09] Chewett:But what this has shown is that, if I am not around to organise it, barring a few people putting in a massive amount of work like Mr Fyrd here, it won't happen.
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:So there is where I ask two things, again.
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:People need to be kinder
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:And people need to, if they want things to change, start proposing changes, and working out ideas
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:Many things can be done by each of you
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:Nowadays most things don't need actual coding
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:A25 can do many wonderous things
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:So here is my message to you!
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:Be kind!
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:Be inventive!
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:And I love you all my friends
    [06/05/23 00:11] Fyrd Argentus: (Well, that's kind of coding.... sort of...)
    [06/05/23 00:12] Fyrd Argentus:We do appreciate you too, Chewie.
    [06/05/23 00:12] Aksel:hmm
    [06/05/23 00:12] Chewett:Oopsie
    [06/05/23 00:12] :jakubhi agrees with Fyrd
    [06/05/23 00:12] Fyrd Argentus:Love, yes, but is not easy for some.
    [06/05/23 00:12] :Blackshade Rider also agrees with Fyrd
  4. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from jakubhi in Lighthouse, Boating, and other discussions on The Final Final day of MD's 18th birthday   
    As below:
    [06/05/23 22:29] Fyrd Argentus:I think players should be able to attack UP the MP chain, but still not down.
    [06/05/23 22:29] Chewett:What happens about if they attack Ledah?
    [06/05/23 22:29] Fyrd Argentus:MP3/4 should be made aware they can dump HS via Willow's shop, and gain it via Bug Gardens. Work either way, but...
    [06/05/23 22:30] jakubhi:we put a warning sign on Ledah
    [06/05/23 22:30] Fyrd Argentus:They'll learn to ask first. Heck, I only hit Aia 2-3 times before I learned.
    [06/05/23 22:30] Ledah:That sounds reasonable
    [06/05/23 22:32] Fyrd Argentus:I would enjoy making a labyrinthian ocean journey to get from GG to GWI and back again. The building of stuff on either end is optional.
    [06/05/23 22:32] Fyrd Argentus:The sea monsters could be added to....
    [06/05/23 22:32] Fyrd Argentus:... over time by any A25.
    [06/05/23 22:33] jakubhi:I think the ocean route has a huge potential
    [06/05/23 22:33] Fyrd Argentus:And we'd have to discuss what to exempt MP5 from on GWI.
    [06/05/23 22:34] Fyrd Argentus:Actually, the movement over ocean could be somewhat randomized... hmm.
    [06/05/23 22:35] jakubhi:The weather would be actually useful for something, other than collecting rain water
    [06/05/23 22:35] Fyrd Argentus:I'd launch from the existing boat on GG - the lighthouse project is something else... a communication means, perhaps, or a way to view GWI map from there.
    [06/05/23 22:35] jakubhi:and the possibility to add role tags like sailor and captain
    [06/05/23 22:36] Fyrd Argentus:Revive the boat build on GWI...
    [06/05/23 22:37] Aksel:you can get heat with garden?
    [06/05/23 22:37] jakubhi:we would need to get people there first. There are.. 5 of us that can get there ? 6 ?
    [06/05/23 22:37] Fyrd Argentus:You can get lots of things from the Bug Garden, Aksel.
    [06/05/23 22:37] Fyrd Argentus:That's one.
    [06/05/23 22:38] :Aksel passed Tormented Soul card to Fyrd Argentus
    [06/05/23 22:38] Aksel:I figured that cards ain't my thing either
    [06/05/23 22:38] Fyrd Argentus:So do you want 4 silver?
    [06/05/23 22:39] Aksel:not really but alright
    [06/05/23 22:39] jakubhi:would there be some public quest/task to revive the boat?
    [06/05/23 22:44] Aksel:...
    [06/05/23 22:46] jakubhi:...
    [06/05/23 22:46] :Ledah sneezes
    [06/05/23 22:46] jakubhi:bless you
    [06/05/23 22:47] Ssclorp:Did you see that? Fyrd just got sucked up in a digital storm.
    [06/05/23 22:47] Ledah:Thank you
    [06/05/23 22:48] Ssclorp:Or was it ledah’s sneeze?
    [06/05/23 22:48] jakubhi:are you going to translate us Fyrd's messages, Ssclorp?
    [06/05/23 22:48] Aksel:soooo gibraltar is spanish, corsica is italian, malta is french... how did it all go wrong?
    [06/05/23 22:49] Ssclorp:My translation devices are poor at best. Humidity too low.
    [06/05/23 22:50] jakubhi:Anyway, I think we could agree that we should work on the sea journey between GWI and Mainland, with or without the lighthouse, yes ?
    [06/05/23 22:50] :jakubhi looks at everyone present
    [06/05/23 22:51] jakubhi: (I have 0 vitale Ledah, the next time you attack I will self-defense-smack-you)
    [06/05/23 22:51] Ssclorp:Happy to help with the underwater parts
    [06/05/23 22:52] jakubhi:..are there going to be underwater parts ?
    [06/05/23 22:52] : Blackshade Rider rolled the die!
    [06/05/23 22:52] : 5
    [06/05/23 22:52] Ssclorp:Only if your boat sinks. I understand your technology is primitive.
    [06/05/23 22:53] jakubhi:Well, a possible new way to die, I guess
    [06/05/23 22:54] Aksel:life is overrated, death has honey
    [06/05/23 22:54] jakubhi:I think there are endless posibilities what to include in the boat journey, new spells, tags, areas, labyrinth like paths. But
    [06/05/23 22:54] jakubhi:what should we focus on at the start? What is the base of this project?
    [06/05/23 22:55] : Obrac rolled the die!
