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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Fang Archbane in Expedition through the East   
    as far as Pickles go, being that im the Pickle Apprentice, i can try to get us as many pickles as Fyrdly possible for the next journey, assuming im alive, just make sure to send me a PM.

    and, seeing as im a member of the Lands of the East, i think my 91 loyalty would help, assuming i took the first step each time >.> (unless someone participating has higher LotE Loyalty than me?...)

    either way. if im alive, my services are yours to enjoy. send me a pm with your thoughts and whatnot Ack.
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to The MoM in Expedition through the East   
    this wasn't exactly Eon's doing...
    anyone who'se getting close to item dispatch locations are sent back to GoE when they're going to be sent back (reset) so no one will get an unfair advantage.
    That's all there is to it.

    EDIT :

    f. Find Fyrd. He's usually at Windy's pub. On his Q page (or on the signpost outside Windy's) you'll find his quests & riddles. You get rewarded with pickle points, which can be traded for pickles or other rewards.

    EDIT 2 : neg rep? seriously? I just told you WHY you were telported out.
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Metal Bunny in Commission   
    *Not sure if this should be here, or in the market forum section*

    In lieu of the upcoming festival of war and remembrance, I am very willing to commission services of the MDNP or from freelance journalists.
    I have noticed that being absent for a total of 5 months of the past year, that I have a gap in my source material concerning players who may have done outstanding features.

    I wish for a condense information packet (less than 1 A4) on EON, BFH Lightning, Rhaegar and Seigheart at negotiable silver prices.
    I also wish for a introductory packets (1 paragraphs) on players you may think are worthwhile.
    For this, I require some proof, or possible witnesses (forum posts, their friends), BUT, if I deem it not good enough, no silver.

    It is totally okay to send stories about yourself, please contact me in this topic, or send me a message via the forum.

    I am also looking towards a more permanent partnership or even open source cooperation, towards the vetting of the legends in my ubiquitous and arbitrary list of legends. To increase accountability, transparency and to introduce more acceptable criteria, and therefore increase acceptance overall.
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Expedition through the East   
    Alright, so I made the mistake of beginning to arrange an expedition through the east, and not thinking about the extent of the barriers to such an expedition. Most notes are not meant for this medium.

    We met at the Tribunal Gates, east of Wind's Game and the Plains of Deceit, at 22:00. You can get there by heading right at the gates of Marind's Bell.

    It will be a long, long tour, but:

    (1) You will have company.

    (2) The presence of said company will expedite the tour, if things organize correctly and deliberately.

    (3) Those who come, move together.

    Any who wish to come, please come! The more the merrier. Any who wish to contribute, please say so! And better yet, come along.

    This may take a while. A path will be cleared, though, so if you can come late, do so. I'll be updating this post with the path we've taken and any other details that seem important.

    All pickle, tea, and kake donations for trailblazing purposes are welcome.

    Again, Tribunal Gates, 22:00. Preliminary work to clear the path to the gates is under way.

    List of participants:
    Samon (Citizen of Lands of the East)
    Plix Plox
    Eara Mereia
    Master of Mar
    Dante Lionheart
    Possibly Eon, hard to know, Eon being so quiet.
    DarknessRevealed i.e. Lib

    Rester locations:
    Ascent -- Master of Mar, Eara Mereia

    August 20
    22:19:00: Team departs from the gates, arriving at the Plains of Liberty. Eon seems to be hovering, carrying 134 tea. We do not buy any tea.

    22:30: Proceeded to the foundations.

    23:14: Proceeded to the ascent.

    23:51: Stepped in to the ascent stairs...
    Chewett is attacked by Eon.
    Samon is attacked by Eon.
    Eon sightings conclude.

    00:38:Party proceeds to the statue hall steps.

    00:56: Eon sends us all back to the gazebo. Not 100% sure why.

    01:04: Notes to self.