    [06/05/23 22:55] : 5
    [06/05/23 22:55] jakubhi: (if it really happens, but let me assume for now)
    [06/05/23 22:55] Chewett:One of the problems with this plan is the complexity however
    [06/05/23 22:56] Ssclorp:Excuse me, I am drying out. This place is hot. Bye.
    [06/05/23 22:57] :[Spell] whack Ledah
    [06/05/23 22:57] jakubhi:Sorry. Could you explain the complexity a bit more ?
    [06/05/23 22:58] Chewett:The wcee
    [06/05/23 23:00] jakubhi:wcee ?
    [06/05/23 23:05] Chewett:Sorry, you end up with a laberinth type area which has a lot of complexity, scenes, but also not much replay value
    [06/05/23 23:05] Chewett:When was the last time you went into the lab?
    [06/05/23 23:06] Chewett:I like the idea, with some more prototyping we could consider reviewing it
    [06/05/23 23:06] Chewett:But it does have some complexity associated with it
    [06/05/23 23:08] jakubhi:I was hoping we could start with something simple, on which there would be the possibility to build up to make it more complex with time
    [06/05/23 23:08] Chewett:Oh yeah we could certainly! So what would the start look like?
    [06/05/23 23:09] jakubhi:Say, we create a simple journey at first. What are we working with, is there actually a scene with board ?
    [06/05/23 23:09] : Else rolled the die!
    [06/05/23 23:09] : 5
    [06/05/23 23:09] jakubhi:I am not sure if there are any hidden things related to the board
    [06/05/23 23:10] Chewett:A scene with board?
    [06/05/23 23:10] jakubhi:From what I heard, there was a boat at GWI which is hidden and unused ?
    [06/05/23 23:11] Chewett:I'm not sure about that
    [06/05/23 23:11] Blackshade Rider:Would the scene in Golemus where the water mill thing is be a good start? I can't remember the scenes exact name
    [06/05/23 23:12] jakubhi:I think we would need 3 new scenes at minimum. Start of journey, the journey with board on the ocean, the end of journey
    [06/05/23 23:12] jakubhi:or ?
    [06/05/23 23:12] Blackshade Rider:There was a boat on gateway that was rebuildable and could take you off gateway but not take you back
    [06/05/23 23:14] Chewett:What I am really saying is, whats the point of it, what are we trying to achieve initially?
    [06/05/23 23:14] jakubhi:Um, let me just spam the chat with a few points
    [06/05/23 23:15] Blackshade Rider:Well the boat in this case can be used and both ways to leave Gateway and to get there.
    [06/05/23 23:15] jakubhi:1) Firstly, a way for a single player to get to GWI, instead of the need to gather people, since with not many active right now, it is very, very hard
    [06/05/23 23:16] Blackshade Rider:Both need to be rebuilt before being able to use the one to get to Gateway could be harder to build than the one that leaves Gateway
    [06/05/23 23:16] Chewett:Let Jak speak BSR pelase
    [06/05/23 23:16] Blackshade Rider:Sorry jak
    [06/05/23 23:17] jakubhi: (no problem, I will just list it as I see it and we can change them as we see fit)
    [06/05/23 23:18] jakubhi:2) a way for the older (not the newbies) players to exit the island, so they are not stuck there for some days
    [06/05/23 23:20] jakubhi:2.5) I would imagine that this way, when newbie appears on the island, given enough time and effort, any player from mainland would be able to help them without having teleport items like me or Fyrd
    [06/05/23 23:20] jakubhi:and without the need to log out, join as alt
    [06/05/23 23:21] jakubhi:3) There could be rewards for completing the journeys, maybe a random chance for a chest with silver to appear during the journey.
    [06/05/23 23:21] : Cavia collects 1 Rainwater
    [06/05/23 23:22] jakubhi:which would motivate the people to do the journeys and actually visit the GWI more, other than check on the newbies
    [06/05/23 23:23] jakubhi:4) this opens opportunities for future implementations, new resources like fish, fun activities at the boat. But this would be for the future after we see that the boat is actually being used ..
    [06/05/23 23:24] jakubhi: (I imagine that there would be a minimum set time for the duration of the journey so it is not too easy, or there could be some fun way to navigate the ship..)
    [06/05/23 23:24] jakubhi:but I think I mentioned all the base, immediate functions I imagine it would solve
    [06/05/23 23:25] jakubhi:---end ---
    [06/05/23 23:26] Chewett:I assume you know its pretty easy to leave the island as a older player right?
    [06/05/23 23:26] jakubhi:actually, I think it is not so easy. Do you mean the door way ?
    [06/05/23 23:33] jakubhi:Balloon wastes a lot of resources. Arena won't work for old ones. The door takes a lot of time, even more when you want to use it as exit more than once, because you need to progress thought the whole story
    [06/05/23 23:33] Chewett:Thats true I guess
    [06/05/23 23:35] :Else plunders ☻2 heads by attacking Ledah
    [06/05/23 23:35] jakubhi:I imagine there would be a timer on the boat, like in the story, but it should be better than lots of small times like the story has
    [06/05/23 23:35] jakubhi:*small timers
    [06/05/23 23:36] Chewett:So whats the reason/intention for letting players come/go faster?
    [06/05/23 23:36] Chewett:BSR you can obviously comment if you want to, you had some comments
    [06/05/23 23:36] jakubhi: (anyone else who wants to say something, please do so too)
    [06/05/23 23:40] :Else conquered Ledah and took all ☻432 heads.
    [06/05/23 23:41] jakubhi:As for your question. Honestly, I think having a new exit for the old players from GWI is a secondary objective, with the way to ENTER the GWI being the main point of this whole thing
    [06/05/23 23:41] Chewett:Ok, so whats the usefulness of being able to go there faster?
    [06/05/23 23:41] jakubhi:Well, if they want to help the newbie, if we make it too slow, the newbie might just go idle while they get there ..
    [06/05/23 23:42] jakubhi:also, we might not make it faster, we could give it a huge timer, hehe
    [06/05/23 23:43] Chewett:Ok so the intention is to help newbies on the island by allowing people to visit easily?
    [06/05/23 23:44] jakubhi:Not only, but yes. The intetion is for the players to be able to simply get there if they want to. Gathering 3 other people at current times.. is nearly impossible, so I would say, as of now, there is no way for a player to get there
    [06/05/23 23:45] Chewett:Oddly that’s not been my experience, wbener
    [06/05/23 23:45] Chewett:Whenever someone has asked to go to then island we have got people pretty fast
    [06/05/23 23:46] Chewett:I like the idea of others ways to go over, but possibly we need fixes to the island because people don’t stay long enough to move from the first scene at times!
    [06/05/23 23:47] jakubhi:Hmm. So, do you think the boat is good idea, but the island fixes take priority before thath ?
    [06/05/23 23:48] Chewett:I think is the main intention is to get to the island quickly to help new people, I think it’s not going to help as much as other suggestions. Maybe we move the tutorial back to the mainland
    [06/05/23 23:52] : Obrac rolled the die!
    [06/05/23 23:52] : 2
    [06/05/23 23:52] Chewett:I assume since BR isn't talking he doesn't have anything to say on your idea!
    [06/05/23 23:52] jakubhi: *sighs* Well, the GWI could lose it's main point if the tutorial is moved. And I am not sure how much it would help if the tutorial went to mainland
    [06/05/23 23:53] Blackshade Rider: (sorry I am driving atm. Trying to keep up mostly. I'll be home in about 45mims)
    [06/05/23 23:53] Chewett:Oh god, bugger off if you are driving
    [06/05/23 23:53] Chewett:Please don't kill yourself in a crash
    [06/05/23 23:53] jakubhi: (safe travel)
    [06/05/23 23:53] Chewett:Just turn MD off
    [06/05/23 23:54] jakubhi:I think it would not help to move the tutorial to mainland much.
    [06/05/23 23:55] jakubhi:the biggest plus would be that a player could check on on the newbie on the mainland. But that is what the boat is trying to solve
    [06/05/23 23:55] Sunfire:it was here for years
    [06/05/23 23:55] Chewett:I think it’s an idea but we would need to do a proper tutorial on the mainland
    [06/05/23 23:56] jakubhi: (the game was losing the players before the tutorial moved to GWI)
    [06/05/23 23:57] jakubhi:There is already stuff on GWI. The things we would need to build on mainland would be redudant. We would have two tutorials, one used and one unused
    [06/05/23 23:58] Sunfire:theres stuff in the paper cabin
    [06/05/23 23:58] jakubhi:building the boat would be a new feature for old players and might help upgrade the existing tutorial by having older players on the island
    [06/05/23 23:59] jakubhi:...a wild thought, but, what about if we moved the story mode a bit? if the player started already in it
    [06/05/23 23:59] Chewett:What I was more saying is that we can consider various options
    [06/05/23 23:59] Chewett:The "problem" is that the story mode section is/was designed to be a "rare treat" which means going to the island should be tricky. But if we moved it, then possibly thats fine
    [07/05/23 00:00] Chewett:I think having a way to travel to/from in different ways would be good
    [07/05/23 00:01] jakubhi:well, there are many ways how and where to "move" the story mode, but, do you think it could help attract the people? Chew, Sunfire ?
    [07/05/23 00:01] Chewett:IMO I would remake and "fix" the lighthouse as a big event, before the boat building
    [07/05/23 00:01] Chewett:From my time on the island, Newbies "fail" at the first hurdle, and having more players around won't really help that IMO
    [07/05/23 00:01] Chewett:The first part of the tutorial isn't as helpful as I would like, but I was told by a few people that the tutorial is "fine".
    [07/05/23 00:01] Chewett:Thats not what my friends who are game devs said, but thats another thing entirely!
    [07/05/23 00:02] Sunfire:most important thing is that we are a browser game and people like fancy colorful games
    [07/05/23 00:03] Sunfire:we are quite niche
    [07/05/23 00:03] jakubhi:not really. There are quite a lot pure text games with lot of players
    [07/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Yeah so the original story really played into this
    [07/05/23 00:03] Chewett:The current tutorial, less so
    [07/05/23 00:03] Chewett:But you wanted to talk about the boat idea right?
    [07/05/23 00:04] :Fyrd Argentus coughs, and speaks dust to leave from the bottom of the hole
    [07/05/23 00:04] Fyrd Argentus:That was weird
    [07/05/23 00:05] Fyrd Argentus:Blocking story mode is easy
    [07/05/23 00:05] jakubhi:I think the lighthouse should be rebuild before the boat. But I believed the boat would help the GWI while lighthouse would not. I was trying to figure out, which should take priority to focus on
    [07/05/23 00:05] Fyrd Argentus:Figuring out how to catch peoples interest early and hook them into the game is much harder
    [07/05/23 00:06] :Fyrd Argentus coughs again
    [07/05/23 00:07] Chewett:Yeah I think the boat won’t help GWI but that’s fair to disagree
    [07/05/23 00:07] Fyrd Argentus:The boat will only help if vets use it to go help newbies.
    [07/05/23 00:07] Fyrd Argentus:They could be doing that with alts, and are not.