    10:00: Friend sends emotional PM about how Eon and dst are ruining the community.

    a. Next expedition will not be forum publicized.
    b. List of participants will not be publicized.
    c. I am not going to become an mp5 any time soon.
    d. Time will be specifically tailored to avoiding eon:
    e. Learn to make tea.
    f. Find pickles.
    g. Find cake.
    h. Find time when most LoE citizens are online.
    i. Super special evil secret additional thing, not actually at all related to this in motivation or effect.
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Burns in Also regarding a possible rule change   
    In my opinion, the market section has a far greater reach then the mood panel. You can do a better presentation of your goods if you are not limited to 70 characters, more people read it, it doesn't vanish, and it's a lot easier to track offers, because those don't vanish, either.
    Also, as far as i know, there are no ingame punishments for attempted frauds, while i think those should definitely exist on the forum.

    The Central Market makes trading a lot easier, because both supply and demand know that they can go there for most of their needs. It's like a stock exchange, if you wish. The stocks could be sold without a stock exchange, but it's way easier for buyer and seller to meet in NYSE than in the backyard of their homes. In turn for the benefits of the centralized market, they have to obey stricter rules than in other places.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in Also regarding a possible rule change   
    If Joe posts a topic saying "I'm gonna sell you a grasan with 20 million heat" and it turns out to only have 6500 heat when you get it, Joe would not only be punished in-game, but on the forum as well. If Steve does the exact same, but using PMs or mood panel instead, he gets off with only the in-game punishment. That does not make sense.

    The forum rule is a preventative measure that is unnecessary, when you take into account that not only do people get the system punishments, but social pressure and bad trading reputation as well. Best case scenario if you do this, you prevent the one or two people who actually try something, worst case scenario, you warn/punish a bunch of people who've done nothing strictly wrong and may have good intentions, and make plenty of people frustrated.
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in Also regarding a possible rule change   
    I don't like the idea of punishing somebody on the forum for something they did in-game. Banning from the market section, maybe, though that is quite harsh, but general forum warning points, no.

    [url="http://magicduel.com/pages/trial.jaco_vs_granos.php"]Jaco Vs Granos[/url]

    If somebody is cheated, I would suggest going to the Council and posting about it on the forum.
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1345304309' post='120402']
    And what does this have to do with the topic of this thread?

    The connection is obvious. Fang wanted dst to start insane rumors, and knew that anything he could imaginably do would lead dst to do this.

    So dst was the pawn all along!
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Guillak in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    I do not believe Fang was killed for being a TK nor for his association with you.

    In real life, the possession of stolen property is generally only a crime if the buyer knows it to be stolen. I did not know that, despite your allegations to the contrary.

    Oh, wait, you're defending Fang after he stole something for you? That makes even less sense.

    I did not offer to buy your leash from Fang. I merely suggested he give it to me before he died because I was not aware that the dead could transfer items. Knowing that my blade would end his life (at least for a while) I thought that was one way I could alleviate his predicament (in the event that you should require the leash to be moved about; I'm sure you don't like being stuck in one place).
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Chewett in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345261281' post='120375']
    Ivorak, you had no intentions on helping me out. Your general attitude towards me is hostile at the very best.

    As far as your statement about not being against the law to buy stolen property because you "didn't know". That's not true. Look it up. You'll be in for a big hurt if you are caught receiving stolen property. It's illegal.

    If he sold it, then yes, he would have stolen it, because the condition that, if he held on to it/used it, he CAN NOT trade it to anyone but myself.

    And Fang was killed for not giving you my leash. Get real.

    I may have left out the second ’e’ in your name once. Rest assured this was an error, not a slight against your person. I bear you no great enmity. I'm not sure why you think otherwise; we have had very few interactions and I don't recall any hostility.

    Please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Possession_of_stolen_goods. Perhaps you are not from the U.S., Scotland, or Canada. But I am. Regardless, since there is no game rule to the contrary, I think I can be excused for something I did not do, and did not know I did not do, and which is technically legal.

    I'm not entirely sure why Fang was killed, but it was not for your leash. It really isn't much use to me. Did you really think I like hauling around corpses, especially ones that talk back?

    To all those reading this, consider that there's more to this than you think there is. Perhaps more than I think there is.
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1345261281' post='120375']
    Ivorak, you had no intentions on helping me out. Your general attitude towards me is hostile at the very best.

    As far as your statement about not being against the law to buy stolen property because you "didn't know". That's not true. Look it up. You'll be in for a big hurt if you are caught receiving stolen property. It's illegal.

    If he sold it, then yes, he would have stolen it, because the condition that, if he held on to it/used it, he CAN NOT trade it to anyone but myself.