    [07/05/23 00:07] Fyrd Argentus:Mostly.
    [07/05/23 00:07] jakubhi: *shrugs* I honestly don't really know. Do we want to create some polls? ask if they would use it ?
    [07/05/23 00:07] Fyrd Argentus:That is why we have the doorbell...
    [07/05/23 00:08] :Fyrd Argentus climbs out of the hole.
    [07/05/23 00:08] Fyrd Argentus:That was so weird. Hope it doesn't happen again....
    [07/05/23 00:08] :jakubhi pats the dust down from Fyrd
    [07/05/23 00:09] :Fyrd Argentus passed Silver coin to Aksel
    [07/05/23 00:09] :Fyrd Argentus passed Silver coin to Aksel
    [07/05/23 00:09] Chewett:I think regardless of whether it helps GWI, it could be pretty cool
    [07/05/23 00:09] :Fyrd Argentus passed Silver coin to Aksel
    [07/05/23 00:09] :Fyrd Argentus passed Silver coin to Aksel
    [07/05/23 00:10] :Fyrd Argentus feels a tugging, and starts to fade out again.
    [07/05/23 00:10] jakubhi:As for both the boat and lighthouse, whichever we start with, I think it gives a chance to go public a bit, to present we still live. Maybe pin a post at the webpage about it
    [07/05/23 00:10] Fyrd Argentus:Oh no! Later, all....!
    [07/05/23 00:10] jakubhi: (later Fyrd)
    [07/05/23 00:10] :Fyrd Argentus dissolves into silcon dust and disappears.
    [07/05/23 00:12] Chewett:Later Fyrd!
    [07/05/23 00:15] jakubhi:So, to sum it up, right now we agree that both boat and lighthouse are good idea, we just need to choose which to start with ?
    [07/05/23 00:18] Sunfire:for us fossils, yes
    [07/05/23 00:18] Chewett:Its a good idea to investigate further at least
    [07/05/23 00:18] jakubhi: (brb, switching to phone)
    [07/05/23 00:18] Chewett:If we can solve some of hte issues
    [07/05/23 00:19] Sunfire:for the noobs, we're unsure how to make the tutorial more playerfriendly while sticking to our style
    [07/05/23 00:23] jakubhi:Well, we should not focus all our attention on newbies, I guess.
    [07/05/23 00:26] jakubhi:I could post a few of my ideas how I imagine the lighthouse rebuilding could go, to get some ideas circling around on the forum
    [07/05/23 00:27] jakubhi:Or, do you already have some concrete plans Chew?
    [07/05/23 00:30] Chewett:for the lighthouse?
    [07/05/23 00:31] jakubhi:Yes
    [07/05/23 00:32] jakubhi:.. Maybe I should take a look into that old forum conversation
    [07/05/23 00:34] Chewett:No real plans myself, apart from create something that is "Buildable" repair it as a community, then start building boats!
    [07/05/23 00:36] :Aksel massattack
    [07/05/23 00:36] :::::::: Aksel asks everyone to mass attack until death ::::::::
    [07/05/23 00:38] jakubhi:Will you be sharing tonights conversation on the forum? Might be useful to get others into the picture
    [07/05/23 00:38] Chewett:Yeah I can post it up
    [07/05/23 00:38] jakubhi:Nice
    [07/05/23 00:39] : Aksel rolled the die!
    [07/05/23 00:39] : 5
    [07/05/23 00:39] Aksel:hey those items throw me to mda
    [07/05/23 00:40] jakubhi:Yes, some do, not sure if all
    [07/05/23 00:40] Chewett:They do? Fyrd probably misconfigured them
    [07/05/23 00:41] jakubhi: *laughs slightly* maybe it was easier to create it that way. It should not be a problem with the links being up
    [07/05/23 00:41] Aksel:links have cooldown
    [07/05/23 00:42] : Sunfire rolled the dice!
    [07/05/23 00:42] : 5,3 > 8
    [07/05/23 00:42] Chewett:Nah I think if the item is based there it needs to be changed to be based here. But I’m not sure how he created it
    [07/05/23 00:43] jakubhi:Hmm. As for the lighthouse, I think a new post should be created on the forum about it
    [07/05/23 00:43] jakubhi: (with a link to the post with thisbconversation)
    [07/05/23 00:43] Aksel:Jacob, the lighthouse librarian
    [07/05/23 00:44] Chewett:That sounds good, could you create it and I can post up the log pater
    [07/05/23 00:44] Aksel:That reminds me of Lost
    [07/05/23 00:44] Aksel:you know Jacob ends up dead
    [07/05/23 00:44] jakubhi:I will create it, sure.
    [07/05/23 00:44] Aksel:stick to the forest, it's safer that way
    [07/05/23 00:44] jakubhi:And I hope I want die, Aksel
    [07/05/23 00:45] jakubhi:I wont die*
    [07/05/23 00:46] Aksel:your brother ends up killing you because he wants the Island for himself, and as you can see your lighthouse jeopardizes him
    [07/05/23 00:46] Chewett:Any other comments or ideas for things?
  5. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in Final (ish) Day of the 18th MD Birthday log (initial speech)   
    The event began at GoE
    [05/05/23 23:39] Chewett:But here we are
    [05/05/23 23:39] Chewett:Somewhat more than eighteen days, but who can really count anyway
    [05/05/23 23:40] Chewett:Its great, as Fyrd said, to see our little group of friends reappear each year
    [05/05/23 23:40] Chewett:Unfortunately this number was much smaller than last year. Typically I send out a yearly message to all my old friends to see how they are doing
    [05/05/23 23:40] Chewett:Normally I send 2-300 of these... it takes a while to write them!