    And Fang was killed for not giving you my leash. Get real.

    I may have left out the second ’e’ in your name once. Rest assured this was an error, not a slight against your person. I bear you no great enmity. I'm not sure why you think otherwise; we have had very few interactions and I don't recall any hostility.

    Please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Possession_of_stolen_goods. Perhaps you are not from the U.S., Scotland, or Canada. But I am. Regardless, since there is no game rule to the contrary, I think I can be excused for something I did not do, and did not know I did not do, and which is technically legal.

    I'm not entirely sure why Fang was killed, but it was not for your leash. It really isn't much use to me. Did you really think I like hauling around corpses, especially ones that talk back?

    To all those reading this, consider that there's more to this than you think there is. Perhaps more than I think there is.
  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Also regarding a possible rule change   
    What are infraction points?
  13. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Nimrodel in Regarding a possible rulechange   
    Sounds good enough... I suppose its a bi product of seigheart's Leash thread. Though I dont see any harm in values being higher than the ones mentioned. So for instance, If a person forgets to mention increase in the value of stored heat in a crit by chance, I think he shouldnt be banned for it >>
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from ignnus in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    I do not believe Fang was killed for being a TK nor for his association with you.

    In real life, the possession of stolen property is generally only a crime if the buyer knows it to be stolen. I did not know that, despite your allegations to the contrary.

    Oh, wait, you're defending Fang after he stole something for you? That makes even less sense.

    I did not offer to buy your leash from Fang. I merely suggested he give it to me before he died because I was not aware that the dead could transfer items. Knowing that my blade would end his life (at least for a while) I thought that was one way I could alleviate his predicament (in the event that you should require the leash to be moved about; I'm sure you don't like being stuck in one place).
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Chewett in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    I do not believe Fang was killed for being a TK nor for his association with you.

    In real life, the possession of stolen property is generally only a crime if the buyer knows it to be stolen. I did not know that, despite your allegations to the contrary.

    Oh, wait, you're defending Fang after he stole something for you? That makes even less sense.

    I did not offer to buy your leash from Fang. I merely suggested he give it to me before he died because I was not aware that the dead could transfer items. Knowing that my blade would end his life (at least for a while) I thought that was one way I could alleviate his predicament (in the event that you should require the leash to be moved about; I'm sure you don't like being stuck in one place).
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Pipstickz in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    I do not believe Fang was killed for being a TK nor for his association with you.

    In real life, the possession of stolen property is generally only a crime if the buyer knows it to be stolen. I did not know that, despite your allegations to the contrary.

    Oh, wait, you're defending Fang after he stole something for you? That makes even less sense.

    I did not offer to buy your leash from Fang. I merely suggested he give it to me before he died because I was not aware that the dead could transfer items. Knowing that my blade would end his life (at least for a while) I thought that was one way I could alleviate his predicament (in the event that you should require the leash to be moved about; I'm sure you don't like being stuck in one place).
  17. Downvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Seigheart in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    I do not believe Fang was killed for being a TK nor for his association with you.

    In real life, the possession of stolen property is generally only a crime if the buyer knows it to be stolen. I did not know that, despite your allegations to the contrary.

    Oh, wait, you're defending Fang after he stole something for you? That makes even less sense.

    I did not offer to buy your leash from Fang. I merely suggested he give it to me before he died because I was not aware that the dead could transfer items. Knowing that my blade would end his life (at least for a while) I thought that was one way I could alleviate his predicament (in the event that you should require the leash to be moved about; I'm sure you don't like being stuck in one place).
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    I do not believe Fang was killed for being a TK nor for his association with you.

    In real life, the possession of stolen property is generally only a crime if the buyer knows it to be stolen. I did not know that, despite your allegations to the contrary.

    Oh, wait, you're defending Fang after he stole something for you? That makes even less sense.

    I did not offer to buy your leash from Fang. I merely suggested he give it to me before he died because I was not aware that the dead could transfer items. Knowing that my blade would end his life (at least for a while) I thought that was one way I could alleviate his predicament (in the event that you should require the leash to be moved about; I'm sure you don't like being stuck in one place).
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    Ah, yeah, I see, that could've worked, that really sucks.

    Anyone want to delete this thread, save Fang? Maybe his potential enemies won't see it.