    [05/05/23 23:42] Chewett:Alas this year I just didn't have the time, and I do profusely apologise for this
    [05/05/23 23:42] Chewett:But regardless it is wonderful to see you all here
    [05/05/23 23:43] Chewett:Time, as you know for many of us, is short
    [05/05/23 23:43] Chewett:Many of our friends are no longer with us, some more permanently than others
    [05/05/23 23:43] Chewett:I, as I always do, spent the first day or two of the festival with Cutler
    Everyone was teleported to Cutlers Statue
    [05/05/23 23:44] Chewett:Here I find it peaceful
    [05/05/23 23:44] Chewett:Over the festivities I like to remember back our various friends
    [05/05/23 23:45] Chewett:Equally, I like to spend time talking with those who came to visit too
    [05/05/23 23:46] Chewett:But enough about the past
    [05/05/23 23:46] Chewett:The future? Well what is the future really?
    [05/05/23 23:46] :Blackshade Rider sits and listens
    Everyone was teleported to Kanty's Vacation House
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:Really, the future is just the same as the past
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:Its just that, really, deep down, some people have forgotten what that is
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:What did actually make MD special?
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:Does it still exist now?
    [05/05/23 23:48] Chewett:The world moves, does MD?
    [05/05/23 23:48] Blackshade Rider:Absolutely
    [05/05/23 23:48] Chewett:Some would say it does
    [05/05/23 23:48] Chewett:Some would say it doesn't
    [05/05/23 23:49] Chewett:I think a lot of the same problems we had, are still present
    [05/05/23 23:49] Chewett:But those are the problems that made MD great, the people
    Everyone was teleported to Champions Dome

    [05/05/23 23:50] Chewett:So really then, to answer my question, what is the future?
    [05/05/23 23:51] Chewett:We are the future really, its pretty simple
    [05/05/23 23:52] Chewett:During times when we turned off advertising, and had minimal players, then the few that stood up to do things really made an impact
    [05/05/23 23:53] Chewett:We ran custom "Dungeons and Dragons" style RP sessions, and so the AL began
    [05/05/23 23:53] Chewett:But these personalities really pushed forward the lore of MagicDuel.
    [05/05/23 23:53] Chewett:As we gained more tools within MD, we forgot that at the heart of the game, its about people, and what they do, say, and wish for.
    [05/05/23 23:54] Chewett:Its easy to think that MD is "just a fighting game" which for some it is true, and thats perfectly fine. But at its core its not really that
    [05/05/23 23:54] Chewett:The people drive MagicDuel, and they will always drive MagicDuel.
    [05/05/23 23:54] Chewett:Now at times, people have clashed with Mur, they have driven things in ways that he has not wanted it, and he has pruned those branches
    [05/05/23 23:55] Chewett:Cutler and myself both were told to remove some of our designs, that is fine for it is his decision.
    [05/05/23 23:55] Chewett:But from that, more beauty was created, partnerships were struck, eventually both Cutler and myself started to work closely with Mur
    [05/05/23 23:56] Chewett:More recently we have players like Aia and Fyrd all working towards new and different things, being given some license to create
    [05/05/23 23:56] Chewett:Again sometimes these creations were pruned, tweaked, but all towards trying to grow towards a goal.
    [05/05/23 23:57] Chewett:Within my profession, there is a saying about game developers and why games get stuck, lost, forgotten, etc.
    [05/05/23 23:57] Chewett:They say, if you are a AAA game dev, your game will get stuck because of bureaucracy. You just can't get agreement so nothing happens
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:So clearly Indie is the way to go!
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:They also say, that if you are an Indie, typically your game will get stuck because of depression/life/etc and you become too embarrassed to work on it.
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:So clearly AAA studio's are the way to go!
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:While I think most can agree the quality of Magicduel is AAA
    [05/05/23 23:59] Fyrd Argentus: (Shades of Princess Bride here....)
    [05/05/23 23:59] Chewett:You might be surprised to know that we don't actually have a team of a hundred tiny men
    [05/05/23 23:59] Chewett: (Fyrd Learned as ever )
    [06/05/23 00:00] Chewett:Only a few people actively develop the code for MD, and only a few people actively work on A25 currently.
    [06/05/23 00:00] Chewett:We would love that to be more, and thats where I start my offer
    Everyone was teleported to Necro
    06/05/23 00:01] Chewett:... and thats where I start my offer
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:In such a realm where we are small again, people must step up if they want things to happen
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:However, the other thing that people must be aware of, is that we all have other lives...
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:It is shocking to think, but Fyrd is not just the Pickle Meister!
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:I heard he dabbled in illicit alchemy in far off lands
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:It is a secret that I must reveal, but I believe he has a dark past
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Don't let him hear!
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Luckily I believe he is somewhat deaf
    [06/05/23 00:03] Fyrd Argentus:No, just forgetful.
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Drat!
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:I think I am in for it!
    [06/05/23 00:03] Fyrd Argentus:And I have dabbled in everything I could...
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:If I wake up dead, or dead up wake, you know it was him!
    [06/05/23 00:04] Fyrd Argentus:... embrace life...
    [06/05/23 00:04] :jakubhi looks at lashtal, then back at the Land he is standing on, then back at lashtal
    [06/05/23 00:04] Chewett:Don't tell lashtal either!
    [06/05/23 00:04] Chewett:Just pretend we are in a meadow
    [06/05/23 00:04] Chewett:It will fool him!
    [06/05/23 00:05] :Blackshade Rider hides jakubhi under his cloak
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:But, as I was saying...
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:People are people, especially when they are peopling in other realms
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:But it means that when they come to these realms, we must be kind.
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:To a degree...
    [06/05/23 00:06] Chewett:Unfortunately I must admit that when I came to prepare for the final items of this festival, I had to deal with a tirade of abuse, the likes of which I haven't really ever heard in MD directed at me
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:This, did somewhat put a damper on my mood, alongside dealing with that, which meant that really I wasn't able to dedicate the time I wanted to.
    [06/05/23 00:07] Fyrd Argentus:
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:I just didn't feel like I wanted too, it was somewhat spoilt.
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:Now, I tell you this, not to complain, but to point out
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:We all here, are people and really if someone is trying to work towards something in MD, we need to encourage them/
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:Unfortunately, combined with that quite abrasive series of encounters, I have had very little time over the past year
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:My company is making redundancies, and we have some very critical projects going to some very big companies that need work!
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:My past year has been manic to say the least....
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:And it continues, and that combined with the unfortunate incident before the birthday it meant that really the birthday did not meet what I wanted it to be
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:But, we have a plan.
    [06/05/23 00:09] Chewett:I have had a good chat with Fyrd and a few others and I plan to organise some of the things that I missed later on in the year!
    [06/05/23 00:09] Chewett:A mid birthday, birthday!
    [06/05/23 00:09] Chewett:But what this has shown is that, if I am not around to organise it, barring a few people putting in a massive amount of work like Mr Fyrd here, it won't happen.
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:So there is where I ask two things, again.
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:People need to be kinder
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:And people need to, if they want things to change, start proposing changes, and working out ideas
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:Many things can be done by each of you
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:Nowadays most things don't need actual coding
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:A25 can do many wonderous things
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:So here is my message to you!
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:Be kind!
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:Be inventive!
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:And I love you all my friends
    [06/05/23 00:11] Fyrd Argentus: (Well, that's kind of coding.... sort of...)
    [06/05/23 00:12] Fyrd Argentus:We do appreciate you too, Chewie.
    [06/05/23 00:12] Aksel:hmm
    [06/05/23 00:12] Chewett:Oopsie
    [06/05/23 00:12] :jakubhi agrees with Fyrd
    [06/05/23 00:12] Fyrd Argentus:Love, yes, but is not easy for some.
    [06/05/23 00:12] :Blackshade Rider also agrees with Fyrd
  6. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from jakubhi in Final (ish) Day of the 18th MD Birthday log (initial speech)   
    The event began at GoE
    [05/05/23 23:39] Chewett:But here we are
    [05/05/23 23:39] Chewett:Somewhat more than eighteen days, but who can really count anyway
    [05/05/23 23:40] Chewett:Its great, as Fyrd said, to see our little group of friends reappear each year
    [05/05/23 23:40] Chewett:Unfortunately this number was much smaller than last year. Typically I send out a yearly message to all my old friends to see how they are doing
    [05/05/23 23:40] Chewett:Normally I send 2-300 of these... it takes a while to write them!
    [05/05/23 23:42] Chewett:Alas this year I just didn't have the time, and I do profusely apologise for this
    [05/05/23 23:42] Chewett:But regardless it is wonderful to see you all here
    [05/05/23 23:43] Chewett:Time, as you know for many of us, is short
    [05/05/23 23:43] Chewett:Many of our friends are no longer with us, some more permanently than others
    [05/05/23 23:43] Chewett:I, as I always do, spent the first day or two of the festival with Cutler
    Everyone was teleported to Cutlers Statue
    [05/05/23 23:44] Chewett:Here I find it peaceful
    [05/05/23 23:44] Chewett:Over the festivities I like to remember back our various friends
    [05/05/23 23:45] Chewett:Equally, I like to spend time talking with those who came to visit too
    [05/05/23 23:46] Chewett:But enough about the past
    [05/05/23 23:46] Chewett:The future? Well what is the future really?
    [05/05/23 23:46] :Blackshade Rider sits and listens
    Everyone was teleported to Kanty's Vacation House
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:Really, the future is just the same as the past
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:Its just that, really, deep down, some people have forgotten what that is
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:What did actually make MD special?
    [05/05/23 23:47] Chewett:Does it still exist now?
    [05/05/23 23:48] Chewett:The world moves, does MD?
    [05/05/23 23:48] Blackshade Rider:Absolutely
    [05/05/23 23:48] Chewett:Some would say it does
    [05/05/23 23:48] Chewett:Some would say it doesn't
    [05/05/23 23:49] Chewett:I think a lot of the same problems we had, are still present
    [05/05/23 23:49] Chewett:But those are the problems that made MD great, the people
    Everyone was teleported to Champions Dome

    [05/05/23 23:50] Chewett:So really then, to answer my question, what is the future?
    [05/05/23 23:51] Chewett:We are the future really, its pretty simple
    [05/05/23 23:52] Chewett:During times when we turned off advertising, and had minimal players, then the few that stood up to do things really made an impact
    [05/05/23 23:53] Chewett:We ran custom "Dungeons and Dragons" style RP sessions, and so the AL began
    [05/05/23 23:53] Chewett:But these personalities really pushed forward the lore of MagicDuel.
    [05/05/23 23:53] Chewett:As we gained more tools within MD, we forgot that at the heart of the game, its about people, and what they do, say, and wish for.
    [05/05/23 23:54] Chewett:Its easy to think that MD is "just a fighting game" which for some it is true, and thats perfectly fine. But at its core its not really that
    [05/05/23 23:54] Chewett:The people drive MagicDuel, and they will always drive MagicDuel.
    [05/05/23 23:54] Chewett:Now at times, people have clashed with Mur, they have driven things in ways that he has not wanted it, and he has pruned those branches
    [05/05/23 23:55] Chewett:Cutler and myself both were told to remove some of our designs, that is fine for it is his decision.