    Think, think, illusions are awesome.
  20. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    I apologize for my earlier post. I don't take it lightly when people attack my TKs because they don't like me.

    It's low, pathetic, and shows how far gone the community in this game is.

    Fang did not deserve to be killed. He tried to get revenge on those of you who keep offering to buy my leash. Which you know IS NOT HIS TO SELL.

    So, by asking to buy it, you are effectively asking to be sold stolen property.

    Phatom Orchid, Lashtal, Ivorak, and others have all offered to "buy" my leash from Fang.

    You are all pathetic and low in my books. Generally, I try to keep some what amicable around most people, but I'm done with it.

    I will be hostile towards those who show hostility towards me, and my TKs from this point on.
  21. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Fang Archbane in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    I would like to state that the screenshot i placed was there to prove i "owned" the leash. not to prove the amount of uses it had left.

    I never once said it would be sold with a certain amount of uses. that much was assumed by any that saw the screenshot.

    And yes, while it is petty to do something like i was planning, it is even greedier, to kill me over some coin, like Etluc did.

    And as my in game father would say. "An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. And everlasting evil, for those who have earned it."
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in What Are You Reading?   
    Recently read: [i]Latro in the Mist[/i] and [i]Soldier of Sidon[/i] by Gene Wolfe. Highly recommended for fans of historical fiction and Hellenic myth!

    A selection of my must-reads:
    [*] [i]I, Claudius[/i], Robert Graves. Funny, learned, and fascinating.
    [*] [i]The Book of the New Sun[/i], Gene Wolfe. Difficult and demanding; possibly the best work of sci-fi/Fantasy I have ever read. Sent me to the dictionary hundreds of times.
    [*] [i]The Chronicles of Amber[/i], Roger Zelazny. Fun, fun, fun.
    [*] [i]The Sandman[/i], Neil Gaiman. Graphic novel (comic) format - Gaiman, an excellent writer, has yet to equal the writing he did here.
    [*] The Aubrey-and-Maturin books, beginning with [i]Master and Commander[/i], Patrick O'Brian. This is literature masquerading as adventure stories, or vice versa. Superb. Can be read on any level, from surface to very deep. I read them with three dictionaries (English, French, and Latin) close at hand, though it is not necessary to to understand every word or get every joke to enjoy the hell out of this series.
    [*] [i]A Voyage to Arcturus[/i], David Lindsay. Strange and portentous; Gnostic mythology presented as Science Fiction. Impossible to read without going a little mad.
    [*] [i]The Gods of Pegana[/i], Lord Dunsany. Fans of Dunsany will also like [i]The Charwoman's Shadow[/i].
    [*] [i]Eaters of the Dead[/i], Michael Crichton. Inspiration for the film [i]The Thirteenth Warrior[/i]; [i]Beowulf[/i] as you likely have not encountered it before.
    [*] Anything by Guy Gavriel Kay, especially [i]Tigana[/i], [i]A Song for Arbonne[/i], [i]The Lions of Al-Rassan[/i], [i]The Sarantine Mosaic[/i], and [i]The Last Light of the Sun[/i]. Kay gets better as he goes, but [i]Tigana[/i] is absolutely marvelous.

    I can echo other recommendations I've seen on this thread.

    The [i]Dune[/i] books are quite good, though I would avoid the follow-up series by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.

    If you don't like Harry Potter, you may not know how to have fun.

    If you think Tolkien is the grandmaster and R.A. Salvatore is any good at all, check out G.G. Kay, Lord Dunsany, and Roger Zelazny.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chengmingz in Hello   
    What is on everyone's mind?
  24. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Phantom Orchid in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    This is what was said by Ivo:
    [quote]Your death is imminent. Best give me Seigheart's leash before your killer finds you.[/quote]

    Where is the causation here which you so colorfully claim, Seig? Ivo said only that Fang was to die, and soon, and a suggestion was made by him. That is all.

    And you are clearly angry and upset - go talk a walk or something, cool off.

    What I wonder is why you haven't been so animated in-game --were you to be, it might make things more interesting. Just a thought.
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ackshan Bemunah in Selling Seighearts Leash   
    In any case, I'm sure there's someone somewhere who wants to do our belovedly grouchy Treasure Protector a favor.

    EDIT: Removed stupidity.
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