    [05/05/23 23:55] Chewett:But from that, more beauty was created, partnerships were struck, eventually both Cutler and myself started to work closely with Mur
    [05/05/23 23:56] Chewett:More recently we have players like Aia and Fyrd all working towards new and different things, being given some license to create
    [05/05/23 23:56] Chewett:Again sometimes these creations were pruned, tweaked, but all towards trying to grow towards a goal.
    [05/05/23 23:57] Chewett:Within my profession, there is a saying about game developers and why games get stuck, lost, forgotten, etc.
    [05/05/23 23:57] Chewett:They say, if you are a AAA game dev, your game will get stuck because of bureaucracy. You just can't get agreement so nothing happens
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:So clearly Indie is the way to go!
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:They also say, that if you are an Indie, typically your game will get stuck because of depression/life/etc and you become too embarrassed to work on it.
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:So clearly AAA studio's are the way to go!
    [05/05/23 23:58] Chewett:While I think most can agree the quality of Magicduel is AAA
    [05/05/23 23:59] Fyrd Argentus: (Shades of Princess Bride here....)
    [05/05/23 23:59] Chewett:You might be surprised to know that we don't actually have a team of a hundred tiny men
    [05/05/23 23:59] Chewett: (Fyrd Learned as ever )
    [06/05/23 00:00] Chewett:Only a few people actively develop the code for MD, and only a few people actively work on A25 currently.
    [06/05/23 00:00] Chewett:We would love that to be more, and thats where I start my offer
    Everyone was teleported to Necro
    06/05/23 00:01] Chewett:... and thats where I start my offer
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:In such a realm where we are small again, people must step up if they want things to happen
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:However, the other thing that people must be aware of, is that we all have other lives...
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:It is shocking to think, but Fyrd is not just the Pickle Meister!
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:I heard he dabbled in illicit alchemy in far off lands
    [06/05/23 00:02] Chewett:It is a secret that I must reveal, but I believe he has a dark past
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Don't let him hear!
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Luckily I believe he is somewhat deaf
    [06/05/23 00:03] Fyrd Argentus:No, just forgetful.
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:Drat!
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:I think I am in for it!
    [06/05/23 00:03] Fyrd Argentus:And I have dabbled in everything I could...
    [06/05/23 00:03] Chewett:If I wake up dead, or dead up wake, you know it was him!
    [06/05/23 00:04] Fyrd Argentus:... embrace life...
    [06/05/23 00:04] :jakubhi looks at lashtal, then back at the Land he is standing on, then back at lashtal
    [06/05/23 00:04] Chewett:Don't tell lashtal either!
    [06/05/23 00:04] Chewett:Just pretend we are in a meadow
    [06/05/23 00:04] Chewett:It will fool him!
    [06/05/23 00:05] :Blackshade Rider hides jakubhi under his cloak
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:But, as I was saying...
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:People are people, especially when they are peopling in other realms
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:But it means that when they come to these realms, we must be kind.
    [06/05/23 00:05] Chewett:To a degree...
    [06/05/23 00:06] Chewett:Unfortunately I must admit that when I came to prepare for the final items of this festival, I had to deal with a tirade of abuse, the likes of which I haven't really ever heard in MD directed at me
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:This, did somewhat put a damper on my mood, alongside dealing with that, which meant that really I wasn't able to dedicate the time I wanted to.
    [06/05/23 00:07] Fyrd Argentus:
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:I just didn't feel like I wanted too, it was somewhat spoilt.
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:Now, I tell you this, not to complain, but to point out
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:We all here, are people and really if someone is trying to work towards something in MD, we need to encourage them/
    [06/05/23 00:07] Chewett:Unfortunately, combined with that quite abrasive series of encounters, I have had very little time over the past year
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:My company is making redundancies, and we have some very critical projects going to some very big companies that need work!
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:My past year has been manic to say the least....
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:And it continues, and that combined with the unfortunate incident before the birthday it meant that really the birthday did not meet what I wanted it to be
    [06/05/23 00:08] Chewett:But, we have a plan.
    [06/05/23 00:09] Chewett:I have had a good chat with Fyrd and a few others and I plan to organise some of the things that I missed later on in the year!
    [06/05/23 00:09] Chewett:A mid birthday, birthday!
    [06/05/23 00:09] Chewett:But what this has shown is that, if I am not around to organise it, barring a few people putting in a massive amount of work like Mr Fyrd here, it won't happen.
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:So there is where I ask two things, again.
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:People need to be kinder
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:And people need to, if they want things to change, start proposing changes, and working out ideas
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:Many things can be done by each of you
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:Nowadays most things don't need actual coding
    [06/05/23 00:10] Chewett:A25 can do many wonderous things
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:So here is my message to you!
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:Be kind!
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:Be inventive!
    [06/05/23 00:11] Chewett:And I love you all my friends
    [06/05/23 00:11] Fyrd Argentus: (Well, that's kind of coding.... sort of...)
    [06/05/23 00:12] Fyrd Argentus:We do appreciate you too, Chewie.
    [06/05/23 00:12] Aksel:hmm
    [06/05/23 00:12] Chewett:Oopsie
    [06/05/23 00:12] :jakubhi agrees with Fyrd
    [06/05/23 00:12] Fyrd Argentus:Love, yes, but is not easy for some.
    [06/05/23 00:12] :Blackshade Rider also agrees with Fyrd
  7. Upvote
    Chewett reacted to Aia del Mana in Awards (?)   
    I suggest an award for the most popular player (as judged by daily votes) and for the most infamous (as judged by most negative daily votes). I do not have access to this data, so cannot nominate these players.
  8. Upvote
    Chewett reacted to Blackshade Rider in The cipher cracker   
    So Another player pointed out how something was off. 
    I was planning to announce at the end that the quest was made by AI and the solution the AI gave was also posted. Supposedly the shift was of 23 but did not work as it was supposed to. 
    The correct answer was supposed to be
    :Darkness surrounds the light and it's power, and it is in the shadows, and it is in the night, and it is in the void.:
    Still not something that makes much sense but somehow AI program used was able to make this with a shift of 23. However it was wrong. 
    Winners awarded were done by the order of received answers. 
    Sorry for the confusion and how the program was apparently flawed. I still compensated as I was able to and I will try to compensate you. Hopefully I can make you some heat stones as compensation 
  9. Like
    Chewett got a reaction from Aia del Mana in A very special cloak   
    Aia has it, you gave it to her.
    Trade log:
    As a reward I would love your friendship ❤️ 
  10. Like
    Chewett got a reaction from Aia del Mana in A very special cloak   
    Oh FYI she is currently away due to some RL exciting things (Its her news so I won't share it here) but she is very much apart of this realm and should return once she has a little more time ❤️ 
  11. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in A very special cloak   
    Aia has it, you gave it to her.
    Trade log:
    As a reward I would love your friendship ❤️ 
  12. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in A very special cloak   
    Oh FYI she is currently away due to some RL exciting things (Its her news so I won't share it here) but she is very much apart of this realm and should return once she has a little more time ❤️ 
  13. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from Muratus del Mur in Popularity Voting   
    Interesting set of ideas thanks!
    @Muratus del Mur This is quite interesting, I would reduce it to weekly at most IMO.
  14. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from lashtal in Popularity Voting   
    Interesting set of ideas thanks!
    @Muratus del Mur This is quite interesting, I would reduce it to weekly at most IMO.
  15. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from Else in Popularity Voting   
    Interesting set of ideas thanks!
    @Muratus del Mur This is quite interesting, I would reduce it to weekly at most IMO.
  16. Like
    Chewett reacted to Ledah in Extreme Magicduel   
    Getting in this year before @Chewett and @Aia del Mana.

  17. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from Muratus del Mur in Extreme Magicduel   
    Getting this in here before @Ledah and @Aia del Mana

  18. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from lashtal in Extreme Magicduel   
    Getting this in here before @Ledah and @Aia del Mana

  19. Like
    Chewett got a reaction from Aia del Mana in Extreme Magicduel   
    Getting this in here before @Ledah and @Aia del Mana

  20. Like
    Chewett got a reaction from Carlooen in How is everyone?   
    Unfortunately for the last year or two work has become busier and busier... this has meant that I end up doing a lot of things that I don't really want to, but need to, and not doing what I would like too....
    At work I took over from my boss and I have been playing another one of those mobile games where I walk a lot. Walking is good and since starting I have walked 875,781 steps! Taking over from my boss has meant even more work, but I am hoping in the next year I will be able to reduce that after we get all the things that were not in control, under control....
    I am hoping by the summer I can have a plan to reduce some of the various things I am doing so that I can have a bit more free time.
    How is everyone doing?
  21. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from Handy Pockets in How is everyone?   
    Unfortunately for the last year or two work has become busier and busier... this has meant that I end up doing a lot of things that I don't really want to, but need to, and not doing what I would like too....
    At work I took over from my boss and I have been playing another one of those mobile games where I walk a lot. Walking is good and since starting I have walked 875,781 steps! Taking over from my boss has meant even more work, but I am hoping in the next year I will be able to reduce that after we get all the things that were not in control, under control....
    I am hoping by the summer I can have a plan to reduce some of the various things I am doing so that I can have a bit more free time.
    How is everyone doing?
  22. Upvote
    Chewett got a reaction from jakubhi in How is everyone?   
    Unfortunately for the last year or two work has become busier and busier... this has meant that I end up doing a lot of things that I don't really want to, but need to, and not doing what I would like too....
    At work I took over from my boss and I have been playing another one of those mobile games where I walk a lot. Walking is good and since starting I have walked 875,781 steps! Taking over from my boss has meant even more work, but I am hoping in the next year I will be able to reduce that after we get all the things that were not in control, under control....
    I am hoping by the summer I can have a plan to reduce some of the various things I am doing so that I can have a bit more free time.
    How is everyone doing?
  23. Like
    Chewett got a reaction from Ledah in How is everyone?   
    Unfortunately for the last year or two work has become busier and busier... this has meant that I end up doing a lot of things that I don't really want to, but need to, and not doing what I would like too....
    At work I took over from my boss and I have been playing another one of those mobile games where I walk a lot. Walking is good and since starting I have walked 875,781 steps! Taking over from my boss has meant even more work, but I am hoping in the next year I will be able to reduce that after we get all the things that were not in control, under control....
    I am hoping by the summer I can have a plan to reduce some of the various things I am doing so that I can have a bit more free time.
    How is everyone doing?
  24. Thanks
    Chewett got a reaction from Else in Mineral ore resource reducing more than collected   
    The message in chat now reflects what is gatherered!
  25. Like
    Chewett got a reaction from lashtal in Creature transfer, bug?   
    [2022-11-18 00:42:51 - Stage 16] Posted By Chewett
    Various Improvements to Creature Trading
    Many thanks to Tenebrarum who has sparked me into improving how the creature transfer code works. Now it should strip out the whitespace from your CTC's (at either end) which is something that browsers love to add and cause the CTC to become invalid. This alongside better logging should make it much easier to use!
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